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A/arov)ed F e Release ~~ v+ / u e ~ n (~ u ese,,, U) RDP96-00792R000200230001-0 A/ t r J _ ~M o f 2,.-f.- ".i.?6 6" 10/L:1~~ G6 rX/y C~~~G . -VV// 4.0 4cl 4-11-9 & x- q - -,~L dil'. -4 X ~~. ,~ C, 4 ~~~nva-Q~ cJ ~ls-L 'tti c ,~2C-t p~wt,E~ . j V -Ll ,P cY 4 14-14 nlo. .F .r.L . , vu at a/ ~x A atit? ? ~.., mac. .APinwAkD (LOX P L. A -d~ s iC~n~ cernn add / dL 'J" fw " L ; emu. /c//JQ o 4' / _~[/l ? ~w V /~ wA o./(A... /0 A,010 '///J A G ---4- 4J) J I , g-,jos ADDiVt !' D O ' -0 --l 1`"'4 L, % 'ye~%~1M~ ~~K.C/f%M4LACV . A .1 ~JfiLr.Awif6~w.PA --.-- 14 ilw. l/0 ~~ /n- Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000200230001-0 'yo X979 Pmt J K- ) . 4 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000200230001-0 /OGCI -R996-Q07900030001-6 -,.v~ -AV -,X"41 CI_ Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000200230001-0 ^^pr??,9aft -kw'(!s-~F4i'~~' CPYRGHT App And I-Es Pupil in the Pentagon I N 1949 THERE WAS a bril- liant Chinese professor of jet propulsion at the California Ingti- tute of Technology who had an eager young specialist in high- speed air dynamics among his graduate students. The Chinese scientist was so far in the forefront of technological pioneering, and so trusted, that he was made director of the rocket section of the United States Na- tional Defense Scientific Advisory Board: But in the turbulent outset of loyalty-security scares, he was arrested in 1950 on charges of being a Communist, and was ord- ered deported . to Communist China. Then, before the order could be carried '-..t, it was de- cided he knew too ,:,any secrets to ho deported; finally in 1955 he was t '. to China in an exchange of nationals. In China he was be- lieved to have had a major share in developing China's first nuclear bombs.. That was Prof. Tsien Hsue ahen. He had the rank of Air'Force colonel in World Wartl and laded a scientific mission sent to explore the advances in missilery made by Hitler's scientists. Tsien later was one of the braintrusters assigned to predict how the next 'war might be fought. Their report, "Toward New Horizons," became a major seedbed for many subse- quent American military ad- vances. Taien's deportation "was a tre- mendous loss for us, and a great gain for China," said one former student last week. He is Richard D. Delauer, now the Pentagon's search and engineering. In that sor of jet propulsion at Caltech, Richard D. DeLauer, the United States can supply to the nation which it now embraces as a "friend" with "parallel" global security interests - the People's Republic of China. "What a. perceptive guy Tsien was," Delauer said admiringly. Delauer, a nonbureaucratic type of scientist from California where he knew Ronald Reagan as governor and Defense Secretary Caspar W. Weinberger as a Reagarrassociate, is a veteran of the early days of American ballistic missile and jet aircraft development. He most re- cently was executive vice presi- dent of TRW; the engineering conglomerate. Delauer recalled admiringly that in 1949 Tsien at an academic party at Caltech told Delauer's wife and a friend, "Look girls, I would like to sell you a ticket to the moon." They thought he was drunk or unbalanced. Tsien, Delauer said, "wrote one of the first papers on the application of nuclear energy to controlled rocket ''f scientist with the title of un- . flight." secretary of defense for re- Tsien, who was Goddard profes feft;ITa a Haue-alien space physics tee uitencaect to to Hong Kong. It was charged th4t the papers contained valuable security information and - that their real destination was Shang- hai U.S. prosecutors charged that Taien became a Communist before he arrived in the United States as a graduate student in 1935; Tsien denied he ever was a Communist. Delauer said that after Tsien was barred from the Caltech cam- pus and any access to his own se- cret research, he nevertheless con- tinued it for a time "by remote control - with graduate students who met him off-campus." Said Delauer sadly, "It was a disaster." When Tsien finally was deport- ed, Delauer saia, "All of us could envision masses of bright students taught by Tsien," challenging a hostile United States with their own . scientific breakthroughs China's "Cultural Revolution" was devastating for its progress, Delauer said, but "it was a big I tak for us. It destroyed a whole decade of faculty and students-" Delauer last saw Tsien in 1952, and understands that Tsien is now in the class of "elder statesmen" in ~ovVdtF&IMW4 role in evalLmtinv what technninov of nar)er3 and bZ;o6 on roe Reagan administration ap- was arrested after government evelopment. Y MARDER Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000200230001-0 STATEMENT BY QIAN XUELIN ? LED EFFORT TO DEVELOP APPLICATION OF SYSTEM SCIENCE TO STUDY OF PARAPSYCHOLOGICAL PHENOMENA ? '"RESEARCH IN SOMATIC SCIENCE MAY LEAD TO A NEW SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION IN THE 21ST CENTURY... THAT MAY BE A GREATER REVOLUTION THAN THOSE OF QUANTUM PHYSICS AND THE THEORY OF RELATIVITY IN THE 20TH CENTURY." Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00792R000200230001-0