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Parapsychology Abstracts International
that she was not able to read them regularly. In both
categories, however, the same decline in the number of cor-
respondences over time was found. The author concludes
that the number of correspondences declines but not their
Sondow considers a model of time consisting of a
path into the future with many junctions where one has to
choose one out of several branches. A correspondence be-
tween a dream from the past and real life can only be
found on the chosen path. If one further assumes that all
branch paths have the same probability of being chosen,
the probability for a correspondence between a dream and
an experience in daily life is dependent upon the number
of junctions. This model could be tested in a setup with a
varying number of junctions, preferably using a special sub-
ject and/or altered state. Sondow shortly describes a pos-
sible design.
The author finally discusses a possible psychological
explanation for the decline in the number of correspon-
dences. As human beings are more interested in their
short-term than in their long-term future, they "scan" the
former better than the latter, raising the chance of finding
correspondences shortly after the dream. - J.A.G.M.
03558. Dongen, H. van. Synchronicity and parapsychol-
ogy. Tijdschrift voor Parapsychologie, 1987 (Mar), 55(1),
25-50. 4 figs; 4 illus; 20 refs
In this article various formulations of synchronicity
given by Jung (and others) are compared. Several inter-
pretations of simultaneity, e.g., causality, chance, and cor-
respondence, that complicate discussions of synchronicity
are pointed out. Subsequently some test implications are
derived from the concept of synchronicity that can he con-
fronted with the results of psychical research. As far as
its application in parapsychology is concerned, the concept
of synchronicity meets the frequently called for require-
ment of refutability. bA
03559. Weiner, D. Research into paranormal
phenomena in the USA. I. The displacement effect.
Tijdschrift voor Parapsychologie, 1987 (Mar), 55(1), 51-54.
1 ref
This article summarizes the papers presented at the
29th PA convention that related in some way to the Psi
Missing/Displacement Effect (PMDE). - DA
03560. Kasteleyn, E.W. Dowsing rod responses in the
vicinity of fossil tide gullies. Tijdschrift voor Para-
psychologie, 1987 (Jun), 55(2), 2-22. 2 figs; 7 illus; 16
The article describes dowsing experiments which the
author, a professional geologist, carried out in the surround-
ings of Amsterdam. Without any previous dowsing ex-
perience, the author underwent strong, reproducible, dows-
ing reactions within the suburb of Amstelveen. The dows-
ing locations outlined an open-ended 7 km long structure
varying in width from 70 to 350 in. Its features suggest a
hidden fossil tide gully but this could not be confirmed
because of insufficient drilling information. However, in
the Groot Mijdrecht polder area, where the boundaries of
tide gullies have been mapped in detail, a clear correlation
between dowsing reactions and (invisible) tide gullies could
be established.
The author's findings were comparable with the
results of 10 out of 14 other totally unexperienced persons.
Although unaware of the former experiments or geological
sub-surface conditions, they obtained similar dowsing reac-
tions. Although further research is required, it seems jus-
tified to accept as a preliminary conclusion that a correla-
Vol. 7, No. 2 December 1989
tion exists between sub-surface tide gullies and dowsing
Two different hypotheses exist for the explanation of
reactions of the dowsing rod: (1) the ideo-motoric prin-
ciple of parapsychology attributes the phenomenon to
paranormal information; (2) the muscle-tonus-reflex
hypothesis ascertains that a physical agent (such as
electromagnetic waves, chemicals) is responsible for the
muscle reflexes (of the arms). The results of the experi-
ments do not fit in well with the ideo-motoric principle.
They seem to be more in line with Dr. S.W. Tromp's
research which led to the muscle-tonus-reflex hypothesis.
Finally, attention is drawn to the possibility that
there might indeed exist two types of sensitive persons,
namely the "diviners" to whom would apply the ideo-
motoric principle, and the "dowsers" who would function
more according to the muscle-tonus-reflex. These two
types could, however, be represented in one person. Much
more research is needed with sensitive measuring methods
to objectively quantify influences on diviners/dowsers. -
03561. Millar, Brian. Can paranormal healing relieve
high blood pressure? The Attevelt research.
Tijdschrift voor Parapsychologie, 1987 (Jun), 55(2), 23-37.
10 refs
Expected shortly are the results of a government sub-
sidized experiment conducted by Hans Attevelt to test obi
jectively the effectiveness of paranormal healing on high
blood pressure. This article sketches the background
against which the results may be viewed.
The history and social context of the research are
first described. Then the methodology of the project is
examined: This is designed to estimate the relative con-
tributions of both suggestion and PK. Emphasis is laid on
points which must be carefully scrutinized in the final
report in order to evaluate the results. Three broader
issues are singled out for discussion. The first is whether
a department of parapsychology is an appropriate place to
carry out such research: It is concluded that parapsychol-
ogy is intellectually qualified to do the job; it is essential,
however, for meaningful research that close cooperation
with medical experts must be maintained. The second
topic discussed is the role of suggestion. This writer has
predicted that Attevelt's results will reveal the suggestion
component to be much larger than any PK effect which
may be present. In this case, research into paranormal
healing should not be given up; rather, investigation of the
clinical value of suggestion therapies (with paranormal heal-
ing as one type) should be vigorously pursued. The third
area explored is whether the funding of the Attevelt
research is a one-off political gesture by the government or
whether a larger scale research program may follow. At
this time no definite answer can be expected. Whatever
the outcome, the Attevelt research should provide informa-
tion of potential value to society. It should not be im-
agined, however, that the results produced will be defini-
tive: only if this experiment gives rise to further work has
it truly succeeded. - DA
03562. Weiner, Debra. Research into paranormal
phenomena in the USA. II. Tijdschrift voor Para-
psychologie, 1987 (Jun), 55(2), 38-39.
A short report on papers presented at the 1986 PA
Convention dealing with the inconsistent findings in the
correlation between psi and the amount of geomagnetic ac-
tivity. - J.A.G.M.
03563. Millar, Brian. Attevelt update. Tijdschrift voor
Approved For Release 2000/08/11 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400170001-5