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Mr. Louis F. Maire III
Major J. D. LaMothe, MSC
September 1975
Information Cut-off Date
15 April 1975
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September 1975
(U) The data were drawn from intelligence reports, scientific and te~ihni-
cal journals, books, magazines, newspapers, and personal communications.
(U) Constructive criticism, comments, or suggestions are encouraged and
should be forwarded to the Defense Intelligence Agency, (ATTN: DT-1),
Washington, DC 20301.
(Reverse Blank)
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Page No.
Preface----------------------------------------------------------- iii
EXTRASENSORY PERCEPTION (ESP)---------------------------
SECTION I BACKGROUND--------------------------------
Part A Classical Theories and Experiments--------
Part B Current Soviet/Czech Theories and
Research Objectives-----------------------
Part A Basic Research-----------------------------
Part B Applied Research--------------------------
PART III PSYCHOKINESIS RESEARCH ----------------------------------
PART IV OUT-OF-THE-BODY PHENOMENA--------------- ----------------
SECTION I REMOTE VIEWING----------------------------
PART V CONCLUSIONS---------------------------------------------
PART VI TRENDS AND FORECASTS------------------------------------
PART VII GAPS----------------------------------------------------- 63
APPENDIX - PERSONNEL AND FACILITIES------------------------------- 65
1. USSR - Affiliation Known-------------------- 65
2. USSR - Affiliation Unknown--------------------------- 66
3. Czechoslovakia - Affiliation Known------------------- 66
4. Czechoslovakia - Affiliation Unknown---------------- 67
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Page No.
Selected Bibliography -------------------------------------------- 69
Data Handling ----------------------------------------------------- 73
----- 75
Distribution List---------------------------- -------,
Figure 1 Comparison of US and Soviet Parapsychology Terms---- 3
Figure 2 Psychotronic Model of Man------------------ ----- 23
---------- ----- 35
Figure 3 Psychotronic Generator-------------
Figure 4 Psychotronic Generator ------------------------- :----- 36
Figure 5 Psychotronic Generator------------------------------ 37
Figure 6 Psychotronic Generator------------------------7 ----- 38
Figure 7 Psychotronic Generator------------------------------ 39
Figure 8 Psychotronic Generator---------------------- ------ 48
Figure 9 Psychotronic Rotor----------------------------------- 52
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(U) During the past 25 years, Soviet and Czechoslovakian parapsychologists
have reported that paranormal phenomena such as extrasensory perception
(ESP), telepathy, and psychokinesis (PK) have been demonstrated under
rigorousLy controlled laboratory conditions. Skeptics in both nations
have attacked the study of such phenomena on both scientific and political
- ideological grounds. Criticism based on political ideology has stemmed
from the fact that much past research has been non-materialistic in the
sense that results have not been reported in terms of contemporary conven-
tional science. Thus the critics feel that parapsychology has fostered
continued belief in mysticism, occultism, and religion.
(U) In order to rebut the skeptics' contentions that psychic phenomena do
not fit accepted scientific and political thought, Soviet and Czech sci-
entists now argue that there are many well established "facts" which remain
as anomalous to scientific paradigms as extrasensory perception (ESP). ESP
refers to information which is not received via the usual senses, and as
a general term, includes telepathy (the Soviet "biocommunication") and
psychokinesis.or PK (the Soviet "bioenergetics"). Communist parapsycho-
logists argue that after decades of research, conventional science still
has no satisfactory neurophysiological explanation of memory, nor is there
any appropriate model for explaining how raw data impinging on man's senses
are transformed into a conscious experience. They also point to the dema-
terialized character of contemporary physics, a science filled with such
bizarre components as advance potential (waves of electrons perceived be-
fore they are generated), tunneling effects (electrons penetrating barriers
which, by the laws of probability, should be impenetrable), and tachyons
(particles traveling faster than light, and thus implying the possibility
of a backward flow of time). In short, they conclude that "hard" science
no longer offers a secure rationale for the denial of the possibility of
any noncausal event.
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September 1975
(U) Parapsychology is a field involving research on the informational
and energetic possibilities of the psychic and biophysical activities
of living organisms. Parapsychology investigates the complex of phenomena
relating to the interaction of living organisms with each other and with
the surrounding environment without the mediation of the known sense
organs or of presently identified energy transfer mechanisms. Western
parapsychologists refer to this complex of phenomena as extrasensory
perception (ESP) and psi phenomena.)
(U) The Soviets prefer the term biocommunications instead of parapsychol-
ogy, psi phenomena, or ESP. Other Soviet terms which are equivalent to
the term parapsychology include psychophysiology, psychotronics, psycho-
energetics, and biophysical effects. The Soviet term biocommunications
can be further subdivided into two general classifications: bioinforma-
tion and bioenergetics. Bioinformation includes paranormal events between
living organisms (telepathy, precognition) and events between living
organisms and the inanimate world. Bioenergetics denotes activities such
as biological locator and indicator techniques (dowsing), bioenergetic
therapy using electromagnetic (EM) fields, and psychokinesis, or the in-
fluence of bioenergy on matter. Definitions of the term biocommunica-
tions, bioinformation, and bioenergetics are as follows:
A branch of science involved with the human capability of obtain-
ing information from other than the normal senses and the ability
to respond to or reasonably interpret such information. Bio-
communications, also synonymous with parapsychology, is, however,
distinct from other sciences in that it is primarily concerned
with determining the nature of a definite group of natural
phenomena controlled by laws which are not based on any presently
known energetic influence.
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September 1975
Those phenomena associated with the obtaining of information
through means other than the normal sensory channels, e.g. -
through extrasensory perception (ESP). There are several forms
of ESP, including:
a. Telepathy, transmission, or "reading" of thoughts,
refers to the extrasensory reception of information about
the mental processes of others.
b. Proscopy or precognition is a form of ESP which,
under certain circumstances, involves crossing the barrier
of time to obtain information about future events.
c. Paragnosia or clairvoyance refers to the extrasen-
sory reception of information about objective events in'the
outer world.
TYPE II: Bioenergetics
Bioenergetics involves phenomena associated with the production
of objectively detectable effects through means other than known
energetic influences. Seemingly incredible effects have been
reported, such as the movement of distant objects withojut any
detectable use of physical force (psychokinesis or te:le,kinesis),
antigravitational effects, transformations of energy, ellectro-
magnetir effects arising without adequate physical cause, and
chemical reactions and biological processes occurring through
mental concentration.
(U) A comparison of US and Soviet parapsychology terms is given in
Figure 1.
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Fig. 1 Comparison of US and Soviet Parapsychology Terms (U)
US Soviet
Parapsychology ) ( Biocommunications
PSI Phenomena ) ( Psychophysiology
ESP ) Equals ( Psychotronics
( Psychoenergetics
( Biophysical Effects
A. Bioinformation
B. Bioenergetics
Telepathy Equals Bioinformation
Precognition )
Dowsing ) Equals Bioenergetics
Psychokinesis )
(U) In recent years, Czechoslovakian parapsychologists have begun using
the term "psychotronics" in reference to all aspects of their paranormal
phenomena research. They define psychotronics as the study of those
borderline phenomena and signs of human existence that have a psycho-
somatic base, but manifest themselves in such a way that they more or
less exceed the framework of this base. Such phenomena include auto-
suggestion, hypnosis, telepathy, psychokinesis, and other paranormal
effects and phenomena. The Czech term does not encompass the study of
stigmata, levitation, etc., since: these are considered to be hallucinatory
states or processes and, as such,'areas of investigation and treatment
more appropriate for psychology or psychiatry.3 In general, however, the
Czech science of psychotronics includes the study of all phenomena
presently being investigated by Soviet and Western parapsychologists.
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(U) Current Soviet and Czech parapsychological terms and objectives have
evolved in a climate of fluctuating political pressure. Scientists in
pre-revolutionary Russia studied parapsychology as did later such Soviet
scientists as V.M. Bekhterev, A.G. Ivanov-Smolensky, and B.B. Kazhinsky
in the twenties and thirties.4 In 1924, A.V. Lunakharsky, Commissar for
Education, took the initiative in forming a Soviet Committee for Psychical
Research. As a result of Academician V.M. Bekhterev's enthusiasm for the
subject, extensive work was financed at the University of Leningrad Insti-
tute for Brain Research. L.L. Vasilev, a former student of Bekhterev's
demonstrated to his own satisfaction that telepathic influence at a dis-
tance may indeed occur. Work flourished throughout the thirties with
research being reported in the literature in 1934, 1936, and 1937. After
1937 further experiments in the field of parapsychology were forbidden.
During Stalin's time, the study of paranormal phenomena was interpreted
as a deliberate attempt to undermine the doctrines of materialism. Tele-
pathy was treated as a mystical and antisocial superstition and nothing
further was heard of parapsychology in. the Soviet Union until the late
1950s. Then, as a result of French newspaper articles, rumors began to
circulate that American researchers had disproved the "brain-radio" theory
as a result of ship-to-shore telepathy experiments involving the US atomic
submarine Nautilus. The Nautilus "experiments" probably were mythical,
but the claims had one tangible consequence: the Soviet authorities per-
mitted Vasilev, then Professor of Physiology and holder of the Order of
Lenin, to publish his own earlier work in which decades previously he
,had proven to his own satisfaction that radio-type brain waves did not
mediate telepathy. Vasilev was also allowed to open a unit for the study
of parapsychology at the Institute for Brain Research. His work first
reached the West with an English translation of his monograph "Experiments
in Mental Suggestion" in 1963. The result was instant international
interest. Numerous Western researchers traveled to the Soviet Union and
found a fair amount of activity and interest in the paranormal, although
the research approaches were frequently different from those in the West.
Soviet workers tended to be far more preoccupied with whole-body physical
and biological effects rather than with the "mental" phenomena with which
Western researchers had long been preoccupied.
(U) Some of the first parapsychologists to visit the Soviet Union after
the publication of Vasilev's work described the differences in atmosphere
pervading two conferences in 1963 and 1968. During the first, free and
cordial exchange of views was possible; the second was overshadowed by an
article in Pravda attacking parapsychology which largely wrecked the formal
plans for the program. Most of the Soviets declined to speak, Western
visitors were pressed to deliver impromptu lectures, and the House of
Friendship in Moscow withdrew its invitation to hold further meetings or
allow films to be shown there. From this time onwards, with certain
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fluctuations, official hostility towards parapsychology increased in the
Soviet Union. For example, Soviet authorities took the strongest possible
exception to a best-seller in the West, Ostrander and Schroeder's "Psychic
Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain."5 Edward K. Naumov, then Director of
the Institute of Technical Parapsychology, Moscow,6 was cited throughout
as the journalists' guide and mentor. Unfortunately, the Voice of America
beamed a radio program into the Soviet Union discussing the Schroeder and
Ostrander book, a broadcast that was construed as-a politically motivated
attack using parapsychology as a weapon. Apart from this episode, it is
not entirely clear why Soviet officialdom should have taken such fierce
exception to a frankly popular, sensational, and rather chaotic book, which
was not taken seriously by many Western scientists. The most plausible
interpretation seems that the Soviets were worried that they might be
believed by the world's scientific community to be self-proclaimed champions
and leaders of parapsychology. In fact, Soviet scientists are just as divi-
ded among themselves concerning parapsychology as scientists elsewhere and
since 1972, a number of openly critical publications concerning parapsy-
chology research have appeared in the Soviet Union. A few examples of such
open attacks follow.
(U) In 1972, V.M. Bleykher (a reputable Soviet neurophysiologist) pub-
lished a book titled "Parapsychology - Science or Superstition." In an
annotation to this book (and, in fact, as the lead paragraph) Bleykher
stated, "this book is designed (sic) to debunk parapsychology." The
book began with such arcane and archaic topics as phrenology (headbump
reading) and ended with a chapter prefaced by a cartoon showing a broom
sweeping the Russian word "parapsychology," out of the picture. The
entire bias of the book was to make a direct link between 19th century
"spiritualism" and 20th century parapsychology.
(U) In 1973, Kazakhstanskaya Pravda (Alma-ata) carried an article by
Doctor of Medical Science V. Podachin, titled "Careful: Paramedicine!"
In his article, Podachin openly attacked "unproven telepathic trans-
mission of information over distances from one person to another on the
basis of their neuropsychic states," and criticized parapsychologists
"for claiming to obtain results that are completely unrelated to the
cause-and-effect principle."
(U) In October 1973 a long and detailed paper entitled "Parapsychology:
Fiction or Reality?" was published in Questions of Philosophy, an
official publication of the Soviet Academy of Pedogogical Sciences, by
four eminent members of the Moscow Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, V.P.
