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Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400100004-9 IMPROVING CCm7NICATION AND COLLABORATION BETWEEN EUROPEAN PARAPSYC HOLOGISTS : THE EG'RO -PA Deborah L. Delanoy Psychology Department University of Edinburgh Abstract European parapsychologists face a set of inter-related problems which militate against the existence of an effective communication and collaboration network between researchers. Primary among these problems are language differences, the physical isolation of many researchers, the dwindling number of established research centers and a lack of funding. In an attempt to combat score of these difficulties, European parapsychological researchers have started to hold an annual conference, the Euro-PA. The history and goals of the Euro-PA are discussed, and its effectiveness in overcoming some of the problems facing European parapsychologists is considered. A questionnaire was circulated to European parapsychologists collecting their opinions on a variety of questions relevant to communication and collaboration issues. The responses to this questionnaire are presented. Acknowledgements: My thanks to John Beloff, Robert Morris and Caroline Watt for their helpful canments on an earlier draft of this paper. Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400100004-9 Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400100004-9 Good communication and collaboration among researchers are of amo importance in any field of study. In a relatively small fieldasuuc h as parapsychology, where researchers are often working in relative isolation from their colleagues, the importance of a good collaboration network is greatly increased. Parapsychology, inic and with other disciplines, publishes a variety journals j ournurnals is and do has has a professional body, the Parapsychology Association (PA), which sponsors anovane al a ention, among many other activities, which helps to But, providing the necessary communicatin/collabo ationnnetwork? successful Researchers in parapsychology inter-related problems, none unique ltolthe Europeanrsiittuation~,n which may be seen as militating against the success of y communication and collaboration strategies. tonge csevproble s are language differences, ~~y among these problems each other and from establishedhyresearch olcenters, mthe dwindling number of established research centers, and, last but by no means least, a lack of funding. It is not the intention of this various problems in detail. Instead , the reasons paper these examine these defeat t the conventional c why these factors can hi ea htth nication/collaboration means will be highlighted. difficultefforts ies will being discussed, by European parapsychologists to the opinions of European PA members to a ~variand etyatofnclommunniicattiio nand e collaboration issues will be presented. The problems raised by the language differences found between researchers living in different countries has recently been admirably addressed by Carlos Alvarado (1989) in his article "The Lanage Barrier in Parapsychology", In this article Alvarado describes the various problems which arise from language differences, the most i researchers, Particularly those for whom English is tthheirafirstt language, are unaware of important work which has non-English speaking researchers. been and/or is being conducted by detrimental consequences: Alvarado notes, such ignorance has "Clearly, a researcher should be aware of any publication in his or her field of speciality, not only for complete coverage, but also for practical reasons, such as having knowledge of successful or failed replications, avoiding the repetition of mistakes or problems found in previous work, and obtaining ideas for further work," (Alvarado, 1989, p. 129) These problems are compounded by the numerous lan relatively small geographic area of mope gule spoken within the especially non-native English speakers, . While many Europeans, languages, there are few who havasteredaallClanguagestwh chewould be necessary to have a comprehensive knowledge of all the parapsychologically-relevant work published in Europe. Another problem created by language differences concerns more direct communication between European parapsychologists. Since most Europeans know some English, 64 Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400100004-9 Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400100004-9 this tends to be the language used when one is trying to reach a broad European audience. Hence, the European Journal of Parapsychology (EJP) is published in English, as are a few other parapsychologically-oriented European journals and bulletins (e.g., the Sychronicity Research Unit Bulletin, the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research and Theoretical Parapsychology). But, many Europeans, even those who are multi-lingual, do not have a truly fluent conrnand of English. This can make direct communication between individual researchers very difficult, as one may lack the necessary vocabulary with which to express one's ideas and/or comprehend those of others. These difficulties can defeat attempts at communication and make any form of collaboration exceedingly difficult. Another problem which hinders communication and collaboration among researchers involves the geographic isolation of researchers from each other and from centers of research. The lone researcher often lacks the facilities, technical knowledge, and equipment necessary to conduct research which would be considered competent by current, justifiably demanding, standards. And, as shall be discussed, research centers which could supply these are an increasingly rare caminodity in Europe, as elsewhere. Also the psychological effects of being isolated from one's colleagues can be very demoralizing. one needs colleagues who understand the canplexities of our field, with whom one