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Document Release Date: 
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June 10, 1978
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C Approved For Release 2007/06/20: CIA-RDP99-00498R000100140044-1 ARTICLE APPEARED ON PAGE A-1, 12 i ried'to Halt Z e.. R164" Castro',_ . He Reportedly Told.: U.S. -aide -6f-Bid At May i~~ee as _ , ,r? -?-mss . ,~; , ?,,.. Wublastoapa.iSUlt W lbrs.. s= Cuban Pr esident?`?'FideI Castro told the United- States inn mid-May, that. he lmew of the -invasion -.o? Zaire's Shaba Province-a month. or more in advance: and' that' he .tried unsuccessfully to stop'. it, informed. sources said last night The first half of Castro's statements on May 17 to the chief U.S. diplomat in Havana, Lyle F. Lane, seems to but- tress the Carter - adm i +istration's claim that Cuba had advance know- edge of the crossborder attack.- --."- But the second half. of the. Castro. statement: which 'has not been offi= cially disclosed--contradicts. Presi- dent Carter's- May 25-declaration that- Cuba "obviously; did' nothing" to re strain the invaders. The .US. diplomat's report: on his- conversation with Castro wag' nadir' familiar - with: the-- diplomat's report: said Castro, told Lane-that he President! A.aoatimo-: Neto . to ? restrai.- -the attackhy,Katangese-rebels-acroaa% Angola's:border into -Shaba; Province: Castro rep ortedlF said he may haves failed because: Neto: was--i11`?and:.out of the country part' of:: the. time be. fore the,3ngola-based. Sts-:. tangans on Therewas- no dmmedratee_ explana- tion for the- a dmiafstration's' failure to. disclose. Castro's-'.rlaim .that_he_ ring news lastnight;: quoted:.a State claim was- withheld because=the de partment dicf-no r believe- Castro -is dial not wa>sktdt-call?:him-a- STAT THE WASHINGTON POST 10 June 1978 The- fact of Castro's : meeting with the U.S. diplomat was disclosed by administration officials on May 18, the day after it-occurred. The officials - said then that Castro had said Cuba was not taking part, directly or in- directly, in the Shaba- invasion. No further details were given::... Carter's slay 25 declaration; which was.drafted?by a committee of White House and State- Department offi- cials, stated: "The. government of Angola must bear a responsibility for, the deadly attack, which was launched fronr its--territory, - and-'irs-a-burden an&'as responsibility shared:byd. Cuba:' "We-believethat:-Cnba'had known= 'of.the.Kztangan.plan!, .'invade?andp obviously did nothing to-restrain them= from crossing~othe- border.. We- also :lnowrtha ;the Cubans-have playa: 'a key.;, role =its -training` andg' equipping the. Katangans: who- attacked.'-- The Carter adizainistration s aceus tions that;-Cuba- played *:role ia:the.? attack have,been - rejected , bY' Cuba-- and' questi~.ned by-= some-.administra- tion