Zinchenko, A.N. Leontiev, B.F. Lomov, and A.R. Luria. They explicitly
set out "to express the viewpoint of the USSR Society of Psychologists
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towards parapsychology." "Obviously," they wrote, "some so-called para-
psychological phenomena do happen; however, the main obstacle to the
acceptance of their existence is ignorance of the basis of their opera-
tion." It is not clear from this paper just which parapsychological
phenomena "obviously do happen;" the only ones which the authors unam-
biguously supported as authentic were Kirlian photography (radiation
field photogrpahy by means of which the biological energy fields of
plants and animals may be visualized) and "dermal-optical vision" (the
alleged ability to see colors through opaque shielding by touch alone).
Paradoxically, Kirlian photography is probably based on known forms of
energy, while dermal-optical vision has no known basis in fact. A large
portion of the paper was in fact devoted to a denunciation of "militant
parapsychologists," popular credulity, fraudulent practices: physicists
who quite unnecessarily change their jobs to investigate paranormal
phenomena, sensationalistic journalists, and institutions such as the
Institute for Technical Parapsychology (which was cited by name). Ap-
parently, the objective of the paper was to discredit as myth any idea
of a "parapsychological movement" in the Soviet Union, and to insure that
the science of parapsychology should not continue to emerge!. To quote
the authors, "there is no need for parapsychology to exist as a separate
(U) There is additional evidence that the official attitude toward
parapsychology in the Soviet Union may have changed. In the 1960's,
Moscow parapsychologist Edward K. Naumov was recognized internationally
as the unofficial Soviet spokesman for the science. In Match of 1974,
Naumov was arrested and sentenced to two years hard labor. In January
1975, parapsychologist Larissa Vilenskaya, who had previously been per-
mitted to visit Naumov in jail, was herself arrested. The 'reason for her
arrest is not known, but Naumov was apparently convicted of taking fees
for his lectures without the permission of the appropriate authorities.
According to reports from the Soviet Union, the fees seem to have been
collected in the normal way by the club's director and his assistant.
However, both were subsequently declared psychologically unfit to testify,
certified schizophrenic, and referred for some unspecified ,form of invol-
untary treatment at the Serbskiy Institute of Forensic Psychological Ex-
pertise. This Institute's director, Dr. Andrej Snezhnevsky, is widely
known for his psychiatric zeal on behalf of ideological orthodoxy and for
his opposition to parapsychology. At the trial Snezhnevsky himself gave
evidence to the effect that parapsychology was a pseudoscience based on
idealism and mysticism. Although 40 witnesses said they had bought their
tickets from the club's director or his representative, Naumov was found
guilty and sentenced to two years in a camp. According to,Lev Regelson,
a Moscow physicist, Naumov's offense was twofold: first, despite reiter-
ated warnings from the KGB he had "maintained free, personal, human con-
tacts with foreign scholars..." and made use of the material he received
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for disseminating information on parapsychology in the USSR. Naumov's
second fault is ideological. Up to most recent times parapsychology has
been looked on in the Soviet Union as "mysticism" and "pseudoscience,"
sharing the fate of the theory of relativity, quantum mechanics, cyber-
netics, genetics, etc.
(U) Naumov's trial and the dismissal, from their posts of others who had
been active in parapsychology in the Soviet Union in the 1960's may mark
the end of a phase during which free and indeed spirited discussion of
parapsychological topics was permitted throughout the Soviet Union,
and during which a fair amount $f informal and unofficial East-West
contact was at least tolerated.
(U) Despite apparent shifts in the official attitude toward the science,
49 out of the 91 papers presented in 1973 at the First International Con-
ference on Psychotronic Research in Prague, Czechoslovakia, were authored
by Soviet or ECC researchers. In addition, the Moscow publication
"Zhurnalist," published a lengthy editorial9 in 1974, in which readers
were assured that "all energy fields existing in nature are not known to
contemporary physics" and "that because various phenomena cannot as yet be
explained does not mean that they do not exist." The name of the science
may be changed in the future, but the research will continue.
(U) During the past decade parapsychology has undergone many changes in
the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia. In a sense, this is a question of
changing generations. The elder generation of researchers, who actively
investigated the problems of psychotronics, regarded it predominantly as
philosophy and psychology. To a certain extent, this concept determined
their approach to the problems: in most cases they concluded that very
complex psychic processes were involved, processes that were difficult
to control and hence were not always reproducible. This older generation
of researchers had as their primary objective the proof of psychic proc-
esses and the defense of their theories. They confined themselves to
their own specifics and problems. In terms of the quantity of accumu-
lated facts and performed experiments their work was considerable and
often awe-inspiring.
(U) Researchers of the younger generation in the USSR and Czechoslovakia
are beginning to regard this concept as one-sided, a straitjacket. They
are not satisfied with the constant proving and description of the phe-
nomena. They also want to model, amplify, formulate and compute. A
desire to conclusively master the problems has compelled them to abandon
the previous concept and to define parapsychology for the time being, as
a borderline interdisciplinary science. To the unipolar philosophical-
psychological concept there is now added another pole, the technical-
physical concept. Between these two poles there is sufficient room for
parapsychology to comprehend all the phenomena that it investigates, in
their complexity.
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September 1975
(U) Present-day Soviet parapsychologists are recruited from practically.
all scientific disciplines, not as individual enthusiasts but as members
of coordinated interdisciplinary teams of specialists. In 1967 the Czechs
established the Coordination Group for Psychotronic (parapsychological)
Research. They intentionally set as one of their principal. objectives
the description of the undetermined properties of the energy bound to man
and to animate nature. They appear to be convinced, for example, that
de Broglie's dual concept, in which the electron may appear as a mass
of inertia or as electromagnetic radiation, requires a third aspect (the
vehicle of which would not necessarily be de Broglie's electron but possibly
the mental ion or "mention" presupposed by Professor F. Kahuda), and that
only then will it be possible to completely express the animate and in-
animate world of matter in motion. By defining the parameters of the
undefined form of energy the concept of matter in motion could gain a
third aspect, and matter in motion would be defined by laws far more
complex and comprehensive than at present. It is interesting to note the
increasing validity of Professor L.L. Vasilev's statement that "...dis-
covery of the laws of the as yet unknown form of energy bound to man will
be of no less significance than the discovery of atomic energy." Therefore
it is no coincidence that theoretical physicists and plasma physicists in
the Federal Republic of Germany believe that understanding of the psychical-
physical interactions of living organisms will add something', basically
new to physics and biology. The Czechs believe that as soon'', as science
begins to understand the properties of this new form of energy, questions
of its mastery and utilization will rise to the forefront. Robert Pavlita's
work, which is discussed in detail in Part II, is no small contribution in
this direction. Whereas in the past parapsychology operate&predominantly
by the method of exceptional individual performance, psychotronics pre-
supposes a new model: the living organism (man)--processing!of energy--
(U) In 1982, a century will have elapsed since the foundation in England
of the first Society for Psychical Research. Zdenek Rejdak,'',internationally
renowned parapsychologist of the Czechoslovak Scientific and', Technical
Society, Section for Psychotronic Research has stated, "we are convinced
that psychotronics will mark this centennial with significant results in
practical, applied, and basic research, in the knowledge that it will
become an essential new anthropological science, one that will enhance
primarily man's integrity."
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(U) Soviet and Czechoslovakian parapsychologists have not reported
"telepathy" in animals in recent years; instead, they have emphasized
research on biological energy transfer. Soviet parapsychology research
is multidisciplinary and indistinguishable from conventional Soviet
physiological research. Both disciplines are presently involved in
attempts to identify the sources of internally generated and externally
imposed stimuli underlying physiological processes.
(U) Soviet research on telepathy in animals in the 1920's and 1930's
was devoted largely to proving that telepathy between man and animals
did indeed exist. A good example of the early Soviet approach was
research conducted by V.M. Bekhterev of Leningrad University, in
collaboration with a circus performer, V.L. Durov. Bekhterev reported
that Durov's trained dogs successfully solved arithmetic problems and
identified or retrieved objects solely on the basis of their trainer's
mental suggestion.10 The results of these tests were controversial, since
the dogs' performances were good when Durov was present and supplied the
"suggestions," but deteriorated markedly when he was absent and another
individual attempted to mentally control them.
(U) Bekhterev's original objective was to demonstrate that telepathy
between man. and animals was mediated by some form of electromagnetic
radiation (EMR), but by 1937, he and other Soviet parapsychologists had
concluded that no known form of EMR was the carrier of thought transmission.
The EMR theory of information transfer is still unresolved by the Soviets,
but is still the major basis underlying much of their research.
(U) In 1962 B.B. Kazhinskiy advanced the theory that animals are capable
of visual and aural perception and reflex understanding of the behavior
of other animals or humans.' He postulated that this ability resulted
from the capacity of one animal to detect (via its nervous system),
analyze, and synthesize signal-stimuli given off by another animal.
According to Kazhinskiy, the signals were transmitted in the form of a
"bioradiational sight ray" and analyzed by the percipient animal as a
result of its Pavlovian conditioning. The term "bioradiational rays"
is still used by some Soviet and Czech parapsychologists to refer to
focusing and concentration of biological energy by the brain and the
optical neural channels.
(U) Present day Soviet and Czech parapsychology research with animals is
devoted almost exclusively to investigation of sources of biological energy
involved in physiological processes, the interactions of such energy with
external. fields, and the effects of externally generated fields on animal
physiology. Reference to telepathy in the sense of communications by
transmission of total, conceptual, mental formulations is seldom made.
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(U) A significant advance toward identification of the EMR source of
biological energy transfer was gained from recent research, conducted at
the University of Novosibirsk. Scientists there investigated the release
of energy during cell division and during cellular damage and repair
resulting from viral infection or toxic chemicals. In over 5000 experi-
ments with cell cultures and animal organs it was shown that damaged cells
radiated some form of energy and that the energy released was capable of
causing damage in adjacent control preparations of organs or cells.
Further investigation revealed that a uniform pattern, code, or rhythm of
radiation was emitted by normal cells. This pattern was disturbed when
cellular damage occurred, becoming quite irregular. It was also found
that the patterns were transmitted from experimental to control prepara-
tions only when the cells or organs were cultured in quartz containers.
Since quartz transmits ultraviolet (UV) radiation and standard laboratory
glassware does not, the Soviets concluded that UV radiation mediated
cellular information transfer. The researchers subsequently correlated
given irregularities of emission with specific diseases and are now
attempting to develop techniques for diagnosis and therapy', by monitoring
and altering cellular radiation codes.6
(U) Czechoslovakian research on energy transfer between animal muscle
preparations, from animals to man, and from man to man, has also demon-
strated EMR as the vehicle of biological energy transfer. In experiments
conducted between 1948 and 1968 at the Okres Institute of Public Health,
Kutna Hora, Czechoslovakia, Dr. Jiri Bradna demonstrated c,ontactless
transfer (myotransfer) of stimuli between frog neuromuscular preparations.
Bradna placed identical preparations side by side; stimulation of one
preparation with electric pulses at frequencies between 10: :and 30 pulses
per second caused contraction and a recorded electromyographic response
in the other. In other experiments, stimulation of muscle' preparations
influenced the oscillations of a pendulum and increased the muscle tension
of a human subject. Bradna obtained objective proof that energy in the very
high frequency (vhf) range mediated the stimulus transmission. He also
demonstrated that myotransfer could be blocked with ferrous metal filters
and aluminum, could be deformed with magnets, ferrites ands other conductors,
could be reflected and transmitted over waveguides, and shielded with grids.
Bradna concluded that primary perceptual and informational pathways between
animals are based on metabolic processes at the macromolecular level and
that the magnitude of energy transfer depends on muscular 'adenosine
triphosphate (ATP) energy release.12
(U) Bradna has reported successful application of myotransfer in physio-
therapy. It has been found to be effective for both individuals and groups.
In the latter case, the summation of stimuli has been shown to enhance the
neuromuscular responses of individuals within the group. Bradna feels
that such stimuli influence the herd behavior of animals and may also
be a factor in altering human behavior under conditions of isolation or
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(U) In. the Soviet Union, Doctor Y.A. Kholodovl1as investigated the effects
of a constant magnetic field (CMF) on rabbits. jj Whole-body exposures to
fields between 30 and 2000 oersteds resulted in nonspecific changes in
the electroencephalogram, but no other directly measurable physiological
responses. Kholodov showed that weak magnetic as well as other externally
generated radiation fields have a direct effect on nerve tissue, and for
this reason he feels that natural and artificial fields in man's environ-
ment may have an influence on health and behavior via the nervous system
and the hypothalamus. Kholodov's research is representative of current
Soviet efforts to explain paranormal phenomena on the basis of known
physical and biological parameters.
