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Approved For Release 2000/08/11: CIA-RDP96-00792R000300420008-1 LN734-85 AN EXPERIMENT INTO THE PSYCHIC MAGNIFICATION EFFECT By: Nai Chi-Jing (WUHU Municipal College of Chinese Medicine) The author has already'reported on certain psychics, when triggered by acupunture, could magnify the size of cells at the acupuncture point to the size of cherries, could feel the three dimensional structure of a line, determine the existence of a cell membrane, and could watch the material exchange into and out of cells at the accupuncture point. This illustrates that psychic persons have the paranormal ability of a magnification effect on his own body's tissue structure. Recently, widespread interest has been stimulated by scientists' belief (1) that the human magnification effect is a common characteristic of all types of control systems. This article is a thorough exploration, a clarification of the laws, and an illumination of the truth. A brief report on the data I have gathered follows: MATERIAL AND METHODS: 1. Experimental Group: I selected five "sensitives", all males, between the ages of 32 and 58 who all had chronic diseases. All of the cases met the criteria set by the 1975 All China Exchange (2) Conference on "sensitives". All had already had two to three accupuncture treatments. Each treatment was for ten days, with three days between treatments. All of those tested were alert and had normal comprehension. Their statements were accurate and reliable. Two cases had a general knowledge of anatomy and physiology. 2. Control Group: Five cases were selected (three males and two females between 21 and 43 years of age) who were "sensitives" who had never undergone accupuncture treatment. The persons being tested were seated during the test. An accupuncture needle number 30 one half inch or one and one half inch was selected. High speed shallow piercing was done to the internal organ or other accupuncture points. The needles were twisted by hand. After slight stimulation, the needle was left in place, and when the sensation of the needle became weaker, the needle was turned again. SEQUENCE OF THE EXPERIMENT: 1. Each person being tested was ideologically prepared beforehand to ensure his close cooperation. 2. Before the experiment, the person being tested was allowed to rest for awhile in a quiet place to put him in a relaxed state of mind. 3. During the experiment, the person being tested was told to concentrate all his thoughts on that part of his body being tested. 4. All of the reactions of the persons being tested were objectively recorded. Approved For Release 2000/08/11: CIA-RDP96-00792R000300420008-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/11: CIA-RDP96-00792R000300420008-1 LN734-85 RESULTS AND DUSCUSSION: 1. Human Tissue Structure Magnification Effect: The objects of this experiment, under the effects of accupuncture at the accupoints, were able to see their bodies' internal organs in a magnified state. This magnification phenomenon could be brought about by accupuncture stimulation of various accupoints. However, it did not occur in the control group. It is the task of science to find out "what" the phenomenon is. The different explanations offered by the persons being tested for their observations of the magnified tissue structure is due simply to the different parts of the body being tested. They can magnify the krause globule to the site of a meng bean (See Diagram 1), magnify a meissner subcutaneous touch sensor to the size of a soy bean (See Diagram 2), could magnify a hair follicle touch sensation receiver and transmitter to the size of a sesame seed and could also count the number of these in a single hair - there are anywhere from 5 or 6 to more than 10 in a single hair (See Diagram 3), could magnify a nerve cell to the size of a red bean and the axone to the size of a bean noodle (See Diagram 4). Those tested could also describe the location of the cluster of nerves in the cerebellum, as well as the size and number. It should be noted that during the entire, process of the experiment, those persons being tested affected me very deeply in many ways with their descriptions, but the opposite was not true. This not only eliminates the possibility of any prompting, but the common characteristics of the individual descriptions of the magnificaition phenomenon by the five persons being tested will not support any fabrication on their part. Faced with large amounts of clinical data, we cannot refute the reality of this objective phenomenon. Also, the results of this experiment can be repeated. All of this goes to show that the human psychic magnification effect is not a phenomenon of chance. Through accupuncture on this group of "sensitives" we aroused latent capabilities, and activated the human psychic magnification effect. Thus, we seized the human internal tissue structure "microscopic vision" phenomenon. This magnification phenomenon that occurs in the human body demonstrates that this is a natural latent ability in man, and that it is one of the human sciences. 