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Approved For Release 2007/06/28: CIA-RDP99-00498R000100100034-6 CHICAGO, ILLINOIS SUN-TIMES l11 - 556,127 S - X1,879 JUL 161977. J WASHINGTON - The Central Intelligence other documents, has uncovered certain pa-.. Ag 41 0 ency's program of drugging U.S. citizens : pers which bear on this matter." without their knowledge in the 1950s and 1960s Turner stressed the CIA had not attempted By Patrick Oster CIA previously told Congress-that most of t:^.-` Sun-Times Bureau MK-ULTRA files had been destroyed, "our continuing search for drug-related, as well as on unwitting citizens, including drug, addicts. was even more extensive than has been pre- - viously disclosed, a White House official an- nounced Friday. The new information, based on a recent search. of CIA financial records, indicates the following -activities were undertaken- as part of the drug program, known under the code name "MK-ULTRA": m Possible other cases involving drug testing tered to patients suffering from the advanced continued over 10 years ago and do not take. stages of cancer. Research on this drug was:. .-place today." - - . - performed In conjunction with work on devel- Powell added that there Is no specific infor- opment of pain killers for such patients. - mation he knows, of or could release that - s A possible improper payment to a private would further shed light on who the victims institution. or the perpetrators of the proram were. ? Research on surreptitious methods of ad- In the- final report of the Church committee....: ministering drugs.. it Was disclosed during that the MK-ULTRA.. As far as it. is known, no deaths were In- -program first became known to those outside`, volved in this newly disclosed CIA activity,. the. program during a 1963 investigation by. said.White House press secretary Jody Pow- the CIA inspector general. : All who made the data nublic. to conceal anything when asked for informa- tion on he program in 1975 by a Senate com- mittee chaired by Frank Church (D-Ida.) then investigating agency abuses. Turner- said the new information made known to him Tuesday was found in "retired archives" files only "by using extraordinary and extensive-research efforts." The drug-related activities described in this newly located material began almost 25 years W Tests involving a knockout drug admlnis- ago, he, said. I assure you they were dis Previously; It had been disclosed that Dr. r... .5=learned_then_tbat- the.nrogram_.was:_: Frank'Olson, *a civilian biochemist for. the- the: brainchild of former CIA Director Rich- Army, committed suicide by jumping out of a- and C. Helms, who at the time was the CIA's' New York? hotel window in _1953 while under- assistant deputy director for plans. The pro- the Influence of a drug secretly administered gram proposal was approved. in 1953 and it- to him: by a- CIA official as- part- of the MK '- was an active project until its discovery by ULTRA program.. Olson: was fed LSD in a the inspector general 10 years later. Aftei glass of Colntreau shortly before his death. .that, its budget was decreased markedlyand The-new'-'data were contained in a letter the program was put under tighter controls. from, CIA Director Stansfield.Turner to Sen. -, It was reportedly phased out about 1967. Allen Daniel: X.:.. Inouye (D-Hawaii), `chairman. of V Dulles was CIA director between 1953 and the- Senate..-. Intelligence.` committee whichI ' 1961. John McCone held the post between 1961 -. monitors-:the' agency's activities.'. and 1966. A committee spokesman . said it-, probablyI , According to the final report, the program will. hold hearings on 'the `disclosures next: was designed to give the CIA "comprehensive week,-with'=T3irner expected to be there. of the new; information Thursday m- keepingg people know of any CIA:abuses _ of- citizens' Approved For Release 2007/06/28: CIA-RDP99-00498R000100100034-6 STAT