(U) Another Soviet scientist, A.S. Presman, feels that biological energy
and information exchange between living organisms is the result of electro-
magnetic field (EMF) interactions between individuals or between the
individual and the environment.14 He and other Soviet scientists have
recorded EMF's from man, frogs, and insects of various species at ranges
from several centimeters to several meters from the body surface. The
frequencies of the EMF's were found to correspond to various biorhythms
of organs, rhythms of movement and acoustic signals, and bioelectric
rhythms. Presman thinks that in groups of animals, electromagnetic
oscillations are synchronized by frequency matching and that the cumula-
tive intensity may grow in proportion to the square of the number of
individuals. Such cumulative emission is also thought to be possible as
the result of synchronization of the emissions of many cells in animals
in a highly excited state.
(U) Presman, like Kholodov, feels that the effects of subthreshold stimuli
are mediated through the hypothalamic region of the midbrain. The hypo-
thalamus regulates diverse physiological processes in the organism (pulse,
body temperature, oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide liberation, urine
volume, urine nitrogen concentration, etc.) and these are the functions
most commonly disturbed by changes in EMF's.
(U) Presman believes that electromagnetic signalling is universal between
animals, but not between humans who may have lost the capability for such
communication as a result of evolution and the development of verbal and
artificial communication channels. He does not rule out the possibility
that "spontaneous telepathy" may occasionally occur, but regards such
occurrences as rare cases of atavism. Consequently, he regards man as
the least suitable animal for studying electromagnetic communication.
(U) It is important that the increased degree of sophistication which
has occurred in Soviet ESP or telepathy research since 1960 be understood.
At present the terms "ESP" and "telepathy" are seldom used. It is possible
that the newer terms "biocommunication" and "psychotronics" will vanish in
the near future only to be replaced by conventional high-energy physics
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terminology, or terms such as "interpersonal subconscious reaction0-,'or5
"mention" forces. In any event, the classical ESP experiments.withlh
animals are no longer of interest in the USSR. The typical Uasilev.-
experimentation from 1920 to 1955 has been replaced with sophisticated ':.
research protocols which study complex interactions between man., anmals;_.,
and plants.
(U) Dr. Pavel Naumov, who bears no relation to the now :Lmprisoned.,Edizard d1
Naumov, conducted animal biocommunication studies between a submerged,..
Soviet Navy submarine and a shore research station; these tests-in-;
volved a mother rabbit and her newborn litter and occurred around1956;
three. years prior to the U.S.S. Nautilus disclosure. According;.to-.,
Naumov, Soviet scientists placed the baby rabbits aboard the'.submarine.
They kept the mother rabbit in a laboratory on shore where they.imp]tanted!J
electrodes (EEG?) in her brain. When the submarine was subm'ergedi:.:assis?t-i:--
ants killed the rabbits one by one. At each precise moment? of death? thdi:.
mother rabbit's brain produced detectable and recordable reactions. v_,.
late as . 1970 .the precise protocol and results of this test describdd~.byry
Naumov were believed to be classified. Many examples can be, found.}ini.rSdvvis. is
literature dealing with dogs, bears, birds, insects, and fis; iri ~on3.ujnatt~n
with -basic psychotronic research. The Pavlov Institute in? MaaZow+wnap.~hdviare
been involved in animal telepathy until 1970.
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PART A - Classical Theories and Experiments
(U) Over the past 25 years, Soviet scientists have reported that abilities
such as extrasensory perception, clairvoyance, and telepathy have been
demonstrated in the laboratory under rigorously controlled conditions.
Many of these claims have been published in the Soviet technical and pop-
ular literature. Just how far the Soviets have really gone in their ef-
forts to learn about the mechanisms of human telepathy is not known. If
the Soviet reports are even partly true, and if mind-to-mind thought trans-
ference can be used for such applications as interplanetary communications
or the guiding of interplanetary spacecraft, the Soviets have accomplished
a scientific breakthrough of tremendous significance.
(U) For many years, any attempt to study telepathic phenomena was de-
nounced in the Soviet Union as mysticism and idealism. From 1922 to 1959,
however, this attitude gradually changed. Official recognition of para-
psychology as a legitimate science was prompted to a considerable extent
by the Party's recognition of other disciplines which had previously been
rejected as bourgeois idealism (quantum mechanics, the theory of relativity,
and cybernetics). In 1959 Professor L.L. Vasilev published his "Mysterious
,WWI Phenomena of the Human Psyche," followed in 1962 by his "Experiments in
Mental Suggestion." These two publications caused some surprise among
Western scientists, but the possible military implications were apparently
overlooked in the West. The first attempt to illustrate the possible
military and intelligence impact of oviet research in telepathy and
psychokinesis was published in 1972.
(U) The publication of Vasilev's first book in 1959 was followed by the
appearance of countless studies by other Soviet researchers and numerous
articles in the Soviet periodical press. Soviet parapsychology research
gained impetus and sophistication, growing from a single laboratory into
a coordinated USSR-wide effort; laboratories were also established in
Czechoslovakia. Funds for research (reported at 20 million rubles in
1973) are believed to be primarily from military sources. This high level
of support advanced Soviet research on human telepathy far beyond that of
the West and the USSR became the leader in sponsoring and participating
in international parapsychology symposiums. Such international meetings
have served Soviet interests by allowing them to benefit from Western
(U) After 1959 large numbers of Soviet scientists began investigating
telepathic communication. In 1965, a bioinformation department was formed
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at the Moscow section of the Scientific-Technical Society of Radio
Engineering and Telecommunications imeni A.S. Popov, with the purpose
of furthering scientific research on information transmission "in the
living part of nature." The early Soviet objectives which were made
public were: (1) to study and organize relevant materials from the
world literature; (2) to record and systematize observed occurrences.
of "spontaneous" telepathy; and (3) to develop and organize experiments
on artifically initiated telepathic occurrences.
(U) At a meeting of the Bionics Department of the Presidium of the
Academy of Sciences of the USSR in 1965, I.M. Kogan raised the following
three questions: (1) is telepathy possible in principle; (2) does it
contradict natural laws; and finally, (3) do the observed facts agree
with the concept of electromagnetic fields?16 To answer these questions,
the following hypotheses have been advanced in the USSR:
(1) The electromagnetic hypothesis (1892), advanced as a result of
the discovery of electromagnetic waves in 1888. By the mid 1960s this
hypothesis had been subjectd to considerable criticism. The entire range
of the electromagnetic spectrum from gamma rays to radio waves had been
studied; throughout this range there was not a single sector in which
telepathic communication could be established. Experiments with reliable
forms of metallic shielding had not prevented the percipient from receiv-
ing messages transmitted to him (also verified in the West). Moreover,
the effectiveness of "signals" transmitted over hundreds or thousands of
kilometers should, according to the theory, diminish in proportion to the
square of the distance; this has never been established inrelevant exper-
imentation. The electromagnetic hypothesis has not been rejected and some
evidence indicates that there may be electromagnetic waves of some unknown
length emitted by the brain which are capable of penetrating metallic
(2) The metaethereal hypothesis, borrowed from French parapsychology.
This presupposes the existence of some unknown methaethereal energy, the
oscillations of which can be detected only by special organs of "crypto-
aesthetic sensitivity," possessed by persons endowed with parapsychic
(3) The psychic energy hypothesis. According to this , theory, bio-
electrical charges in the "working" brain of the inductor are transformed
into psychic energy which is transformed back again into bioelectric charges
in the "receiving" brain of the percipient.
L. Vasilev proposed the gravitational hypothesis, first formulated
German physicist Pascual Jordon and Einstein's former collaborator
Hoffman. Vasilev suggested that an interaction between the
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gravitational field and some existing but unexplained factor, possibly
produced by the cerebal matter itself, might be involved in telepathic
communication. He also suggested that thought transmissions might be
connected with the laws of cybernetic systems. Vasilev also referred
to the action of neutrino particles formed during nuclear reactions.17
If it could be established that such particles (which have no electric
charge, move with a speed approaching that of light and are capable of
penetrating obstacles of enormous mass) are generated during the neuro-
psychic activity of the brain, it might conceivably be shown that these
particles serve as the medium for telepathic transmissions.
(U) The Soviets' renewed interest in the problem of parapsychology during
the 1960s constituted, to a certain extent, another aspect of the trend
away from doctrinaire control which had previously dominated all areas of
intellectual effort in the USSR. The easing of intellectual control was
exemplified by a quote from Laplace's "Essai Philosophique sur les
Probabilities" used by Professor Vasilev:
"We are so far from knowing all the forces of nature and their
various modes of action that it would be unworthy of the phi-
lospher to deny phenomena simply because they are inexplicable
at the present state of our knowledge. The more difficult it
is to acknowledge their existence, th18greater the care with
which we must study these phenomena.
"It has happened more than once in the history of science that
the establishment of new facts that were unexplainable by what
was already known gave us a glimpse of unforeseen aspects of
(U) Such was the climate of Soviet parapsychological research in the
early 1970s; Soviet science, for all its characteristic pragmatism, had
apparently begun to free itself gradually from the restraints of an out-
worn materialistic foundation which on more than one occasion had shown
its flimsy bases when faced with new discoveries. However, as noted in
Section I, there may now once again be a fairly concerted effort on the
part of some highly placed Soviet scientists in other disciplines to
undermine parapsychology on political-ideological grounds.
(U) In 1966, F. Zigel, a renowned Soviet astronomer, concluded that
telepathy is the science of the future. In order for it to become a
service to mankind, research in telepathy must be organized on a state-
wide basis. Otherwise, after a short while, "reproaching ourselves for
past mistakes, we again would have to catch up with foreign countries.
If the insulting remarks addressed to scientists engaged in telepathic
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studies were made privately they could simply be ignored. Such criticisms,
however, are aired publicly in the press by people of. incontestable auth-
ority in other fields. What happened to genetics and cybernetics is now
being repeated again and again. One can no longer remain silent, but must
take the full responsibility of statin that "criticism" of telepathy is
tantamount to militant obscurantism."l Zigel's words did not go unheeded
because by 1968 the Soviets already had: (1) established several research
centers specializing in telepathic experiments on an academic and scientific
level; (2) organized teams of scientists--physiologists, physicists, psychol-
ogists, mathematicians, cyberneticians, neurologists, and electronic engin-
eers--to investigate telepathy, find out how it works, and devise means of
practical application; and (3) conducted experiments involving long-range
thought transference (Leningrad-Moscow (600 km); Moscow-Tomsk (4,000 km)).
(U) Without actually taking an2Unequivocal stand on the controversial
issue of telepathy, Ye. Parnov, in 1966, cited at least three parodoxes:
(1) telepathic communication is independent of distance; (2) telepathic
communication is achieved without the use of the known senses and has no
apparent relation to electromagnetic waves; (3) some cases ~,of spontaneous
telepathy and clairvoyance contradict the law of causality. It should be
mentioned that if Parnov had stated his third paradox a few years sooner
it would have meant certain scientific and intellectual exile. However,
Parnov attempted to ascertain the extent to which these paradoxes might
fit into the fundamental laws of natural science, and thereby remained
somewhat within the bounds of traditional dogmatic, materialistic princi-
(U) Parnov felt that the first paradox might be resolved if: (a) the
material carrier of the telepathic effect is some type of energy unlikely
to dissipate in space, or (b) all people are linked together by a special
"telepathic field.." In the first case., the material carrier could con-
ceivably be the neutrino which, at least within the earth's biosphere, is
not absorbed by matter. In the second case, it might be surmised that, in
addition to the inductor and percipient, telepathic phenomena involve an
unspecified number of people for amplification of the telepathic signal,
just as a photomultiplier amplifies light.
(U) A similar explanation was applied to the second paradox; the "neu-
trino hypothesis," however, has its drawbacks. It is not quite clear, for
instance, which type of neutrino is responsible for the transmission of
telepathic signals. It is possible that all people are interlinked by
a neutrino field, and this would support the amplification theory.
