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February 12, 1992
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Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000600450017-5
Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000600450017-5
-App-roved For Release 2000/08.09: CIARDP ~5 p~,~e~erti es
council of presidents, which would jointly other a
make all fundamental decisions in regard to have been developedtin thisoconnection
the armed forces. cle slabs of siligran, a concrete which is
(SNAP 9 920203) not only comparatively inexpensive but said
* * * to be capable of withstanding stresses as
reat as those for which missile silos are
Author: ivanyuk, I., Major, correspondent designed. Siligran is considered a possi-
Title: EX-SERVICEMEN DEVELOP SPECIAL CON- whoseausesisstitutedenrian smanyos cemeies.
Primary Source: Krasnaya zvezda, January other potentially profitable developments
11, 1992, No. 8-9 (20695-20696), p. 3, of "Proyektstroynauka" include unique pro-
cols. 1-8 cesses for producing building materials,
d ui -ant for these processes. The
Abstract: The article reports on activi-
ties of the Construction Research and De-
sign Association (Proyektstroynauka), which
is utilizing experience with construction
of military and space installations. "Pro-
yektstroynauka" is characterized as a high-
potential organization which is launching
production on the basis of its own scien-
tific developments. This' association,
which has an annual turnover of millions of
rubles, takes in several joint-stock compa-
nies and small enterprises.
A conversation is recorded with Colo-
nel of the Reserves Dmitriy Arkadyevich
Frumin, a former military construction spe-
cialist and now head of the "Proyektstroy-
nauka" association. Frumin and colonels of
the reserves V. Kostin, A. Sytnik and N.
Marichev are among a number of engineers
who acquired unique experience in construc-
tion of fortifications, missile silos and
structures of space-launch complexes while
serving in the armed forces, the author
relates. For example, concrete capable of
withstanding a direct hit by a missile with
a nuclear warhead was developed, using
high-quality cement and scarce superplasti-
cizers. Frumin recalled that while carry-
ing out a contract assignment at Kapustin
Yar in 1962, he and his associates achieved
waterproofness of concrete which was two to
three times as high as usual. Experience
of former military specialists reportedly
has been utilized in building underground
structures for civil defense and watertight
structures for underground services, in
particular. A new process which makes
sealing of joints unnecessary, permanent
forms which function simultaneously as fac-
ing and wet sealing, concrete ten times as
waterproof as conventional concrete, and
q p
association reportedly has concluded 20
agreements for creation of joint enter-
prises and facilities, including a Soviet-
Bulgarian enterprise, for production of
finished products.
(SNAP 920203)
Author: Tsarev, I.
TESTING IN 19 s AN 980s
r mary Source: ru , December 27, 1991,
Extract: Long ago, Gennadiy Petrovich
Shchelkunov, a specialist in the field of
radioelectronics and an employee of the
scientific production association "Istok,"
calculated and substantiated an effect of
long-distance communication without the aid
of equipment. This effect consists essen-
tially of excitation, in cerebral fluid, of
acoustic vibrations which reach auditory
nerves. These vibrations are excited by
pulsed microwave radiation. Shchelkunov
did not attempt to carry out his discovery
in practice, but he considers it quite fea-
sible from the technical standpoint.
In a scrapbook which I leafed through,
there was a short clipping which read: "I,
Ivan Sergeyevich Kachalin, and (the name of
another inventor followed) made a discov-
ery, 'A Method of Inducing Artificial Sleep
at a Distance by,Me,ans of Radio Waves,' in
the Soviet Union.** General-Colonel of Avi-
ation Vladimir Nikitovich Abramov rendered
practical assistance in formalizing this
discovery. Marshal of Aviation Yevgeniy
Yakovlevich Savitskiy supervised this
Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000600450017-5
Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RPP96 90792R000600450017-5
Documents state that "a paper by the existed?
authors of an invention, 'The Action of "No, at that time, this was out of the
Modulated Electric and Electromagnetic question. We gave some reports at various
Pulses on Biological Specimens,' was pre- institutes, including IRE in 1982. Savits-
sented at the bioelectronics laboratory of kiy arranged a meeting for us with special-
the USSR Academy of Sciences' Institute of ists of a military scientific research in-
Radio Engineering and Electronics (IRE). stitute. They listened with interest, but
In 1973, the first 'Rdioson' (radiosleep) everything disappeared as into a morass
unit was developed at military unit 71592
of the city of Novosibirsk and preliminary
trials were conducted ...."
This report bears the seal of an aca-
demic institute and signatures, including
those of academician Yu. Kobzarev and Doc-
tor of Sciences E. Godik. And, by the way,
the block diagram of the "Radioson" unit
includes the same microwave generator whose
pulses, according to G. Shchelkunov, can
also evoke acoustic vibrations in the
We were able to meet with a second in-
ventor. Ivan Antonovich (he requested that
his last name not be used), an associate of
an institute of the USSR Academy of Scienc-
es, said:
"Yes, we have developed the 'Radioson'
unit and have conducted not just one, but
several successful tests both on ourselves
and on volunteer soldiers. But prolonged
correspondence with the Committee on Inven-
tions and Discoveries didn't produce any
results. They deferred consideration of
our claim, which was registered as early as
1974, under a totally unconvincing pre-
"Perhaps, because such devices already
The total indirect evidence makes it
possible to conclude: 'psi'__weapons are
technically entirely feasible,_ prototypes
of them were tested as y as-the 1970s
and 1980s, and this means that they may
also exist now.
*See also the Daily SNAP, November 25,
1991, p. 4, col. 1
(SNAP 920203)
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Attn: Roger Crozier
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Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000600450017-5