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Document Creation Date:
November 4, 2016
Document Release Date:
November 3, 1998
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Publication Date:
October 29, 1991
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military superiors ordered its employees to Extract: "Tt would be tempting to turn
consider thg explosion a thermal one and to psychological weapons against tine's own
sign a promise not to disc]ose the "affi- people and make millions of them forget
cial secret." A month after the accident, about discontent with the system of social
a commission was set up under Rear Admiral inequality, about the struggle far peace
A. G. Kurik to investigate the incident and and about their civil rights. Oppressed
organize cleanup operations. Minaborony but ~c~yful, fleeced by monopolies but can-
subsequently drafted and approved a whale tent with everything .... Wouldn't this be
plan of designr technical and ,training mea- the ideal citizen from the point of view of
sures aimed at making nuclear submarines the 'ruling circles in countries of the
safer to operate, repair and maintain. In West7" This what newspapers of ours wrote
particulate this plan forbade repair work quite recently about "MK-llltrar" an ultra-
ta be done on submarines while they were secret program of American intelligence
afloat, and it called far special reactor- which was aimed at turning people Into zom-
rechargln zones to be created at mainten- tiles ,en masse. But we now know that we
ante facilities. No such zone was created ourselves have not escaped such brainwash-~
at the Shkatava-~~ plant, however, owing to ing<
insufficient funds Stories about design bureaus at which
Citizens of Shkatava-22 are said to be instruments have been developed for produc~
concerned over lingering radioactivity in ing long-distance effects on the human mind
the area of the plant. There have been have begun to appear in the press.* Among
calls for more thorough monitorin of local the mail that we receive from our readers
radiation conditions, more carefu~ medical has been a trickle of letters which mention
monitoring of persons wh^ were exposed to "individual brainwashing" by mysterious
radiatian~ stricter measures to prevent the psyc~halogical weapons.
spread of radiocontamination from the fall- Vladimir Nikitavich Valchenka is a
out zone and waste burial places, and ally- professor of the Moscow Mate Technical
cations for financing such undertakings. University imeni Bauman and deputy chairman
Radioactivity reportedly has spread already of the USSR Union of Scientific and Engin-
ta nearby Konyushkava Ray and also to Abrek eating Societies' Committee an Biaenergy
and Razbaynik bays. The author mentions Information Processing (~ioenargoinfarmati-
that specialists of the Taiga Geological ka)