(U) The third paradox is the least palatable to traditional scientists
and the most susceptible to criticism by opponents of telepathy. Its ex-
planation requires, by implication, the breakdown of well-established
concepts regarding time and space. One of the ideas advanced by some
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theoreticians is that of "closed time" in which such notions as past and
future become relative even beyond the theory of relativity. By accepting
such an idea, it must be assumed as a matter of fact that the human brain
can somehow "locate" the future by means of the neutrino. Parnov observed
that other theoreticians had hypothesized that the neutrino's peculiar
behavior is due to the fact that this particle moves from the future into
the past rather than the other way around. Such a concept would do justice
to the third paradox. It is interesting to note that these paradoxes were
expressed before theoreticians began extensive discussions on tachyons
(particles said to have a velocity greater than that of light). Mental
ions ("mentions"), having similar velocities of propagation, have also been
postulated. They are discussed further in Part B of this section.
(U) Another theory which could help explain the third paradox is based on
the law of conservation of combined parity, advanced by L.D. Landau. Ac-
cording to that law, symmetry is preserved in any system whenever the "left"
is substituted by the "right" and a particle by an antiparticle. It then
appears that all relationships are invariant with respect to time inver-
sion. Thus, Parnov concluded, the third paradox may contradict the letter,
but not the spirit of modern physics.
(U) I.M. Kogan, referred to earlier, was the first to publish experimental
results in human telepathic communication in the post-Vasilev era.
Only the qualitative and quantitative results will be presented here; the
interested reader can peruse the above references for Kogan's research
protocol. Kogan arranged his experiments in four groups (excluding experi-
ments involving the use of hypnosis which can be found in an excellent
article by Velinov);23 the four groups included: (1) mental suggestion
of an act involving objects at short distances; (2) mental suggestions of
the image of an object and selection of a given object at short distances;
(3) mental suggestion of object images over long distances; and (4) mental
transmission of object images over long distances. None of the experiments
reported by Kogan were inconsistent with the Soviet electromagnetic hypoth-
esis. An analysis of the results revealed certain qualitative and quanti-
tative characteristics common to all experiments. They were: (1) the
rate of telepathic information transmission varied between 0.005 and 0.1
bit/sec.; (2) the rate of information transmission depended upon the
distance the information had to travel, ranging from 0.1 bit/sec for a
distance of several meters to 0.001 bit/sec for a distance of 4,000 km;
(3) in telecommunications, the percipient did not take cognizance of the
logical concept of the type of object being transmitted; normally, only
qualitative images eliciting some kind of sensation (shape, color, hard-
ness) were perceived; and (4) the best perception of telepathic information
occurred when the messages were short (up to one minute). Transmission
of simple, brief, coded combinations of elements (images, emotion) ap-
peared to be the proper way of handling coded telepathic information.
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(U) Numerous Soviet experiments in human telepathic communication fol-
lowed Kogan's work. Rapid Soviet advances in electronics, cybernetics,
bionics, and neurophysiology brought new techniques to the study of
telepathic phenomena. By 1970 the prime objective of Soviet telepathic
research was reproducibility of results and Soviet scientists now say that
in the future they will be able to make ample use of telepathic resources
and to develop, direct, and control telepathic processes as well.24
PART B - Current Soviet/Czech Theories and Research Objectives
(U) The most obvious trend of current Soviet and Czech telepathy research
is that it is now causally oriented rather than directed toward pragmatic
attempts to apply observed but little-understood phenomena, The previous
"cart-before-the-horse" approach was not, however, an illogical one, since
it led them to theorize that telepathic effects may be based on subtle,
unidentified forms of energy or non-energy interactions.
(U) In 1973 Peter Rezek of Prague stated that telepathy may be conceived
of as transfer realized by means of some known or unknown type of energy,
or is made possible by some non-energy factor that accompanies the func-
tioning of the brain. Rezek questions G.A. Sergeyev's dedication to the
interpretation of electroencephalograms (EEC) and wave measurements to
uncover the carrier of transfer and feels that Sergeyev's approach is
directed primarily toward the application of the investigated phenomena
and not towards an understanding of them. He questions attempts to regulate
or con~~ol psychic phenomena before their underlying causes are under-
stood. According to Rezek, ESP research and research onlsense per-
ception are similar since scientists in both fields are investigating the
composition and structure of the apparatus by which transfer takes place.
Perception, as such, in the natural science approach, is actually incom-
prehensible; nevertheless, the advocates of this approach are unable to
accept telepathic phenomena because proof of energy transfer is lacking.
Rezek feels that if the natural-science approach, which is'unable to
explain perception as such, were applied to ESP, this would make ESP
doubly incomprehensible. Even if a wave motion is found to be associated
with ESP, this phenomenon as such will again be incomprehensible. Rezek
concludes that when ordinary sense perception become comprehensible, it
may open the way to the understanding of telepathy. On the other hand,
ESP could become the basis for an understanding of perception in general.
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(U) The trend towards the theoretical development of models for cyber-
netic systems incorporating psychotronic phenomena has been augmented by
a psychotronic model of man proposed by Josef Wolf of Prague. As an
integral part of the psychosomatic picture of human existence, a psycho-
tronic model of man is an entirely unique contribution to the study of
the concept of man. From an anthropological viewpoint as well as from
broader aspects that cover the comprehensive investigation of human
existence, such a model is needed within the framework of other human
sciences, particularly anthropology and psychology. A psychotronic model
of man based on present knowledge of psychology, anthropology, and the
medical sciences, not only offers an entirely new concept of man as an
individual and as a species of living beings, but also permits new
approaches to the solution of human psychosomatic disturbances and defects.
(U) The experimental psychotronic model of man, which Wolf presents in
rather simplified and schematic form (see Figure 2) may serve this purpose.
The concept of this model is universal, i.e., it applies not only to man
(regardless of sex, age, etc.) but to any living being as',wel1, whether
terrestrial or extraterrestrial.
(U) The model includes the principal spheres of man: (1) the somatic or
biological sphere, denoted by a triangle against the base (2) the psychic
or mental sphere, designated by a circle inscribed in the'somatic triangle;,
and (3) the psychotronic or parapsychic sphere, designated by a circle
circumscribing the psychosomatic triangle. Because psychotronic coupling
in man usually occurs on the basis of communication between at least two
individuals, the principal types of such connections are also presented.
(U) Type 1 or the ego, for example, is. the psychotronic model of man as an
individual, i.e., a sort of psychotronic unit, a basic element or initial
point. Type 2, called identical, is the ideal type of psychotronic and
psychosomatic identification between two individuals. Type 3, called
platonic, is the ideal type of purely psychic and psychotronic connection.
Types 4 and 5 can be called telepathic, with minimal to maximal psycho-
somatic coupling. Here, a different theoretical interpretation based on
the assumption that there exist two different modes of telepathic transfer
.is also feasible. Types 6, 7, and 8 are characterized by some genetic or
psychosomatic coupling among several individuals (relatives, etc.).
Types 9 and 10 can be regarded as examples of higher psychotronic coupling
involving many individuals; applications of such models will be feasible
only with perfect mathematical-physical tools and a corresponding system
of psychotronic knowledge.
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Fig. 2 Psychotronic Model of Man.(U)
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(U) Recently the most important source of new questions concerning man
has arisen from the need to humanize the technical sciences, where man
is often subordinated to the operation of machinery and to the techno-
cratic apparatus, rather than the other way around. Specifically, where
the human factor is completely relegated to the background and where human
activity remains only on the fringe of human existence, human shortcomings,
defects and failures are the most frequent; technological dehumanization
may have affected not only individuals but entire groups, and perhaps even
all of society. Wolf thinks that the primitive peoples -- i.e., the
ethnic groups of aborigines who still live at the lowest cultural and
economic level in the world, and who belong to so-called primitive, pre-
literate and preclass societies -- might be one of the most rewarding
sources for studying psychic phenomena and for modeling thepsychotronic
profile2$f man, since they have not been culturally dehumanized by tech-
(U) Czech investigator M. Cernousek of Prague30 suggests that primitive
levels exist in all human minds and that there is a regressive nature
to telepathic phenomena. By regression he means some "primitivization"
of behavior, a return to older psychic functions on the ontogenetic plane.,
This behavior change is characterized by an abandonment of and withdrawal
from, the rational components of the human psyche - a complete detachment
from reality or from the perceived environment. The end effect of this
detachment from reality is a spontaneous sinking into a state that can be
characterized as one of primary, primordial empathy. Although Cernousek
describes the parameters for obtaining certain levels of regression in
modern man, his theory does not encompass any of the concepts of biologi-
cal energy transfer. Instead, he appears to accept the theory that the
human brain is analogous to a highly sophisticated data bank in which all
of life's experiences and impressions, consciously perceived or subliminally
registered, are stored. Cernousek's idea of telepathic communication
involves a high level of empathy between individuals; when such empathy
exists, he feels that information transfer occurs as a result of nearly
instantaneous and simultaneous processing of similar stored 'information
bits by both sender and receiver. The net result is a coincidence of
opinion concerning the telepathic message's content.
(U) Cernousek's theory is based on a great deal of research. The Soviet
and Czech literature on psychology, creativity, and the evolution of human
existence is extensive. A huge volume of data has been compiled on the
brain's memory capacity. The Czechs claim that 1973 experiments employ-
ing LSD have lead them to the conclusion that all of man's activities and
experiences, whether perceived intensively or less intensively, are stored.
They are now investigating the quantity of information the brain can
process per unit of time, its bit capacity, and how this becomes manifest
at the level of the conscious and the unconscious. The objective of this
research is to make the process of cognition more economical. Czech
scientists have likened the neuron to an integrated modular' element that
contains a resistor, a capacitor, and perhaps as many as 1,000 times seven
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billion, or seven trillion semiconductor elements in operation, and another
seven trillion in reserve. The brain has about 14 billion nerve cells.
If only 10 billion are able to receive information at any one time, and the
transmission capacity of a nerve fiber is 14 bits per second, then this
means that the brain is able to receive 140 billion bits of information
per second. Thus the memory capacity of the brain seems to be a million
times greater than that of current computers. For ordinary perception
and deliberation, 14 to 16 bits/second are adequate. But for more com-
plicated perception and deliberation, such as the solution of a mathemati-
cal problem, etc., about 20 bits per second are needed. The brain's great
reserve bit capacity may indicate that unconsciously and subliminally, man
may be perceiving far more information than what has been assumed previously.
Experiments with known telegnostics seem to confirm this, since they appar-
ently process and evaluate a huge quantity of information within an un-
imaginably short time.
(U) Czech theoretical cyberneticians are proposing the construction of
computers that will "create" and possess at least a degree of intuition.
However, the Czechs admit that this concept is somewhat premature, because
they do not yet understand these processes in man and are unable to describe
them adequately. Parapsychology may eventually provide much essential
knowledge about these processes and thereby help cybernetics in solving
the problem of teaching computers to create. The point is not merely to
build more-perfect computers, but to design computers with qualitatively
new functions. Work is now underway on a fourth generation of computers,
and a fifth generation is being planned. The Czechs believe that para-
psychology is already capable of offering cybernetics fruitful models.31
In the opinion of some cyberneticians,32 the present prostheses that replace
missing parts of the body are foreign bodies within the organism, regardless
of how perfect they may be. Once the technology of molecular circuits is
mastered it will be possible to integrate perfectly a prosthesis and the
central nervous system's information system. From there it will be only a
short step to direct man-machine communication. Understanding of molecular
circuits will also clarify the mechanisms of extrasensory communication
between people.
(U) The Soviet-Czech team approach to parapsychology research, not widely
used as yet in the West, will advance them into direct man-machine com-
munication, creative computers, and eventually into cyborgs, i.e., human
inductors coupled with physical psychotronic instrumentation.
(U) Frantisek Kahuda of Charles University, Prague, has expanded on the
original "neutrino" theory proposed in 1966 by Ye. Parnov of the Soviet
Union. Kahuda and other Czech researchers have demonstrated that space
(mental horizon) and time (mental time) in the world of mental processes
have characteristic properties that should be in accord with the properties
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of the particles that are the material vehicles of such processes. These
are particles that in man's internal relativistic mental process may have
a velocity v = c (c equals the velocity of light in vacuum> without vio-
lating in the external physical world Einstein's postulate that the
maximum feasible velocity is v < c. Such particles, essential to mental
processes, have not been discovered to date. Kahuda calls them mental
ions or "mentions."
