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Approved Fc~~- F~elease 2003/09/10 :CIA-RDP96-0079,2000100140065-1 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE 1. THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE DOD INDUSTRIAL SECURITY MANUAL CONTRACT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION SPECIFICATION APPLY TO ALL SECURITY ASPECTS OF THIS TOt~t Secret FFORT TH F T P . E E ACILI Y CLEARANCE REQUIRED i5: Z THIS SPECIFICATION ~ CO DENTIFICAT ON NUMBERER 4 DATE TO DE !5, THIS SPECIFICATION IS: . IS FOR: (prime contracts must br shown COMPLETED (See s`NOTE?r below. J/ Item b w r is '?Jt'dr~, /or ail subcontracts) (Estimated) also enter date for item a) a? ~ a. PRIME' CON TRACT NUMDER a. a. A D TE X PRIME CONTRACT p NIDA9O8-81-C-OOO~+ 82APR05 ~ete e f ~ (~ 81APR06 dare ln aft crasa) ~ b? aUBCON TRACT(Ute Item JS for subcontract/ng b, FIRST TIER fUDCON TRACT NO. b. ,REVISED Cetrperaedsa REVIf10N Np. DATE beyond second yet) X ipre/~leiYons 1 ~lAUG21 c? REDO EST FOR 61 D, c? IDENTIFICATION NUMDER c. DUE DATE c. DATE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL OR REp FOR OU4TA TIpN - FINAL ' 6. is this r_follow;on contract? ~] Yes _ Q No. If YES, complete the following; a..MOA903-~~ -1.-0292 b. r, Accountability for classified material oa preceding contract P RECEDIN~ CONTRACT NUMDER DATE COMPLETED `yy r ;,pals L,) ]s not, transferred to this follow-an cantract. 7a. Name, Address h Zip Code of Prime Contractor * b. FSC Number c. }tame, Address 61 Zip Code of ognlzant Seclalty O tiee SRI International DCASR Los Angeles, ATTN: Direc$orate of 333 Ravenswood Ave industrial Security,_11099_S.La Cienga M nl0 Park A Blvd., _Las Angeles, CA 9001x5 tla. Name, Address tk 21p Code of Firt:t Tier Subcontractor ? b. FSC Number c. Name, Address ~. 2ip Code of Cognizant Security Ottice 9a. Name, Addreec k Zip Code of Second Tier Subcontractor, or b. FSC Number c, Name, Address tr. Zip Code of Cognizant Security Office facility ssaociated with IFB, RFP OR RFQ ? , ? R'hen actual performance is at a location other than that aprcified, identity wch other'1aceUOn to item I5. toe. General idrntifieaeinn of the Procurement for which this specification applies b. ~o~AA Number o Procuring cavity S&T Intel l igenee Study/Analysis identified m Item 16d. e. Are there additional security requirements established in accordance with paragrrph 1-114 or 1-115, 1SR? Q Yes ?No. 1f YES, identity the pertinent contractual documents in Item 15. d. Arr any elements of this contract outside the inspection responalbility of the cognisant security office? ~ yes ~ No. If YES, ezplain in , ]rein 15 and identity specific arrrc or elements. 11, ACCESS REQUIREMENTS YES NC ACCESS REQUIREMENTS (Continued) YES NO a. 'Aeceas to Classified Information Only at other j. Access to SENSITIVE COMPARTMENTED INFORMATION. X contractor/Government activities. k Access to other S eeisl Access Pro ram I for ti b. Receipt of classified documents or other material . p g n ma on (Specify In Item JS). for reference rnly jne, generetlan). X 1. Access to U. S. classified fntormatlon outside the V. S. Psname Canal Zone, Puerto Rieo, U. S, possessions X c. Receipt and generation of classified documeMS y and Trust Territories, or other materiel. /t m. Defense Documentation Center or Defense information d. Fabrication/Madlfication/Storage of classified hardware. X Analycis Crntrr Services may be requested. X e. Caaphic arts cervices only. n. Classified ADP processing w!1] be involved. f. Aeceas to IPO iNormatlon. o. REMARKS: g. Access to RESTRICTED DATA. h A l ifi d f DOD DIR 5200.17 . eeesa to c ass e COMSEC ln armaian? i. Cryptographic Access Authorisation required. X DOD DIR 5200.18 12. Rrfer al] questions prrlrintng to contract srcttrity elasstfication specification to the official named below (NORMALLY. thru ACO (item J6e); EMERGENCY. direct w(th wr/tten retard of Inquiry and raeponer to AGO) (thru prime eontraetar for aubeontracts). a. The cla:sifieation Guidance tontained in this speeiffcet on and attachments rcfrreneed herein !s complete and rdequate. b? ther c. Activity name, address, Zip Code, tslaphotx nttmber and office symbol Defense Intelligence Agency SG1 ATTN: DT-lA Tefhnical Intelligence SG1 NOTE: Origlnsl Spedticatlon (Item Sa) Is euthorlty for contractors to mark elusitl one tome Sb and are (I authority for contractors to remark the regraded ctassllled Inlomlatlon. Such actions by contractors shaft be taken In accordsnce with the provfrlans of the IndusMlal Security Manual. d~ I JAN 7B~ /~p~roved For Release 2003/09/10 :CIA-RDP96-007928000100140065-1 TION OF 1 APR 7 1; OBSOLETE. ALSO REPLACES OD FORM 2St?e 1N-tiCH IS 0850LETE ., .? "~ Approved Fo~._Release 2003/09/10 :CIA-RDP96-0079~R00100140065-1 13a. Information pertaining to clssalfird contracts or projects, even though such information is considered unclessitled, shalt not be relersed for public dissemination ascept as provlded by the Industrial Security Manual (paragraph 5o and Appendfz /)I). b. Proposes publle releases shat! be submitted for approval prior to release f:~ Direct [~ Through (Specify): Public Release of SCI is not Authorized. to the Dlrectonte For Freedom of Information and Security keview, Office of the Assistant 8ecrstary of Defense (publle Aflalrs) ? for rwtew In accordance with paragraph 50 of the lnduserial Security Manuel. ? In the case of non-DoD User Agencies, see footnote a ra h So Industrial Securlt Manual. 