can explore new ideas, etc. Carrn)nicating with distant colleagues, even when no language barrier is present, can still be a difficult undertaking. While modern technology has provided us with some excellent ccnmunication aids, many individual researchers do not have access to a fax machine or computerized electronic mail, and the telephone can be prohibitively expensive. The postal services can provide an affordable alternative, but it is nonetheless a very time-consuming and frustrating means of exchanging information, as it entails long delays between each canmunication. The lack of reseach centers in Europe is another major obstacle to communication and collaboration between European researchers. With the recent demise of the Parapsychology Laboratory at Utrecht University in the Netherlands, the only remaining parapsychological research center, headed and staffed by full-time personnel who are PA members/associates, which has the facilities and equipment necessary to carry out a wide variety of research is the Koestler Chair of Parapsychology, located at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. Unfortunately Scotland, whilst a very favorable location in many respects, is not centrally located with respect to continental Europe. And regretably, the Koestler Chair does not currently have the resources necessary to sponsor research in other countries nor to have guest researchers cane and work at Edinburgh. This lack of reseach centers also results in employment opportunities within the field of Europe being virtually non-existent. There are several other research groups in Europe. These groups generally lack the resources associated with a fully functioning research laboratory, and are most commonly 'staffed' by dedicated part-time researchers, who must look to other full-time occupations to support themselves and their families. Given the limited resources of these groups, they tend, quite sensibly, to concentrate upon fairly specific Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400100004-9 lines of research. This can sometimes have the result of further isolating other researchers/research groups, who although living in relative proximity to the research group, have differing research interests and/or perspectives. Nonetheless, despite the many obstacles which confront such groups, they continue to play a very important role in European research. The lack of funding is undoubtably the greatest problem facing European parapsychology, a problem shared by the field in general. This problem underlies all the others mentioned thus far, and is the main contributor to the difficulty of solving them. We lack the funds to hire translators which could help resolve the problems raised by differing languages. And while many European researchers are multi-lingual, being (relatively) fluent in a language(s) does not necessarily involve having the skill required to accurately translate carefully worded technical papers. Furthermore, most multi-lingual researchers are unable to support themselves via parapsychology (due to lack of funding), and must turn to other occupations for their livelihood. Thus, even those that do have the ability usually do not have the time to act as translators, either for their own work, or that of others. The lack of funding also means that most individual researchers and research groups lack the resources necessary to conduct many types of work and are unable to communicate with others as readily as is desirable. Indeed, most European researchers find it impossible even to attend conferences which are not located in their vicinity. The lack of research laboratories in Europe is a direct consequence of the lack of funding, which subsequently leads to the virtual complete lack of employment opportunity within parapsychology in Europe. Furthermore, lest we become myopic, it must be remembered that in Europe generally, there has been a marked reduction in funding for academic and research purposes for all fields in recent years. This reduction, whilst affecting all fields, will be especially felt in areas such as parapsychology which, at the best of times, has never enjoyed more than a subsistence level of funding. One means of responding to these problems would be to hold meetings in Europe specifically for European parapsychologists which would provide the opportunity for greater communication and collaboration between researchers. This idea was put forth by Martin Johnson, who proposed creating a European branch of the PA, in 1976 (Johnson, 1976). Johnson (1978) raised the issue again in 1978, and in 1979 he announced the formation of a European regional branch of the Parapsychological Association (ERPA) (Johnson, 1979). One objective of this group was to arrange regional colloquia for PA members/associates, active in research, where they could exchange ideas and receive constructive criticism of proposed research projects. The other primary objective was 'to stimulate and guide students and persons interested in carrying out some piece of research but living in areas which are less integrated in the main stream of parapsychological research' (Johnson, 1979, p.2). According to John Beloff, who was elected to the working-canmittee, the ERPA met a few times at other conferences (PA conventions and SPR conferences), but never held a meeting independently of another organization. Apparently, even these rather informal meetings ceased in the early 1980's (Beloff, 1990). Approved For Release 2003/09/01 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400100004-9 Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400100004-9 The idea of having a specific meeting for European parapsychologists was revived in the late 1980's. Again, it was thought that a conference for European PA members and researchers would help address sane of the ccum-unication/collaboration problems discussed above. The necessity for a