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Approved For Release 2007/12/14: CIA-RDP96BOl 172R000300030005-1 J -31' OCTOBER j9821* THE-SUNDAY'_TINjES; --- p An alarming rift appeared last seek between British and American intelligence services, with . the Americans leaking .4e. a_ il`s. of a security crisis at the Government .Commur cations.Headquarte'rs . in Cheltenham. But many ,people will be- equally alarmed by the extraordinary network of computer- ised eavesdropping which the' affair ''has high- lighted. Report by' Linda Melvern .and :Mark Hosenball in Washington;; Phillip Knightley and Nick Anning in London / Approved For Release 2007/12/14: CIA-RDP96B01172R000300030005-1 Nick Aiming in _.,Approved For Release 2007/12/14: CIA-RDP96BO1172R000300030005-1 A FORMER United States opposite number a friend in London last Between. us" we' have - week. The friend asked how ensured ..that. the blankets things were. going. "I'm and sheets:ar'e?more-tightly doing a couple of freelance tucked -around the -bed in jobs for Uncle. Sam," the which our. two sets "of people former official' said. + What lie and, like you, I like it jobs?, his -friend -: asked that way."-. There was a long silence; This. bedfellow 'relation- 'then the American replied:` ship has been crucial to the' " You don't think I'm going organisations' staggering to tell you that down an joint capacity to intercept open line to' London, do and decode signals:- " -- you?". ? GCHQ and NSA have ac- His caution was under- cess to intercepted messages NSA ` ~ the.;Atlantic;,:an 1\officer ?..GCHQ's listening: station. standable. Every trans- from all over- the world. In said two years ago : " There -in Hong. Kong = which ? is atlantic call-indeed every partnership with similar are three satellites over the:` part funded by, NSA -. international and domestic agencies in Canada, Austra- Atlantic, . each .'capable of.--provided the Americans call which goes out over the lia, New Zealand and the transmitting on 'about 20,000 with information. about the air-waves-must now be con- Nato countries, they monitor circuits. There are eight -Vietnamese . attitude! t o . sidered open to the eaves- military. and diplomatic mes- transatlantic -cables with peace negotiations during droppers: the US National sages-by radio, 'telex, tele- about -5,000: circuits.-_ We. the 'Vietnam war and, Sup- S e c u r i t y Agency and type and microwavev, as well monitor'-them. all." plied intelligence. to guide Britain's Government Com- as ' commercial ; messages, ? ?. F US bombers on raids.-over . munications Headquarters satellite communications and NSA's'computers, -pro-- Hanoi. NSA,-for its .. part; ' Between them, these two in- telephone calls: grammed' to -,home .ini_iion a?. kept Britain up to date or teiligence-gathering. .-organ- signal 'if 'the ick: y .'p p'ra; Argentinian mldirary=`traffici isations are able to monitor.- _~ . ;? ~ : -key 'word , cover 11 acres : ,-.'during: -the`. Falklands war; the entire globe. Thecomputers canlook for Both.-:agencies gathe ed;in % The scale of their :eaves-, these ;key words at tbe.rate.forrieauon on American anti-` dropping is still -not recog of four, million characters war';; p""rotesters between": Wised by most people. Secret:' :second, which means. thaf 1967 and .'1973 'by listening ly, and almost without pro-:..(, thev. could read and -index'"+to their-domestic- and inter:; ications intelligence) has, f4 f `~ 1 -before:you -could pronounc traditional spies). Technical watch lists of- organisa- int,^as one British SJS officer van - The Puzzle Palace '; matically. intercepted. These. of NCA' ?...1, .. .. .. 'histor y -conversation`s: of .-Op- Soviet`: GCHQ`--the acronyntn is ,officials drivin to t Krem- groups, known terrorists -and O.ver:-the years,=-the.-.relay used 'both for the intelli- g their` ympathisers;".: embas- tionsllip between -GCHQ and>> in- in" their limousines. At gence -system and for Ats sles,arade missionsand"some: -NASA grew so- dose that i its. - headquarters .in ;Fort' headquarters at Cbeltenhatri Meade Maryland it has hs;-pohtitins ? r n'. each stationed _,-ambassa is the post-war successor ~ t ~~. dots' ~=-tofthe o.ther'sagency? teased to:Soviet ships calling is 'Durin the earl sty e i to the Government Code'and g' y` g s"of'~"These -were SU.SLOsenior Cypher School, which pro- each other, to Soviet sate]- Britain's 'negotiate-ons to joiti US - liaison-- officer) .