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Document Release Date: 
June 13, 2007
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Publication Date: 
March 21, 1978
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T AC A?,Tr,,-7 T.',- ARTICLE hPPEAI Approved R, ,.T.. For Release 2007/06/14: CIA-RDP99-00498R000100130005-5 ON PAGE Z ", < L?utc%~,n Ly f u ing guilty to earlil .~... hotr' Officia's Hendrix, who is expected to testil L -. ??n to e aTo motion charging Berrellez. With Berrellcz was charged with one count of conspiracy, -three counts of Both Executives Accused of Perjury in Investigation perjury, one count- of. obstructing governmental proceedings, and one of Firms and CIA's Role in 1970 Chile Election count of making a false statement in a mental mat . - - ~, govern ter. ;'.. `... . BY RONALD J. OSTROW alleged . interference in the 1970 --Chilean election-', .` . Named in the-charges, filed in fed eral court here; were Edward J. Ger- ; rity Jr., 54, of Larchmont, N.Y..' an . ITT senior vice president, and Robert:' Berrellez, 58, of Chatsworth, Calif. ' ITT s southwest regional manager for public relations and civil affairs.. ' The charges, filed by criminal in-' formations, did-not include Harold S. Geneen, ITT's board chairman and former chief executive, who report- edly also was A target of the lengthy investigation- A department announcement said:- "CVO other actions arising from this investigation are contemplated-" - - _ The charges, under which the two and one count of making a false state- executives if vi m nt i co t d f , n c e e , a ce as much n a government matter. } as 30 e rs m ri d t b Ile noted that the Helms' case.was resolved b lea ba ai i H y p rg n ng. e y a p son,-seeme o e in - !. The Justice Department charged would not comment on whether at- contrast to the way the Justice De- that Gerrity gave."false and blatantly torneys for Gerrity and Berrellez at- partment treated former Central In evasive testimony" about a $1 million tempted to resolve their difficulties teiligence Agency Director Richard ,fund purportedly raised to try to bar by bargaining for lower charges. M. Helms. Under a plea bargaining cAllendc's election... Civiletti said that Helins "at least in arrangement, Helms pleaded no con- }"} Gerrity testified that IIT, rather' defense had his oath (to protect Intel- test last fall to a misdemeanor charge, than covertly: raising funds to infer- ligence sources and methods) and his of failutg to testify. accurately at. a.i ;fore in the election, wanted to partici- interpretation of the oath." ? - Senate hearing on alleged interfer- I pate in a U.S.-government effort to "In this circumstance, Civiletti ence in the same Chilean election. -. ;, Jimprove relations with the as-yet- said in reference to Gerrity and Ber- ZV ntle lawyers for Gerrity and Ber- Funelected Allende government..:. rellez, "you have private. individuals rellezacould not be reached, ITT said 'i Gerrity was charged in a separate and a private corporation," . in a statement that the company was count in .the criminal information. , confident the^executives would be Civiletti was asked whether the cleared. " ..... u _ with suborning Harold V. Hendrix, two ITT executives would not be able f l ' " ormer y 11 1 s Latin American public Illustratimg.th--stake the firm has . in the criminal case, ITT's statement relations director, .to give ' untrue ., material to the Senate subcommittee. said that the company knows of no Hendrix, who is no longer with reason. -why their testimony would ITT, drew a suspended one-month jail 1-sentence and a $100.fine after plead- ..to raise the same defense as Helms. The former CIA director alleged that security matters would be revealed in any full-scale trial. Civiletti said that lawyers for the two men had raised such issues with the department and "they have been , considered carefully. I'm sure they (the attorneys) will raise every leg!, tirnate issue available to-t)iem at the.' trials." Civiletti declined comment on a meeting between CIA Director Stans-.. CQIVTIII?UED ...CL t.uuu U. UULLU 4. partment Monday charged two exec- ? . The company; declaring its. con other persons "khbwn and unknown" utives of International Telephone & tinned confidence in- the integrity of to obstruct the Sehate subcommittee's ? to. Telegraph Corp. 'with. perjury --and Gerrity and Berrellez, said: -They; proceedings, to commit perjury and to } :. defraud the United States. - three other felonious acts in connec- both continue to serve as valued ec- . ecutives of ITT. We are fully con The Justice Department said that fident they will be found innocent-" ` - the alleged conspiracy included con- - The chargesrevolved around testi- coaling contacts that Berrellez -and ; mony Gerrity and Berrellez-gave in-- Hendrix had with Chileans and CIA the spring of 1973 before the Senate - agents, removing and concealing tell- Foreign Relations Committee's. sub- - tale documents and planning.to give committee on multinational corpora- "false, deceptive,- blatantly. evasive tionsy and testimony, in- June;: 1974, and misleading statements and testa-- before the American Arbitration. mony." Assn. in a government-related: mat- Benjamin R. Civiletti, acting deputy ter.:: ? : . attorney general, was asked by re- -Both panels were probing ITT's al- porters why the department filed fc- b h i s l ony c arge aga nst the ITT execu- eged role in cooperation with the CIA to block the 1970 election of Sa1- tives when it was satisfied "with a now vador Allende, a Marxist, as president contest plea to - a misdemeanor of Chile. - charged ih the Helms case . Gerrity was charged with three 'They. are different cases different , counts of perjury, one count of ob- facts, different circumstances-and strutting *governmental proceedings, different evaluations, as a result,.' Ci- STAT STAT Approved For Release 2007/06/14: CIA-RDP99-00498R000100130005-5