European parapsychology conference, in addition to the annual PA convention, stemmed from many European parapsychologists being unable to afford either the time or the money to travel to the PA conferences when they are held outside of Europe, as is usually the case. Thus, it was decided to hold a three day conference for European PA members and associates who were actively pursuing parapsychological research. This conference was brought about by the combined efforts of Jeff Jacobs and Hans Michels of the Synchroncity Research Unit (SRU), Dick Bierman of Amsterdam, and Robert Morris from the Edinburgh research unit. The first meeting of European members/associates of the Parapsychology Association (Euro-PA) was held during October 1988, in Holland. The format for the first conference was that each participant was required to make a brief presentation lasting no longer than fifteen minutes, which would be followed by a lengthy discussion period of approximately 30 minutes. With the format being aimed at encouraging open discussion, attendance was to be limited to 25 participants, and in fact, only 23 attended. Given the funding situation in Europe, conference costs were kept to a minimum. Holland was chosen as a venue as it occupies a relatively central European location, thus being readily, and relatively inexpensively, accessible to many Europeans. There were no registration fees, and a very pleasant yet inexpensive venue was found for the conference. Costs were further reduced by having participants make their own bed, assist with serving food and clearing tables, and performing our own bar catering. These measures resulted in an eminently affordable conference, a necessary and much appreciated feature. A wide variety of primarily theoretical and methodological topics were discussed the first two days of the conference, and the half-day session of the third day was devoted to a roundtable discussion about inter-laboratory research (for further details of the conference see Blackmore, 1989). The primary outcome of this first conference was that ccmriunication between researchers was greatly improved. The lengthy discussions which followed each presentation, and continued during the breaks, over meals, and at the bar into the not-so-wee hours of the morning, resulted in all of us having a much better knowledge and understanding of each other, our ideas and perspectives, and our individual problems in pursuing parapsychological research. In short, it was a great success and it was unanimously decided to hold a second conference. Further, it is thought that most participants would agree they left the conference with renewed enthusiasm and increased impetus to continue pursuing their parapsychological work, despite the many difficulties this entailed. Before holding the second Euro-PA conference the Edinburgh research unit circulated a questionnaire to all European members and associates of the PA, eliciting their opinions on a variety of issues concerning the Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400100004-9 Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400100004-9 organization of the Euro-PA parapsychological research. and other topics relevant returned. Those who Of 58 questionnaires to r?I~ e actively engaged in returned questionnaires tendeds muted, 2 received 8 ore conducting parapsychol to be those most to the questionnaire were to ?g1eal research, where a clear majority opinion had be adopted as policy The answers these issues been and in would In those cases which be discussed and d and in other was held at the end of Visionsexpressedmade cases, at a business in November 1989). It should the next Euro-PA conference c erred annual Fero-PA Perhaps be mentioned (which occurred people meeting there was no restriction othat at the second associate e eeAconference, excepting that one had to be a number of attending EU'rO- the are relevant The main points raised by this member or to the issues of C 1unication and questionnaire which of the main goals the Ero-pA and its a collaboration related to Appendix 1 for a copy of the questionnaire andla satin/coordination received), (see ?y of the responses The questions regarding quest, Ake g administration and coordination were of should y question regarded whether prim y establish a formal organization. ? stjon ologists whether to organize by A related represented country. Given the question involved by the Euro_pA many different countries divergent, rinterests ors and the different, have a ccxr~u research s contained in each country, tobettmes have of established in each country, elected was it best is and that coup , elected the m country, or would it be prehrable? coordinate communication within t corrnnittee? The responses have a central organizational Appr 1 ottee? ly 65 to the above C per cent of the responses fav rns were clear , central orrQnittee who membership rponse favored having one ctrawished who c would rotate annually, and only one respondent opinion was against ees rganized by country. Furthermore, reason for hiappearing a formal organization, the the majority organization, s baring to be the lack of resources to support primary such an Other questions were asked regarding conference. whether there should be an annual c aeel 'Twenty-five (89 per cent) conference. Other decisions regarding cnfe favored ere: short paper, long discussion format would be retained; the conference number be p invien to all PA members, associates number guests- - affiliates and a limited of issues each conference would focus on a presentations would opposed to one specific wico variety be refereed, topin; cnfenc vary throughout Europe; the location of the conferences should d should be kept as low as possible. Other questions posed regarded fund-raising, research, and publications. Public relations' per cent) of the respondents With regard to fund-raisin inter-lab prat) of but were in favor of