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Inc Toronto Sun, Monday May, 28, 1979
.15-1,A 9 ,A.Z1,14
Staff Writer
Ilorwich loves his basement. ?
r him It's a dungeon of glory, a laboratory, a repaire-
r r) :!;u1 a sanctuary.
Its 3151 an amazing ms. But out of this mess he
ented the device that was responsible for the success
t f the Entebbe raid, 3 device that wiped out radar and
fr:,:e Or detection, reception and tratismission instru?
elent.4 arrntebbe allowing the rsraell planes to land.
i?or Wm, this mass of messiness is paradise. It's his
tiler:Ivy and he'll tell you repeatedly, "My work has kept
e!" ali?e." ? are miles of wires. Dozens of vacuum cleaner
hr', seem to crawl over the doors like headless snakes,
lx.xes of parts and numbered bits and metal
vie( -s are piled against the walls-, Plastic shopping bags
the floor filled with unretrleved and occasionally
r !Lel !red booty.
'1/41; thing broken, old, outdated, the "grief Jobs" that
vi't won't he repaired elsewhere, the appliances that
7.11.irc part.; that are no longer manufactured are
aroundbasement. And remarkably, he
1 .! tore l'A'?rythIng Is.
h a eurions museum of moderraechnology, slightly
Th'it sod rut of order. And there is a steady
wy if eoctomers who creak down those stairs, carefully
ritt!Ing tht?Ir toa%trrs that no longer toast and irons that
longor iron
rtoto the Uor he ran a hardware and appliance repair
p to the gehirn day, of his Shock Electric Company on
lirradalhane Street, he's been Canada's self-taught king
of e!ectrielica.
-1 e always a Mechanical kid," be says. "Taking
alloys apart and putting them together was my kind of
tun When 1 wax 10 years old used to work for a
tars and scrip pedlariput of five old bikes I could make
t1are-e for SO cents a bike."
k_iI electricity Ile could wire a
Approved For Release 2001/03/07
, a LI ",, 4 ta . ?Latli ?Out of 11% e old1,l'ir.t'S 1 coulu ?:;Lhe
three for 50 cents a bike." ?
At 12, Sidt into electricity. He could wire a
house, conve -41,from gas light to electricity Ina few
days. "Mind you, lhose days, a house had one plug4ind
a single light bulb in-the ceiling."
In the 30s, electrical appliances consisted of toasters,
waffle irons, irons, coffee percolators and vacuum
,... cleaners. If something broke, you went back to the place
'I' of purchase for repairs.
l?-? In 1935, Sid opened up a hardware and electric store on
a Bloor. between Christie and Clinton Streets. Ile and his
a young wife ? they were married when they were 17 ?
'cr lived behind the store.
CN1 "My wife worked in the store, and people could see the
a repair shop where I worked," he says. "I was the only
1.0 man in the city doing repair work, and It grew. I -took in
a help and eventually it became the largest part of my
a business. Toward the beginning of the war, the govern-
? ment prohibited metals, so I started making my own
csi parts. Soon I had all the major manufacturers, Genetal
co Electric. Silex, Sunbeam, sending me their repairs.
aEaton's and Simpsons sent trucks of stuff over every day.
9 CN and CP sent-me truck loads of repairs. Even Hydro
Ce - If W
ed For Release 2001/03/07 :
, SID HURWICH ? glorying in the mass of wires and old
iid notified all public utilities of my work."
"During the war, I got deferments because I was
doing work for the army. In the civil defence department,
and working with the police."
His business became too big for the Bloor Street
shop, so In 1942 he sold his hardware business and moved
Into his electronics business down the stseet. People were
so shocked that he sold out, be named his new compar4
"Shock Electric." People never forgot it.
He was training mechanics and working on the war
efforrat the same time, and repairing appliances from
every province in the dominion, including the Yukon.
Five years later, he moved again, this time to a large four
storey building he bought on Breadalbane Street. He
eventually employed 60 workers and took the most
challenging Jobs home to play with and experiment with ,
In his basement.
Two years after Shock Electric moved to Breadalbane.
(This is the second In a three-part series on what
happens to missing socks. Today's column deals
with "The Cause.")
According to a woman from Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.,
the answer to disappearing socks is mathemati-
cally figured in subsets.
