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Approved For Release 2007/06/14: CIA-RDP99-00498R000100030082-1 ,i,.", 114 jr `Schorr pointed out that keeping the neat on CIA-a f iliczted news employees marvelously serves the interest of manage- ment. "Why is everybody after the shnooks / and not the bosses?' ' STAT The rnna,;errer,a York Times, CBS Nca of the other redoua's c Estate have been imr, CIA and the Presider; the names of those coats who, through th< pretended to be abcv iialists while trieki t for the CIA. Even as ary, according to the mittee report, at lea! ... ees of domestic news . are still reporting to two masters, you. He works for us. But he's got one in the shadows. A number of to appear to work for you, under- nonmanagement figures, including stand? So rive him -real assign- Walter Cronkite, are also taking up meats, alid we'll be greatly appre- the chase. Until the press is pub- dative." holy scoured of this blight, they Throughout this exchange, Wil- say, we are all suspect. liarri S. Paley had remained in the Yet, a basic pat of the story is office. "Ile didn't say- anything,' missing. And Dan Schorr, as someone who was present has usual--even though he's been, reported, "but he had the air of taken off the air by employer-; presiding over it all." baying their cb-votir:a to journalis- This intriguing incident re- tic independence. -has been f ),cos- nEained cozily secret until Febru- ing on that strangely missing ele- ;try of this year. CBS's X60 Nin- ntent_ Speaking at a Newspaper utes" had 'gotten a lei'd on the Guild conference in Washing toll, story, as part.of a piece on broad- Schorrpointr-dout thatkeepici,the {cast journalists who had been on heat on Cl A-affiliaha nev: ; era- , the CIA payroll. Discoverirrg that ptoyees marvelously serves thelthe'Ner. York Times was also`on interests of n~airap;eiii~errt. Why isI the case and about to print it, "60 there no investigative repro ti-,i 1 Minutes" handed the story to Dan he asked, concerning ''tin- high { Schorr who didn't have to wait executives, still unknown," who until Sunday. It was February 10. greased the tnachir!ery for the CI^A Schorr, and only Schorr, knew of to function inside te,4 v isiori and another-story about to explode, and newspaper ol:r_ratic,:: LL hy," as in view of its nature, he was surely Schorr said later, "is everybody not looking for trouble with Wil- after the shnooks ;grad not the Barn S. Paley. Still, you get a lead, losses?" . you have to follow it all the way. The same question was asked Schorr called Paley' and asked recently,' - 1f the record, by all about the meeting which Sig Mick source who was lulu-a;ad lilt imate-elson had already described to ly involved with recruiting and `Sltc,rr. No such meeting had even placing; spies Who type with two1 taken place, said Paley. fingers. "Within my experience," j Schor-, went on the-air with what lie says, "in every case: which] are had, including Paley's name. we had aslieciat arrangement witty'There was rampant anxiety, a reporter. management knee: r among some CBS News person-1 about it." net, but what the hell, the TirttesI A case it iro:rit: In the early was about to break the same story. 19-50s, the relatively new presidents CPS had no choice but to go ahead. of CBS New i T ithcketsot , had And when the Times did come out, just returned frme lf:. first tour of the story was all there-except for' the t-etwork's E:uro;+-::.: bases. Su-l one thing. No mention of Paley.' mninnsrd to i?;:r off:cee of the cm-1-?~Ghy'" a number of Times offi- lreror of CL:`;. 1=%iiiiani S. l'alev, cials were asked. "We just mined cl:eisoi2 R'.; ;rteodeced b~ it." How odd to miss a et elephant in Pal--y to two CIA cxecii,i:: s. 1'l;e} t a bodega. Anyway, later, William were ;innnv,ed v: ith the pres;dt-nt of! Satire had no difficulty finding and, Approved For Release 2007/06/14: CIA-RDP99-00498R000100030082-1