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415 acYCx lease LUUJ1Uo1U4 : (CIA-I(UVUbtiU11 1LKUUUWtlU5U09 review(s) completed. ACRi:..??? P^1 .,?, B r-,Y? ?..? 625i56-63 0 H?^ Or, o tANACEMENT OF THE NATIONAL r Eco Ji~4 ~u )ANCE PROGRAM 25X1 1. IvilanageneJnt of the National l2ecozan ac a;accs i ogara rssa A. To incurce that the par. t cu}lsi n 11Iithin the De +~, .~ p C:?i~? ~; G:ii S.`Q sub r'.~ lo^ sa% u m~sv II j~artllZent of JUGACZAyC: ant.1 1 ie y+.~L"?.W.?c? a '?.. 4? s Zrcr 1,211y asacd most effectivelof = u6wli roe ~ c ~,`.~ ;y ?1;3 i;Oadia$ iai o e">2wkAd~ uCa3LC kk c~.i3d cOn .uct of the National Rccoa aaio a.r.*tc0 L,>?a - at3y.~...8Xla the Sc:cAr.,3:at~sy of and the DircctOr of Central late liir!4:+> ze 110::0, 1 ry ?c ry < Scc: that ,. ec~:eta Dc fexAse shad be the :XCCUtive IL Zy A 99 on P ogr?arno which chall be d.eveloiicd t7 tiwiLia policies and guidance jointly . o cor~,~t:cccd I.,, accc~.~c:-.z.ace ly a :c;ers to by the e cTctaal of l;::fe zo and the Director of Central Bite-11i nce. B. To carry out 1hia recpoyjci ow, c~. wo e>~ a- tional Reconnaissance zC? .,curve A1;ex^e6 fDr the x G c:FY3p t w6: ;ic.d:i n` vaS s ?i ..e'nsc will acs a separate operating agency of th ...c,. a tment of .L; Reconnaissance Office under the 4 ll ...4 Cauthority authority vied o a 1~. ofi ,jj y aL.+~y c^,:a cJtAWrQj of ua Secretary Defense. C. In the execution of their respec6ivc a?ec . oraci g~itiec of Defence and the Director of Ccntzal Intelligence may deoi gatSec e ap tab~;~ paopria`e officials of the Cffice of the rcc?ctary of Defence and the Co t::at, Intelligence Agency to exazninra a; r r . of the National Recoanais anee Cf acc. rya a4r crag i;~a~:ir ~ Eaia tl~e acusvYtr c II. Organization and Cornmar:,cl of ce The National ReconnaaissarcG VdAT.CC .1~ac. consist of: A. A Director appointed from aarno-,iv faze officers and e ployC.C;3 of the bcparth- nt of Defence by ti.. ^ Secxe'a-ty of ofej:jo ~Vita1 the C0,%C%:A"? ronce of the Director of Centza' Ia.tcl3n ? o who shall devote a major portion of his time to the buoincoc of the IJc oval aeconnaici3 aaace 0f cc. B. A Deputy Director appointed fr: o n among the officcro and ompioycec o the Contral late liiger ce A+ , ency by the Director of Ce: tral Ezclace., it-:Pn ?!t,:na'a de;;ng~~ ^? and j tl2c1~ siica;ian Approved Fo ele eL 4P3 08/04: CIA-RD 6BO1172R000400030016- 16~L' 1l1.i"t,l i C OR 401,4.r d S a t U.4 L 4 .L a'.'.e L LIOE l V lore 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/04: CIA-RDP96B01172R000400030016-9 ? lial i-emcc w1 the concur-oz c c cPi3o. TL''s^. Di ecto; N O :abed b,~ i'I'B u';.3 c 4^~ :4'.fi va ' c 5 ~w.L1:+J undo the Ua?c3ctor I' RO and r? 'll at a,.5.', . 1 _,?4 r. ^s t. ,,+ r ',r Aa~Ga at . ab.. Lizo 'rao d ar, w a aCn,. ,~e o. r.?.Q ^," .?. ! '^. r r. ra na, '. wJ r1V3LruC./ i. ,. c.ya'.+~~a dai~NnCE ~:V~a as the 1U~1 Lb:wmd:vv 4ce or. lOit ti, on cozx muulvy. 2? super Vb8{b91r, all 3`:> l:u.u.?.u ~....,,A4;IC^G: by the D.1L eCto"- 2N.:ae.' to th me at aI L l aace .:'~ esxc, . 