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Approved For RjWe 2003/ 0117200030018-7 NRO and OSD review(s) completed. AOR .MET _., ;~rE.N JL y_E SECRETARY O- 1 ENSE AN TH 5IR::;C t OR OT CENTRAL LNITZLLMENCE ON MANAGEMENT OF T NATIONAL LCONN TZS NCE PROGRAM' I. Management of the National Recon ia.iocancc Program cap z:~ii4 es A. To insure that the particular talonto, expezience and within the Department of Defense and the Central Intelligence Agency are fully and most effectively utilized in the octabsishment, management an-: conduct of the National Rocouna.3osance ?4e r."_ r, the Secretary of Dofc se and the Director of Central Intelligencz; h% : -by agree that the '"cc et~.~?~ of Defense shall be the Executive Agent for the National }:~cc _r_.sicsancc Programs which shall be develorwed, managed and condwet~-.? - wcco~~u- c? with pol.ciea and guidance joi:atly agroec to by the sec eta: j c Defense and the Director of Central Intelligenac?. B. To carry out his responsibilities as Ea:ecutive Agent for the National Reconnaissance PSogrz-,:=, the Secretary of Defense will establish as a separate operating agency of the Dc_:art ncnt of Defense E -National Reconnaissance Office under the direction, a?zt" ority and con;,: al of the Secretary of Defense. C. In the execution of their r:: ~pect'-ve Lesti noibilities the Secretary of Defense and the Director of Ce~R~ ~: la~clligence may eesigrate appropriate officialo of the Office of the rw::etary of Defense and the Central Intelligence Agency to cane an. monitor on their behalf the activities of the National Reconnaissance. Office. U. Organization and Command of the National Reconnaissance OfW: ce The National Reconnaissance Office shall consist of: the officers and em-Ae;; yea A. A Director appointed from among of the :C;;partment of Defence by the Socictany of Defense with t_e concurrence of the Director of Cent=_1 Intelligence, who shall devote a major portion of his time to the buciness of the National Reconnaissance Office. B. A Deputy Director ark oint~..: f::cn-I among, the officereE; an-" 25X1 E:Z_plc: Lo of the Central nce -..~e_^cy by the Director of Cc...~_. Approved For Release 20 P3/ -P CI; 0-1172R000400030018-7~1 A % pproved For R#e 2003/08 1172FI&00030018-7 direction and control of its Director, is responsible for the management of all aspects of the NU, inclucang but not limited to,. Subject to the direction, authority and. control of the Secretary efense, the National Reconnaissance C Tice, under the operational 25X1 Intelligence with the concurrence of the Secretaz:y of efe:use. The Deputy Director NRO shall be in the cha.::n of coin _n_and ~'iuectly under the Director NRO and shall at awl Urn oz be cy';: f l u, ^i currently informed iris to a?1 acti:v t'cs of the National Reconnaissance Program. Under the direction of the Director NRO he shall be responsible for: 1. Supervising relations between the NRO and the United States Intelligence Board and its subcommittees, and the intellagonce exploitation community. 2. Supervising all NRP tasks assigned by the Director NR'RO to the Central Intelligence Agency. 3. Performing such other duties as may be assigned by the Director, NRO. The Deputy Director bhall act for, and exercise the powers of ' he Director, NRO, during his absence or dicabni? ty.. C. Such personnel of the Army, Navy, Air Force, other ~tc'l Mgc::~ ?. components of the Department of Defence and the Central Agency as shall be assigned on a full time basis to appropriate po;ri; within the National Reconnaissance Office. D. The chain of command shall run directly from the Sc~:etary of Defense as Executive Agent to the Dircctor, NRO. Guidar_c- to the Director. NRO, shall be furnished by the Secretary of De= nee as Executive Agent hereunder and by the United States Intelligence Board. XII. Functions and' Responsibilities of the National Reconnaissance Office Approved For Release 2003/08 COPY-L-0, Copies. I 72R0004000q, Oi of ~' Y-tic . B01172F 00030018-7 Approved For R*e 2003/086 V W-,M* 25X1 A. Development on a continuing basis fa- the approval of the Secretary of Defense and the Director o" Central Intelligence of a single National Reconnaissance :''rogz,.rn of all projects for collection of interi once, mapping and geedotic information throe;h overflights over denied territory, bir C(t.1 r_,+.K n uys erns e6aciusivo of normal p? ripheral operations. Ada::iznn n use will be made of appropriate technical and operational capabilities and resources of the Depart- ment of Defense, NSA and CIA to support all collection and processing; projects. B. Responding directly and solely to the intelligcn ce collcctic requirements and priorities established by the United States Intelligence Board. C. Scheduling all missions for overflights in the National Reconnaissance Program, obtaining appropriate clearances whore required from higher authority. B. All NRP flights over denied territoAry, employing w .~~z opri to capabilities, facilities and resources of the Department of Defe ose and the Central Intelligence Agency. E. Initial imagery processing, titlin ~, production and olive y of the collected product to the users as specified. by the USIB. F. Decommutation, conversion, technical correction and reconstruction of the collected electronic s' gaal data to yield a usable collection product? and delivery of such collection product in proper format together with associated data necessary for e zploita ion to the NSA or other user as specified by the U2EB. G. Engineering analysis of all collection systems to correct the problems that exist on the operating systems as well as to pr: ovide information for new systems. H. 'Planning and, conduct of research and development of future NRP projects, utilizing appropriate resources and capabilities of the DoD. CIA and private contractors. ~. Copy of Copic?. Approved For Release 2003/WPC B01172R000400~R18- o~ _j Approved 'For R*e 2003/q,8 B01172 00030018-7 P40 V P_?esentation, as rewired, of all aspcc;,:z. of the NRP to the Special Group and the Preeadcnt~c !Foreign ntcl'. gc. ce Advisory Board. J. Maintenance of a unilow na eystem of sgcu id r procedures and control in accordance with cecgicgy po~stabi ohedforc theNRPb, the' Director of Central Intellii;;ence. X. Preparation of budget r eq e cis for all N 710p7- ogr:auYaa and precen Lion and substantiation of .cis budget recrunecis to the Secretary of fence and the Director of Central Intelligence, the Bureau of the budget and Congressional Com - i':-,;eee. CIA will include in its budget presentation to the Durea,u of the ,,udgct and Cong: occional Committees the funds for those NRP tasks which are assigned to CIA and which arcs to be financed from NRO resources. L. Direction and management of, the application of, and adminis- tration or all funds made available for the National Reconnaissance Program. 8?n s ~ex u~ G o7i obligated uder-the authority of the ~; ec_ ?r~_. .. e ~t ? n slli eunce under Pub;ac Law 110 will be aclnca ,nwte e~1 ~~,. .. tirt,..,.