Mother Teresa brings call for service, peace to D.C.

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A SPi tIAL GUEST tel 1?mrez, BY WAYNE PARTLOW-THE WASHINGTON POST Apprimill Eon ReleakidIeettiM07iff.sserikultt9fatEPX921t013#01015P0Ofil -0 diploma yesteidaY;The 77-year-old nun addressed Gonzaga gra ua es uring e ceremony. o y, age mo. -2 v: Approved For Release 2001/0307 Which 'adjoins the school' s2--Abblit7-400 others watched 'rcuitA 000 tele- zR7 0550001-0 WVAIE PAR-OW-THE WASHINGTON POST ks with the Bev. Bernard J:Vaeley during the ceremony. eyesa rings Cal ervice Peace to D.C. RtheE, presa, te oe eace winner w.,12o, heads the 'w.9E1 - 1i1SsiOnarie Chailty, at- jse high- school uatiorl yesterdaY, handing out '-lOrria-i to graduates of Washing- - -piiii-ok?MikTi School and for service and peace. ? My`ear-old nun, wholives in where she and her Roman order carefor the poorest oor, ai`O`olc' hands withwith each esut saio-o-1% 186-graduates ,.,..passe out ? mfornas. She a iligh Graduates After losing enrollment as its neighborhood north of Union Sta- Atioli?deterioiated in the 1960s and Gonzaga has flourished in ,recent years. It now draws about -equal numbers of students from the -District, Maryland and Virginia. The school has added buildings and refurbished old ones. "We are important to the extent that we extend ourselves to oth- ers," Smedira said in his speech, 'echoing a theme of Mother Tere- Sa's. one steitip on the altar of St. 7 siuSurc-h-, iii-O-S-COf the uaTeTin ffie all-male class tow- ye -her Slight, stooped fig- hiook', hands _pretty firmly God s mu, saidgraduateBrian Ktosiirtei:::tikf ceremony. rnost bsurc1 fiat a person er'l4eresa should come around the World to attend 1i7hOrioring us," said vale- orian 'Swart, C. . -Smedira-. 'It is YltirtilTthat, in a wOrld with tittieliPle, that we as individ- s Mike -a difference. But that, , r Teresa, accompanied by Mem i's o her order, arrived ore the start of the ceremo- She left quietly just before it hiiF?d _a half later, and driVen'froin "The' 'CluirCh On ,apito. -Street in a small e van._ ?"' ? ,e::y:.:13erriard J. Dooley, tdentth .year-old Obj Said he wrote Mother Te- erterof inVitation about a lffEralio' "had' sonie. help rpm Soffit parents who know her." inatedd,Origking- a donation to V64, the seniors gave their ft-'about 14,000?to her er, *Iiia?OPerateS three mis- s Ifilhe?DisifiCt. She received Oirof Clirward yesterday. Some ersitiesa-L-6eOrget6'Wri-six years COTtlinbia last week?have firin her-hoiforary-degrees. er speech was a homily, urging iradhafeS to Serve others and "never' he-arraid to do small things er nor only for bread, thatiL ere afe iiianY places kgroiSreire-dying of hunger," Teiesa- Wald. "But there is f,tei:iThfelihriger for love. e fruit of love is service. The fruit of service is peace," she contin- ed:"Ai;_d peace begins with a smile." the ceremony Mother Te- e,p,,.e-d- Often as she chatted th tiOoley. She applauded the Chizol's wind ensemble after it layed March that John Philip nsa?,had.conducted at a Gonzaga 'nation in 1886. ? pd she joined in applause and 'irarti; jaiiihter for Dr. Richard D. cid, a 1917 graduate of the ool,yho said he has made it to a -and 3/4" by following a men Of "two steaks a year, one ass Of Wine a day, a low-choles- ro -diet, one egg a week, and vi- oTent exercise Aout 1,200- people filled the which' adjoins the school' dmisiikhoilt-400 others watched ceremon'dosed-circuit tele- gas CIA-R Approved Ric P96-00792R000700550001-0