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STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/11 f: CIA-RDP99-00418R000100060011-4 /97 3 -7 (f 140 WHO'S WHO IN THE SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST Open Club: 4ich_: resew res ash., relocation dir. Phila. Housing Authority,' Magnolia Country. Died Mar. 30, 1972. Home: Magnolia AR and Mo \lonno PO'Y Su Sonr Aer.uth 1 ohi( toh Morton l intz)eAmerriiica Inc ~' 4I-42 d es Research asst Wharton Sch. Finance. U. Pa., 1938-39, Assn. De mocrat. Baptist. Mason .1972 law er n lia A and shinggto ton. COLBATH. WALTER NEWELL, Y b. Evan Who Owns and d Operates the United States. 1972. Address: 3110 W 1939-40: ccon. ash n?ton 1946-47: fiscal economist Bur. ) r. of Budge t, Recoil' Washington. n ? Aug. 21. 1934. s. Walter V. and Vesta (Swenson) C.: B.S. in Rodman NW Washington DC 20008? \1arketin Ind. U., 1956: LL.B.. U. Miami, 1ais965 children- Walter N. 1 956 1947-52. chief economist. 1953-55, chief fiscal a e .vici , . and 0, dep. MARSHALL IEERBERT, govt. oft l., free-lance asst. dir. for budget rev., 1961:65: asst. dir. Offic S e 14mt and udget. B Steel Serviceser v RAlummum. Beach, v ille E\cc Office Pres., 1966- Served with AL . 1'14'-45. Recipient III. 1eBrey 1.. Stephanie t Salesman. K e., 61 C cd fed. 1960-62: admitted to Fla. bar. 1965: pub. defender 15th 1ud. C'? COEiE.. . Samuel H. and Luc Georgetown C, 1966: Exceptional Set. award Bur. of Budget. ward formdistingui.h rd Nat 1958-60: sec.-treas. Colbath photographer, b. Proiidence, Sept. 23. 1932: s est U bell Culbath, KI Bratten. (Scigal) C.: B.A., Brown U., 1954: M.A., George artncr Camp stRrad. Am, U.1 Boston Economist, Europe and Solid g t. br. Civil Set' League. 1968. ii. cons aSoc. Contbr. articles to prufl. Fla. Bc 96 6- - 1 part e Peak. be 1. Carnally Kapner aEa tt Ltd.. Batt ilup ter, L.S. ii agr Agc, 196363--: free e lance e photographer. Bd. dirs. govt. dir. civilian scr., 1971. k1cm. 3400 Rose Lane Fulls Chur h VA 21042 Office: Exec Pami 1lc. (both Lake cat Palm Beach. Bd. dirs. ter, United Jewish Appeal. Recipient Blue Ribbon Nat. award (nrs Ag . Pub. Fla.. Fla. Coin Collectors ., Inc.. Wc E ono a 1970. Mem. Ain. Scandinavian FoAin. Assn. . Agri. Opuhls. ffice Home: 3400 Ro La i, Falls 'Fla. Comprehensive n Community t P Mental Beach. Health Center, Vis. Washington DC 20503 Mental Assn.. Assn. Palm Beach County, Y\IG1 He Wetlm Economists. A Author: Econ. Assn. Clubs: Brown, Georgetown Office Bldg Fla., 1968; Summary of Agricultural Economy and Trade of Demand for Beach) nt l Served with USNR. Beach County, MC Mall eat Agric Summary of Projections Lung Range Supply and Demand for COINER, RICHARD TIDE, JR., aviation ands.. vet. all force officer, n Served Graduating Sr. 5 Miam, Beach County Acad... Sept. 2, i. Hclcn Lanie LaniarrdNiT.s, and Feb. '--. . Emily e 36: ch'ild:rent S' Lawyers Assn.. Fla. ~e Sr. User. (pres. e1565. em. A Trial it. Home: A Weste cal Products in Denmark, 1970; The : \gnculunal Situation b. N%ashington, fenders Europe . 