2. Conditions Necessary To Produce The Human Psychic Magnification Effect: There are certain conditons for producing the human tissue magnification effect. In addition to having subjects who are accustomed to accupuncture treatments, the subject must also be trained to conccentrate on that part of the body being tested. This concentration must be intense, allowing for no distractions. Just like Cao Yuan-Bai wrote in his "Health Secrets" during the Ming dynasty, "Combine all thoughts into one, and concentrate that one thought on one place." It is also just like Gao Ju-Long wrote in his "Writings of Gaozi", "the gathering of all one's energies and concentrating them on one spot." This is how the persons being tested had to concentrate on the part being tested before they can be induced to start up the human innate physiological machinery to activate the internal biological magnification system, and thus to achieve the psychic ability to discern one's own body's microscopic system. The author discovered that when the person being tested was concentrating very intently on the part of the body being tested, only then was he really Approved For Release 2000/08/11: CIA-RDP96-00792R000300420008-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/11: CIA-RDP96-00792R000300420008-1 LN734-85 sympathetic and really aware, and only then could he accurately visualize the tissue structure. Once his attention was diverted or distracted, the-visible magnified tissue structure disappeared. As for the length of periods of concentration, they are gradually shortened by lengthening the process of the experiment, and by repeated explanations. DIAGRAM 4 The results of the experiments illustrate that with proper stimulation human latent abilities under special conditions can be aroused to allow viewing inside the human body. One can look inward to the very innards of the human body. Many years ago, Han Xun-Yue wrote in "Shenjian-Suxianpian" that "If you will concentrate your stored energy, you can see inside yourself." Later it is said in the "Huangtingjing" that "If you calmly and quietly close your eyes, you will see inside." And in the Ming dynasty, Li Shi-Zhen wrote in his "Qijingbamaikao" that "The tunnel to the inside can only be seen by those with reverse vision." Part of this is talking about the "channel" and reverse vision is concentration. This clarifies that the feelings manifested through the channels are obtained during concentration. This reflects that "Substance is the objective reality of which we are aware." -45- Approved For Release 2000/08/11: CIA-RDP96-00792R000300420008-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/11: CIA-RDP96-00792R000300420008-1 LN734-85 3. Material Basis for Psychic Magnification: Phenomena'of life have material bases. If you want to explain the true nature of phenomena of life, you must find it in the material components of the internals of the organism. This experiment demonstrates that the subjects of the experiment were able to clearly see the magnified structure of the part of the body concentrated upon. This reaction only occurs in "sensitives" who have had previous acupuncture treatments. This "direct view of life" magnification henomenon continues while the needle remains in place and fades away as the sensation of the needle disappears. By turning the needle, it can be recalled. This is closely linked to the accupoint and channel, and has a close inherent relationship with the particulat being stimulated. Furthermore, this particular event is not clearly manifested until the feeling transmitted along the channels stimulated by the accupuncture needle reaches the part of the body being concentrated on. Thus it would seem that this special latent ablility of those being tested to see microscopically is related to the inherent laws governed by the channels, and only by using the channel's control system can we bring it about. "The human sciences is the investigation of the entire objective world from the focal point of the angle of the human body." (3) Activities of all the parts of the organism are interdependent, mutually promoting. The accupuncture effect, although we say it works through the channel's regulatory effect, however, it seems that it also includes regulation of the nervous system. It is believed in Chinese medicine that "energy in the head stops with the brain", and "energy exits through the brain". This illustrates the relationship of the accupuncture route through the channels and the brain. According to discoveries in brain control research, both animals and men have the capacity to sacraficce other sensate information to selectively concentrate on an individual stimulus. "Consciousness is the machinization of -the cerebrum." Some people see the mutual effect of substance and consciousness as the formation of substance - information - consciousness and consciousness - information - substance. This kind of situation solves the question of interface between substance and. consciousness. We can view any structure of the human body and transmitting equipment, and the brain would then be the receiving unit. The information is transmitted to the brain where it becomes awareness. Awareness is the direct image of the objective world in our minds. At present, scientists admit that the brain is a perfect and complicated electronic device. It can have the amplification effect of a triode. We can see from this that the brain, as part of the central nervous system, also has a role in the human structure magnification effect. (1) China Academy of Sciences Automation Research Institute and Others, "Selected Material for the all China Accupuncture Anesthesia Study Class." Peoples Public Health Publishing House, September, 1974. (2) Material Group for the all China ad hoc Exchange Conference on the Phenomenon of Transmission of Sensation via Channels. "Reference Material of Chinese Medicine and Pharmaceutical Research." 3,(1975)23. (3) Qian Xue-Lin, "Philosophical Research", 9(1982)19. Approved For Release 2000/08/11: CIA-RDP96-00792R000300420008-1