If you wash a pair of blue socks with a red stripe
, (BL/RD)2 and a pair of green angoras (GR/A)2
and a pair of white tennis socks (WII/T)2, all three
pairs would be qiled X. . %. r
If Y had (GR/A)2 and (WH/T)2, then every
element in Y is an element of X. Hence y is a subset
of X or X CY.
If there-is a boldness In BL/RD2 somewhere
. between fill and spin dry, BL/RD2 splits.
That answer made more sense than most of the
others sent in to determine what happens to socks in
the washer. ,
Most of the writers zeroed in on sex. Like coat
hangers and paper clips, socks were believed to
have an active sex life ? but only in water. Some
believed they married, but they-fooled around and
often divorced in the dryer. No alimony was
< involved. Some stayed together through two or
three washings, but suddenly turned into a' swinging
single. One writer believed that socks went through
a sex change, coming out another color.
A large number embraced the Planned Obsoles-
oence theory, that is &conspiracy between sock and
? - washer manufacturers who incorporate sock disin-
. tegraipta? (right next to the button crusher) and
sock sensors which grind up a sock and spit it out as
lint. The newer models even have a reconstructed
sock cycle which returns a sock lost five years
There was a Sock Fairy theory for those of you
who believe in Peter Pan, the Cloning theory where
for every pair of socks an extra one is cloned
driving you crazy with three socks of one color, and
the Best Friend theory where your friend is secretly
after your husband and both are trying to drive you
whacko. There Is the Reincarnation theory where it
Is believed that a sock returns in another form.
(One woman swore that after five years of losing
socks, they all came back one day as a sweater.)
Some believed socks had an identity crisis and
split. Others leaned toward cannibalism. One
writer went for the Steve Martin theory where
socks, Instead of getting high on detergent, got.
small and disappeared.
A great number believed socks to be a migratory
species, activated by simply adding water.' ?
And finally, one writer blamed the United States
government for programming wiskers to eat socks
and keep the economy alive. One blamed the
Russians for undermining American wornen's sta-
bility. I'd have been disappointed if someone hadn't
said that.
ti".^441.1 %Ika,zk
ric 14
appliances that have made him the king of sleetro
he had his first heart attack, at 38 years of age "
been sick a day in my life and I nearly went era
to stay in bed for three months::
The following year be had another bermes attac
time he was told to retire, to give up his 44.siness
think I'll make the old age pension? he
asking his doctors. "If you live six it9siths,
miracle. Go home and enjoy," be was td
"For three years, I did practically n I
in my basement. I read. I invented a meg .e tl-
coils that I eventually sold." he says.,nwThen
doing repairs for charity. It got me back men
and back to work on the newer applian
Still, his heart wasn't strong, even er hi
business. In 1961, he couldn't walk wl t exp
extreme pain and he was advised to ve
surgery. At that time, it wasn't being done he
"As a result, I've learned to take cuanof
went to Boston. But the surgery ccess
says, at 65; a dapper gent, with bright :e eye!
skin and a good head of hair.
Millie, his full-time housekeeper, has &come
sable since his wife died three years wo. Iii
who's also his cousin, visits him twice ,'eek
often if he's at all under the weather.l'ao larg
tanks guard his bed and his night table(il filled
bottips, including painkillers that he carries will
- can administer himself.- - - - - ? r?-?
"Work's the best medicine in the wore," he
Once, in hospital, a nurse came to gig' him
cardiogram, but the machine wasn't wading.
"It had just been repaired and she ward lister
ln"an oxygen tent, but I took a look ands ked
could get me a screwdriver, a pair oft:pliers s
wire. In 20 minutes I had it working and s a re
offered the job of managing the service eild mai
departments of the Mount Sinai Hospi . My
iurlous. Here I was, so sick I was beim peon
was fixing hospital equipment through oxyg4
His biggest coup has been called The Sret of
He's been called the Hero of Entebbe ar an el,
genius, for his invention, dubbed the Hurwich
or Ray or Beam, that is based on a 47iple
used in every household, every day, he Gaims.
It paralysed the Entebbe airport survdttliance
and enabled the Israelis to fly in undetted.
For the device, which Sid gave to lsra thoug
Invented it originally to stop thefts of night dep
here, he won the Israeli Medal of Iionorlind the
nity to continue his work with the Canadian go%
on devices that he will only describe as ha
capacity to save hundreds of lives.
"The most important thing is to learn your II
capabilities. I'm proud that doctors use m
example for other patients. It's so simple to be ar
to lay down and die."
Sid Hurwich simply Won't. - -