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Document Release Date: 
June 19, 2007
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Publication Date: 
December 18, 1975
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PDF icon CIA-RDP99-00498R000100010019-3.pdf120.93 KB
Approved For Release 2007/06/19: CIA-RDP99-00498R000100010019-3 CHARLOTTE, N.C. OBSERVER What kind of covert intelligence and. para-military operations should-, the United States engage in abroad? That-question should have been re- solved before the Senate began con firmation hearings on George Bush ~,~:;' --; & at>* chosen by President Ford to be direc- tor of the Central Intelligence Agen cy.. Congress is as confused and divid ed as Americans in general on this subject. We are only now openly confronting the fact that our govern- i i l d i h b na- , n assass nvo ve ment as een tions, attempted assassinations and a . 1 unney T~tuz'tnond host of other covert operations that many Americans would prefer not to know about. Congress must define country, but it- should.not have pro- duced results like this among think= the CIA's role and limits. ;ing people. Naivete or cynicism or both char In otfriview; the United States has acterize the views of such conserva- a legitimate interest in the outcome tive senators. as Strom Thurmond of in Angola. It is not' our business to South Carolina and Barry..Goldwater control-that 'country's -domestic af- -of Arizona, on- the one hand, and::lib-=. -fairs. But neither-Js it.the business -of. eraIs such as John Tu'nney"of- Cal ' i- the Russians, :the Cubans and the fornia and Dick Clark of Iowa on the South Africans, all of whom have in- other. truded forcefully. Given this situa- Sens.? Thurmond and Goldwater, tion, the' United States should assist both Republicans, seem to :think the moderate Angolan -.forces that are a CIA will be a good boy from: here on not controlled by the Communist in- Of we will just leave it alone. vaders of Angola. And we should On the other. end of the spectrum, those forces to avoid being con Sens. Tunney and Clark, both Demo- trolled by South Africa, which may crats, said Monday they. would op- --.,very well--dominate them if nobody pose a-$112 billion defense appropri : ":..else helps them significantly.. ations bill if it provided money for - _ the CIA-to use in covert operations. It is silly to suggest that we can- They' and other Democrats compared "not do that -without repeating what the fighting in that southwest African we did in Vietnam. By that logic, we nation with the Vietnam'. war and should- never, .engage. in any covert argued that any CIA involvement activities abroad. The, sad' fact is would lead us into another Vietnam -that, if we did not, the new colonial- quagmire. fists of would be:-,having Are Sens. .Tunney. . 'and ' 'Clark field days everywhere. That hot little saying in effect that every situation team of imperalist Russia and its cli- of cgnflict in the . world . is like Viet- ent state, Cuba, could upset demo-. nam? That if we are involved -at all, cratic and - non-democratic. govern- ,the- first thing you know we will ments from Zanzibar to Paraguay if have. half a million troops there? Vi- everybody just stood aside and etnam has been traumatic for -the. watched: Approved For Release 2007/06/19: CIA-RDP99-00498R000100010019-3 STAT