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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050006-9 r1O Muu gw- 4111911 MEET 0111": T 910 S Y R tj IE-41 Hqs. SNIE 11-10-61 24 August 1961 SPECIAL NATIONAL INTEL IG,EN'CE ESTIMATE NUMBER 11-10-61 SOVIET 'TACTICS IN THE. BERLIN CRISIS A 100 All N? 375 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050006-9 Submitted by the DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE' The following intelligence organizations participated in the preparation of this estimate: The Central Intelligence Agency and the intelligence organizations of the Departments of State, the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, and The Joint Staff. Concurred in by the UNITED STAB INTELLIGENCE BOARD on 24 August 1961. Concurring were The Director of Intelli= gence and Research,. Department of State; the Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence. Department of, the Army; the Assist- ant Chief of Naval Operations (Intelligence), Department of the Navy; the Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, USAF; the Director for Intelligence, Joint Staff; the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense, Special Operations; and the Di- rector of the National Security Agency. The Atomic Energy Commission Representative to the USIB, and the Assistant Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation, abstained, the sub- ject being outside of their jurisdiction. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050006-9 To estimate Soviet tactics in the Berlin crisis over the next few months, with particular reference to the effect on these tactics of possible developments within East Germany. SOVIET TACTICS IN THE BERLIN CRISIS THE PROBLEM THE ESTIMATE 1. With the action of 13 August, the Com- munists have taken a long step toward their objectives in Berlin and have created a new political situation there. The border controls instituted on that date have met East Ger- many's most pressing need by reducing the refugee flow to tolerable proportions. At the same time, the division of Berlin into two separate cities has been made virtually com- plete, with the eastern portion all but in- corporated into the GDR. Thus the Soviets, induced by the rising tide of refugees, have taken unilateral action to achieve results which they had intended to accomplish at a later date, and by different means. 2. The refugee question, however, was only one aspect of the larger problem of stabilizing the GDR, and the closing of the Berlin escape route may worsen other aspects if it leads to a further buildup of tensions within East Ger- many. Even apart from this, the stemming of the refugee flow will not change the USSR's view of the necessity to bolster the GDR's claims to sovereignty with a peace treaty and eventually to eject Western influence from Berlin altogether. We do not believe that the USSR has given up its intention to press for a peace treaty and a "free city." The question is whether the Soviet leaders will accelerate their movement towards these objectives, or will moderate their pace after their consider- able achievements of 13 August. 3. The action in Berlin has initiated a mo- mentum which the Soviets may wish to sus- tain. A wide variety of further unilateral measures is available to them. The termina- tion of military liaison missions would be a relatively low-keyed act which might appear to the Soviets as a means of keeping events moving in their favor.' Another option would be to deny Allied rights to enter East Berlin, thereby carrying to its conclusion the destruction of the four-power status of that part of the city. More drastically, the East Germans might disrupt or harass civil traffic between West Berlin and the Federal Re- public; most dangerous of all, interference with Allied access might begin. Politically, the USSR might choose to accelerate the timing of a peace conference and a separate treaty with the GDR. 4. Another factor which could importantly affect the .USSR's timing and tactics is the increasing involvement of Soviet prestige. Khrushchev in recent weeks has reacted to the stiffening US attitude by increasing his commitment to early action. He now asserts that the issue transcends the problems of Germany and Berlin, important as these re- ' Under the occupation, the US, French, and British forces in West Germany presently have military missions accredited to the Soviet Com- mander in East Germany, who in turn has missions to the three Allied Commanders. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050006-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050006-9 SECRET main, and that the West's refusal to conclude a peace treaty represents an attempt to achieve a "strategic breakthrough" against the Bloc. In claiming a challenge to Soviet power and prestige, he wishes to convey to his opponents that the Soviet Union cannot be expected to draw back from crisis situations in which rea- son and prudence would appear to dictate re- straint. He might decide to take new steps on Berlin which would strengthen the image of inflexible resolve. 