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Approved For Release 2007/06/21: CIA-RDP99-00498R000100050020-7 ARTICLE APPEARED ON PAGE 0 Copyright 1979 by The News Journal co. and RICHARD SANDZA WASHINGTON --The. CIA hid from the White House 'and Con gress the fact that Soviet agents bad obtained copies of secret CIA plans, for two of America's. most sophisticated spy'. satellite.-sys. tems. :. The CIA was afraid knowledge of the losses would jeopardize Sen- ate approval of the SALT II agree- ment, since the U.S.' ability to, monitor Soviet.arms buildups had been compromised. The CIA, ` already, . bruised by charges of ',incompetence,-: also feared further incurring the wrath of President Carter, who supports the SALT concept,;' and' who -had sharply criticized the - CIA for ; l? earlier security leaks., Through a series o#' interviews with intelligence, . ' inilitarj' and congressional '..sources, few_?; of. whom wanted to be identified, the Sunday News Journal also found that the CIA ? Withheld vital evidence for 18 months in two federal espio- nage cases because the informa tion would have.: shown that- th,11 ',}CIA had :lost' the: -Keyhole, . and 'Rhyolite spy satellite;systemsaoi --the Soviet Union.: , ~:: A Tried . in 1978" to pin'the se- ,'curity breach of the, Keyhole -.or .KH-1i system"-=: on. a, loW-4evel employee,. when the CIA knew the =- tystem's.? specifications_'had:,been -:sold td the; Russians by someone' else a year earlier is~. ?' .H_' Caused'an uproar in the Aus= tralian,government when secret CIA payments were revealed at a. ;trial of the man who sold satellite secrets to the Russians::' 0 . Tried to -hide from? sister :. nnelligence..agencies= at, the )De"! NEWS JOURNA 8 April 1979 fense Department and the Nation-' al Security. Agency-.that the CIA-1 was responsible for the loss of the' ," satellites ; . :,y, t J i' f 4 ry.? ts. FiFf~.~ CIA. spokesman Dale Peterson A , refused to comment on the cover up, theloss' of. the 'satellite' pro;' gram or the-Australian situation.., "We are not prepared to say any, - thing on this," he s4idi The ttvo are highly. sophisticated. surveillance) F, devices. through which President; Carter said the United States'canj r, make sure the Soviets are comply-1 ing with the strate,~c arms limita Lions agreements now under net; gotiation i: -Satellite verification is consider-: ',ed an-absolute necessity because of ' the - Soviet.' Union's constant' '-refusal to allow on-site-inspections of its bases - However, the loss of the secret plans has given the Soviet Union vital- technical information with which to limit the satellites' abil- .ity to monitor an arms build-up. The KH-11 Keyhole system is a sophisticated -photographic: sys- tem. From its perch in orbit, the) satellite cap videotape objects as; small as a golf ball on the ground nd -later. transmit. the -picture. back to the U.S intelligences? UT. It; can :also take" photographs' which can be recovered by the Air. -Force::- i The Rhyolite system is essen- tially -an eavesdropping device. It ,Interce is . microwave transmis- slons of telephone calls, radio traf fic, rocket telemetry and other messages. For example it -can pick up phone conversations from the Kremlin and relay them back to U.S. intelligence agencies. TI 'billi TI tiga thre "witt Sen; the: TR\ prin tion prin of Amy Nf and tren Carl get (ratified by the U.S. Senate. Veri- fication safeguards for SALT have 'been in . question since Carter visited CIA headquarters last Au- gust and criticized top agency offi- cials for the security, breech that edgeable of. the U.S. spy satellite; program said Paisley could order; -f requirements'=for both KU-11 i nd-,.Rhyolite. `Requirements." led to espionage charges'against, -William P. Kampi3es; a CIA watch officer. ~:. ... On Oct;3, 1978, Carter revealed' that the United States would rely heavily 'on spy satellites to verify SALT 11. That same day, a body identified as former CIA official John A; Paisley wag found floating in Chesapeake Bay. ?? The CIA claimed Paisley was a retired low-level analyst who had-1 access to few U.S. secrets. When1 the News-Journal papers revealed; he was a senior official in the spy 1 satellite program, the U.S. Senate' launched an investigation into the case The Senate probe'centered`on whether'. Paisley's death could be i - -related'. to,. his . knowledge- of the satellite systems, and, what possi-' ble bearing ' it- would have on the L U.S. verification capabilities. Victor Marchetti, a'former sen- bor CIA official, and others knowl- . Mar tt explainedd," is_'a CIA; By JOE TRENTG