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May 26, 1978
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Approved For Release 2007/06/22 : CIA-RDP99-00498ROO0100140080-1 THE WASHINGTON POST ARTICLE APPEARED 26 May 1978 ON PAGE A-19 A - la to a-go. By Don Oberdorfer' Washington Post Stat+ Writer Renewed U.S. aid to- antigovern- ment guerrillas in Angola would have disastrous political, economic and so- cial impact there and make the ruling regime more dependent than ever on Cuban and Soviet aid, two experts on the area told the African subcommit. tee of the House International Rela- tions Committee yesterday. With a chair kept.empty at the wit- ness table for Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Richard M. Moose Jr., who failed to appear be- cause of the heightened "sensitivities" of the issue, members of Congress as! well as witnesses expressed fears that the Carter administration is moving; toward a renewal of intervention, co-! vertly or openly, in the Angolan civil war. -. John Stockwell, the former chief of the Central Intelligence Agency's An- gola Task Force who has written a book, criticizing U.S. operations there,l charged that the CIA "very much wants to go back into Angola" and l said it is "quite plausible" that CIA! Director -Stan fi eld -Turner had an-'. proached senators on the matter with out the knowledge of President Car-'; 'ter. ,:^ ! ?Both Stockwell and Assistant Prof.; Gerald J. Bender of the University of. California, who has made three long! visits to Angola in the past 10 years,; urged lawmakers'not to ease the legal prohibitions, enacted in early 1976' ,which halted the covert- U.S. aid to factions in the Angolan civil war. - "If the Carter administration does 1 not have the wisdom to compete peacefully against the Russians, then the Congress should at least prevent the president and his national secu;, rity adviser from opting for further' senseless, counterproductive blood-1 shed," said Bender. I As the two witnesses told the story. 1 In the first congressional hearing! on the potential consequences of a new American intervention in Angola,{ - previous U.S. paramilitary aid ands that U.S. aid to UNITA (National Un-! ion for the Total Independence of! Angola) and FNLA (National Front! for the Liberation of Angola) guerril-' las could bring down the government of President Agostinho Neto. Stock well said that "the -thinking now is to create a Vietnam for Cuba there" by tying up Cuban troops in a war! against the rebels.. The resulting coo- flict would "tie us up as well" and lead to useless and heavy spilling oft1 blood by ' Angolans on all sides, beI said. The witnesses disputed at length the public perceptions of the conflicts in Angola and neighboring Shaba ~ Province in Zaire fostered by national! security. organs of the U.S. govern-1 ment and reported in many press ac-I counts. Specifically, Bender reported: ?.While it maybe true that the Ka-j tangans who recently raided Shaba i province were trained and armed by' Cubans, this does not ? define their! movement. The Katangan force, over; the past 15 years, has been armed and trained at one time or another by white mercenaries, Belgians, French and Portuguese, and fought on the side of the Portuguese for almost 10 years against the governmental lead-' ers whom the Cubans now support; he said. , _ . ?.Cuba had begun to reduce its mill-i tary force -in Angola after the Carter administration came to office early last year, with weekly withdrawals be- ginning about February. However, this was reversed and additional Cu- ban troops dispatched after major at tacks against. Angola were mounted from South Africa and Zaire and after the Neto regime was challenged inter- nally by a? racist and radical dissident faction which had Moscow's backing, Bender said. ? UNITA and FNLA, which had U.S. support in the past, are more, anti-white than the Neto government, which has .a multiracial policy. Any; supported by France, Zaire and Ga- bon, and considers the Gulf Oil Co., which continues to operate the Ango- Ian oil fields in Cabinda Province, as a major enemy. A FLEC victory could mean the end of American access to the Angolan oil fields, to the advan- ? tage of competing French companies, he said. "I'm seeing the emergence now of a French-American struggle over the corporate side of Angola," said Ben- der. He charged that the French are seeking - to -manipulate the United ! States in their own interest Bender said it is "obvious" that the Cubans are a stabilizing force in An. j gola, as previously stated by U.S. Am- bassador to the United Nations An- drew Young. He said 900 Cuban doe-j tors and nurses perform necessary i medical tasks, nearly 2,000 Cubans are working on housing projects and more, than 700 additional Cuban school, Yeachers for the countryside recently 'arrived. The Angolans "need some kind of help, and they chose Cubans," Bender said. He said it is "extremely mislead-, ing" to dismiss or minimize Cuba's civil importance. , The professor, who has written ex- tensively on Angola, said that coun- try's economy had notably improved between January 1977 and-January' 1978, based on his. eyewitnesi:experl. ence there: He ridiculed reports that the capital of Luanda is "a ghost town," and told the committee that Brazilian-madei .Volkswagens and Soviet-made Fiats compete for favor in a country which is quite different from the impression: which abounds. outside.. ?: operations were a major factor in gen-' program to destabilize the Neto re- erating the Cuban and Soviet pres-l gime would be likely to result in the! ence there and would cause a redou destabilization of multiracialism ins bling of communist support if the op -! Angola, he said. position were r ed " ' eaew Approved For Release 2007/06/22 : CIA-RDP99-00498ROO0100140080-1