1971. Contbr. \1i1.Acad'_:ni Helar assns.. Fla. Pub. De g William Lanier. in \1'estern articles prof). fours. Hume: 2725 U.S. Bldg Wee: DC 0 DC 20007 Office: ERS/FRAD 500 12th St Arm),. 1932, Tide Ill. Bed through 5ar Gulf Rd North Pefe Beach FL 3pr03 elect). Republican. St NW Washington SW' Washington DC 20250 nnyf%ar for air, 1941hrough-4 3: grades contd to 397maj.th Bhenommber eUSAF, Group. up. exec ETO.. bar assns.. 401 to asst. sec. of war f COHEN, MICHAEL LEROY, optometrist: b. Cumberland. Md., 1943-45: RAF Staff Coll.. 1946: Hdqrs. LS. Air Force Europe. Palm FL PAUL DAHLE, trade assn. exec.; b. Rushford, Feb. 17. 1939; s. Harr) Earl and Lee (Markowitz) C.; A.A., U. Fla., 1946-49; div. mil. application AEC. 1949-51; dop, comdr.. held Minn.. Mar. 20. 1920: s. Henry Carl and Clara (Dahle) C.: student Al student command Armed F Ens Prect Hd. 1951-54: a 1954-58. 98 COLBBea Minn.. hState Tchr2. Coll.. nry8-4 l U. Fla a (D B.S., U. Ten Opt merry. 19 1959-60. Am. C., 1960 O.D., Pa. State Coll. 1963. cost. of ostaff f staff. for r Atomic Enns y- , SHAPE. USAF.cogrdr. 1950; a Thelma r' Co Apr. l6, 19U la., ten-Peter D.. TP enn., Optometry. 19644: m Sher. Shapiro. June 3 exaen-Brace Evan an. Flint S St Gregory. ' A Practice optometry. t 1968---. ha(rsff, Air and n Operations Spl. Oe. 15611-63; SHAPE. 1958-61. 1 USAF. Jane (Mrs. James B. tern. A r. 16, 1.43 ch ldappraiser a Alexandria, Va.. 1964--. Pres.. AMDAS Corp.. Alexandria, 1968---. Headquarters adquarters Ninth Air Force. 1961-63: dir. transp. Hdqrs. USAF. U S. Dept. Agr.. Knoxville. Tenn., 1950-54: engr. Douglas Fir and eld rep..Birmingham, Am. Med.-Dental Assts. Schs., Arlington, Va., 1967-- -. cons. Obrig 196366: aviation cons.. 1966---. Vice pres., dir. Ni\ Protl. Bldg. U S Plywood Assn., Tacoma, ?'ash.. 19nn 1 fi947-50; . Labs., Sarasota. Fla.. 1968-- mcm. fat Fye Research search Found. `item. Corp., V+x Hosp. Corp. Episcopalian. Clubs: Argyle, San Antonio Al... 1956-57. Clearwater. Fla.. 1957-63. regional mgr.. Atlanta, a Boy's .+. ni?.. s (Sun Antonin): \nn} and 09avy (Washington). Home: 140 1963- Am ' - Served to It. comdr. USNR, 1941-46. Decorated Air medal Club. Q t A? ri;- in mn 666- Ed. A, C.n Antonio TX Phi Kaooa Phi, Alpha er t l h Assn - t ea. 1965-66 _ , pres. adv. bd, 1968- bd. dirs. mental ? ------ Alexandria Pub. Schs. Health Professions Career Bd. Mem. Am.. V'a metric assns.. Alexandria Bel. of Trade. Urban League. Jr. C of COINTNIENT, JOSEPH DF.L?f A, dental surgeon: b. Plaquemine. Joseph Dolma and Effie (McCabe) C: ed Loyola 1902: S t lens 2 opto . . La ? Dec. C. (v. p. 1965-66). Inventor poly-lens clear corneal contac . li., New Orleans, La. State Dental Sch.: m. Althea Schwing, Apr. COLBY, WILLIAM EGAN. govt. ofeL: b. St. Paul, Jan. 4. 