g. ten (36 ng administration but only one was willin th'he organization of such g to help with the organization and dministra projects. It was Ultimatel with an fund-raising actlvites were outside the sco y decided that annually rotating carnnittee, However, it was l m itfo stated di org at zttihn was the Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400100004-9 Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400100004-9 business meeting following the second Euro-PA conference, that members would make an effort to keep one another informed of possible funding sources, and that this would continue to be a topic of discussion. Indeed, an informative presentation on how to pursue funding for research projects had already been presented at the conference (Parker, 1989) (for further information on the second Euro-PA conference, see Watt, 1990). The issue of public relations is complex given the many differences which exist among the European countries lay populations. While there is a generally high level of lay interest in parapsychology in Europe, this is especially marked in some countries, with The Netherlands possessing arguably the greatest degree of such lay interest. Other countries are confronted by a most vociferous sceptical canmunity, West Germany being a notable example. Much of the discussion regarding public relations had focused on the interest accorded our field by the lay population. To address and support this population, several members were in favor of supporting a popular journal where formally conducted research, including that published in our professional journals, would be re-written in a manner accessible to laymen. Here again, language difficulties intervened. It was feared that an English language journal would not address the needs of many non-English speaking laymen, and producing such a journal in several languages was obviously beyond the means of the Euro-PA members. In the end, it was decided that the pursuing of both public relations and publication activities per se were beyond the scope of the Euro-PA members. However, with regard to professional publications, at the business meeting a motion to support the European Journal of Parapsychology by publishing research in that journal was strongly carried. Twenty-one (75 per cent) of the respondents thought that inter-laboratory research projects should be a priority of the Euro-PA, with eleven indicating interest in participating in such projects. Supporting this idea is difficult due to many reasons previously discussed (e.g., lack of labs, distance between researchers, lack of funds, etc.). Nonetheless, means of making inter-lab (or inter-researcher, as the case may be) research more of a reality continues to be a topic for active discussion, and as shall be shortly discussed, some strides are occurring in that direction. One final comment about the Euro-PA concerns language. The question of language was not raised in the questionnaire, as prior to holding the first conference, it was decided that English would be spoken at the conference, and indeed, all camrunications about the conference, and the Euro-PA in general, have been in English. The reason for this is simply that it is the language of which the greatest number of Afro-PA members have at least some knowledge. Yet, sane of our members, even those who are rrulti-lingual, find car?nunication in English very difficult. And as previously mentioned, not only is it difficult for some to express themselves in English, also it can be difficult for others to understand them, especially those for whom English is not their first language. Also, there have been a few instances where language difficulties have dissuaded researchers from attending the Euro-PA Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400100004-9 conferences. Furthermore, it has periods, that sane conference been evident during the discussion in English problematic participants find communicating and therefore are less active in the discussions. The possibility of hiring translators obvious financial reasons. was raised, and rejected for English has been adopted ass' for a better alternative, Offers a less than ideal solution to the language a Euro-PA, altho 9u g Problem. ugh it Also, language problems ma north/south divide which has o be a contributing factor to an thus far. C red at the two Euro-pA observed countries, Most conference participants are from conferences held no s held most notably Great Britain northern European one living in Spain or Italy Gent' and Holland, while attended the conferences as yet. y (Southern, Mediterranean countries) has than languages differences for There are many possible reasons other approaches/interests stan this apparent divide, such as differing (in The Netherlandsdsrds and the more northernlyroriented location attempt address a few of the two previous Euro-PA's. held in France Possibilities the partially as ? a country which occupies a~ central 990 Euro-pA will be e boundaries with both 'northern and location having reason for the lack of southern southern' European countries. If the ran ua e participation is location ,, as sed to from g , it is hoped that the 1990 conference will attract oattt attendees the southern countries. However, if language in the north/south divide, simply shifting the loc eocat i's important factor is likely to have little effect. on of the conference The primary problem facing E1iro n a lack of funding. The Euro-PA not searchers has been identified as to this problem, and been able to find a direct answer oganiiatin, as discussed above, given its (lack of) orgy zae to, act is not in a position to do so. been abl accomplish thus far is to host vere most the for n has which makes the conferences more accessible to its m low cost conferences, still potential Euro-PA participants who em , Yec nine continental mainland, find, travel expenses ~ not living on the contnental a has provided travel grants a Prmh~tnve factor. On occasion the PA has have otherwise been number of overseas attendees who this year the PA has deli tca unable to attend the annual convention. Indeed, excellent idea $2000.00 for this purpose. This is third and it will be suggested at the business an E ro-PA (to be held in France in October 1990), that we do the me of similar scheme which would be funded by tha conference fpa Participants a minimal fee on top of that harging all expenses. required to meet conference However, there are several indirect ways in which the may have positive effect upon the European fundin g Ear?