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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/09: CIA-RDP98-01394R000200060004-8 1;67. LIBRARY .DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION hn.o on Nareotins of ii1tiva7,-,--yroval having been Lis-rnted by Deomo of Ja?iluary 2Ittion by c ri1 22, 1967 a.2(tJ1i ir C:rficial, of F::bruary ?-:** . c ?.5 or rf:tile..-..t'onc. 170 rr.,-,e.:??---yat:a-.7.1:,.; :71ade at th.:- Eome amcInmant:-.1 werc introduced in the Penal Code of 1931 byere of0 ,c? 2.;-*53 ::arah 8), posaib17 !I:17e been duo to thc3 l'nfluence of the n.ati-'4etion of IV77, intornationai a,zreemont, but cod4f.tirli; of hefiath r.23de orial-ly in 1934 (?), there N-ie already 1-7rovis1ons incorported delt 'with cont-o1 52;,nd ?Tenalties in ocnnection lqith =arihuana. The new Pu.blic Health or nizy Code -*.criasc4. &T.1 >larch 40, 1)73 ().O. r. 131. 1773) Also con.sallt. The T.Irtsionz on ma..rihuna and other nr,rcotics of tho c.70.1i. 1a e5til -1ncoroortted. Tho lexican lawa contain ;nore thor14,.:: of other Ilissaio jurisdictions, and, ITI2ofar 1)cl-tine:At to this study, some of the provisions ara =mart-Led as. fol- low. ? Chapter Viii of .the aiblic-Health of :41nitat1on Code connrenc.ev articl-z; 290, c&I the subject of nnootics Is core-4nued throuith 2.),D oathnes 1,ho 6enem.1 covere as Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/09: CIA-RDP98-01394R000200060004-8 ............ _ Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/09: CIA-RDP98-01394R000200060004-8 cronping, elaborntion, 7)::e71:re.ta, ad??ptation, purchasc!, posuension, trh6e, j.7:2ortation? eN?ortation, transportation in any :Zorn, me,_lical prescription,-lurnishin, use, cot ;ntoi,anl in -;eneral, al77 act concerning the tr-Iffc of furninhing of stupefacients or of r.1uct to be consiOerd as such in the lexio,n 0.1! rbjeot to X) 7ntyn);:tonsl tre2:Ities and arcents; II) T:-1f! p7;ic of thin code al'd of it- ruLnionz III) Th!: by the-&_aal 11.1.1th Council; TV) The regulations r;rovided by other statutes and -::eneral provisions on this matter; V) The -:.:1.-anictrati-,-e and technical rulino:s ued on tale natter by i;he Secretariat of Hetit h fInd b1i ...,.:13Sistemce; and VI) The fulfngs is.sued by the Secr,Aariats of Tresur7 and P.ablic Creelt and "rn'?.ustr7 ar1,1 Corlerce on fiscal ::latt,,,rs and 1=ort,-1- tions exportations, rsfppectively. Art4-le 292 contins a long list of mlbstances that shall be concidcd na,-cotics. The acts clnumerated in the -!'irat article supr ars applic$,ble to mihuana, nursuwat to the provisions of ::11-zic10 2'93 of the code. This code even prohibits passage aaroatit lexican soil, en route to other countries, of any of the substances en=erated in article 292 (article ;":96). The authorized therapeutic and medical aspecta are covered in s.everal articles, including article 308 t..,hich reads: m:',71 be nrencribed only by the profe- rioia1 errumerated below, provided their lIcenr.h are registered -Ath the f.'ccrethriat of 2,,b14c Ticalth tr,(1 1.cre, and that they obscr7e all cf.the rerfairnt:1 fixed by Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/09: CIA-RDP98-01394R000200060004-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/09: CIA-RDP98-01394R000200060004-8 - 1) .-11r-7,ons..; 11) 7eteririans; III) Dental nv,rjconL co1e-.2,y in dent:-.1 capes. You-, types of 11:nitationn reF;tricticas are dc:fined in articlit t:--zozvrh 313; 1ea1in.2, 1:narr2lIcies a-r,d dru.;Aists, as .rult: on 7-a-cr11 'o be -:7kIntain&d, and as-,71., of' tra.d...: in psycho,pla Lraba:tznces co=mna-;:e rixticle 313 '7111(? nxovid,-;:tbt tha trade, Llnortatica, ax-r,ort,ttion, tra-ncportation, :In any for=, actr el2?borallAaa, sale, purchase, .r.srehousing, :24';apta- tion, ?nreparation, use, conn7un-nicn, in:7f,;eneral 2 ooncrnini; the trnffic cr fum-nizhin4 of ngychotropie cub-stances all be :_1.;bct to: 1) Tnt-rntional tr-;altie T,) The pro7iFdons of tsnie code ;Inli ita .i-t)cculationa III) The ruldn,7;ts innued by te G,Iteral Health Council 77) 1,7ac 7,egulations -;,ro-fdde'l c.tri,-7,11tes an; .7;ent,r13.1 on 7) The -IamanistIrqtive and techn-icc.1 ina-ued en this -.,7.tter by teEF:crint of Health and [7u1ici Asciata.nce. as-cects? -_,hich are also co-rd in the Pcml Code aro 1-erain to i.40:ilinistrati7e actions, rather than 4ud- ' - ^ial. :_rticle 299 prov5.des for confiscation of 7,roducts or of any apna- ratus or object necensary for their uee or apliaation, to be turned osier to Pnblie e.ith.Thls department =ay altthorize leizitimate ul,e of the confiacated pronnrty by others, hut in come catles, a:hall destroy the T,:?.sodwItf; e_nd anparatui4 in thi., pre8enct of corresponding authorities. