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Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP99-00498R000100110068-7 / A F. 7IC'_ 1; CA' .l'??.UI ProrsIr23irer Wir, Serui:er WASHINGTON , -- CIA" 'Director Starsfield Turner testified yesterday? that in. ? 'an attempt to , develop .thought-control' techniques ? rem.inis cent of - Orwdl'e . "1931," .. the CIA sponsored 149,, projects '- involving y pnosia, shock harassment drugs, hypnosis-,* and even magicians. - -'' Turner .told a joint hearing'of: thq Senate Intelli;ence'Committee and a health subcommittee that records of. J the experiments, which he said,took place 12 to 25 years ago, indicate that 155 noii-g;;; ern:r:ent researchers and'. assistants took, part in the 'projects, 'and that 80 colleges and universities, research - foundations,,, chemical. and pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, clinics. and prisons were involved. Turner: gave no names of organiza- -tions'or individuals involved. The. CIA has released documents .Tuesday 'showing that the agency conducted a secret 25-year project in ;?thich' LSD and other mind-altering drus'iere administered. to humans . to test the ability of the drugs to dis-. turb'rnemory, change sex habits and create abern; t behavior. ' ?. Tui er `testifiedr yesterday ;that { some drug testing "vas performed on three . unwitting individuals in- San Francisco, Nely York 'and 'New 'Jer- - ?4 .1 "We also know that some unwitting testing took place on crani'ial sexual psychopaths confined at a ? state hos- pital and that, additionally,- research.; teas done on a knockout or 'K' drug . I in paralled with research to develop.l pain killers for cancer patients.". .J.1 .Turner said detaits.'of all these C&,I,.' experiments `-rre contained boxes ' of newly' discovered docu- ments! He* told the congressmen; ?" I assure you that the. CIA is in no way; engaged in either--witting or unwit- ino testing of drugs today.". - In recent days, newspaper and to--1 evision'reports have described some )! the intense, often bizarre attempts'': )y the CIA to learn how to. control'; be human mind. - Those reports; many based on CIA.; ocurnents obtained under the Free-.', orn of. Information Act, have dis?; A; THE' P ILA,, rte?^ 1A T':1: L t~ t 1, Au ;rust 1971' closed that the 1949 decision to'exper- I ii-rent was made because. CIA-offi- . cials feared that the Soviet--:Union might have used mind-bending tech- niques to elicit a treason confession from Hungarian Archbishop Joseph Cardinal' .NHnds z e n ty. . The tests continued -at. least. until '1973, even though it was known long before then that the Soviets did not have the- technique the CL3-worried about. . The agency spent about $25 million ,.on mind-control experiments, chan-- .:neling some of U the money through three private- foundations,- and. never developed the techniques it wanted..: Experiments-included attempts to induce amnesia, . headaches, -ear- aches, twitches, jerks and staggers-,- In addition, ,the agency conducted. ,studies to~see- whether all the. occu-. 'pants ot-a building could be,quicklya ,.incapacitated; :vy %a= . knockout:. drug; >artd whether.: it' was possible to create ? looked and tasted normal; :but that:"would 'create. "confusion-anx-?. Jety-feat'.'-when eaten. According to one somewhat.eague- `document obtained by the New York Times, the CIA once employed a ma gician to explain. what one former CIA official. said--were matters "they-: couldn't.. explain;.`. Turner;- *:asked' about that yesterday, said, the. magi- cian's-jobr.?%as to-figure out "how to_ slip the Mickey into the Finn" by dis- tracting attention. Turner said- he-found such-'mind- control-, experiments "totally abho-,.1 rent,,"; and: there were indications ia=j the documents,that :many CIA, era-! ployes .gnestionied=-tlia ethics and Ie- gality of the'experiments__ '. :. In fact,'the-program was- consid--; ered so sensitive that even some top'? gvople, i1X Jhe; agency,were.-not ..told about it, according_tp one forma'r CL official.. r ` Ti a Times eporied-.that'prison~rs at the Bordeatown Reform atory-br.1 New Jersey were used in LSD experi- ments conducted, for;. the CIA from; 1962 to 19 4: - ; IL. -'' .. Thirty-six inmates at the reforma- tory were paid 5o cents daily to_take LSD in a "research ? project"-- ap- proved by"the state in .April._1?52, state officials said." But corf coons officials would not z confirm that the CIA was involved in financing the 35,O(YO research proj- ect ? :. i 1: .....~ Turner said at yesterday's hearing that some drag testing took piiace on unwitting subjects-in "Safe-hoi:se3" used by. undercover agents in San Francisco -and. New York. Sen. Edward: Kennedy- (D.,. ;vlas. ) said `docurents:. show - that,, the orv such house in Sam Francisco had'two way'niirrors-way and-was'. "elaborately.?dedi ated' ,.with. -red` ' - bedroor_i cur tatris :and pictures' of French can-can dancers on the walls. Kennedy said that the CLL.:agent-hi ~. 'charge. called the-San: Francisco.'og eratiaq "midnight climax." Turner said he did ,pot know:u'aat was going 'bn :in the safe' house. But John: Gittiuger, a retired-CIA psy- chologist, testified yesterday that he'. interviewed prostitutes there as part _-vf his studies'of brainwashing; inter rogation. techniques and sexual hab- its _r -! Another CIA emplove,Philip Gold- man, testified that he .t-isited the San rancisco -safe -house: to:. verify ex- '-pense'vouchershard!?disburse funds.. - But Goldman said; "I can't-remem- -' -, ber ? substantive parts of i the - pro- ;grain. =:The Times reported -on one docu-. -ment detailing how- a-Canadian doe- tor at .McGill University in* Montreal - 4coixtuated -:several '. experiments for- =the CIA between-1955 and'1960 on be- havior - control, including the effects a oilisolation and sensory,depriv$tion.;- `. 'The doctor also administered-.pow' .' erful.tranquilizers arid'ISD to'-Cana dian -mental patients in a 1958 eaperi- nient supported by a--foundation-that :vas secretly used by the CIA: r-- - ,A. colleague said that the' doctor, who died in .1967, was unaware that" the money- came from the CIA, the Times said... _ ' - Some . informatiorr concerning CIA drug programs was revealed during Senate investigations, in- 1975 and - But the newly released. information :. provides far more detail of the activi-?" ties than had previously been known. 'According to the''Times, - the-pro-? grams = originally: called --project Bluebird; then Project Artichoke,'and ?: finally-.... Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP99-00498R000100110068-7 a"-'J ` STAT