11. Security Clasiiflcation Specifications for this solicitation contract are identified below (??X?' applicable boz(os) and supply aftrclunenfs ar required). Any narrative or classification guide(s) furnished shall be annotated or have information appended to clearly and precisely identify eoch elamrm of information which requires ? classification. When ^ classlflcatlon guide is utilised, that portion of the guide(s) pertaining to the specific rontraetual effort may be etctraeted and famished the contractor. When a total guide(s) Ia utilized, each individual portion of the guide(s) which pertains to the contractual effort shall be clearly Identified in Item lib. The following lnfortnatlon must Dc provlded for each item o! classlfled information idcntlt-ed in an a:tract or guide: (I) Category of ciaasitieation. (lI) Date or event for deelassifleation or review for declassllfeatfon, and (III) The date or event for downgrading (If applicable), The official named !n Item 12b, is reaponalble for furnishing the contactor copies of all guides and changes thereto that are made a part of Phis apeeificatlon. Claasttled information may be attached or furnished ender separate cotter. [~f a. A completed nrrrative ls.(I) 0 attached, or (2) ?transmitted under aeparale toter and madc ? part of this ttpeetflcation. j b. The following classification guide(s) is made a part of this specification and is (1) ~ attached, or (2) Q transmitted under separate cover. (L1N guider undsr Item 15 or in an attachment by rifle, reference number and data). ~j e, Service-type contract/aubeontract. (Specify instructions in accordance with ISR/ISM, as spprapriate.), [] d. ??X" only if this la a final epeelfication and Item 6 is ? ??NO" answer. In response to the eontractor?s request dated retention of the identified classlfled material is ruthorised for a period of Q e. Annual review of this DD Form 251 is required. If ??X'd?', provide date such review is due: . 15. Remarks {Whenever possible, illustrate propsr classification, deelassitleation, end tl applicable, downgrading lnatructfonal. a. This contract requires access to SCI. The Defense Intelligence Agency has exclusive security responsibility for such information released to the contractor ar developed under this contract. DIAM 50-5 provides the necessary guidenace for physical, personnel and information security measures and is a part of the security specifications for this contract. DCASR is relieved of responsibility for all SCI material or information released to the contractor under this contract. b. foreign national employees of the Contractor or subcontractor(s) are not authorized access to classified information resulting from or use in the performance of this Contract. c. The Contractor-shall notify the COTR in writing no later than five (5) days after receipt of the contract of the following information regarding the individuals assigned to work on this contract. (l) Name (2) Date and Place of Birth 3) Social Security Number (SEE CONTINUATION SHEET) 16a. Contract Security Classlficrtion 6peci[icatltxns !or Subcontracts issuing Isom this contract wtll be approved by the Office named in Item 16e below, or by the prime contractor, as authorized. This Contract Security Classlficatlon Spec![ieation and attachments referenced herein are approved by the Vesr Agency Contacting Officer or his Representative named !n Uem 16b below. REQUIRED DISTRIBUTION: prime Contractor (Item 7a) ~(] Cognizant Security Oftiee (item 7e) ? Adminlatatlve.Contracting Otfiee (Item I6e) ? Quality Aaswastee Representative Q Subcontractor (Item aa) ? cognizant Security Office (cram at) Q program/Project ylanager (item 126) Defens 11 i g Agency p v. s, Activity Responsible for Overseas Security Administration The Pentagon, Rss SG 1 J Washin ton, D.C. 20301 ADDITIONAL D1STRf8VTiON: e. Name, address and Zip Code of Administrative Contracting Office , ~ DCASMA San Francisco C' ~ ~ 1250 Bayhill Drive O ?Approved Fo~C_Release 2003/09/10: CIA-RDP96-0079~F?00100140065-1 DD Form 254 (Continued) . (4) Certification of clearance investigation and clearance, .date clearance granted, and name of agency granting clearance. c. Final classification of the information generated under this Contract is the responsibility of DIA~(DT-lA). Information generated under this Contract is subject to the guidelines contained in DaD Regulation 5200.18, dated 2 November 1978, which implements EO 12065 which became effective 1 December 1978. Technical reports classified as .high as TOP SECRET SI/SAO will be provided the Contractor by DIA and other DoD activities, and other DoD contractors for use in connection with this Contract. These reports may be retained far the duration of this Contract unless no longer needed. Upon termination of this 6ontract, the reports shall be returned to the sender (if required) or destroyed in accordance with current security regulations. If these documents are to be retained beyond the ending date of this Eontract, written justification must be forwarded to and authorization given by the Eontracting Officer. e. All copies of final documents generated by the Eontractor under this Contract will be transmitted to DIA (DT-lA) for dissemination to the Grill Flame Committee. No other distribution is authorized. f. Use of the ARFCOS system is required.. Approved For Release 2003/09/10: CIA-RDP96-007928000100140065-1