1920; S. Home: 4542 LaSalle As Alexandria VA 22041 Office: 3509 S and 'vlarMaret 1947(Egan) C.: B.A., Princeton, 1940: LL.B.. 1936 Jefferson St Baileys Crossroads VA 22041 ; dentist Rhodes J children- Joseph Dolma III. Janie. Althea Schu ing. Asst.' . Spedalc Gen. Hosp.. Plaquemine. 1960-72. dental Eibridge ley b. Cho.. Nov. 13, Columbia U. Law Sch., : m. Barbara Pr inze Sept 15, 1945; COHEN, ROBERT ABRAEiAet, physician: B surgeon, bd. urns, A.R.C. A. Plaquemine Recreation children Jonathan. Catherine, Carl, Paul. Christine. Admitted to zon 1942-4 1909; s. Ezra Harry and Catherine (Rur bet i Blake. Mar. Michael Reese Spedalc RecipienGen. Hosp Served to o capt caps. Dental Corps, CSAAF, eensh5. N.Y. N Y.C., State bar. Vat. Labor Relations Relations Bd.. Washington, 1949-50; Recipient CaPlaque ncer Crusade. for Citizen of Year, Amvets, 1949. Citizenship NN.C 194 49, N Sweden. 1951-53, Am. embassy. children-Donald Edward Margery Jean. Intern. Michael Reese Vietnam, Rome, Italy, -1953- at Labor Hosp., Chgo., 1936-37: resident Johns Hopkins. Sheppard-Pratt award Cancer Crusade, 1968. \1em. Am.. La.. 6th D19 ). Rotarian 1939) (pres. 19499E k. Clubs. W'ashin ton, 1962-67, exec. dirt, 1st sec Am. embassy. Saigon, attache Am. hoses., 1937-41: Pvt. practice, Washington, 1946-48: clip. dir. dental assns., Am. Legion. Amvets, C. of C. 1 std.. 1948-53: dir. div. clin. and (past program churn., pres. 1961.--). Lion (pres. 947). ); \\e lade 1959-62: chief Far East div. CIA, B Chestnut on, La.); 1972- ambassador, dir. Civil Operations and Rural Devel. Support, Lodge .ch Nat. Country (Baton Rouge): Riserdaie Golf (Donalds behavioral resear. Insts. Mental Health. Bethesda. Md., . 1968-71. Served to maj. AUS. 1941-45. Decorated Silver Star, LA 70764 Office: Bronze Star: St. Olafs medal (Norway): Croix de Guerre (France). 1953--, also dep. dir. mental health intramural research programs. Golf (Brusly. La.). Hume: 906 Eden St Plaquemine Bd. dirs.Founds. Fund for Research churn. bd.. 1962-63; trustee 406 Eden Si Plaquemine LA 70764 8) 'Mentioned in Despatches `Baishin\ton ShecBliForcesa(London. . to Catholic. Clubs: Cosmos ( B ): P William Allinson White Psychiatric Found. Served from It G comdr. M.C., LSNR, '1941-46. Recipient Distinguished Service COLT, ROBERT DANIEL lawyer. b. Engterprise. Miss.. Mar. 31 . Eng.): Lingo Klubben (Oslo. Norway): France l Combattant (Paris, award Dept. Health. Edn. and Welfare Fellow Am. Psychiatric Assn.: 1930 Robert Edwin and Faye (A it 1952) C.; student Meridian Jr. France). Home: 5317 Briley PI Washington DC 20016 Office: CIA mom. Am. Psychoanalytical Assn., cNN a hi airngton Psychoanalytic Soc. Coll., 1947.49 B.S.. Miss. State Coll. 1952: LL.B.. ' ' Miss., 1956: m. 5 Washington Ps hiric Soc. (pres. 1958-59), Elna Faye Haden. Aug. 2, 1959: children-Lauren Faye. Linda Ann, Washington DC 20505 z }c 1956: since practiced in Ind Isr; Jul bar b P y an 3 Mi . . ss. ; 51- (Pres. I9- W newspaperm J. . Edwin. Admitted Washington Psychoanalytic Inst. (Chinn. cdn. coin. 1953-58, dir. Nancy, Miss.: mom. firm Huff & Williams. 