(U) For physical microparticles other than luxons, which have a velocity
v = c (photons and neutrinos), Olexa-Myron Bilaniuk and F.C. George
Sudarshan introduced in 1969 the concept of tardyons for subliminal par-
ticles traveling at velocities v < c, and the concept of tachyons for
physical superliminal particles traveling at velocities v > c. The actual
existence of tachyons with an imaginary rest mass, has not''been proven so
far. Thus, the predicted tachyons correspond to Kahuda's mentions travel-
ing at velocities v > c; the tardyons and luxons correspond to the mentions
traveling at velocities v s c. However, the essential difference between
tachyons and the Czech mentions is that tachyons are supposed to be par-
ticles of the physical microworld and hence also of inanimate nature,
whereas mentions are particles formed by living organisms,' specifically
by their nervous systems, that represent matter on the highest level of
organization, with the most complex and finest structure. Moreover,
Kahuda's theory does not require the introduction of imaginary rest mass
as in the case of tachyons; it predicts the real existence' of mentions,
based on fairly accurate laboratory measurements of the physical time and
mental time of the investigated mental material motions.
(U) In agreement with the laws of the electron's quantum field theory,
Kahuda assumes that an entire conglomerate of elementary mention fields,
specific to the individual mentions, forms through interaction and trans-
mutation, a single common mention field in which the mental material
motions take place - a sort of metaetheric environment that is linked to
man's living organism and exists in nature independently of the will of
all human beings. During the mental process of thinking one mental par-
ticle "changes" into another, however Kahuda does not designate any
particle as primary and another particle as secondary. These constant
changes and mutual transmutations reflect the psychic world's material
homogeneity. The basis of this homogeneity is the motion of mentions as
universal material particles of the human psyche. From the theory based
on the principle of quantum mentiodynamics Kahuda has proposed the fol-
lowing formula for total mention energy:
E E (B) moc
const uy
1 - 2
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where Ep(B) is the potential (psychic) energy of the investigated re-
spondent. From this equation it follows that the rest mass of the mention,
at the moment when the mental process starts (i.e., when the respondent
emits the first mention), and when numerically Ep(B) = E, is expressed
by the relationship:
2) const
mo = c202
where 00 = - is the rest-time factor of man's mental abilities. Thus, the
mental structure (nervous system) of each respondent forms and emits its
own mentions whose rest mass, according to experimental results to date,
is approximately 106 to 198 times smaller than the rest mass of the u-meson,
which is mo = 10-12g to 10-13g. The smallest values of total mention energy
that were measured indirectly at the moment when the mental process began
ranged from 0.384-10-10 to 9.744.10-10 erg, which is approximately the same
level as the energy of X-rays; the quotient of this energy range's relative
amplitude is roughly 25. Kahuda assumes that after the commencement of the
mental process, in the course of its formation, the velocities of the men-
tions' material motions may increase severalfold, so that the total mention
energy according to equation 1 may be considerable, even though the average
respondent's initial energy is equal only to the mean energy necessary for
the visual stimulation of the human eye (2.1?10-10 erg/sec). For high
velocities Kahuda thinks that it will now be possible to actually develop
quantum mentiodynamics as the quantum theory of mention fields.
(U) Mention energy, which may be the essence of the propagating changes
and energetic information in mental processes, is an as-yet unknown form
of energy in human beings. It occurs in quanta that cannot be measured
directly with the instrumentation presently available. Therefore, Kahuda
measured the quantitative values of potential energy (Ep(B)) indirectly.
(U) Kahuda's results indicate that electromagnetic processes alone cannot
be the vehicles of psychic processes, and that within the framework of the
entire complex mental structure there must also exist another carrier of
mental processes, one that permits the propagation of psychic reactions and
interactions at velocities greater than the velocity of light in vacuum.
In Kahuda's opinion, it is indisputable that mentions do exist, but he
points out that the discovery and experimental verification of mentions will
require a thorough theoretical knowledge of their possible characteristics
and the most sophisticated and most accurate measuring equipment that sci-
ence will be able to develop.33
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Part A - Basic Research
(U) Behavior modification through telepathic means is in itself applied
research. The changes or alterations of human activity desired can be
either beneficial or detrimental to the percipient. Soviet research in
the field of behavior modification by telepathy dating from the early
1920s through the early 1970s has had one major objective -- application
of techniques. In telepathy research, unlike research in most scientific
disciplines, the applied phase preceded the basic phase. To put it simply
this is why telepathy is still called a phenomenon, both in the USSR and
the West. The phenomenon of telepathy has many applications, one of which
is behavior modification. Basic research therefore applies to the phen-
omenon itself; this is covered in Part I Section II and Part II (Psycho-
tronic Generator Research).
Part B - Applied Research
(U) Between 1920 and 1943, L.L. Vasilev conducted numerous experiments
involving telepathic mental suggestion; his first work involved the
mental suggestion of motor (muscle) movements. This early work was based
in part on the published results of similar experiments conducted by
Dr. Joire34 of Lille, France. Vasilev's human test subjects were asked to
perform various muscular movements through the medium of telepathy. For
comparative purposes some tests were made with hypnotized percipients,
while others were placed only in a relaxed state. During the same time
frame (1920-1943), Vasilev also conducted experiments involving the mental
suggestion of visual images and sensations with and without hypnosis.
Vasilev's results indicated that it was altogether possible to telepathically
suggest and produce voluntary, controllable motor acts as well as influence
involuntary, uncontrollable movement. He noted that.some of the best sub-
jects for the suggestion of motor acts were unsuitable for mental suggestion
of visual images and vice versa. Apparently there was no visible positive
correlation between these two variants of telepathic susceptibility. Some
of the subjects under hypnosis responded more readily to verbal suggestion
of a sensory nature while others were more responsive to verbal suggestion
of the motor type. This observed variance applied for both mental and
verbal suggestive techniques. After a thorough series of experiments,
Vasilev concluded that mental suggestion involving hypnosis would provide
the most fruitful results.35
(U) According to Ostrander and Schroeder,5 the ability to telepathically
produce sleep-wake states (obliteration of one's consciousness) from a
distance of a few meters to over a thousand kilometers became the most
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thoroughly tested and perfected Soviet contribution to international
parapsychology. Parapsychologists in Leningrad and Moscow demonstrated
the telepathic manipulation of consciousness and correlated 'it with
systematic EEG recordings. The Naumov-Sergeyev-Pavlova team found that
EEG recordings changed dramatically when the telepathic impulse contained
a message affecting human emotions. Transmission of several successive
emotions of a negative character elicited the appearance oflcross-
excitation of the brain. It changed the spontaneous EEG character to
the tired state of the brain, dominated by slow, hypersynchronized waves
of the delta and theta type. Percipients of unpleasant emotions followed
by positive emotions (feelings of calmness or cheerfulness),regained
normalized EEG's within one to three minutes. Other Soviet tests included
sending to the percipient the anxiety associated with suffocation and the
sensation of a dizzying blow to the head. Pavlova, Sergeyev and Naumov
uncovered impressive data on the power of thought and concluded that a
person doesn't have to conjure up his own "nasty" thoughts; someone else
can do it and telepathically transmit them to him. S. Serov and A. Troskin
of Sverdlovsk demonstrated that the number of white blood cells rose by
fifteen hundred after they suggested positive emotion to patients. More
important was the observation that after impressing negative emotion, the
white cell count decreased by sixteen hundred. Since leucocytes are one
of the body's main defense mechanisms against disease, such a telepathically
imposed shift in cell count could be used in altering human health. In
similar research the Czechs found that intense mental activity in the
sender caused, at a distance, a slight change in blood volume in a resting
percipient. Measurements were made with a plethysmograph.', Experiments
in the West have verified this phenomenon. Soviet and Czech research in
manipulative telepathic techniques has also included experimental trans-
mission of kinetic impulses, sound, and taste.
(U) Outside of the Soviet and Czech research on the manipulative possi-
bilities of PK and psychotronic generators, the emphasis on manipulation
by means of telepathy still involves the use of hypnotism. Many Soviet
and Czech scientists are using this technique as a means to try to iden-
tify the "carrier" of telepathy but others may be conducting such research
for more devious reasons.
(U) Dr. Stefan Manczarski of Poland predicted that the field of telepathy
will open new avenues for spreading propaganda. He feels that the electro-
magnetic theory is valid and believes, therefore, that telepathy can be
amplified like radio waves. Telepathy would then become a!subtle new
modus for the "influencers" of the world. Some Western followers of
psychic phenomena research are concerned, for example, with the detri-
mental effects of subliminal perception techniques being targeted against
US or allied personnel in nuclear missile silos. The subliminal message
could be "carried" by television signals or by telepathic means.
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(U) The potential applications of focusing mental influences on an enemy
through hypnotic telepathy have surely occurred to the Soviets. The bulk
of recent telepathy research in the USSR has been concerned with the
transmission of emotional or behavioral impulses and the study of physio-
logical responses to PK exercises, etc. In their exploration of telepathy,
they are seeking the evenual capability to reproduce and to amplify the
phenomena so that control is feasible. Control and manipulation of the
human consciousness must be considered a primary goal.
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(U) Psychotronic generators (also called Pavlita generators after the
inventor) are small devices said to be capable of drawing biological
energy from humans; the energy is accumulated and stored for future use.
Once charged with human energy, the generators can do some of the things
a psychic subject can do, but, according to the inventor, Robert Pavlita,
can be charged by individuals possessing no psychic ability.5
(U) The concept of man as a source of unusual energy dates back at least
as far as ancient Chinese and Hindu teachings, in which it was called
"vital energy" or "prana." Between the 18th and 20th centuries it was
called various things (animal magnetism, odic force, motor force, n-rays,
etheric force, etc.) by rediscoverere of its existence. In contemporary
Soviet and Czechoslovakian parapsychology this energy is called bio-
plasmic or psychotronic energy. The Czechoslovakian rediscovery of
biological energy is credited to Robert Pavlita, an inventor and business-
man from Prague who began work on his devices over thirty years ago.5
(U) Some representative examples of Pavlita generators are shown in
Figures 3 through 7. No details of their construction have ever been
made available to Western observers, possibly because Pavlita eventually
plans to seek foreign patents. It has been reported, however, that the
devices are fabricated from various metals (steel, bronze, copper, iron,
gold) and that their effects are a result of their form.5
(U) Pavlita's generators can be charged by direct contact (e.g., rubbing
or touching to the temporal region of the head) or by visually directing
mental concentration upon them from a distance. The nature of the energy
stored is still not understood, but over the years a number of observa-
tions about its effects have been reported. It can be reflected, re-
fracted, polarized, and combined with other forms of energy. It creates
effects similar to magnetism, heat, electricity, and luminous radiation,
but is itself none of these. The energy apparently can be conducted by
paper, wood, wool, silk, and other substances normally considered to be
good insulators. The devices have been tested by commissions of experts
from the Czechoslovakian Academy of Sciences and the University of Hradec
Kralove in Prague. Static electricity, air currents, temperature changes,
and magnetism, were eliminated as possible explanations for the observed
effects. In addition, the energy exerted its effect through glass, water,
wood, cardboard, or any type of metal and was not diminished.
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(U) According to both Soviet and Czech researchers, one major advantage
of studying psychotronic generators is the reproducibility of their ef-
fects; in addition, they can be activated by nearly anyone, with or with-
out any special psychic abilities. The devices may have other practical
applications not related to parapsychology. The Czechs claim that irra-
diation of seeds with the energy enhances plant growth, and that industrial
pollutants have been precipitated out of water by its action (Figure 7).
These claims may be open to question, since in 1972, Zdenel Rejdak, head
of the Psychotronic Research Section of the Czechoslovakian Society for
Science and Technology, termed the experiments with plants and water
(U) A recent newspaper article,36 quoting Pavlita, reported that his
generators could serve as weapons; no further details were',given. No
information is available on Czech efforts to develop psychotronic weapons,
but Pavlita has stated that some forms of his devices can exert both
favorable and unfavorable effects on living organisms, including man. In
experiments with snails exposed to the energy from a generator, a state
similar to hibernation resulted. When flies were placed in the gap of a
circular generator (Figure 6) they died instantly. In another test,
Pavlita aimed a generator at his daughter's head from a distance of
several yards. Her electroencephalogram (EEG) changed, she became dizzy,
and her equilibrium was disrupted.
(U) In their present form and size, Pavlita's devices could probably
exert an effect on humans at only relatively short range. It is possible
that their size could be enlarged or their energy amplified, thereby ex-
tending their range. If the Czech claims for these devices are valid,
biological energy might be an effective antipersonnel weapon. It would
be difficult to defend against, since it apparently penetrates most common
forms of insulation and its reported effects (changes in brain wave char-
acteristics, disturbance of equilibrium, dizziness) could result in
personality changes or physical discomfort which might alter combat
(U) Soviet or Czech perfection of psychotronic weapons would pose a
severe threat to enemy military, embassy, or security functions. The
emitted energy would be silent and difficult to detect electronically
(although the Soviets claim to have developed effective biological energy
sensors) and the only power source required would be the human operator.