-PA such means involves the Euro-PA s decision to invite researchers situation. our conferences. One such meaParapsychology is an interdisciplina to other fields through increased interaction with those fran o rY field, and may arise joint research ther related fields, there par s chol projects which examine issues of concern to both P?y ogy and other fields. Such projects may have better funding opportunities than do projects concerned solely issues. Another possible way the Euro-PA could serve toiindirectly aid raid Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400100004-9 Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400100004-9 the funding situation, is via the increased communication with one another that has resulted from the conferences. Most European countries (those who are members of the European Economic Community or EEC) are currently combining econatri.c forces, and in 1992 many economic boundaries which have previously separated these European countries will cease to exist. One outcome of this is that research proposals which involve researchers and institutions in different EEC countries are currently being encouraged by the various governmental bodies who normally finance scientific research, via the offering of preferential consideration to such joint research proposals. The increased communication among researchers stemming from the Euro-PA conferences may encourage the formation of such joint research projects. Also, while this is purely speculation, we may also shortly be finding similar funding encouragement (from the EEC or specific governments) to conduct joint research projects with those countries which were previously behind the 'iron curtain'. Again, the Euro-PA offers an excellent means of bringing such researchers together. Language also remains a problem for which no immediate solution is apparent. To this observer, it appears that most of the younger members of the Euro-PA are increasingly fluent in spoken English. Yet an increasing level of fluency in English does not necessarily address many of-the problems that Alvarado (1989) noted, as writing and translating in English can remain a very difficult and time-consuming task. It should also be noted that the recent crumbling of the 'iron curtain' could increase the number of different languages encountered within European parapsychology (and all the problems inherent therein), although at the moment this is purely a manner of speculation. In his article Alvarado (1989) suggests four strategies which could minimize the problems raised by language differences, namely: 1) publishing in English the summaries, bibliographies and reviews of works originally published in other languages; 2) English-language journals actively seeking and encouraging publication of the research of foreign-language speakers; 3) developing an active translation policy into English of works previously published in foreign languages; and, 4) efforts on the part of the PA to encourage greater foreign participation. These suggestions were aimed at the 'conventional' communication and collaboration network, and they are all excellent strategies, the implementation of which would benefit all. However, as Alvarado notes 'possible solutions such as conferences and translations may prove to be expensive and, consequently, beyond the means of groups and individuals' (pg. 134). As has previously been discussed, they would certainly be beyond the means of the European parapsychology carmunity. There is one problem area which, in the opinion of the author, the Euro-PA has successfully addressed. It has decreased the isolation of individual researchers and of research groups from each other and, by this means, greatly increased carmunication and collaboration between individual researchers and also between the various research groups. As has been previously stated, as a consequence of the conferences we know one another better on a personal level, and have a much better 71 Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400100004-9 understanding of each other's ideas and research pers able to exchange research ideas and learn of s members, Pecific developments eoWe are mwho have thus far always made by oftware dhelo expressed a willingness to share ideas, in ware ivelion has ntc. Also, it should be noted that this increase conferences. Via the been restricted to those who attend the voice n opinion the qu hato ire' all EUro-PA members were able voice ahol they wanted to see develop an parapsyogy. Indeed, over a third of the returned questionnaires irp( 6 per cent) were received from people who have not attended a Euro-pA conference, as oof yet. Also, all Eu codevelopmnts conference, v yet. r?