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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/07/25: CIA-RD P98-01394R000200030034-8 m of civil ithet#01 :gm test week. Such stepti, sary, he said, to dmy_the,..* ment guerrillas a ehan? when they were "on thei? MITTERRAND ENDS SOUTH AMERICAN TOUR: President Francois Mitterrand, left, sipping rum punch from a coconut yesterday as President Belisario Betan- cur of Colombia, right, and Foreign Minister Ramirez By WILLIAM STOCK1'014 spedai' to ne New York Times ? . MEXICO CITY, 'Oct 20 At the ? busy corner of Insurgentes Avenue and Monterrey Street in the heart of Mex- ico City, a work crew labored Friday to ? create a park on a site where just a few days before a pile of earthquake rubble stood, the remains of a four-story furni- ture store and warehouse. The workmen smoothed topsoil that had been trucked in, laid out strips Of '. sod and planted shrubs and young trees, creating an oasis of green amid ;.? the office buildings and stores and traf- fic.. .,' ? . . . Four blocks to the south on Insur?? gentes, the hulk of what was once a 10- story office building sits abandoned. Its top three floors collapsed, partly slid- ing onto the smaller building peat door and causing it, too, to collapse.. - ?- Ropes with bits of colored cloth have . been strung along the sidewalk to warn 'pedestrians not to venture too close.. BM otherwise the building remains un- touched since two earthquakes struck Mexico City on Sept. 19 and 20. , $1911/ and Costly Process The park ' and the derelict office building are typical of Mexico City a mouth after the earthquakes. Mexico's President, Miguel de la Ma- drid, has told the 'city's residents in teleWstott addresses and public appear- ances that Mexico City is on its feet and ' moving forward.. Government officials , have promised to turn the sites of many destroyeti buildings into parks. The , park thaf took shape Friday is a sym- bol of the Government's eagerness to move forward with the reconstruction ' of the cater of the city, where the earthquake damage was concentrated. ' But I-, broken office building and dozens of others like it where workmen with their cranes and dump trucks have yet to begin the dangerous work of ..demolition reveal how difficult, costly and slow, the process of demolition and reconstruction will be. _ Death Toll Estimates Vary. ? For one thing, bodies are still being pulled from the rubble. And the Gov- ernment said last week that it is hous- ing and feeding morethan 33,000 home- less people in Shelters. There are hull- ?:cations that thousands more - not In- eluded in the official count are living In the streets in makeshift tents and shan- tytown houses of plastic and plywood or ? private shelters and being cared for vonnulears:_f of --bend :??? whose homes were destroyed or so 'badly damaged that they, are Unin- habitable have. moved in with friends or relatives. ? The number of homeless most often cited, and the number Used by -the United States Embassy, is 50,000. Same Erhave used much higher:bum- Eatimates of the death. tell vary widely. A spokesman in the Office of Mexico City's Mayor said last week that 1,970 people killed in the earthquake had been identified 'ad that 359 ether bodies. remithied to be identified. For several weeks Government agencies have put the death toll at 4,600. The United States Embassy 'puts the num- ber at 7,000. Other grows use larger Water Supplies Cut Off. . . . Water supplies have been cut off to thousands of people in the earthqUake zones, including many people whose homes were undamaged. "A common sight each day are lines of children and women with buckets, awaiting their turn at the hose iron]. a tank truck or dipping water from an undergnamd cistern. . Government officials said that 3,124 buildings Were damaged in the earth- quakes, including 412 that. allapped. Some 595 more are coils-Meted beyOnd repair. Particularly hard hit were Govern- ment buildings, some of which col- lapsed. Many others are still standing, but will, have to be demolished. As a result, Many sectors-of the Mex- ican bureaucracy are in disarray. The Mexico City courts, for example, were badly damaged and some courts are still not functioning. . Two civil court high-rise buildings did not collapse, but they cannot be oc- cupied. Workers were busy Thursday removing office furniture and files and loading them onto trucks to be moved to temporary quartere across the d0'. At another seriously damaged office complex where many court offices were located workers have punched ? holes in the walls of each floor of the 21- 'story buildiega'aetterealm; cranes to retrieve furniture and - On Thortda*,.?,11?ittlitaTigi.