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May 25, 1978
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Approved For Release 2007/09/25: CIA-RDP99-00498R000100140083-8 THE WASHINGTON POST ARTICLE APPEARED 25 May 1978 ON PAGE A-1,3 & v . v resl 0.' -&rtin. By Walter Pincus and Robert G?Kaiser; Washinston Post Stott Wrllers. -:' The White House said yesterday that= Presi- dent -Carter was- unaware at the time of over- tures earlier this.month. by Central Intelligence Director Stansfield Turner to Sen. Dick Clark (D-Iowa) about possible covert U.S military aid to rebels In Angola. "'The president had no knowledge they were doing this sort of thing,"' White House press secretary Jody Powell said yesterday, referring to Turner' and David Aaron, Carter's: deputy" national security affairs adviser, both of whom talked to Clark earlier this month about the. Angola situation: Powell added that it was his "impressions the president: did not learn of the Clark discus', .lions until Tuesday night, after reporters had. raised auestions about them. Authoritative, sources added yesterday that .senior White. House aides who felt they should have known about the Turner- meetings with Clark had no inkling of them until Tuesday night.. - . ?. . The Washington Post reported yesterday that 'Aaron in vague, terms and then Turner in spe- cific terms talked. to Clark about the United, States transferring military aid through a third country to the United Front for the Total Inde- -pendence of Angola (UNITA), a rebel faction fighting against Angola's leftist central govern- ment. Clark' is`tha author-of a legislative rider for 'bidding 'any direct-: or. indirect U.S. aid to An Bola without: expressed. congressional authoriza- tion. Some members of the Carter administration, -including national security ? affairs adviser. Zbigniew ?Brzezinski,. have been discussing the ; Idea of aiding UNITA rebels in hopes of tying' down- Cuban troops in Angola, so they could not easily move. to - another African countr y like Rhodesia. ' ' The Post learned yesterday that a9 long as a month' ago Brzezinskd dis- . cussed this idea. with some'-senators. It is known that Brzezinski has been looking for niany'weeks for some ges. ture gr new policy the United States could use 'to respond -to Cuban and. .Soviet:. intervention in Africa. Approved Powell's-- denial 'that' Carter knew anything about approaches to Clark earlier this month raised the possibil- ity that Brzezinski, his deputy Aaron and Turner were operating-on their own in searching for some way to take action in Africa. Reliable sources In describing the Aaron and Turner, contacts with Clark yesterday .as 'in- formal examples of "talking to people' on the Hill,"' Powell said, he wasn't- even sure that Aaron- knew of Turn- :. er's visit to Carle. However, a source said yesterday have said that senior State Depart- that when Turner first saw Clark, ha. .went ' officials strongly opposed any, said he had: come to expand on mat- new U.S. initiative in Angola- ters that Aaro>1 had raised with" the, +;, t... Senior Carter administration offi- i Senator on his earlier visit.-. cials, met at the White House yester? Additionally, it was learned pester:; day to thrash out a new policy state day that Turner's visit to Clark fol-?' ,ment on Africa to try to clear up the lowed an earlier consultation between the CIA director and a senior member questions raised in recent days. Car- ter is expected to reveal the fruits of this meeting at a press conference in Chicago today. of the Senate Intelligence Committee. That senator told. Turner,. it was learned, that if he hoped to build Sen- ate consens f us or new aid to UNITA, There are officials in the adminis:I Clark's acquiescence would be nece tration according to reliable so , urces, sary. This senator urged Turner-to who argued as recently as yesterday talk to Clark. ' ' -,. , _ that Carter ought to seek repeal of Turner later reported Clark's oppo the Clark amendment, but apparently sition to this view did not prevail in yester? i any new. aid for UNITA to a meeting of the National Security day's discussions. { Council which Carter did J - tt ead- Powell no a yesterday portrayed the ; Shortly after-that meeting, at 'a con. meetin b t A T gs e ween aron, urner and Clark as "a reasonable and routine thing to do" in light of U.S. concern over Soviet-Cuban penetration in Af- rica to discuss "possibilities" for American responses.' Powell said explicitly that the two administration officials were not sent to Clark to run specific proposals by him. However, reliable sources said yes' terday that Turner showed Clark a .memorandum with specific numbers and types of weapons to be supplied to_, UNITA through intermediaries. f Turner, it is said, observed that this plan appeared to conflict with th e Clark amendment banning any form) of aid to Angola. .Clark reportedly agreed with this judgment,. eventually ? telling Turner; that there was no way such aid could be given consistent. with the -law.- -turner ultimately agreed with this le- gal judgment. .- -- A source` raised -the~ question' of whether Turner could present a de- inski responded to a question by Sen- ate Minority Leader Howard H. Baker Jr. (R-Tenn.) that presidential hands signal action. Baker and House` Minority Leader- John J. Rhodes (B-Arts.) later told the press the Carter administration was concerned about restrictions on its op. tions in Africa, and this began a series of similar signals from. -the White House that- have continued in: the week since that breakfast. A CIA spokesman yesterday.said he would have. no comment on Turner's. role in these matters. The CIA spoke man referred a questioner to Brzez inski's press spokesman at the White House k.- tailed plan for aid to UNITA with...*