1956-62; gen, practice. COLE, BENJAMIN RICHASON, 1959.63), Washington Acad. Medicine. home: 4514 Dorset Av p 10, 1916: s. Almon Theodore and Maude (Richason) C.; student Press Inst. of Chevy Chase MD 20015 Office: 9000 Wisconsin Av Bethesda MD Meridian, 1962--. Mem Selective Service Bd. Incor orator, pres. Butler U., 1934.35, Ind. State Tchrs. Coll, 1938, Am Lamar Sch. Found. Served to it. ACS. 1952-54. Col. on Gov.'s staff. in. Alice Louise George EPorteous, Sept. 11, 1937: 20014 cm Am., Miss. State, Lauderdale County bar assns., Miss Columbia, 1948; 20014 1972---. \4 40. COHEN, STANLEY LEON, accountant- b. N.Y.C.. Apr. 27, 1925; Forestry Assn., Phi Alpha Delta. S.CV1iss. pit. Sch. Assn. (dir.), children-Alan Andrew, Amy (Mrs. E. Martin, Jr Co.). Benjamin Y N Am. Legion Am. Right of \\'ay Assn, Miss. Claims Assn. Presbyn. Richason Reporter, Terre Haute IriTribune-Star 19Pub. 44-, 198statehouse s. Max and Edna (Goldberg) C; BB.A., Coll ., . I1947. Mason Home: 2305 36th Av Meridian NIS 39301 Office: Lamar Bldg Terre Haute Star. 1940-44; PI postgrad. Oxford U.. 1945, Cornell U.. Ithaca, N.Y.. 19 -45? N.Y. Meridian MS 39301 reporter. 1945-48, asst. city editor. 1948, city editor. 1948-49, , 1947-48, H ofstra Coll., 1954: m. Sonia Auerbach. Sept 1. 1946: Washington corr.. 1949--:corr. Arizona Republic. Phoenix. 1955--- U. children-Matthew, Debra. Cara. Jana. Partner, Sidney G. Spero & COKE , C(HAUNCEY) EUGENE, textile scientist: b. Toronto, Ont. Wash Sigma Delta Chi Presbyn. Mason. Clubs Gridiron. National Co.. N.Y.C., 1948.57: prin., Chinn. 'partner advBeach. Fla, 1 6Ban k Can July. 27, 1905; s Chauncey Eugene and Edith May (Redman) Press (Washington): Press (Indpls.) Home: 6529 Beverly As McLean C.P.A.'s, and predecessor co, : BSc U. Manitoba, 19.. 0 VA _2101 Office: Nat Press Bld Washington DC 20004 pies Matra Assos., Inc.: dir., Chinn. trust adv. mom. Pan Am. Bank CPh.D.. U. Leeds. Eng.. 1938: m Sally 89Tolm c. June 12.[1941.30: B Dade.County: dir. P.E.C. Corp.. Am. Community Systems, Inc., Pub. Service Common. North Miami Beach 1958-62: vice churn. Dade COLE. FRANK W.. Petroleum cons.; b. Connerville. Okla., Aug. I S County Water and Sewer Bd.. 1964.-67. Scried with in(. ALS. charge research and research Bevel. GCourtauldsuaranty (Can.) DyeiLngtd.., . FiConirnwallshing.Co., Ont., Si. 1939- Catharines, 1915-1 5; Fred W. and Velma et le (Ingram) C. Bnn U. Okla., a1948. ., g. 14, Feb. 7, C. charge 1943.46; ETO. Decorated Purple Heart. Bronze Star medal. Combat Ont.. 1946-48: mgr. indsl. yarn sales and dcvcl. Courtaulds (Can.) 1 19Petroleum 45949; ; m m. en Marrt.tha Hu Barton Horrible Oil 1968-1 . Co.. son. Hous . F Frraan,nk Warre 1. los Ltd., Montreal. 