$ floor was' shoveling,debris frni*.the epee Side of the bundle-tin the tread. The debris lncIUdedbOxE5 and boxes of documenta;their '14,14file. , of the court's important files had been salvaged. Search for Files -The beilding-thet-housettbelfficg9f. theMexica.City Attorney General; who Stroyed.Therwpe of criminal cased tha be prosecuted-hecause-oLioStIlles. ' -But-a-spokesman-for-the-Attorney General said 90-percent otthatiles had been retrievecland_thestalLcOntinued to search in the ruirtalor_wre.. ", , -"A-case.M.-zertfiailar interest to the United *States GovestinialW-of Cattero.-Who-laaccusedia:the death laiit Winter: of a-United , States DruglErtiW*1WALenceggist_gad his _pilot,,AR, etnIxiMy=tatattneild kineri?canjeg_cials act reasmed foi:14-acan authorities Aiat_j. thO docatents-involoed-WAm. case: Were 1.1?:T? ,T-SIT.T.-wr;r? ?? I The 21-floor building basing ths For- eign Ministry was damaged. .badij enough that engineer" Suggested: the ministry's workers evaamte it Until re-. pairs can be made. Workezt porary quarters all 'around the. city. The Foreign Minister, Bernardo Se- pidveda, and his immediate itaff will move in the next few days to a ballram In the 'fashionable Polanco 'section of thecity ''- ? Vigil at Hospital Cantinas* .." 'In a city in which many tragic Scenes have been witnessed in the last month, one of the saddest continues each day outside Juarez Hospital, where a wing collasped, trapping perhaps more than 800 people inside. It was here that nearly four dozen babies were extricated alive from the ruins, some as long as a week after the earthquakes. But that miracle has been muted by the sad vigil that family members of those still Inside maintain at the hospital ware, as of Thursday, 445 bodies, including those of 50 doe- tom, had been found. A ? month later, those 'whine "laved ones have still not been found or idea& fled Cluster outside the emergency room, entrance, awaiting news. Inske. doctors try to identify the now badly de. eliminated. ? "When we hive ;4041 of our hands we are, not .that it be den1ed'usby sive by the Pentagon' Mr. Ortega said in a hattan. "The state .or,?? been declared fundenient# bat the possibility.of thi ma an internal_froet.1--Aei remarks tfaniCei change of thoiME the past has. a5440Finen___ otAtie,! domestic manages,. reVoluticerfacia*Isd.! , stens has publicly Preidi :VasiCin of ? his coafty States wain .? ._ . In Newlftielt ? ?z,t - .? ? ? - ???? ?? But Ian , .,,,? gua's situatiOn ?New-Y: tiong4.,; 7?.?1 Pntveinentsaga." . '',. , :7:V.'''. ,,, ::.4.1 -position -.`tiorec- r.' ".10:,ve. tot: ?`-`? . , fated ? he said of - ?'? 4.1".'??.'"?:' have to mahttaia .e....r- ?,:... - . , to gametes, ? -.1 can't.* them - .... . -lit.',' ' That evaluitia ? ? i ,1:-';'': ftniai vieitif , < ? ? ..,..-..: .....i.,t.,. els:of .thvij**1* knegsgtltatr' have. season. :titiVinefig -substaellal, henvr SeGete). Mr: the bn rebel : read3i ? ? Mintan!: ?? preyed Sandlnlstazu whi bn ? ? '!?.:4-; ? :Sat holied such up,44.:" r. .1841111..1.r .? ij 41 3.# 1$10,04g* aft(sitme.liatt hia .1dr; 'Ortega' of a state of emergenCY stin an attempt to use -formal if anisms to smash any attemp 1st activity" by what be "desperate" coalition thisers and Ameriten agencieL. , Mr. Ort ete said he pennon of civil rigida rogue's lassos lds Government otherwise_ ? "Mt this hisberessk. socossslia Monday VICVVIAP ' ??,1 ? " , ' ? ? _ ? Declassified and and Approved For Release 2013/07/25 : CIA-RDP98-01394R000200030034:8