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/09' ? CIA-RDP98-01394R000200060004-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/09: CIA-RDP98-01394R000200060004-8 11;e Code provision:; 3eal:1.Lnc; %ith offenses against lere, as stated rft,ove) r:oat recently amended by Decree; of larch 2) 1 !oni the amended provisiona arc the follo-,dna V'niCh. ?.? of cocz on 7..?fyz-olr, bo ,,vc112,ble to 711.1)l1c Ccdc- O.iC 193 :? c. - hy refins to theo PO 1,7h1h as such, or in tho reFulation;4 and laws An force or -,=aioh L.-y be enacted in the well as those n:Ircotics co-rared uizde_r international treatiei; andsr-entr. t Ico :122 0-e mny become a party. .Under this i)royision, the 1,)S1 Single Cf:-dvention, as r-Ltif-!ed :;r. 13157 as law of the lard, would be an aZditional cource of definition of LE- Th vzu n a11ai=ncsed for oif'eneei; in this 1:articu1as? fiela -ovszed ln articlaa 194 =fit nef.=, They are set forth in full,. they arzy anclicahlc to this report.. Ic;4. "r71-cr1soat of tuo to n:tne years rAnd a fizr... of one to nthousand 7.2nos S.11 l.??????? be inmosed on any 7.-erson uho cultiyates, harvests, Or emns resinous Cann:?.bis Indica p/nnts reputed to be mrooties seoording to articae-193 (avlra), ,"ailing to oeserve the requirements fixed for this puroo3e by the la-gs and neasures on the subject, or in actual vlolatian 02 sa2re. Any act irrraring resincaan Cannabis ?lanta or the r-t-? a in, -et1',---;:r.? or ern:3e, other th,An thoslctenumer-P.ted this article, but constituting a crime under ttic, Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/09: CIA-RDP98-01394R000200060004 8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/09: CIA-RDP98-01394R000200060004-8 nexico - 5 nt article, E;hall, for the 1:nroses of 7,nnishnent, be :_ncor7sorated under the 'crovisions of this chapter. 1.7, no ca the becfit of a , sentence be u,:?:..nted to nersons plant, c'Jltivate or harvest ric C,:nnabis having the nature of a narcotic. f.- In sdditIon to thc acts defined under th,a nrticio, iniprisont of thr,c-e to 12 ycars anc7 c finc of two to :"denty thousand neos be 1) Any:?erson ionLinuiactures, trades in, trans? portn, posesses,uroha, trftnsfers, supplies, even if gl-atuitously, or who, In 8eneral, enes in any act of acc:aisition, 2upn1y, transl)ortation, e-2 trade in narcotics, failin3 to observle the reeuirerzehts fixed by the laws, international a.s.?eenents or treaties, or other health measures refarred to in article 19"?. 2) Any :person who, in violation of the laws, internation,11 agree.alent or tre*z.ties, ::nd the cnrated health :Ileasures of article 193, plants, cultivates, harvests, trades in, tranz;ports, TLossesses, parchiLzes, sell, transfers, sunplies, oven if r,ratuitour:ly, or 'aho, In ,c;eneral, enz,ages in any act of ,acquic;ition, r3upply, trans7crtation or tr,Ide in seeds or plants having the nature of narcotics; 4) An7 person 1-to perJ.-is acts of enere-.1 oncoment or who incites, induces or assists another person to use narcotics, or to execute, by use of na:naHotics, any of the criminal acts defined in this chapter. The Penal Code also Provides pen.i.lties to be inosed on persons vho, because of their profession or trade in the field of medicine or health,, are in a position to use or accuire narcotics P,-ofessiona1'7. cc.tcDpry clrudsts, and Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/09: CIA-RDP98-01394R000200060004-8 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/09: CIA-RDP98-01394R000200060004-8 !.:exico y)---&nsi,on of -,,F.ricu2 catoriz:'t53; and for their ,i4olt:'_cnr of tha law inpoes not orLly th 2nishalt.nt of a nenP1 nature; nceE,2c, :penzaty, LIN;y xn' ti rotivf:2, or cloz.e do-t4n for a. zytimb7.-- of rtrons; 1,2%o illegaly m-.4rcotic zrUl.);:;tancrkm are 7)::1ize-a lan3o::7 r.1", 153, Thc- Z4TZJI (*).? of alnIic:ation in Mega tranzactions Pv%a tlarn.2?d ov(a. thc: 7r i1 ctrtho.jzed ldm 3/13/74 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/09: CIA-RDP98-01394R000200060004-8