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-V Approved For Release 2007/06/22 : CIA-RDP99-00498R000100140003-6 ARTICLE AP EARED C "I PAGE By Tom Wicker NEV YORK Tfl4ES 30 JUNE 1978 have been menacing each other; both ' need all the outside assistance they t can get; and there lie the elements of an arrangement beneficial to all &_ un- less less the Caner Administration is `Administration desire to re-enter the- blinded to its own advantage because I Angolan civil war on. the side. of_the...' the Angolan Government is "Marxist" Ambassador Donald McHenry has ? ? rebels.. He. had never had such an in- and supported by the Cubans. - ! returned from an unofficial mission to tention; the. President said, and. his If better American-Angolan:rela_ Angola that recognized efforts by the.' "impression" ' was that Mr. -Turner tions, including American aid, could Angolan Government to seek an alter was only exploring "what involvement be developed, Angola might be deci- native to its dependence on Cuban and. would bepossiblein?Angola." - =? -=- sive in getting negotiations back on- Soviet assistance. The.. mission- thus.-- But the fact is that. Mr. Turner as. track between. South Africa and represented a? welcome affirmation of sured Senator Clark that he had been. S.W.A.P.O., the :liberation organza common-sense. policy toward: Africa.:- directed :.by . theme National Security- tion in Namibia__ Angola is' its most and of Secretary of State Vance's low.,--': Council to present the written proposal " vital supporter, and it was into Angola key approach to Soviet and Cuban-ad ==' to. the Senator - although he insisted that South Africa launched the recent venturisma j : Mn; Carter hhimself knew. nothing. of attack on S. W.A.P.O.. guerrillas that While MriMcHenry was conferring the plan. broke up the negotiations: "-` in Luanda?A =t The conflict=between Mr, Carter's- '.'A peaceftil settlement in Namibia, gostinho Neto,. the Ango.~,: in its turn, could have useful effect on Ian President,r was-. in: Guinea-Bissau.; .; and, MrOTurner's statements. leaves can effort. to .work pursuing renewed contact with Porru-,> two possibilities. Either Mr. Carter in ;the, British-Am. ri gal, formerly Angola's colonial: mas.-. fact knew of the arms-to-Angola plan ;out a genuine majority government in ter- That, too, is part of the Neto Gov.: ` -and. is. now ducking responsibility, Rhodesia one that would' include' ernment's. efforts to- broaden its.?as ; ' whictilsbad enough- or else he doesn't black opposition- forces now organized sociations and support. And' some re know.'whathis own National Security ;.into the Patriotic .Front: Information ports say"Angolan officials told Mr. ' ' Council is proposing to high-ranking din Washington. suggests that chances McHenry' they would try to prevent senators, which is downright scary ... .for such a government may be improv- another. invasion by Katangese rebels-. _ Either way, Mr. McHenry's mission -ing, for two reasons: of Zaire's Shaba province. evidence that Mr. Carter has at least 9The Front probably will control too . temporarily rejected the notion" - much of Rhodesia for the interim gov- ises qur:: Mt;Iienry's mtsden alsos_` widelycredited to ZbigniewBrzezinski" ernment to be able to conduct its raises questions about. President Car;';- _of bolstering the Angolan guerrillas. promised elections next December_ . ttr's real :atttntde.= pattiatlari ec_ to- the-point where-they-would ''tie qBY entering that interim govern. light of the?puz urn approach of Diree~: down" the 20,000 Cuban troops in that ment with the white Prime Minister; for Stanfield Turner of the Central Tn: telligence*:.Agency- to. Senator. Dick;'' country- Theoretically,-. that.: might -Ian Smith, 'Bishop Abel Muzorewa, once Rhodesia's most important black ~-- Clark of Iowa.'a.few: weeks: ago.-Mr. prevent. the. Cubans. from om intervening leader, has lost much of his ban troo . to, them with "their own Vietnam"; arms' cretiy supplying .American _.a likely it would only align the through a third coimiry,.to guesrillas:? but more y Y trying'to bring down the New Govern-- United States inevitably with South -meni: Africa against the Cubans and black :At his news conference this-week,,'.Africans,. - with . disastrous.. conse Mr.. Carter said be "didn't have. any, - quences in Rhodesia and Namibia as idea" at the time that Mr. Turner had well as Angola. --approached Mr. Clark with a proposal: ' The. influential President `Julius.. that the Senator took. as indicatinan- g of Tanzania, speaking earlier $ this .week" on. ABC's "Issues and. An- - " swers;"expressed himself as. 'very pleased.".wittt the McHenry mission:. and hewenr so far as. to. suggest that..: the Cubans. would:. quickly, withdraw from Angola if.Namibia=which bor dens- Angola, won- its independence from South Africa, if the latter country ceasedto threaten Angola, and if Zaire. were no longer a base for border-incur-; lions into Angola. Mr_ Carter obviously'doesn't accept that view-, -instead, he spoke at' his news conference of persuading-Angola.. and Cuba to cease threatening Zaire, -as he maintains they did in the recent. Shaba invasion. Reliable information. is also available.ia,Washington tosug- gest that-the Cubans prop up Angola in_'; more than the military-sense; if they were to. withdraw anytime- soon, it's said, they would take with them virtu- ally all the' professional expertise in 'Angola-what little health care there is, for example, and the ability to oper- - ate port facilities: Approved For Release 2007/06/22 : CIA-RDP99-00498R000100140003-6