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(U) Psychokinesis (PK), or as it is sometimes called, telekinesis, is
the ability to influence animate or inanimate objects at a distance,
without physical contact, by means of uncontrolled or controlled
biological energy fields. Some, but not all, of the effects of PK
include: initiation or cessation of motion in inanimate objects;
apparent neutralization of the effect of gravity on inanimate objects
(levitation); induction of changes in physiological processes of
animate matter; the creation of measurable electric, electromagnetic,
electrostatic, magnetic, or gravitational fields around target
objects; and the imposition of images on shielded photographic emulsions.
(U) Current Soviet and Czechoslovakian parapsychological research
emphasis is on identification and quantification of the generated
bioenergetic force fields, identification of the physiological processes
underlying their origin, and development of practical applications of
?PK energy.
(U) There are fundamental differences between the Soviet and Czech,
approaches to PK research. Since paranormal research was granted
political respectability in the Soviet Union in the 1950's, Soviet
scientists have concentrated their investigations on a relatively few,
highly "gifted", psychic individuals, and have attempted to determine
what (if any) physiological attributes underlie their capabilities and
differ from those of non-psychic subjects. Parallel with these efforts
to determine cause(s), the Soviets have concentrated considerable
effort on determination of the nature of the energy fields formed and
to attempts to determine whether all psychokinetically gifted subjects
create the same, or different, energy fields.
(U) Czechoslovakian research is also cause-and-effect oriented, but
appears to be governed far more by the belief that PK effects can be
produced by a majority of people and that no inherent or highly developed
psychic capability is prerequisite to the investigation and demonstration of
PK effects.
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(U) Soviet research has taken several different directions in efforts
to develop materialistic explanations for observed PK effects,. This
research has involved in-depth studies of the characteristics of the
electrical field between subject and object, characterization of elec-
trical fields immediately around the subject, study of bioelectrical
fields by detection devices, study of subjects' brain wave patterns,
and photography of the subjects' bioenergy fields. To date, Soviet
scientists are by no means in accord concerning the nature of1the
forces ipyolved, but all are in agreement that a physical energy is
at work.
(U) Dr. Viktor G. Adamenko of the Moscow Institute of Radiophysics,
Dr. Viktor Inyushin, of the Kazakh University, Alma-ata, and Dr. Genady
Sergeyev of the A.A. Uktomskii Physiological Institute, Leningrad are
the leading Soviet theoreticians studying PK. Both Inyushin and
Sergeyev have developed theories based on the existence of a new form
of energy-a form of biological energy referred to as "bioplasma". They
consider PK effects as analogous to lightning accidentally charging a
surface and feel that movement in PK occurs as a result of the interaction of
the object's electrostatic charge and electromagnetic field with the
human operator's field. The biological energy involved is under
conscious direction by the subject, who can make a target object start
or stop motion, change direction, or rotate. Sergeyev has developed
instrumentation which measures changes in the bioplasmic fiend at
distances up to 3 meters (9.9 feet); he has recorded fields of 10,000
volts/centimeter in the vicinity of a target object with no indication
of an electrical field in the space between the subject and the object.
According to Sergeyev, bioplasmic energy is maximally concentrated in the
head region. He attributes PK to a polarization of the bioplasma in a
laser-like fashion and refers to this as a "biolaser effect" which
acts as a material force upon the object.37
(U) Dr. Sergeyev has developed detectors that monitor the energy field
during PK demonstrations. Although Western observers have been denied
information on the construction of the detectors, (information reported
to have been classified by the Soviet military), details may have been
published by the Soviet Academy of Sciences. It is possible that the
Sergeyev detectors are similar to those developed by an American, David
Thomson. Thomson's devices, which have been used in human force field
research at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada, consist of two
capacitor plates, a. preamplifier, and a line recorder like that of
an encephalograph. Other Soviet force field detector research has been
done at the Laboratory for Biological Cybernetics in the University of
Leningrad Physiology Department. There, according to Soviet reports,
Dr. Pavel Gulyaiev developed extremely sensitive electrodes capable of
detecting the electrical force fields of nerves at distances up to 24
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centimeters (9.46 inches). For more detailed information on Soviet
biological energy detectors, the reader is referred to reference (5),
pages 393-396.
(U) Dr. Adamenko has conducted experiments to ascertain the role of
electrostatic charges on the surface of target objects as the cause of
their movement. Adamenko has advanced the theory that man may be
anisotropic - i.e., man may be able to alter his external energy state
in accordance with his internal energy state, and this ability in turn,
may depend on his physiological processes. According to Adamenko,
humans, animals, and plants probably possess electric fields as a result
of spontaneous tissue polarization, and such fields may interact with
externally imposed or induced charges. He proposes that the observed
properties of living tissue come closest to the properties of electrets.38
Electrets are defined as "forcibly" polarized bodies having comparatively
high conductivity and the ability to maintain an external electrical field
after exposure to adverse factors of either the external or internal
environment. Adamenko has shown that the material basis of contactless
interaction between man and objects results from an electrostatic field
whose magnitude depends on man's physiological state. Other Soviet
researchers have observed that when subjects are exposed to various ex-
ternal stimuli, their physiological state varies in both the character and
magnitude of the bioelectret effect. They have formed the hypothesis that
the polarization of living tissues is the explanation for contactless in-
teractions between humans and between humans and objects.
(U) Adamenko has also advanced the concept that, in the thermodynamic
sense, living tissue may not be subject to the same physical laws that
are valid for inorganic matter. He argues that living tissue may
possess "new" properties (in terms of thermodynamics) when compared with
inorganic matter. He believes that if living molecules differ
qualitatively from inorganic molecules, then a distinction may exist
between "living" and "technical" force fields. To demonstrate his
point, Adamenko makes reference to healing by "the laying on of hands"
(in Western terms "faith healing"). The Soviets have measured electrical
fields between "healers" and patients, yet knowing these field potentials
they have not been able to duplicate the beneficial effects obtained from
humans by means of mechanically generated fields.
(U) Aleksandr Dubrov, a biophysicist with the Institute of Earth Physics,
USSR Academy of Sciences, has advanced the concept of "biogravitation"
to explain PK. Biogravitation, as a term, was introduced by Soviet
physicist V.A. Bunin in 1960, and was used to refer to the ability of
living organisms to form and detect gravitational waves. Dubrov bases
his theory on currently accepted concepts of molecular biology and
high-energy physics.
43c~,o ~3pp
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(U) In molecular biology, the capacity of intracellular molecules to
alter their spatial structure is recognized. Biomolecules are capable
of making the transition from a "liquid" to an orderly crystalline
state. Dubrov defines this change as "molecular conformational change";
like present day high energy physicists, he believes that as a result
of this change, the molecules are brought so close to each other that
tremendous forces of attraction or gravitation emerge; when this occurs,
a constant conformational field having a "quasigravitational"nature is
formed. In Dubrov's opinion, this means that a vector, or force field,
is formed at the subcellular level which is capable of attracting or
repelling naturally occurring gravitational forces, or of itself
emitting minute gravitational waves.4
(U) Dubrov feels that psychic subjects may, in some manner, have the
ability to synchronize their subcellular molecular conformational
changes and thus generate attractive or gravitational fields ,of
sufficient strength to alter electromagnetic or natural gravitational
forces acting on a target object. Dubrov, like some other Soviet and
Western parapsychologists, thinks that changes in the space.-time
continuum may be the basis for observed PK phenomena - i.e.,'time may
be accelerated or decelerated by the psychic subject.
(U) In 1973 and 1974, a Soviet psychic named Boris Ermolayev parti-
cipated in a series of experiments at Moscow University. Ermolayev is
reported to have the ability to levitate (suspend) objects in midair by
concentrating psychic energy at a focal point in space.40 In some of
the tests, Ermolayev pressed an object between his hands, then slowly
moved his hands apart until they were approximately eight inches from
the object, which remained suspended in the air. Soviet scientists
claim that all tests were conducted under the strictest controls and
that no strings or other devices of any kind were used. Dubrov feels
that Ermolayev's levitation powers can be used to prove that space-time
and gravitational changes occur in the area between the psychic's hands
and the object. He suggests that the transmission of electromagnetic
energy of known velocity should be delayed when beamed through the
levitation field.
(U) Two female psychic subjects, Nina Kulagina and Alla Vinogradova,
have been studied extensively by Drs. Sergeyev and Adamenko.', According
to Sergeyev, Mrs. Kulagina can control the beat of frog heart preparations,
imprint images on shielded photographic emulsions, and move objects
weighing one pound or more. In 1970, Dr. Sergeyev conducted experiments
in which Mrs. Kulagina was asked to influence, if possible, a living frog
heart preparation; such preparations normally continue to beat for several
hours after removal from the animal's body. In one experiment, the
heart was placed in a glass jar 212 feet from Mrs. Kulagina. As she
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concentrated on controlling its beat, electrocardiograms showed that the
rate of contraction increased or decreased at her command. Five minutes
after the experiment began, she stoped its beat entirely. When a second
preparation was placed in the jar its beat was stopped in 23 minutes.
(U) In other experiments, Mrs. Kulagina imprinted images on unexposed
film sealed in black envelopes. During these experiments Sergeyev
measured the energy around the psychic's body and found it to be half
that of a non-psychic individual. This led Sergeyev to believe that
she absorbs, or draws, energy from around her and then discharges it on
the target object.
(U) Mrs. Kulagina experiences considerable stress while she is being
tested. Her pulse increases, as does her rate of breathing; she develops
pain in her upper spine and the back of her neck. At the onset of her
"activated" state she feels thirsty and has a taste of iron or copper in
her mouth. During the activated state, she experiences occasional
periods of dizziness and nausea. Her blood sugar level rises and within
one hour following cessation of tests, a loss of weight (1.5 - 2.0 lbs)
occurs. She experiences less stress when alone, and claims to respond
best in an atmosphere of friendly mutual trust and belief. Her PK
ability is mood dependent (her mood and the mood of the observers) and
she expends more energy in a hostile or skeptical atmosphere.
The mechanical aspects of Mrs. Kulagina's PK effects are as follows:
a. Size and shape are more important than the physical structure of
the substance she is trying to influence.
b. Weight and dimensions of objects she is trying to move are
important; the weights vary from a few ounces to nearly one pound.
c. She finds moving a vertical cylinder easier than moving a
horizontal one.
d. She causes no changes in the shape of soft objects during
e. The direction an object moves depends on her will, and may be
either toward or away from her. She can also cause rotational or
vertical movements to occur.
f. Kulagina's optimum field effect occurs at approximately 12 feet;
her distance limit is approximately 3 feet and 4 inches, when the object
to be influenced is 3 feet form the edge of the working surface. At
these distances she is said to be able to move one object out of many,
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depending upon where she centers her concentra'.tion.
The electrical aspects of Kulagina's effects are as follows:
a. An electrical field is generated in the vicinity of the
object she is attempting to influence; however, there is no
measurable field between Kulagina and that object and no sparks are
b. She can exert no effect on an object situated in a:vacuum.
c. Electrostatic screening has no effect on her powers, which
seem to be better with the object under a dielectric covert but
she is unsuccessful during storms or other atmospheric conditions
when there is a greater than normal amount of electricity in the air.
She cannot, at any time, exert an influence on an electroscope.
d. She can cause luminescence of crystal lumiphors and produce
changes in the spectrum of visible light absorbed by liquid crystals.
(U) Dr. Adamenko has found that Alla Vinogradova produces effects
similar to those of Nina Kulagina, but undergoes far less physiological
stress. In some of his experiments with her in Moscow, during which
she moved a variety of objects about on a dielectric surface, a great
deal of electrostatic (ES) energy was measured around the objects
(supposedly enough to light a small neon glow tube). The measurements
detected field pulsations which were synchronous with Vino$radova's.
respiration rate, heartbeat, and brain alpha rhythm pattern; however,
the region between Vinogradova and the object contained no energy
fields nor frequencies, and the ES energy increased in intensity as the
objects were approached.
The results with Alla Vinogradova have led Adamenko to believe that
there may be individuals who have the ability to build u an ES field
on the body surface at will and project it as required.3?