1948-54, mgr. dcvcl. dept.. 1954.59: dir. research and Inf. Badge. 's. Author: Inst. 1966966: . g for Fla. (mom. er ecology). N.Y. Bevel. Hart-Fibres Co.. 1959-62. also mom. exec. com.: tech. dir. 53-55: asso. prof. petroleum engring. U. Okla., 1955-63: pres. Frank t?. C.P.A. Author: Auditing for Home Builders. 1957; Cost of W. Cole Engring. Co Dallas, 1963?- . Continental Energy Corp.. Money-Water Utilities, 1 Bankruptcy and the C.P.A., 1965: textile chem. dept. Drew Chem. Corp., Boonton. N.J.. 1962-63; mgr. W. Co. Served with USNR. 19463- 51-53. Continental E. (with A.\\ Ecology and the C.P.A., 197'_. Home: 20130 N E 21st Ct N'orth Miami pres Coke &Assos. Cons., 1970--. Served from 2d. It. to trial. RCAF. McCray) Oil Well Drilling Technology. 1959; Reservoir Engineering Beach FL 33162 Office: 633 NE 167th St North Miami Beach FL new products fibers div. Am. Cyanamid Co.. Bound Brook. 1963-70: Manual. 1961: Spacing 33162 1942-46. Recipient bronze medal Canadian Assn. Textile Colourists Principles of Reservoir Engineering, in the 1963c (with P.L Reservoir, 1962; DriH'~li:'g . Irving an and Chemists, 1963. Fellow Soc. Dyers and Colourists (Gt. Britain). Operations ipMes Reservoir Coninpapers tech, lit. Home: 5710 CO ving an d D Gertrude pub. a (Cantontorr) ) C., exec.:b. student N.Y N.Y.C.. U.S. , Naval 3, 1 Acad.. ad Royal Inst. Chemistry (Gt. Britain). Textile Inst. (Gt. Britain). Chem. Lane DallasTX 75230 Office: Meadows Bldg Dallas 75206 Inst. Can., A.A.A.S.,eNd.Jal N.J. 1Ac97ad.1). Sci.: Canadian . Am. Assn. TeAssnx.tile Textile Tech. Colourists 1960k chi- Forest Constance e in. are' James Bloom, June 1len (die. Sept. r. Di dodreo COLE, GEORGE LEE, supt NcahBi b. Sp e S[atle U', 1940. CIsaclora onstance Diane , 950 David. estate Jane. Partner. Dinir Hotel. (paandst Ch,., pros: sts Bronze m(pas[ pres.). Inst. Textile Sci. (Can.) (cofounder. past COLE, George Lee and LEE, su ( P) pres.), V.Y. Acad. Scis., Fiber Soc.. Internat. Platform Assn. Club: Miami Beach, Fla. real estate 3; real estate salesman J.A. Cantor Assos.. M.S.. Ark. U.. 1953: in, Clyta Holloway. Jan. 10. 1933:1 son. Herbert 1953-5 prey 3 Tede broker Ted Cohen. Realtor. s, Miami Beach. he Chemist s. Author articles in field. Office: Ormond Beach FL Larry. Prim elementary sch.. Cross RoadsJ La.. 0, 1939; tchr. gr. for hcn 1956.-: pres. Ted Co. ltaF Assos.. unci Relations, c%iiami m Beach, 32074 Lahr., Dtny. 1.. Cross prin. hia., rch., 9;tchrvale. La., Safe Safety Com., Miam . dir.i Beach, , 11995 -70. c1959. Mem. Mayors COKER, DARBY TRIMBLE, lawyer, realtor; b. East Point. Ga.. 1946.57; supr. high a.. 1 40-46 Parish. high sc .. pe . Lola Council, iAin Parish 196 churn u co Chinn. B 19 Sco is pres. P196 s s. William Henry E, l and Emma (Ledford) int 1 Ga.. 1946- Schs.. high vine. Ln 19Pr-. Churn. c7-69, suptSpca reline Democratic s . committeeman. Fla. 70 stl Boy Scouts mitt 19a0. July 6. 