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A proved For Relea P ? , I !7-94213,1)0030 7Q006-0 .. , ., ,. L. 4r 7, TrI .- .. -r 4 4 , ...-- Nu,. '.44. .S4 rr 6 4 VV? - ? ; rrk. _ _ ZOOD Ai`` 4 ? . VI; ? , ZN190-9/ d-rorRelease 2000/08/11 : CIA-RDF'96-00792R000300270006-0 111 9.1 ii-LtX-4,A_LA? 2 A.1-q,?ta)M 14 9. 3 9. 4 litt 4411,15A-IgATX,1110t*VJAW 9. 2 2 0, RP 2.5 Ale1,1!EIRJVir-fyigftlUck thg/a'33-ZLIM-F^ffitAn*4 Aittlt T 6(7V15141t Approved For Release 2000/08/11: CIA-RDP96-00792R000300270006-0 Alt* 11# 4.41./A .3(.4 AEA ri) 4** *OA ti*A 01* mic en ence,t1 comple system the hur number runs to kinds o ous anc great Vi viewpoi gy. Th physioli interact points 1 and pla matic Approved For Release 2000/08/11: CIA-RDP96-00792R000300270006-0 A*44dtk+tfsf4t12647A04*, MA10140 UH/t, Af*lkikt ktSitsPirit491ff **tI2 Off A*.itaflt"JEPtAfOf4Iff ilr,"E"It* 114kAtAttitiAid OA 13 Xt -1-1L, heititCt 4tillhil,A116(71POttot1g1t0bti, WA,014P1 hhtlit 5C*0 444 411(7.0 itAfiF*1 itS4c1A,CR/t44 t$E1,5,A./fit.**-Fftia*OS**ATM.Af* ***AMA 4.31* COLKIttiiIIMii,t1-tiiA 414041341 OM ? At***A1444**11.11- 610,710014*, Cli-thottAf***4 --Itt*X1 6:94.41.141a53FAt. ? 1 ? "Mk **(soniatology)k?A. I, 't Vit/f/ Alk44$0106**4-.AUSA-11+34.31*: *R4zW4t..,S?31Cilili**.t121glifitLES4vat,*; 647*44.140A.R.11P ESP.PK 4F$'4.4r)C.6$4.16(7)tfv. Af044143EltotR4,110111t4.16K4saIA4*, it*Yi Af0h* 4 (Somatic Eigenstate). t*,141 Robert H. Dicke 4i1 Branden carter 1A+01**Ctikkil*O1A11,(anthr0Mc 1441 princi- j?tU Vt* 7 4'1E**ff*//a101c110. Somatic Science ( Science Of Human Body ) Somatic science is the science of man in cos- mic environment! in the language of systems sci- ence ,the human body is considered to be an open complex giant system embeded in the supergiant system of comic world; here "open" is referred to the human body environment, "giant" means the number of the constituting members of the system runs to billions and billions ,"complex"means the kinds of the constituting members are also numer- ous and the interactions among the members are of great variety. Somatic science thus departs in basic viewpoint from the classical reductionist physiolo- gy. The importance of feedback of conscience on physiology, including the multi-level actions and interactions of human brain, is emphasized. This points to the difference betweeen somatic science and plant or animal biology ,and separates the so- matic science from the life science in general. Somatology, an old terminology, is here re- suscitated as the fundamental discipline of Somatio Science ,and is the synthesis of classical physiolo- gy, modern psychology, psychophysiology, neuro- science, scientific parts of chinese traditional medicine and Qigong(Transcendental meditation) , and other related subjects such as ESP and PK. The quasi-stable characteristic states of human body system ,such as waking, sleeping and Qigong state ,are called the somatic Eigenstate. As the? philosophy of somatic science ,the an- thropic principle of Robert H. Dicke and Branden Carter ,derived from cosmological consideration is extended to include on the microscopic scale ,quan- turn theory of measurement or quantum epistemol- ogy, and to include on the macroscopic scale, the fundamental principles of Chinese traditional medicine. Approved For Release 2000/08/11: CIA-RDP96-00792R000300270006-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/11: CIA-RDP96-00792R000300270006-0 ? 