3 J f'~na3ii2ilk i; euci:: othoz &.Z"-C;; z a -,,:z be wlwdow ~wvr~s by the 9. ixector. NYlO? The Deputy Diiaector shall ct for, ca t 'a w ovrcz:c c' the D ectoi;, N11O, during hip, Qbzeisco ow C. Such personz.ei of the A nz a Navy" ai orce,' OS ea CCiSi3j3A1~Ci11i e QA r he DepaY txneat of Defence azid t e ? l 1L.~cl ce.14,3e .cy wo dlhal l awsianed on a full Y.xrao bz-U to Qaq)a opJCi6o".rte Z)o oflienu withi the tua onal Ivecounauccanco 0 MCC. D. The chain of Colaai??.w:Td `wT rWlp: 9:"6' ycc Iy Lyom the -.Ca?fi'6w1n J o i el'.lu3GC as '+:;Qcut ve d3Fgoaa4 to W''9a x,i ete~'~ . `' . ^ to "h e Cww .-iACG wa% ;xccfiasi*, i O. o allbe au ,ctbJL.e c e prof a:.~cao Zzecs Live Agent l rounder and by e to 1 to :I e L onco aaai?: . lY. Fuzktlono and Pcaponc;iLIM tec o; the l~ th ial Ilecorm ;ccance CIS co Subject to the direction, a$e:3C~~t ty c"!a> co t.ol of the Soc 't ,1wly cf ,roro ce. the ational yrecon i.zoai:'ce OI 1 yea under the direction and control of !to I: ircc;;ow, ar. 4 c ,poazlble Ion the as =.,;ca;ae ; of all acts of the N RP, izcludli Z,vdv purr l a ed to: Approved For Release 2003/08/04: CIA-RDP~ 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/08/04: CIA-RDP96B01172R000400030016-9 ?r \,^ A.. D veloprnent oa'& a con'U,n , av rb.Z c foi: the a rproval 04' the S cz:otary of Defenze and the ~r~~c or o? s~e;a.drz~t l htellwgomce of uL4t,la National RoconzaissaaTce Pe: o` m a'm of all pm ojecta #oi: cclzlect-lon of lnt ll.igenco, mapping and ;Cvd:;wic i:~rkr a o t1 ro h cv hto over denied territory. by coalection oyc' caao o2zcluoivo of no:mial peripheral operation3. Iva: .;rnv'r uou wwiYi be ,wade of appropYiata technwcal and operational cap abiUt .o and re eurces of the y .:partme t of De?enoe, N A and C to cu ?;, orC. iii coiiec-: on and proceoei - B. Responding directly and coLely to the intelfl1Zcnce collection aiL~ a: a Y ~ Y G A U ' t and pr iori `ion: 3 ~ i n 3 s a 'a d '::;y t "tates Z .,telal- ;once Board. C. Scheduling, all rn .osriono for ovo: ? ; sam x in the National Recoznairs. eance Program. obtaining, :pAarupr~a e clearances where required from higher authority. D. All N ,P flights over denied terrwtory, employing app ?opr;,.ato capabilities. facilities and roeourceo of t ho, Departnai=t of Defense and the Central Intelligence Agency. E. Initial imagery pr'ocesoin , ta.tling, prode ction and delivery of the collected product to the us ax r; as, specified by the USm. F. Decoraarnutation, cony*eroion? i correction and reconstruction of the collected e . ct:s c: .c ew n 1 data to yield a ucahle collection product. and delivery of such collection product in ydropor fors at togethor with associated, data ~ae:cce ry for ploitation to the NSA or other user as specified by the UDID. G. '''n iaeering analysis of all coPlcct':on cysterns to correct the problems that exist on the opera ng s yot~ me as well as to provide information for new systems. I. Planning and conduct of re earch and development of future IMP, projects, utilizing appropriate resources and capaabilitlee of the DOD. CIA and private contractors. Approved For Release 2003/08/04: CIA-RDP9 Approved For Release 2003/08/04: CIA-RDP96B01172R000400030016-9 25X1 t. Pwozeata7ltion, as aeL.KttireLL 0c all cc ccta oZ Z1 4'a