1915; Williams will.. ) C. Ph.D.. Drug Co. Churn. bd. e dirs. Office Equal Opportunity trot. or, City e Demo-: t s. ung Dom1995state Dem. committeeman, Woodrow Wilson Coll. Law, 1942: A.B.. E e1?-:pres. Young De ms.. 1959-6'1 : churn. Dade -45nty Dem. Neotarian Coll. Philosophy, 1970; in. Athalia Chappell. Nov. 12. Spcarsville. 1969---. Churn. bd. dirs. constrn. of Bernice (La.) m'c 1938; children --Darby Trimble Jr.. Stanley C. Admitted to Ga. bar. and Hosp. Mem. La Sch. Adminstrs. Assn., La. Tchrs. Assn. Baptist Named 1942, practice law, real estate and appraisal. Fast Point. 1942?--; dir. Home. Box 45 Spcarsville LA 71277 Office: Box 308 Farmerville LA Elk Served altruler 1 LSN 19 172_-4 Clubs: Ci c Outstanding Young Man Miami Beach 1959. Outs[andin Citizen . 960-- Served with Armed Forces. 71241 LlaExe., c. 1961 C (both oin ., 19 Jaycees). League e (p (pres. 1Home: 5 Island Av Citizens & So Bank. East Point. 1 s. 1967--68 68). . C ivitan (exalted (ppre es. . 109-60). 5 Isla Miami Beach Apra Wsr II. Mem. Ain. Soc Appraisers pa (sr.), hoc. Real Estate JR., Coll. administr.; b. Pasadena. Cal . c - Home: 3 3116 Boulder Way COLE, HARPER LEROY, Appraisers IIMason . M cm. (Shriner). avian O E,JR,surge I Lincoln Rd New clean FL 33139 East Point GA 3(1344 Office: Brogdon Bldg 1783'A ashington Av P Dec. 5. 1921: s. Harper Leroy and Maidie Belle (McBride) C.: AB eans. 1921: CORN s,. I SID Isidore a R., surgeon. educator, b: New D. O U P Pa. Sept 45, Bethany Nazarene Coll.. 1965. M.A.. U. Okla. 1970: in. Pearl 'dae I 4_ M a 0 Box 90337 East Point GA 30344 Cook, Aug. 2. 1942; children-Stephen Leroy. Myna Dawn 1\1r- Jhorn) g M.. cline 4. , 1944 44,1995 Idis2. . 0 Aug. S '.7 i , in n 1Su97rr1g)e; Surgery. Children D5re:n in. Ian Y nJ 1P ey, COKER, HOMER, educator: b. Turbciille. S.C.. Feb. 14. 1923: . Carl Ray Cook). Ordained to ministry Nazarene Ch., 1945: mmuicr Heymaner Eie (\' Clarence Epps and Laura Jame (Dennis) C.. B.S., Clemson U.. 1948: Christian coin. Ch of Nazarene. Bethany. Okla., 194548, K i ` .ymann, . July Surgery, surgeryLauren, Kerry. fellow dep pt. 1 Intern. Grad. Hosp s Pa., U. P 40.1947.48:iiis M.Ed., U. S.C.11953. PhD. 168, nt. Mary Alice Adams. June 30, City. \io, 194991 Oklahoma City: 1953-56: asst. to i gen. trey surgeon C949-52: harihantty Hosp.. New OOrlrl reeans. 1052-62, , r n ?-B '10? 1944. children Thomas A. Michael D. Coach. prin., sup! ache. of Nazarene. Kansas City. Mo., 1951-53. 56-66, administr ass; i Cl .high Sch. 1948 56, area supr a. t aiptcoordinator prof. ba Boan} Nazarene Coll.. 1966- ,dir. data prow Mtha Soc fur Adll- 1966-- Mgmt Nat. \?? 1962--. courgeonf La State Service. lb) H sp.. Stephen (Sg" . Medicine. New Orleans. Coll.. Carrollton 1968. i - s.p Innuv at In, . Setscd with LSNR. Accountants, Acad. of Mgmt , .