(U) The Czechs, like the Soviets, are attempting to identify the source,
or sources, of biological energy, but their research is not centered on
psychically gifted individuals. Instead, some leading Czech. parapsychol-
ogists have developed the theory that most people possess psychic capa-
bilities and that such capabilities may best be demonstrated as observable
PK effects. Czech parapsychology research is currently heavily PK
oriented, probably as a result of Robert Pavlita's development of
psychotronic generators (described in Part II of this study). The Czechs
believe that the use of these devices for biological energy collection
and concentration may make it possible for nearly anyone to cause PK
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and also the presence and changing positions of objects and persons,
perhaps even in the next room or next apartment. Rotational systems
enclosed in cylindrical containers are the most suitable for experi-
ments. Angular enclosures are unsuitable for this purpose, since the
motions observed in them are too slow and unconvincing. The best devices
consist of rods or tubes suspended horizontally by a monofilament
thread, foils in the shape of narrow rectangles rotating about their
minor axis, or circular planes rotating about their diameter. The
angular velocities of the rotational systems are sometimes very
noticeable, but more often they are comparable to the velocity of a
watch's minute hand. However, such systems are able to exclude other
physical causes that could influence rotational motion. Placement in
a steel container can form a magnetic shield. A glass jar or cylinder
can be packed in a grounded Faraday cage of woven wire, or the space
between the walls of two containers, one placed in the other, can be
filled with water to shield against electrostatic energy. Despite such
measures, the indicators react to changes in radiation from heat and
light sources. They react especially sharply to direct sunlight, but
they also detect changes in diffused daylight or the narrow b?cam of a
flashlight, even from a considerable distance. Under stable conditions
of heat and light, the indicators remain steady in some equilibrium
position. A convincing example of this is the fact that when an
indicator is permanently located, it settles in the same equilibrium
position every night and remains in it until morning. After sunrise,
even on a cloudy day, it occupies a new position and maintains it
until it is subjected to a further impluse, for example, to a sudden
clearing of the sky, to the presence of a person, to a change in the
positions of nearby objects, etc. From such observations, Krmessky
assumes that successful telekinetic experiments are very demanding
in terms of their physical conditions. Such experiments cannot be
performed at just any time or place. There are cases when the
indicator's plane occasionally rotates without any intervention by
the experimenter and without any perceptible cause. If such a case
occurs under constant conditions of light and heat, and if its cause
cannot be determined in the immediate environment, then Krmessky feels
that the effect of distant sources of radiation, perhaps even of cosmic
origin, may be the energetic force. The opposite of this seemingly
spontaneous motion has also been observed; the rotational system will
remain practically immobile, the indicator will not be affected much by
either a gaze or the proximity of the hand, and a very slow displace-
ment of only a few degrees is all that can be induced. Thus, a suitable
time and place must be chosen for the experiments so that the conditions
may be as favorable as possible.
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(U) Krmessky found that the indicators reacted not only to the
nearness of a human body, but also to a slightly lesser extent to
other animate and inanimate objects. They also reacted to the
nearness of plants, vegetables, fruits, flowers, etc., and to subjects
made of a variety of materials (metal, glass, etc.) so long as the
surface areas were sufficiently large. When the dimensions of the
objects were small, their activity was increased by roughing their
surface, thus essentially increasing the surface area. Porous or
spiny objects, such as sponges or sea urchins were especially
suitable for experiments of this type. To insure that the temperature
of these objects was the same as that of the movable systems, they were
placed near the indicators for a sufficient length of time'to allow
for temperature equilibration. Only then were experiments performed,
and the positive results obtained completely eliminated he-t
radiation as the source of energy.
(U) Krmessky has found that although the hands and other tarts of
the body are effective in inducing rotational motion, a fi~:ed gaze
produces motion of greater magnitude, probably because it condenses the
biological energy into a fairly concentrated beam, whereas 1, impulses from
the body surface are scattered. The "visual rays" were sh'twn to exert an
effect even when reflected or when focused through binocul?rs.
(U) In Krmessky's experiments with inanimate objects and lants,
man's role was of very brief duration and consisted only of placing
the objects or plants near the device. In future experiments,
Krmessky plans to position such objects by purely mechanicpl means.
He feels that if positive results are still obtained, he will have
demonstrated that interactions between objects and objects and humans
and objects differ. At the present stage of his research,''he supports
his hypothesis as follows: the indicator distinguishes the effect
of objects from the effects of man in the following manner: after an
object has been placed near the indicator, the plane rotates from its
original equilibrium position to a new equilibrium position and
remains in it or gradually returns to the original position. When
man affects the indicator, the final position of the indicEtor's
plane depends on man's will, unless fatigue, that is an accompanying
phenomenon of psychic exertion, sets in.
(U) Krmessky believes that he is observing an energy field which is
quite similar to magnetism, but a magnetism with some finer structure
and a very unstable, fluid field. The poles of this magnetic field
may be formed by very easily movable plasma particles that represent
elementary magnets which, under the influence of external factors, are
never in a completely chaotic state, but rather in a very unsteady
state of partial ordering. Probably the occasionally observed fine
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oscillations of the indicator's planes at the beginning of rotation are
actually the collective effect of the process of aligning the particles.
Krmessky has yet to explain why, under seemingly identical conditions and
in response to apparently identical stimuli, the rotational indicators
of his devices are on one occasion attracted, and on another, repelled.
Such erratic responses seem to indicate a double magnetic layer in
which the poles are located side by side; this is not feasible if the
poles are similar to electric charges. The indicators react as if
there are positive, negative, and neutral loci alternately distributed in
a relatively small plane. The materials from which the devices are
built are such that they should not react to the inductive effect of
the earth's magnetic field.
(U) Krmessky has advanced the theory that the hypothetical poles in all
objects on the earth's surface are induced by light, or by radiation
in general. This "quasimagnetic field," then, could be a resultant
phenomenon induced by interaction of plasma and radiation, without
having to assume an analogy to the earth's magnetic field. He also
accepts the hypothesis that in man's brain the processes of thinking
are accompanied by the motion of plasma particles, and that this motion
is the source of excitation or, more aptly, the modulator in this
hypothetical field of very fine structure, able to transmit much more
subtle impulses than the well-known electromagnetic field. But even
in this case, he does not disregard the role of the electromagnetic
field. Certain phenomena -- the reflection of visual rays by polished
surfaces, refraction, the effect of light on the polarity of objects,
etc. -- indicate that a common denominator for PK and for the
electromagnetic field may eventually be found.
(U) All of the Soviet and Czech research on PK is significant, especially
that associated with the spectacular Soviet psychics Kulagina, Vinogradova,
and Ermolayev. Kulagina's highly publicized ability to affect living
tissues might be applied against human targets; in like manner,
Vinogradova's power to move objects, and Ermolayev's levitational ability
could possibly be used to activate or deactivate power supplies or to
steal military documents or hardware. Robert Pavlita's generators and
Julius Krmessky's PK indicators could be (and possibly are now) used to
train large numbers of lesser known Soviet and Czech citizens to develop,
enhance, and control their latent psychic abilities. Such a cadre of
trained, but anonymous individuals could be used for any number of
covert activities. Less spectacular, but more significant, is the fact
that Soviet and Czech scientists are pursuing an interrelated, unified
approach to determining the energy sources and interactions underlying
PK and appear to be far ahead of their Western counterparts in reaching
this goal. It will be but a short step from understanding to application
and there is little doubt that many applications can be directed toward
man for whatever purpose, be it good or bad.
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Fig. 9 Psychotronic Rotor (U)
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September 1975
(U) Remote viewing refers to the ability of some individuals to project
themselves mentally to remote or inaccessible locations and observe and
report on details of terrain, structures, and other salient features.
This ability is also referred to as astral or mental projection. It
differs from telepathy in that the percipient does not piece together
information bits to form an image, but rather, has a vivid sense of
leaving his body and personally observing the target area in toto.
(U) Remote viewing has been investigated in the US at Stanford Research
Institute (SRI), Menlo Park, California. Psychically gifted subjects
were tested for the ability by presenting them with map cocrdinates
randomly selected on a double blind basis. The subjects were required
to respond immediately with a description of the target area and were
tested both with and without feedback as to their accuracy. According
to the SRI report on this study, there were at least some categories of
information in which the results exceeded any possible statistical bounds
of coincidental correlation and precluded acquisition of data by known means.
(C) SRI reports of remote viewing research. have not been publicized, but
other SRI research on the psychic abilities of an Israeli (Uri Geller)
and a British (Ingo Swann) subject has been widely cited in the US news
media. Geller has been quoted many times on his avowed ability to trans-
port himself mentally to any place of his choosing. Soviet: parapsychologists
are aware of Geller Is claims (he has, in fact, been invited to the Soviet Union
for tests) and continuing US interest in this phenomenon, nevertheless they
have reported very little similar research of their own.
AG 1
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September 1975
(U) In 1970, Ostrander and Schroeder5 reported that the Soviets were
studying out-of-the-body phenomena in Yogis; no details of the research
were given. In 1972, the US newspaper National Enquirer43 reported that
the Soviets had accomplished astral projection in the laboratory and cited
the opinion of a US researcher that the technique would be in use for es-
pionage before the end of the 1970's; once again, no details, of the Soviet
work were furnished. With the exception of these two reports, no other
information is available on Soviet out-of-the-body research and no reports
indicative of any interest have become available since 1972.1
(U) The Soviet's apparent lack of interest in out-of-the-body phenomena
has led some US scientists to the conclusion that "they must be interested
in it and investigating it," however, there is insufficient information at
present to support the conclusion that such phenomena represent a specific
area of classified Soviet research.
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September 1975
(U) The apport technique is a form of astral projection in which the
psychic subject transports his "energy body" to a remote site, dematerializes
an object, then transports it back and materializes it. In past reports
there has been some very general speculation on espionage applications
of the technique but to date no definitive reports, US or foreign, have
verified the claims of psychics reputed to have the ability. There have
been no Soviet or European Communist Countries' reports concerning research
on apport techniques and if such research is being conducted, it is a
well-kept secret. Lack of information on Soviet interest in the technique
represents a major intelligence gap.
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September 1975
(U) Soviet and Czechoslovakian researchers have accepted the reality of
paranormal events and are primarily concerned with the formulation of a
unified theory to describe the basic energy transformations involved.
The Soviet emphasis on the electrostatic and electromagnetic components
of the energy may play an important role in the final determination of
the nature of psychical phenomena. This emphasis on energetics or inter-
action effects has lead to the concept that man must be investigated as a
complete, integrated unit.
(U) Soviet and Czech psychotronic research will eventually be applied to
human problems. As this occurs, the question will arise whether this
knowledge and the equipment developed will be used for the enhancement of
human freedom and social development, or for regimentation and enslavement.
Psychotronics could conceivably play a role in contributing to the survival
of the human species; by emphasizing the interconnections between all living
beings, it should help to reduce human aggressive tendencies. By the same
token, it could also be applied to increase such aggressive tendencies and
it has powerful potential for use as an effective weapon against groups of
men and key leaders.
(U) The Czechs claim that a direct transfer of biological energy from
healthy to diseased or injured muscle is not only possible, but proven.
The Soviets do not restrict the possibility of such energy transfer to any
one physiological system, but state that biological energy transfer can be
utilized to relieve human functional disorders of the nervous system, the
internal organs, and the mind. In all cases, such medical applications of
biological energy transfer are officially described as having beneficial
results, but this may not necessarily be true. By analogy, conventional
medical techniques can be beneficial, but when misapplied, can cause
serious damage, or even death. By the same token, there can also be
"psychic" malpractice, although the Soviets and Czechs are not likely to
publicize this fact.
(U) Both Czech and US researchers have described Robert Pavlita's work
with psychotronic generators as possibly the most important contemporary
development in the field of parapsychology and as a major contribution to
the deeper understanding, mastery, and utilization of biological energy
for human advantage. Just as in the example of direct transfer of bio-
logical energy for medical purposes, the use of such devices is not
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necessarily intended to be beneficial. If Pavlita's devices can kill
insects at present, their potential in the future after refinement and
enlargement may well be for killing men. If bioenergy can be reliably
controlled and focused by such devices, death could be caused by dis-
ruption of fundamental brain rhythms, heart control, or biological clock
(U) It should also be pointed out that some of Pavlita's experiments
seem to contradict Soviet results obtained with humans. As an example,
the effect of his devices on suspended magnets is lessened if the magnets
are electrostatically shielded, whereas such shielding has no effect in
Soviet experiments with Nina Kulagina and Alla Vinogradova. It would
appear that although the Czechs and the Soviets are examining the same
phenomena, passage of biological energy through Pavlita's devices alters
it in some manner. This raises the question of how well these machines
can be controlled, and whether the alteration they induce on bioenergy is
beneficial or detrimental.