-PA members are kept abreast of or return mailings, regardless of whether they attend the lint questionnaires. And, as reflected by our mailing the number of Euro-PA members has increased by over twelve per cent since the first Euro-pA conference. With recent developments Europe, we hope we will see further increases in the near future. Inean attempt to further aid carmnu-~ication, a directory is being In an the Edinburgh research unit which will be sent to all Euro-PA members. While similar to the PA directory, it includes some additional information, such as whether research ormat and or members are interested in conducting rhea grand/ ofcorresponding with one another, and whether the about which they wouldlbe relevant but outwith parapsychology per se help and advice. Y have that by having help It is hoped a separate directory, focused on European parapsychologists, members will be further encouraged to interact with one another. Thus, while many of the problems facing European unaddressed, the formation of the Euro-PA has ddoonaeYmucch~tots rprove caranunication and collaboration between researchers. imruvh room for improvement, and it is hoped is still much greater interaction and ?~ that future years will produce reates. are the see of inter-lab research pr jests. At some the least, the Euro-PA has provided us with an opportunity the circumstances confronting European parapsychology, and it places us in a better position to take advantage of other Opportunities which may develop. Approved For Release 2003/09/09: CIA-RDP96-00792R000400100004-9 72 Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400100004-9 References Alvarado, Carlos A. (1989) The language barrier in parapsychology. Journal of Parapsychology, Vol. 53, No. 2., pp. 125-139 Beloff, John (1990) personal cairnunication Blackmore, Susan (1989) 1988 Euro-PA Conference. Parapsychology Review, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 5-7 Johnson, Martin (1976) Some reflections after the P.A. Convention. European Journal of Parapsychology, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 1-5 Johnson, Martin (1978) Are we ready for the establishment of a European branch of the Parapsychological Association. Eur Parapsychology, Vol. 2, No. 3, Journal of ~ , pp. 203-205 Johnson, Martin (1979) The European regional branch of the Parapsychological Association (ERPA) is now established. European Journal of Parapsychology, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 1-2 Parker, Adrian (1989) Applying for Paper presented to th Research Funding in Parapsychology. e Second Netherlands, Nov. 10-12 Annual Euro-PA Conference, Vught, The Watt, Caroline (1990) Euro-PA 1989. Parapsychology Review, No. 2, pp. 10-11 Vol. 21, Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400100004-9 Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400100004-9 Appendix 1 The Euro-PA Questionnaire: The Questions and a Summary of the Responses (the numbers given refer to the number of respondents answering the specific question; 58 questionnaires were sent out and 28 were returned) EURO-PA QUESTIONNAIRE Country: When completing this questionnaire, please feel free to write on the back of the sheets, or include other sheets, if you need more space than has been provided for your answers. 1. What should the main Euro-PA goals be? Please tick as many of the following as appropriate: 25 An annual conference 7 I would be willing to help with the organization and administration of the conference 10 Fund-raising 1 I would be willing to help with the organization and administration of fund-raising projects 18 Public relations/publications 15 I would be willing to help with public relations 15 I would be willing to help with publications 21 Inter-lab research projects 11 I would be interested in participating in inter-lab research projects Other (please specify): 4 generally supporting parapsych.or interdisciplinary research 1 education (workshops, etc.) 1 scientific recognition of European parapsychology 3 contact with each other 2. What type of administration or coordination would be needed to achieve these goals? a. Do you think there should be just one central Euro-PA ccnmittee, or different ccnmittees for specific areas (conference committee, public relations cormnittee, etc)? If so, please specify which ccxrmittees you think should be established. 17 one central committee 7 few smaller committees 1 minimum possible committees 74 Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400100004-9 Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400100004-9 b. Uo you have any other suggestions as to rreeares of oryarei r.inq the administration and coordination of the Euro-PA? flow fot n4r l an organization do you think we need? Should it be organized by country as well? 1 formal organisation similar to PA 3 formal European branch of PA 5 against a formal organisation 7 semi-formal organisation 12 against organising by country 1 for organising by country 1 affiliation with other scientific bodies c. flow should we attempt to ensure rotation of renponsi hi 1 i t i c,s whilst n>aintainirrg continuity? Should we have an election at each annual meeting? 16 in favour of annual election 2 infrequent election 2 postal vote 6 voluntary duties 1 decide Euro-PA aims first 3. Would you normally be f interested in attending an annual Euto-1 71 con erence? (please circle) Yes 23 . No 2 if yes: a. Please specify what the presentation. fotnket should he for the conference (e.g., short papers with long discussion pericxls, formal papers with shorter discussion periods, etc.). Should presentations Ix- refereed? 18 short papers, long discussion 3 long papers, short discussion 4 flexible format 10 in favour of refereed papers 5 against refereed papers b. Please express your views on whether the nun& er of attendees for any given conference should be liimited, whether non-PA ncnd,ers should attend, whether any restrictions should" be applied to who makes presentations and/or enters into any discussion periods, and any guidelines which should be used in deciding the alxive. Attendance? 6 PA members only 14 PA members plus guests/invited speakers 4 anyone can attend Present? 4 no restrictions 2 PA present, guests attend 3 firm chairmanship Approved For Release 2003/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000400100004-9 Approved For Release 2003/09/09 c. Would you like each conference problem area of to be centered around a specific parapsycl-oloyy? If so, Please specify different