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Document Release Date: 
October 28, 1998
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Publication Date: 
July 17, 1981
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Approved For Release 2011/07/07: CIA-RDP96-00792R000100140018-3 DEPARTMENT OF' THE ARMY r!('I- 0I IHE GE-NERALCOUN5E-1_ I I INO EON, D.C. 10.110 UI PLY TO Al rL NTION OF 17 July 1981. MEMORANDUM FOR THE ASSISTANT CHIEF OF STAFF FOR INTELLIGENCE SUBJECT: Grill Flame (S) The purpose of this memorandum is to inform you as to both the present status of the joint Army/DI/1 Grill Flame program and to provide guidance for future Army Grill Flame activities. Earlier this week I met with BG Rapmund, Chairperson of the Human Use Review Committee, to resolve whether or not the joint program is within Procedure 18, "Experimentation on Human Subjects" of DOD 5240.1-R. Our discussions were most informative and I learned a great deal about the program beyond the human use issue. (S) To resolve the most time sensitive issue _ what to do with the Army money already committed to the FY 1981 portion of the joint program - I have decided that, since it is at least arguable that none of the FY 1981 taskings targeted by either the Army or DIA involve human experimentation, and in light of Secretary Marsh's approval of the Army's involvement in the (pone cormtti ted f programt From both ry r lea SP-. tp a legal a policy perspective; ` tnuc.h mere cr mfortable callirt . . .-~ i lh?~nrarl' A~;~ mod at~a Ilowever,5ase? upon G apmuno s representations I beI ieve that t 7e Army may participate in the FY 1981 portion of the joint program without insisting on DOD Secretariat review and approval of DIA's q ve~tcnt, The so_~_5,t nce of the ~apr and eepresent Lions provide. _,. qtr my t y X981 Laskin s invo v et UA :+r 3ot~ view 4,,n 4g061.1up , W C sand (}army pr'scor= k{14 becoming entangled in similar problems. Since any Army involvement in Grill Flame activities will have do be reviewed and approved by the Seer{ ,try or Under Secretary of the Army on an annual basis, tray , , (S) The second purpose of this memorandum is to provide advice on how ,~ w th Y ,~..ra Amy Grill f=lame ac :lfi V- b Our lea g" obligations in this area coupled with the cut~et"? ate ot? the science lead me to believe that the operational aspects of parapsychology, by tT7eir very nature cannot be divorced from' rr-etlical and scientific research. In my opinion this is exactly what has happened both in our in-house program and the SRI contract. This must be corrected. Therefore,-a t e..b,?ginning, of each year I recommend that you submit for Secretariat 1ev l review an..approval, an inventory of a11 Approved For Release 2011/07/07: CIA-RDP96-00792R000100140018-3 Approved For Release 2011/07/07: CIA-RDP96-00792R000100140018-3 a ge such contracting. I anticipate, however, that n the Army's likely continued interests in usi,g,military personnel and in understanding more about th #hysiologic _.aspects p raa fin gy, any future joint programs, su i 5.' tt p'r sen A my/DIA program, = ~I vi a inrf~rrl, s.~be planned Army Grill Flame involvement for the coming year (i.e., in-house operational, in-house research, outside contracting, etc.). Such an approach will not only be of great assistance to the Secretary and the Under Secretary but I believe it will also improve the overall effective- ness of the Army's Grill Flame efforts by enabling all Army elements to support knowledgeably the effort. (S) I recognize that an integral aspect of a consolidated Army program will continue to be contracting with outside organizations, such as :SRI. I do not discour t (U) desire. Delbert`L. Spurlock;/Jr. General Counsel CF: Secretary of the Army Mr. Taft, OSD/GC DG Rapmund trs easeSt. w1 ?o . " , f .o 1 rtrac ' i t nd pertd nt l r A , . , . 1 (~ _pp~~~~ree'[. Oyy 'y11 a . o i h 3~'r 443R~.rt - ,-_ I would be pleased to discuss this utter with you if you so Approved For Release 2011/07/07: CIA-RDP96-00792R000100140018-3