=and lites, reporting from space, the Common Market, GCHQ-,';SUKLO .(senior K- liaison . vlded -the Allies : - with invaluable .information by to the construction: boss of . res~?;_ the`- tra.$c. .-passing _: officer) ' ,Personal '- friend-1 intercepting and breaking eria missile site in Sib between -our4- .prospective, ships strengthened-4b " coded German wireless sig- ria telephoning Moscow.-- European ' il, partners,' thus' in ; May this?yeaI ctbe retir naIs. In a rare statement about giving Br?tish-negotiators.an='ing Ii7SA director, Rear Ad- Since 1947, when a secret GCHQ-NSA _ability .to read_ important ,"card -..in w: their mural 'Bobby Ray . Inman, treaty, " known as UKUSA, everything , passing across ---bargaining pack::: flew to-London -as-"the guest linked GCHQ -with the:. -of,, the. present;, head--_ .of embryonic`.RtSA, the'..twG,--- you,-whenihe.ratons-were around you for exemple:"8gtweenPis'??^? ''GCHQ, Sir-Brian`Tovey. At networks, shave --freely ex-_; ? - we ,have ensuredthat'he' blankets and'sheets are more tightly tucked' the dinner, -a-speaker men- changed information.' The; aroundtfie bed in ; whichourtwosets of people lie and,:like;you;-I, tinned ".this"very','special 're*-' like It that war. .2helines had notalwa s been` clear, Rh at was not- late4nship-- doseness.of the relation shi Ii r l n --' ' ' ourfault -- or so I?shall elwa s, mairta nl was described avidly= - -In". ?, r ;'~ '? -All + of _ this gmakes the 1969-by a,-director of GCHQ breach that-nnow-appears to in a .private letter- to his In cosier tinges : -a GCHQ director to his US "'cousin ". be,?:vpexling up. between th?e. Approved For Release 2007/12/14: CIA-RDP96B01172R000300030005-1 Approved For Release 2007/12/14: CIA-RDP96B01172R000300030005-1 two,agencies-`all fhe-"more .striking. What has brought I them_ to the point ,where, their close '. partnership seems inimminent danger.of coming iv, THE" `.ACCUSATIONS,; S. voiced-_ in Washington last --week,-.were -that-GCHG had Jailed to provide NSA with.?a comprehensive - ?_'d a.m a g e assessment -report -after, a Soviet spy :ring had been un- covered-.at Cheltenham- and I ;?2hat:-repeated ;requests- for' this had met- with'- evasions.. This specific cojnplaint then::; `broadened' intq,-:- a-~-general, attack -on`,-' -GCHQ:--security,,, -ziotonly at`?Cheltenhazn;::but; ',at' its overseas -_--stations.. ' GCHQ, -the Americans said,:.`] was:." as leaky as ' an. old .. The manner in ;%,hich'the .accusations 'surfaced.-= an: ..article , in '? the- New?York.-, Times -' is signifi"cant. The'-: New York Times. reporter,. Philip Taubman ho-regu- - larly.covers intelligence mat- 4, Yens, :insisted last -week _that.~ th'e . story -?, had- not-` been. deliberately : fed,_ xo ?him. ..'.-Taubman.. said be -bad -been-; speaking ,to , an intelligence official --on"linoth'er= matter-' and,; as the' interview . drew; `4q,.--a close,-.had:asked-what; -Washington %'. =knew ~..aboui rumoured leaks -at. Chelten.:, ham; The official responded;) -with '-sufficienf. information- j for.:`Taubman-towrite.'his front-page 'stor 'Howeverr- our->:own en: - quiries;iri =Washington--sug gest.that-the leak toihe'New= York. Times -was deliberate.y There-' has:--been concern`! -'in ..:American intelligence circles for-some time.about ..the -whole. way.-'in-which 'primarily about .blueprints for -action. .AIL have been posturings-' .in"-t. a-? -contest., Every -stance `taken - about virtually every-policy'-by: avprv__n~litician'_-w.hether--in- GCHQ is. run and a feeling if1e :'it1 elihood^. th.a:;t. :.-'that- if the British govern GCHQ will: =.`: release So= '. ust :,~ment,was not to damage asses'stnenrrep4 she r of ? t o-S mainoviet--. opera- prepared highly remote. But-the very t i exercise more. control over. Li o is o 'm on .is to monitor ;"volume i ! nature _.,nl = CGH GCHQ, Then the 'Americans Q s work.* ork. ?and location -lie amount. were. Some Washington makes it..possible to-deduce , 'of radio traffic and `where?it in broad terms what.Has. officials are said to regard is coming from. Changes in., the current. --Cheltenham leaked. from.Cheltenham;.to.< either'; can Lbe .?significant'I affair as an opportunity to .assess_'its