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Approved For Release 2007/06/14: CIA-RDP99-00498R000100030117-2 i?fA?1Gii ,STiTR U'?ITO -, L 1D R 1.9 KAY 191 5 Speaking last Sunday at the eleventh Com- mencement exercise of Franklin Pierce College in Rind;e. Central Intelligence Agency Director George Lush raised the most important issue of our times. one to which every student, parent, faculty member and guest who heard him should give top priority in. his. thinking: (A strikingly similar theme, was sounded by former United Nations Ambassador. Daniel Patrick Moynihan in his commencement address last Sunday at St.. ~, :lnselm's College). ell *'All through our history," Bush pointed out, we have bad a commitment to freedom," but now. both our friends and foes all over the world are questioning the commitment- of the United States to stop communism and to defend liberty and are wondering if that commitment is strong enon?h to make this country willing to sacrifice for its goals. THE ANSWER, WE FEAR, IS THAT NOT- ONLY IS AMERICA NO' LONGER WILLING TO SACRIFICE FOR FREEDOM, BUT ALSO THAT OUR CURRENT LEADERSHIP HAS DECIDED TO ACCOMMODATE THE ENEMIES OF FREE- DO') AROUND THE WORLD. In a recent column, former U.S. Ambassador to Switzerland Henry J. Taylor reflects on Secretary of S, ate .Henry Kissinger's visits with and prom- ises of aid to leaders of African "nations" which prattle about democracy, but whose sole interest is poker. In Kenya, his host was.the former murderous Mau Mau leader, President .lomo:Keuyatta, who has "killed off his opponents with all the eclat of a Borgia at a-feast," and for whom "no glittering luxury is today too good." : In Zaire, Kissinger saw dictator 1llobntu Sese 3eko, a "fake soot Itsayer.'with his rheumy-meta- physics and huckster's magic," x "carny quack. and total swine" who "lives a champagne life , .. while Zaire's impoverished people are too diseased to work at a trade and too miserable to have hope." Columnist Taylor also cites "Field Marshal" Idi Amin, President of Uganda, who is notorious for blasting the United States, and Marien tigonabi, Freedom? President of the Brazzaville Congo - both of whom are ruthless killers who care not a whit for their enslaved people. Commenting on the lunacy of proposing assis- tance to countries that lack :'the essential under- . pinnings for an equivalent of the Marshall Plan that saved Eurooe." Taylor points out that the current total U.S. government debt and that of every segment of our society has increased to more than three trillion - yes. trillion -- dollars! There is a direct correlation, we suggest, be- tween this nuzzling tip to African dictators and the feeling of the new isolationists that the United States must accommodate itself to communism, its military power, the massive populations under its control, the persuasiveness of Marxist ideology to the masses of mankind. The view that there is nothing extraordinarily wrong with communism as such..which holds also, that the Soviet Union is not significantly worse than the United States, has become a major concern to increasing numbers of political com- mentators. For example. consider the question posed by CIA Director Bush before the backdrop of the perceptive observations offered by Com- mentary editor Norman Podhoretz. in the April issue of the American Jewish Committee's month- ly publication: "What we see in this newl,v tolerant, anh even benevolent, attitude toward communism is the slow erosion of oul- own sense of political value in response to the Communist challenge - an accommodation in the sphert of ideas to match the accommodation we have been making in the sphere of power. Our own political culture has always held uls liberty as the highest political valve, while the political culture of communism has always scoffed at and denigrated liberty as a hour-. geois delusion. "Therefore, our unwillingness or usability to condemn their.crimes against political liberty - which they of course do not regard as crimes at all - can fairly he described as a symptom of the surrender of our political cul- ture to theirs." - STAT Approved For Release 2007/06/14: CIA-RDP99-00498R000100030117-2