5. In our recent estimates of the USSR's policy toward Germany and Berlin, we have regularly attributed to the Soviet leaders a confidence that they can move gradually toward their eventual objectives without incurring unac- ceptable risks. We have pointed to their be- lief that the West could proba Zy -bein uced to make negotiated conce . And we have furtfiier es lma ed that, if these Soviet expectations are not borne out, the iTSSRw111 move unilateral ,_btat-,still-int-ending-to,-I~ro- ceed in such a ----- - way as to. avoid at any stage unduly high risks of war.2 6. We believe that Soviet actions in the re- cent phase of the Berlin crisis do not indi- cate that the USSR has departed from this general approach and method. Thus we con- clude that the Soviets' present intention probably is not to take further drastic ac- tion immediately, though they may undertake measures of limited scope. For example, they will probably further restrict German civil and Allied access to East Berlin, and they may embark upon a program of gradual harass- ments of German civil traffic to West Berlin. But rather than pose a major challenge to West Berlin itself and the Allied position there, we believe that their present preference is to let the effects of the border closure sink in and see whether the Western Powers have Our principal estimates on Soviet policy with respect to Berlin and Germany are NIE 11-4-60, "Main Trends in Soviet Capabilities and Policies, 1960-1965," dated 1 December 1960, paragraphs 161- 164, TOP SECRET; NIE 11-7-61, "Soviet Short-Term Intentions Regarding Berlin and Germany," dated 25 April 1961, SECRET; and SNIE 2-2-61, "Soviet and Other Reactions to Possible US Courses of Ac- tion with Respect to Berlin," dated 11 July 1961, TOP SECRET, Limited Distribution. become more inclined to accept Soviet terms of negotiations. 7. In the absence of fairly definite proposals by the West, we think it unlikely that Khru- shchev will take the initiative in formally proposing a date and other specifics for East- West negotiations. He clearly wishes to ap- pear as the champion of negotiations, and he may throw out hints, in an effort to encour- age a Western proposal, that the USSR could be persuaded to reduce its demands if a con- ference were arranged. If presented with a Western invitation, he would respond favor- ably but would undoubtedly attempt to define the task of the conference in a fashion which served Soviet interests. If the negotiations were,in train toward the end of the year, he would probably postpone his deadline for a treaty. If negotiations do not materialize, we believe that the next Soviet step will be to issue invitations to their own peace confer- ence, probably accompanied by a revised draft of a treaty applicable to both German states and providing for the declaration of a "free city" status for West Berlin. We think under these circumstances that the chances are still considerably better than even that the treaty would not be signed before the Party Congress which convenes on 17 October. Effect of Developments in East Germany 8. Soviet tactics will be affected by a large number of factors, including the posture adopted by the West, the movement of opin- ion in the important uncommitted countries, and domestic developments in East Germany. We have recently examined the possibility that serious unrest might arise in East Germany and have concluded that, under most circum- stances, a major eruption is unlikely;3 here we consider how popular disturbances or an uprising might affect Soviet tactics. 9. The Soviet leaders evidently are confident of their capability for keeping discontent in check and repressing any outbreaks which might occur. If they came to feel that the chances of a general rising were becoming SNIE 12.4-61, "Stability of East Germany in a Berlin Crisis," dated 15 August 1961, SECRET. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050006-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31 : CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050006-9 substantial, their main domestic efforts would probably be in the direction of menace and intimidation. They would alert and deploy their own forces in East Germany, as well as those of the GDR, and the public would be warned of the regime's determination to re- act with speed and vigor to hostile manifesta- tions. Additionally, they would probably make available additional supplies of con- sumer goods in order to relieve economic shortages. 10. Popular dissatisfaction with internal po- litical and economic conditions would be the basic cause of mass unrest. However, the Communist efforts to consolidate the GDR as a separate German state by isolating it from further contact with the West, combined with the international tension generated by Communist pressures against West Berlin, are adding to popular unrest. Thus, there is a relationship between the degree of unrest in East Germany and Moscow's pursuit of its policies aimed at neutralizing West Berlin and fixing the division of Germany, particularly since the 13 August action has deprived the East German regime of a safety valve. 11. Even so, we see little chance that the USSR, if it believed that an East German ris- ing was likely, would respond by altering its principal aims or policies with respect to Ber- lin. While it is possible that the Soviets might temporarily modify their tactics or ex- tend their timing to reduce the likelihood of a serious German uprising, we think it un- likely that such a Soviet response would be either very significant or lasting. Moreover, we believe that it would be next to impossible to convince the USSR, the GDR, or the East German people that the West intended or had the capability to support widespread anti- regime activities. 12. We believe that the Communists will act speedily and firmly in meeting evidences of public disorder, if these actually develop, in East Germany in the months ahead. If, an uprising should occur, they would regard themselves as having no other choice than to put it down, despite the cost to their position and the danger of Western involvement. In the wake of such a repression, the Soviets might accelerate their moves toward a sepa- rate peace treaty, believing that it was un- profitable to spend further time in cultivating world opinion or waiting for East-West talks, and that an early treaty would start the proc- ess of rebuilding East German sovereignty and authority. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/31: CIA-RDP98-00204R000100050006-9