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Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP9670092R0007,0011300022-5
0278-6060/82/0403-0227 $06.50/0
0 Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Inc., 1982
Printed in the United Kingdom
Psychophysiological Correlates of
Communication, Gravitation and Unity
The Syntergic Theory
Pro fesor e Investigador de Tiempo Completo. Facultad de Psicologia, Univers/dad Nacional
Autonoma de Mexico e Instituto Nacional Para el Estudio de la Conciencja"
The syntergic theory postulates that the brain creates an energetic field (the neuronal field)
that expands into space, interacts 'With the space-matter continuum, is able to change the
informational content of the latterk and thus affects other neuronal fields and physical
forces. According to this theory, gravitation is a by-product of an alteration in the inform-
ational content of the space-matter continuum, and human communication is based on
neuronal field in teiactitms.
It is proposed that a brain operating in a highly coherent mode and in an abstract fashion
(high neurosyntergic brain) creates a neuronal field that would decrease the gravitational
forces around it. By the same token, a brain functioning in a relatively noncoherent mode
and in a concrete fashion (low neurosyntergic brain) creates a neuronal field that could
shift the informational content of the surrounding space toward that modality.
In the syntergic theory, experience is considered as the interaction between the neuronal
field and the energetic (syntergic) organization of space. A high neurosyntergic brain will
experience unity, while a low neurosyntergic brain will experience reality froM.the vantage
point of a personal ego.
A high neurosyntergic brain would increase the syntergy of space and thus could affect
the experience resulting from the interaction of other neuronal fields with that altered
This approach is the one that contemporary physics requires in order to be able to
incorporate experience into its realm and thus expand its limits to include life and con-
sciousness. I suggest that this step will allow physics to find the elusive unified field.
A number of experiments have been designed in order to tests these ideas; the results
of some of them are here reported.
A few months before his death, Zen master Shunryu Suzuki said:
. Nothing comes from outside your mind. Usually we think of our mind as receiving
impressions and experience from outside, but that is not a true understanding of our mind.
The true understanding is that the mind includes everything; when you think something
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Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000700130002-5
comes from outside, it means only that something appears in your mind. Nothing outside
yourself can cause any trouble. You yourself make the waves in your mind. If you leave
your mind as it is, it will become calm. This mind is called 'big mind'.
If your mind is related to something outside itself, that mind is a small mind, a limited
mind. If your mind is not related to anything else, then there is no dualistic understanding
in the activity of your mind. You understand activity as just waves of your mind. Big mind
experiences everything within itself. Do you understand the difference between the two
minds; the mind which includes everything, and the mind which is related to something?
Actually they are the same thing, but the understanding is different, and your attitude
towards your life will be different according to which understanding you have.
That everything is included within your mind is the essence of mind. To experience
this is to have religious feeling. Even though waves arise, the essence of your mind is pure',
it is just like clear water with a few waves. Actually water always has waves. Waves are the
practice of water. To speak of waves apart from water or water apart from waves is a delusion.
Water and waves are one. Big mind and small mind are one. When you understand your
mind in this way, you have some security in your feeling. As your mind does not expect
anything from outside, it is always filled. A mind with waves in it is not a disturbed mind,
but actually an amplified one. Whatever your experience is an expression of big mind.
(Suzuki, 1977)
Can we postulate some physiological correlative of Suzuki's big mind?
The existence of a unified big mind, implies that space as a concept and as a
physical reality is no more than an illusion. If this is true, then also, the concept
of distance must be abandoned.
Equally true, the existence of a unique mind, if accepted, makes cumbersome
the reality of individual minds and isolated brain structures.
Since science is so cautious in its acceptance of new hypotheses, postulates
and theories, to incorporate within its structure the idea of a unique mind, it
would be necessary to prove that:
i) Brain activity exists outside the skull.
ii) This extra-skull activity establishes a functional connection between
different brains and unites them.
iii) Space is a component in our brain's perceptual construction of reality.
iv) A fundamental energetic matrix exists behind every material object and
physical manifestation.
v) The feeling of individuality can be transcended to gain access to the
perception of unity.
Let us examine each one of the aforesaid postulates, in order to discuss their
1.1 Brain activity exists outside the skull
It is obvious that the existence of extra-skull brain activity is a basic condition
for all subsequent discussions about the unique mind. Without extra-skull activity,
the hypothesis about the existence of a unique big mind is unacceptable.
There are at least two pieces of evidence that support point 1.1. First, th,
human magnetoencephalogram (Reite, Zimmerman, Edrich and Zimnrman
1976). Second, the recent discovery of a relationship between gravgitiona
changes and brain activity (see section 5 below).
Both the magnetoencephalogram and the gravitational effect shwa thal
there must be some kind of a field emanating from the human skull and actin{
the surrounding space (see section 5 below).
It has been postulated (Grinberg-Zylberbaum, 1981a, b) that as a result of
all the neuronal interactions in 50 milliseconds of brain activity (the st; ation
of the present interv#1, see Torres and Canseco, 1980), a synergicjitti (the
neuronal field) is created inside the brain microstructure, and lapeon %ands
into the surrounding space.
In relation to the aforesaid micro-structure, K.H. Pribram writes:
The aggregate of slow potentials prsent over an extended location at any momengan be
described as a state which has a micro-structure. The arrival of impulses at eptic or
synaptic junctions is never a solitary event. Axonal terminations are usually mulll
e, i.e.
axons branch at their ends. As many as 1000 synapses may characterize the j tional
possibilities between a pair of neurons. Dendrites are tree-like almost by definititt, dis-
playing many fine fibered branches which crisscross, making multiple contactFimong
neurons, contacts which for some cells (e.g. the amacrine of the retina) include stntured
synapses. Thus ephaptic and synaptic events, those that are composed at the j nctions
between neurons, form a pattern. Inferences about the nature of such a patter n be
made from the known fine structure of the brain and the electrical activity recor from
it. Several such inferences suggest that these patterns make up wave fr ...
(Pribram, 1977). s .......
These wave fronts must be three-dimensional and in some cases must golve
large portions of the brain. The neuronal field emerges as a result of thedlobal
activation of the brain microstructure of which the above mentionedftave
fronts are only part.
Furthermore, in the experiment about the relationship between brain adlivity
and gravitational forces mentioned before, it was found that a non-log and
global change in inter-hemispheric coherence ('coherence' is defined as a8:rain
state in which similar EEG patterns and similar evoked potentials are rePerded
simultaneously in both hemispheres) correlated with gravitational chanEs. A
detailed description of this experiment will be presented in section 5.
A global change in brain activity is probably more related to a synergi2field
emergence thanthan a local EEG alteration.
A theoretical construction (the syntergic theory, Grinberg-Zylbe