\m Mgmt Assn., Okla Edn. AS-' 1952-53. - conns ss stir m \'A Hosp, To ot 16l -L). wry y (b thjSU iw 119143-46.r (sell Fg eIc I w'it1955 561 Mem, \ E A _ \ A set S h K Haman. Hone: 3117 N Mueller St Bethany OK 73008 Orleans): asstr. surgcry~53-56. State L iih 1956 59, prof. IIchurn. dept pest. prof 1 963 6? \Icm psurg. research lei. cum. \A. Admmst rs . Ant. Ldnl Research Assn.. SC E In.:\s n Ga. Assn. Washington. Scsurgery. I S 11446.47. Diplamate Am. Bd. Retarded Children. Ga. Mental Health As n. (ditor n etter),(oo. COLE, HENR\' CAMPBELL, rgF xch (hat b. FAt\C ills . N 'J C + W rgery uI r. Surgery. eto. S A . Soc. I.\1ll II Iugi and Regional (tuned Fdnl. :\dminsirn. (sec,-trcas 1970- )Wake f ,cost L 10S \t:\ lc t .; .A L, 1901 ra Midn Fellow AIa met o. A' res 111681surg Ednl. Ucrcl Pnigranr (c\ce. dir. 1968- editor ne I tt?r), Am. 106B :\. Medici So. Am Su., La. 12, ip 196P. r `t snped 96xsv Internat. Ncw Lc giuo \Lson IShrinor). Rotarian Club: Raman (St. Stephen. S C ). AQ11 in. adore Gdi onsir i I Oct a n) 190. 1967. Children Ed Dili I) 1 rn 1 c 29 on .for plib Oilrleancans s (Med. As966 sn.. prey1467) La.. 1Q67I x uPragn h S St rg ns, Hontc 306 Tanner St Carrollton GA 30117 Andrew aline G ecC ? r. ru, Orleans saes. foil g. B surgery CO LAY, II-\RRY BRADFORD, law ycr b. Cleveland, Ark. May 31, Winston Salcnt NC1 1958-s1). thr G ddshnro (N C) (it, s,- 1972). Slog Biology CCon rcI (c In urnt rum on pr,glens in u1. Ali 'Iub II.. Assn ~AedasJ.pSu Irgu)65y, 1stAllv Allen IU \\ \\ >hi prespplt. . 1908: s John Henry and \labcl lfiiadturdl C. B. A.. U, Ark.. 1932i Schs bGrahamn N.C. .~ 196_ 16)60+upi aUllsun up(t.N C Ii CanunnC 1967-69,councillorherLa 1')67- James D t rad Ark. law Sch.. 1933-3S. n, Ruth Marie Ada), Oct 28, Gasast ? rces cis tc Ris nduesgy , wig. sues., ., C.Alinm. . RGoascstueroch, ntS Sue. c, SAissnne \ , 7R Ac oe uckus Soc. p)s B Man Wilson riCounty Bd. Health. 1967- . Alcohol lid. 19 ?. f tics ~, 193i. I duo.. A1abCl Jo High h pnn ConYrp. rk CiiJian 167- -: A Chinn. Cdod do A United ( Ii n.ian 1968, 1 Served r with 6 At Soc. Sorg 1932-33, admired to Ark, bar. 1935: ooh lirm I A. ? illiams, Tract S(trustee ump. (.limit. (.limit. 969i-, I. Ann m SAac ssn. C C antor ancer Rn escerch, Afornlthm, Ark., 1935.36; l ,t lt. Res OtLcm m(.. ( II? , Inlcmatiunal- Chi VA ash., Ida.. 1936-IS'; pram r ced law in 1953-55 Inst for I)evil Fdnl Ad an amen[ Keitcnng I'- vet,. Afegnoha, Ack, I9 i8- with firm Davis & oiay- 19ty 41949-51. men[. fellow, 1970. Men t. Assn. Sch. a DeliaiPhi Ihn\i i t f ~.. nagiac U F soon is{i Cancer . invme,jt,iU Un ado horn. Comcrcaliun Corp,. (el. I I? ,h9 a l ,. u, 1946-57, 59.70. loom IigisLitivc council Et u torsrsonnnl coin. 19631) Kapp Sunday 'lui l Pt-...o Coal. - :11 111.1, ,1St 110. Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/11 :CIA -RDP99-00418R000100060011-4 with one star. mcm. rim toe. ^e' _??o 7eta Home: 1710Timothy Dr SW Atlanta GA 30311 Office: PO Box