2 ? CHINESE JOURNAL OF SOMATIC SCIENCE FIRST ISSUE (JULY 1 9 9 0 ) CONTENTS INTRODUCTION TO A PERIODICAL ???? ........ ? .... ? . ??????????? Zhu Runlong ,Zhu Yiyi ( 4 ) SPECIAL PAPERS Somatic Science---Important Frontiers Leading To Potential Break-Throughs of Current Science ........... ?????????? Chinese Society of Somatic Science (CSSS) ( 6 ) Human Body---The Concept of Open Complex Giant System and Its Methology ? Chen Xin ( 11 ) EXPERIMENT RESEARCH The Research of the Break Through Spacial Obstacle Function Investigation of the "force" of "Parapsycological Writing" ? . .. HYPOTHESIS AND SEARCHING A Proof of Existence of Abnormal States of Matter CONFERENCE REPORT Speech in The 2nd Research Conference of CSSS ?? ?? ? The 2nd Research Conference of CSSS COMMENTS ON NEW BOOKS A Grand Engineering Starting a New Era of History ---On "Founding Somatic Science" TRANSLATED DIGEST Studies of Human Super-Perception Function in Russia INFORMATION AND TENDENCY The Chinese Medicine Systematic Theory Committee Announces A Symponium To Be Held In The Near Future ? READING GUIDE ? Song Kongzhi, etc. ( 22 ) Huang Jinggen, etc. ( 32 ) .. Wu Banghui ( 36 ) Zhang Zhenhuan ( 38 ) Qin Yue ( 40 ) ?? Rong Wen ( 42 ) LI Huang ( 44 ) Zhong ?Xuan ( 21 ). The Editorial Department ( 48 ) Chief Editor :Zhu Runlong Associate Editor Zhu Yiyi Approved For Release 2000/08/11: CIA-RDP96-00792R000300270006-0 ( 4 ) ;S)( 8 ) _in ( 11 ) tc. ( 22 ) tc. ( 32 ) ui ( 36 ) in ( 38 ) ie( 40 ) ( 42 ) ( 44 ) in ( 21 ). nt ( 48 ) unlong tu Yiyi Approved For Release 2000/08/11: CIA-RDP96-00792R000300270006-0 0:13111MSW443 kASFATh.4d.6-'4 , ?r-glii ts PI WC* tA. I 11: 111?11: *A A, k at14-- : 73-4,t1,1-1./.3P.4646, *At,S itsKTFL, ? r4 ? 1990. 7. 15 I :*A MIS:sr-Oft ? 3 ? El A VTIBEI *At *4616( ) it ?A1**it* f4* N. 0 /NAM t Al*-41-f( 6 ) llitgiit?Af*Atfftez0YMEUE0 41gEtlkik I% it( 11) MS* ..M.044VJMat.1141C40 Wif 1L' f( 22 ) "t404M"1110tfFflitC1- ...... **OAP( 32) fRiMM?45AW*RZSVA0-1-1111% Ast( 36) CR#M.*E111111A121414*-W4=0? III**M3Z3f44?0.1#.41 IIINIA12141.**,g1S=AIEI TFilT3t0A0MIcifl --ifentAl2141-*) fLesidi15.114E*Mflitikaffl44414 Mitilt( 38) ( 40 ) 51t((42) 4J4Atilit* ????????? ...... ( 21) Mit* i-,IfiM'AliFkitSVIN #51M Mr( 44) 4 it?*fliA41-411s( 48) fkE41{10*001141111 AIMIFF0V3NSt ?????? '47aLt: (it=) 1:11131MNIZI *Atkapv Approved For Release 2000/08/11: CIA-RDP96-00792R000300270006-0 4 ? Approved For Release 2000/08/11: CIA-RDP96-00792R000300270006-0 A4*-41-1:)-4 k ;El -s Jci iniktt4;44-411tifliA*1110.;?A*4-44?F0A (t 1S1 A.44,14-tt )T14 12 ii1A44-41-141A-4_E 4Aiii*tUi-A.O.,i4;44*4_?.;41.3tknck 4.,ffrA141-A PLA-AlikA./14-4144.04 104.,tmis 07Ait.4*10044.-%) d?"i5t.t."4?,111-3&-i4 Itk $IItO Att-iC,ft131A3*-41-C)hAktualt. A.1*-44-tvtittii0h e.41.6?.A*414 wt_ ft d? I 41411 4ot., t. Z. 4tivi 41t,,,t5LAAA"1.4rii4?-11444. aitit4.4-029ft,***JteV.%)A4*- 4,1-.19it AAA ?44-4+*d?3f-ikit-A,R A OrA4014.51X),A4 tA RAM #3-4 fi-)?40 ?11444 .t !LOH 0?04,1.7:#.1 7.4t.ItS.t.3(.4?#itivlfai5e(flgr)11.-at 6?41- 4-Ygitk tIOR, ZAftitOit iz ? it t 073- A.4_41i4 A1990-14 1.)01( tA4k.t.c)_Litth.of itt4E Attd?"ittiAtit-itlit4,?0#44 " ? A.A.4*-41.40f.t. *An 4Y3k.xh..44.-R-xhf0,40.121/4?*R.mit_s?7)- 4.1r7itis-73-11a6?Pig.,A*4_44c4iFfF.4.444 5Lx/Jcitit"it1t"iitifil` Approved For elease 2000/0d/11 *i14t sktato Y) tA x/J -IF ft It 111- tE44245tiktY;"1;.4-",41,1_3t4+,14A- Ift*.ek-41-. ,c4tiLA ,Jr_Al1,t*.A.1,11;t6ILLAA14-44.4 xiiity0?45ft,frviAtif?-F?A-F-t1-4.-t_AO;,,