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ARTICLE APPEARED Approved For Release 2007/06/14: CIA-RDP99-00498R000100030075-9 STAT ON PAGE 1 19 JUNE 1976 States Government had been reluctant to participate. certainty of the situation. W. At a press~briefing, Robert L.l FORD IIRUPS TRAP, Beirut, d have directed theFunseth, the State Department United States Embassy there Lolspokesman, said that Ambas-i assist in the departure by-over1'ador Meloy's last cablegram to, land convoy to Damascus o- Washington before he was; CI1I6 LEBANON U.S. citizens who wish to de t died is an ambush "ion Lebanon at this time." 1Atnerican particippation in that ? t part tconvoy," He added: "The convoy is ex "Sadly his remains went out petted to leave BeirutSaturday,'in the first British convoys `Cancels 'Campaign Journey, and American citizens are. being; yesterday," Mr.:Funseth added.; alerted both by the embassy, yesterday Mr. Kissinger told After Ordering Help for and by broadcast on the VoiceCongress that Ambass`adori Those Leaving Beirut of America to be preparedfor!Meloy was on his way to dis- t d By DAVID BINDER Special to The New York T1my WASHINGTON, June 18 - President Ford canceled an elec- tion campaign trip to Iowa to- 1d Ay after having directed the ,United States Embassy in Beirut ,to assist American citizens who wanted to leave Lebanon. Ron Nessen, the White House spokesman, said that the Iowa trip had been called off "be- cause of the impending evacua- tion and the situation in Leb- anon." In a personal statement on Lebanon, Mr. Ford avoided the word "evacuation" with regard j to, the estimated total of 1,400 American citizens still in the country. The President had been scheduled to attend a testi- monial dinner in Des Moines for Mary Louise Smith, the 'Republican Party's national chairman, before the selection of Iowa's delegates to the Re- publican National Convention. Surprise is Expressed Some State Department of- ficials privately expressed sur- prise at the President's abrupt change .of plans. White House officials, however, credited Mr. Ford with having put policy ahead of politics. At the State Department to- day, Secretary of State Henry 'A. Kissinger told reporters that it was appropriate for Mr. Ford eparture at tat tune . l'ylcuss the convoy proposals With so wish.' dent-elect, when he was kid- ; Convoy Goes to Damascus !napped and killed. According to word from the, The Administration scene, a 13-vehicle convoy or-;said that the killing had. en- 1ganized by the British Etrtbassy'couraged the British to proceed and including some Americanswith the, convoy arrangements traveled from -Beirat to DamHand that last night, at a White ascus today Tomorrow's con-!House meeting with his national voy, also to Damascus, is alsa&security. advisers, President !being organized by the British. Ford concluded that-the United Early today a news agency,States had no choice but to fol-, dispatch from Washington saidliow suit. that President Ford had direct- In his statement. this morn- led the embassy in Beirut toting, Mr. Ford emphasized again evacute Americans from Leban-;that the United States Embassy on. Later ward,, however,lin Beirut would remain open, showed that he had not goneiand active. He said: "Only; 1 that far and. that few Ameri-!those embassy officials not es-I cans wanted to leave anyway.Isential to our continuing opera-, The word "evacuation" was tions will be leaving Lebanon used in public by Mr. htssii ger;fe American Embassy in Beirut 'when he testified yesterday be-is to remain open to continuer fore the House International our efforts to help brim an end. Relations Committee on theito the strife which has brought; !Lebanese situation after the this tragedy to Lebanon." . killing Wednesday of Ambassa ` Ford Confers Again don Francis, E:" Meloy Jr. and' 'At the State Department. Mrc., two of his aides in Beirut. Funseth said that the admin-1 t Since then some high-ranking iituation had received "assur Administration officials I ace'ances of safe conduct" for the: advised against using the word, Saturd'ay convoy, but he de- since it. seemed to imply the in-,dined , to elaborate because volvement of military rescue"the operation is a sensitive !teams, as in the evacuation of'one.' Americans from. Cambodia and? While acknbwledeinu that it South Vietnam during the Coln was a British initiative andi munist victories there., `would he conducted by the Contingency. Plannin Brittish Embassy in Beirut. Mr. t~ !Funseth said: According to these officials. "I think it is an international both Britain and the Unitedlconvoy.'It is not a question of ,States had for some time been-`tagging along. weighing contingency plans for;. Apparently President Ford organizing large-scale depart'-!has ordered the Defense De- lures of Western citizens frominartment=to keep an eye on`the .Lebanon. 1convov Saturday, by radio and They said that the British'possibly by aerial reconnais-. pressed ahead at the beginning!sance. But Administration offi-+ !of this week in obtaining prom-!vials declined to discuss such` vises of safe passage for several !measures. convoys of buses, cars and taxis; President Ford' conferred on 1 to Syria but' that the United'Lebanon for more than an hour! to remain in Washington be !cause the Lebanese situation; 'had become "very ticklish" and "an emergency could develop" I in the evacuation. Today's statement by the President said: "Due to the continuing un- Approved For Release 2007/06/14: CIA-RDP99-00498R000100030075-9 STAT Approved For Release 2007/06/14: CIA-RDP99-00498R000100030075-9 14 ..~" iz~~?..::: ' h t e f- i resident Fora ciu advice s un iU gs on the evacuation o' ;'Americans from Rlcharc- 6.` C'.ieney;'r.eciden' aI assistant; L Dean. rown, }vho res:: Ja eti one se al m f g ver n o ? e ebanon: Others are, from lest. Gear. George S. Brown,' Chair:nati of the served as special envoy w'Leoarea, Secretary of State Henry "A Kis ii + this. morning with Mr. "Kis. scheduled a fourth. round. forltremely decliate." singer.. George Bush, director, this:?. evening to oversee"- I Mr. Ford pianft to." be all of Central Intelligence; Brent ILebanese -developments-includ- Andrews Air Force -.Base, justi Scowcroft;' -national" security in", the evacuation,' accord-least of the capital,:' tomorrow! ;adviser;. William Clements, mg to Mr. Nessen.,. rafternoon when the- bodies of* Deputy Secretary of Defense; The spokesman said. that lie Ambassador Meloy "end 'the and Richard B.' Cheney,, White was "astounded' at suggestions Beirut Embassy ecbnoi1ic coup - House chief. of staff. Jof -reporters that it was:;-'-'a selor, -Robert', O:`: Waring; ar, It was the third "such .`meet- trumped-up. crisis and termed Ave here on a military; plane ing in three. days, and Mr: Fordlthe Lebanese situation =`ea fi?Om the Middle east rx " Approved For Release 2007/06/14: CIA-RDP99-00498R000100030075-9