(U) Soviet research with Kulagina and Vinogradova indicates that energy
interchanges, or transfer mechanisms, may be possible between gifted
psychics and inanimate objects. There is evidence that Soviet research
with these women also involves attempts to influence animate biological
systems. In 1972, LaMothe2 reported that Kulagina had the capability for
stopping and starting the beat of an excised, living, frog heart. If
true, it supports the contention that Czech and Soviet claims for "bene-
ficial" applications of biological energy transfer are reversible - if a
frog heart can be started and stopped, the same effects might be imposed
on humans. Such dramatic effects illustrate some of the dangerous poten-
tial of controlled biological energy transfer.
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September 1975
(U) In summary, it should be pointed out that Soviet parapsychologists
continue to face problems similar to those of their Western counterparts,
in that observed phenomena are unstable and there is low probability of
proving them in controlled tests under selected conditions. Soviet critics
of the science have been quick to seize on these two characteristics in
order to categorically reject many of the phenomena, and they have be-
littled some forms of such manifestations by contending that the conditions
under which tests have been conducted have not been adequate to preclude
fraud. In view of this situation, the Soviets will continue to investigate
methodology, since they feel it absolutely necessary to quantify observed
phenomena. Although they have not yet done so, the Soviets may very well
be the first to identify the field forces involved and the means by which
they are generated, due to their concentration on the mechanisms and
energetics involved.
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September 1975
(U) Criticism: All Soviet science is very much influenced by political
ideology. Parapsychology, as a result of the fleeting phenomena it deals
with, is perhaps more vulnerable to ideological attacks than other science.
Soviet critics point out that parapsychology, as a "pseudoscience," makes
it enormously more difficult for the Party to eliminate than religious
prejudices and superstitions. They claim that parapsychology, if viewed
from the standpoint of Lenin, represents a revival of "bourgeois subjective
idealism." Soviet critics claim that subsensory, subthreshold perception
takes place in the presence of a stimulus and an analyzer and that such
perception is subject to the very same physiological laws as is a sub-
jectively registered perception. They admit, however, that the study of
these laws is still far from the stage at which it will be possible to
explain scientifically a person's subconscious psychological activity.
(U) Concentration on Energetics: Faced with such criticisms, Soviet and
Czech scientists engaged in parapsychology research have, more and more,
stressed the "biological energy" concept, and are continuing to develop
theoretical bases which will provide an integrated approach to paranormal
phenomena. In order to bring their science more nearly in line with
accepted theories of contemporary physics, they have postulated a "fifth
state of matter" consisting of "free charged particles" arranged in organ-
ized patterns forming a uniform energy network. They are continuing to
emphasize the electrostatic and electromagnetic components of such energy
and argue that the eventual definition of this energy will allow them to
ultimately integrate psychical phenomena into contemporary theoretical
constructs of the universe.
(U) official Attitude: There are no indications of any organized or
officially sanctioned attacks on Soviet/Czech psychotronic research, but
such criticisms as have been noted have appeared in State-sanctioned pub-
lications. Continued monitoring of the Soviet and Czech press will be
required in order to determine whether or not the official attitude toward
the science shifts.
(U) In the next 15 years the Soviets and Czechs will continue to emphasize
parapsychological research. Such research will, of necessity, involve the
further development of appropriate instrumentation for the detection and
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identification of the biological energy internal to the human body and
its interactions with living or inanimate objects at a distance. The
cyborg aspects (coupling of human inductors with physical psychotronic
devices) will continue to be emphasized. During this time 'frame, re-
search will progress from instrumentation development to computer
assisted mathematical modeling of biological energy interactions. In
order to establish a basis for such modeling, experimental techniques
which can be controlled and replicated will be developed. This, in turn,
will lead to the eventual improvement of research on paranormal phenomena
since they will be made increasingly more producible and predictable.
(U) The Soviets are known to be involved in development of inferential
measurement and complex systems modelling (IMCSM) techniquas.44,45 IMCSM
is especially adapted for application to the examination and study of many
objects, especially those with many interacting parts, even when the be-
havior of the objects are partly or mostly determined by features of which
the researcher is unaware or which he cannot observe. Soviet parapsychology
research would probably be an ideal subject for the application of the IMCSM
technique. If IMCSM is applied, the likelihood of a Soviet breakthrough
in parapsychology is greatly increased. The Soviets are leaders in devel-
opment of this technique and will probably apply it to parapsychology
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September 1975
1. (U) USSR - Affiliation Known
Adamenko, V.G.; Moscow Institute of Radiophysics
Bleykher, V.M.; Bekhterev Brain Institute, University of Leningrad
Dubrov, A.; Institute of Earth Physics, USSR Academy of Sciences
Gulyaiev, P.; Bekhterev Brain Institute, University of Leningrad
Inyushin, V.; Kazakh University, Alma-ata
Kaznacheyev, V.; University of Novosibirsk
Kholodov, Y.A.; Institute of Higher Nervous Activity and Neurophysiology,
USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Leontiev, A.N.; Soviet Academy of Pedagogical Sciences
Lomov, B.F.; Soviet Academy of Pedagogical Sciences
Luria, A.R.; Soviet Academy of Pedagogical Sciences
Mikhailova, L.; University of Novosibirsk
Naumov, E.K.; formerly of the Institute of Technical Parapsychology,
Nikolayev, K.; Bioinformation Section of the A.S. Popov AL1-Union
Scientific and Technical Society of Radio Technology
and Electrical Communications, Moscow
Pavlova, L.; Physiology of Labor Laboratory, University oE.Leningrad
Pushkin, V.; Moscow University
Sergeyev, G.A.; A.A. Uktomskii Physiological Institute
Shchurin, S.; University of Novosibirsk
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September 1975
Snezhnevsky, A.: Serbskiy Institute of Forensic Psychological Expertise
Zigel, F.; Moscow Institute of Aviation
Zinchenko, V.P.; Soviet Academy of Pedagogical Sciences
2. (U) USSR - Affiliation Unknown
Arvashkin, A.; Moscow (psychic subject)
Ermolayev, B.; Moscow (psychic subject)
Kazhinsky, B.B.
Kulagina, N.; Moscow (psychic subject)
Kulin, Ye.T.; Minsk
Naumov, P.
Parnov, Ye.; Sverdlovsk
Presman, A.S.
Serov, S.; Sverdlovsk
Sysoletin, A.; (psychic subject)
Sysoletin, L.; (psychic subject)
Troskin, A.; Sverdlovsk
Vinogradova, A.; Moscow (psychic subject)
3. (U) Czechoslovakia - Affiliation Known
Bradna, J.; Neurology Department, Okres Institute of Public Health,
Kutna Hora, Czechoslovakia
Kahuda, F.; Char-Les University, Prague, Czechoslovakia
Krmessky, J.; Chair of Physics, Pedagogical Institute, Trnava,
Pavlita, R.; probable affiliation, Hradec KrAlo'be University, Prague,
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September 1975
Pavlita, J.; probable affiliation, Hradec Kralove University, Prague,
Rejdak, Z.; Psychotronic Research Section, Czechoslovakian Society for
Science and Technology
4. (U) Czechoslovakia - Affiliation Unknown
Cernousek, M.; Prague
Miza, M.G.
Rezek, P.; Prague
Wolf, J.; Prague
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September 1975
1. JPRS 55557, 28 March 1972 (UNCLASSIFIED).
2. ST-CS-01-169-72, July 1972, pp 21-22 (SECRET).
3. JPRS L/5022-2, 6 September 1974, Volume I, p 111 (UNCLASSIFIED).
4. Op. cit. (2), p 22.
5. Ostrander, S. and Schroeder, L., Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron
Curtain, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1970 (UNCLASSIFIED).
6. Psychic, May/June 1974, p 51 (UNCLASSIFIED).
7. Zinchenko, V.P., Leontiev, A.N., Lomov, B.F., and Lur.La, A.R.,
Parapsychology: Fiction or Reality, Questions of Philosophy, Volume 27,
1973, pp 128-136 (UNCLASSIFIED).
8. New Scientist, Volume 65, No. 936, 13 February 1975, pp 397-398
9. JPRS 61662, 4 April 1974 (UNCLASSIFIED).
10. JPRS 60883, 28 December 1973, p 71 (UNCLASSIFIED).
11. Kazh.inskiy, B.B., Biologicheskaya Radiosvyaz, Kiev, L962 (UNCLASSIFIED).
12. Bradna, J., Distant Energy Myotransfer, presented at the 1st Conference
on Psychotronic Research, Prague, 1973 (UNCLASSIFIED).
13. Kholodov, Y.A., Investigation of the Direct Effect of Magnetic Fields
on the Central Nervous System, presented at the 1st Conference on Psycho-
tronic Research, Prague, 1973 (UNCLASSIFIED).
14. JPRS 64228, 4 March 1975 (UNCLASSIFIED).
15. Op. cit. (2).
16. Kogan, I.M., Is Telepathy Possible, Radiotekhnika, Volume 21, No. 1,
pp 8-14, 1966 (UNCLASSIFIED).
17. Vasilev, L.L., Telesuggestion, pp 158-159, Moscow, 1962 (UNCLAS.SIFIED).
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September 1975
18. Vasilev, L.L., Mysterious Phenomena of the Human Psyche, p 155,
Moscow, 1964 (UNCLASSIFIED).
19. Zigel, F., Telepathy, a Science for the Future, Nauka i Religiya,
No. 3, p 35, 1966 (UNCLASSIFIED).
20. Parnov, Ye., The Neutrino - Why Not, Nauka i Religiyi:~,'' No. 3,
pp 48-49, 1966 (UNCLASSIFIED).
21. Kogan, I.M.,Telepathy, Hypotheses and Observations, Radiotekhnika,
Volume 22, No. 1, pp 95-99, 1967 (UNCLASSIFIED).
22. Kogan, I.M., Informational Analysis of Experiments in Telepathy
Communication, Radiotekhnika, Volume 23, No. 3, pp 87-92, 1968 (UNCLASSIFIED).
23. Velinov, I., Recent Soviet Experiments in Telepathy, Foreign Science
Bulletin, Volume 4, No. 8, pp 17-18, 1968 (UNCLASSIFIED).
24. Mutschall, V., The Present Status of Research in Telepathy in the
Soviet Union, Foreign Science Bulletin, Volume 4, No. 8, p 10, 1968
25. Rezek, P., The Obvious and Nonobvious Nature of Telepathic Phenomena
in Scientific Investigation, presented at'the 1st Conference on Psycho-
tronic Research, Prague, 1973 (UNCLASSIFIED).
26. Mirza, M.G., Nauka i Religiya, No. 1, 1967 (UNCLASSIFIED).
27. Sergeyev, G.A., Some Methodological Problems of Para-)sychology,
Telepatie as Jasnovidnost, 1970 (JPRS L/4922, 3 June 1974) (UNCLASSIFIED).
28. Sergeyev, G.A., Problems in the Application of the Analysis of
Random Events, Soviet Radio Publishing House, 1968 (UNCLA3S';IFIED).
29. Wolf, J., A Psychotronic Model of Man, presented at the 1st Conference
on Psychotronic Research, Prague, 1973 (UNCLASSIFIED).
30. Cernousek, M., Regressive Nature of the Telepathic Phenomenon,
presented at the 1st Conference on Psychotronic Research, Prague, 1973
31. Rejdak, Z., Psychotronics Reveals New Possibilities for Cybernetics
presented at the 1st Conference on Psychotronic Research, Prague, 1973
32. JPRS L/4798, No. 764, 28 January 1974 (UNCLASSIFIED).
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September 1975
33. Kahuda, F., Mental Time and Psychotronics, presented at the 1st
Conference on Psychotronic Research, Prague, 1973 (UNCLASSIFIED).
34. Joire, P., De la Suggestion Mentale, Annals des Sciences Psychiques,
No. 4, 1897 (UNCLASSIFIED).
35. Vasilev, L.L., Experimental Studies of Mental Suggestion, 1962
36. The San Juan Star, Sunday, 20 April 1975, p 25 (UNCLASSIFIED).
37. Ullman, Montague, PK in the Soviet Union, Department of Psychiatry,
Maimonides Medical Center, Brooklyn, NY, Personal Communication (UNCLASSIFIED).
38. Adamenko, Viktor G., Some Problems of Biological Electrodynamics and
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42. SRI, No. ISH 73-146, 1 October 1973, p 18 (UNCLA.SSIFIED).
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44. Ivakhnenko, A.G., "Polynomial Theory of Complex Systems," IEEE Trans-
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