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present my views for those with.psychic power who may emerge in the future.' These two p d deFo 2OO ~O~ A-1 ~9$ O 9~ 00U 09x3 6e , had no discipline in their life as;possessors of psychic power. They did not have any instructors or leaders to provide them with the necessary discipline or guidance which they need when they grow up and become members of society. Those people with whom they were in contact for several years for experimentation are not instructors in discipline. If KIYOTA and YAMASHITA had some knowledge of discipline, they would not have agreed to the unreasonable demands made by Fuji TV or consented to participate in ,such a hoax demonstiation.,, . ? , r ~... If a concealed TV camera-had been set up, KIYOTA''s extrasensory perception would have and would have subconsciously interfered with his concentration of mind. It was unfortunate that the recording crew did not realize this. on iiig'"'i "''a 'crepe t of wh t.'was, ahawp on,.?T_y.,:.~ The director, after accusing KIYOTA of being a fraud, asked "Do you now have the power of a psychic?" KIYOTA answered "Yes. "If so, would you bend this?" (TV, opaque projector (TELOP) used here). At this point, KIYOTA was in spiritless condition. There was nobody present to protect his state of mind or health. He was under mental torture at this time. The director further said "If you actually have the power, I would like to get photographic proof of it in one take." (TELOP used) KIYOTA did not know how to escape from this torture of mind. This shows that Director URUTA knows nothing about the process of recovery of psychic energy. Why didn't KIYOTA demand that the demonstration be discontinued until he recovered his psychic power? He should have asked the TV crew to allow him to have an assistant at all times who would help him during moments of "declining phenomenon" or when he experienced psychological difficulties. KIYOTA and YAMASHITA are now in need of an instructor who can look into the bottom of their souls and provide them with discipline. Even after they recover their psychic power, they should not accept any further. offers to appear on TV. unless the producer understands the discipline involved. I consider Director URUTA and SUZUKI Matsumi as patients of "psychic allergy." Approved For Release 2000/08/11: CIA-RDP96-OO792ROOO4OO33OO16-1 - 2 - Japan Psychotronics Institute Newsletter Approved For Release 2000/08/11 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400330016-1 Psychic Energy and Psychic Allergy The truth of the phony program on "psychic power" broadcast, by Fuji TV. The Fuji ?~?? ?TV?-Friday "Family Wisle?'Shi5w"-?oa?3''FeV."fea`tu"red a`?special t*o-flour documentary on psychic power.. The synopsi,s?? on, this. program in the TV .schedule -read "Much publicized "spoon bending" and "Nen-photography" a fraud. Camera catches the decisive moment. Trickery fully exposed!" The circumstances of how this Fuji TV program was produced were introduced in the Weekly Asahi (Shukan Asahi) of 10 Feb 84 as follows: Shooting'?fdr tl#is 'dodti entatq onpsychic' pawer'too - p"lace at a hotel in SHINJUKU from 26 Dec 83 and lasted 10 days. The demonstration was witnessed from the beginning to the end by TACHIBANA Takashi, the commentator; SUZUKI Matsumi, director of the Japan Acoustic Institute, and OTANI Soji, professor of psychology at the Defense Academy. Blocking of psychic power. Neither SUZUKI Matsumi nor TACHIBANA Takashi is a specialist in psychic power and can be said to have practically no basic knowledge of the studies made in this field. I would like to make that point clear and prove that what they demanded of KIYOTA and YAMASHITA during this demonstration was sheer murder. According to the article in the "Weekly Asahi," "A person can qualify as a psychic if he can divert the attention of his audience for five seconds during an eight-hour demonstration." Eight hours -- that is asking too much. A person can sustain concentration of mind for at most 10 to 20 minutes. Records of demonstrations conducted during the past 10 0 years ,by specialists in. ESP_ show each ..demonstration lasted less than'one'hout.' The subject was 'then allowed one week's rest to recover his psychic powers before the next session. To film this prograt," Fuji TV confined KIYOTA' and YAMASHITA in a hotel or,ten, . :.{sueceseive -days 4nd???demandeii "spook' be ding"~9emonstfatidri?s"and such for eight contiiuous,hoursa.,;day. This would definitely block the emergence of-psythic.. power. Anybody with even a basic knowledge of psychology should know, that, there .s P.' such-aT1,9utrsgeous s~tc C a ,,thing ?h s? "d'edIAlling" phenonieinon"Wand would' not `'program-: Thi`d0-ii6V s tha't'D ie for .t1TtiY`and SUZUKI Niatsumi'are completely ignorant in this field. I know the conditions faced by KIYOTA and YAMASHITA during and after the demonstrations and I am furious over the fact that their health was endangered. Psychic power will not emerge under such conditions. Let me say here that it is very dangerous for someone without any knowledge of how to manage the health of people with psychic power to conduct such experiments. Since I watched KIYOTA and YAMASHITA grow up, I realize that there is a diff g g8 "P=@1i' R e $ /OWPM t ip- P -WY'9 a8 J"11 say here, t erefore, may not apply equally to bot o them. would kwever, to