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DIALOG(R)File 88:Academic Index(TM)
(c) 1995 Information Access Co. All rts. reserv.
An E.S.P. gap; exploring psychic weapons. (extra-sensory perception
Time v123 p17(l) Jan 23, 1984
On the third Tuesday of every month in the fall and winter of 1980, a
bizarre rendezvous allegedly took place in Washington, D.C. A Navy officer
in a plain civilian suit carried a briefcase handcuffed to his wrist into
the parlor of "Madame Zodiac," psychic and palm reader. By looking at
top-secret photographs and charts, the clairvoyant attempted to predict the
movements of Soviet submarines off the East Coast. Madame Zodiac's payment:
$400 cash.
Ronald McRae, a former investigative reporter for Columnist Jack
Anderson, tells of this type of clandestine assignation and of other
operations between the Pentagon and the so-called psychic community in his
book Mind Wars, to be published this spring. It is one of several
forthcoming this spring. It is one of several forthcoming works, written by
both skeptics and believers, on the military's forays into parapsychology,
the quasi-science that studies the interaction of mind and matter.
According to McRae, who is skeptical of psychic claims, the Department of
Defense has spent $6 million annually in recent years to research such
phenomena as extrasensory perception (E.S.P) and mental telepathy.
Th Brest in ara cholo . A Defense
Department spokesman said last week that officials had scrutinized the
budgets for fiscal years 1983 and 1984 "and can find no monied ~tTP
been spent for E.S. P. or whatever sort o~lae y put on those
grams. u in an interview with the New York Times, retired Lieut.
General Daniel 0. Graham, former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency,
indicated that the military had unquestionably been involved in psychic
While he considered McRae's $6 milion, budget figure an exaggeration,
he said, "I wouldn't be surprised if the intelligence community were
following this. They would be remiss if they didn't."
McRae claims the Pentagon financed psychic research to study the
"shell game" basing mode for the Mx missile, a system that would attempt to
confuse Soviet military strategist by shifting missiles among a number of
concrete shelters. Other esoteric programs uncovered by McRae include
titles like "Novel Biological Information Transfer Systems," apparently the
Pentagon's way of saying E.S.P.
Back in December 1980, Military Review, a journal of the U.S. Army,
carried a cover story titled "The New Mental Battlefield." Im his quirky
essay, Lieut. Colonel John B. Alexander wrote that "there are weapons
systems that operate on the power of the mind and whose lethal capacity has
already been demonstrated." He equated the first strategic breakthrough in
defense E.S.P. with sole possession of nuclear weapons and urged the U.S.
to step up its research in the field.
"I know the Government's involved," says Physicist Russell Targ,
co-author with Keith Harary of the forthcoming book The Mind Race. "I did
the work," he contends. Because he was working with special clearances
while at SRI International, a California research institute, Targ will not
specify whether the Defense Department, the CIA or both funded his psychic
Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230005-7
research 1 pr +d PrtRbeasvi2000 $/tO tCI P9a4ON9 lar"
project, part of which focused on "remote viewing" experiments.
In one test, Targ went to Grant's Tomb in New York City and tried to
transmit an image to a clairvoyant in California. The psychic described a
high place with a view, which she said "makes me think of a restaurant or
museum." Her vision, Targ argues, was remarkably accurate. On a visit to
the U.S.S.R. in October, Targ found that the Soviets had replicated some of
the experiments he and his colleagues had reported in scientific journals.
Says Targ: "In the Soviet Union, psychic research is taken seriously at the
highest levels."
Sighting submarines by clairvoyance? Sending signals with E.S.P.?
Representative Charlie Rose, a North Carolina Democrat on the House Select
Committee on Intelligence, says it may be worth a look. "Some people think
this is the work of the devil," says he. "Others think it may be the holy
spirit. IF the Soviets, as is evident, feel it is worthwhile, I am willing
to spend a few bucks."
COPYRIGHT Time Inc. 1984
?t 03039561/7
DIALOG(R)File 88:Academic Index(TM)
(c) 1995 Information Access Co. All rts. reserv.
Parapsychology update.
Holden, Constance.
Science v222 p997(l) Dec 2, 1983
Parapsychology Update
At least one member of Congress, Senator Claiborne Pell (D-R.I.), has
publicly expressed an interest in parapsychology, but apparently there are
quite a few others sufficiently curious to ask the Congressional Research
Service (CRS) to report on the status of such research.* (CRS does not
reveal names of requesters.)
* "Research into "psi' Phenomena: Current Status and Trends of
Congressional Concern.'
The report, completed last summer, carries on at some length about the
potential educational, military, anticrime, and health applications if
psychic phenomena are ever understood well enough to be replicable.
Currently, says the report, a paltry $500,000 a year is going into psi
research in the United States, almost all from private sources. In
contrast, research is more or less thriving in the Soviet Union where
speculation puts the funding at tens of millions of dollars. However, the
only recognized application is dowsing, which is taught to mineralogists
and geologists at the Omsk Polytechnical Institute. The People's Republic
of China is said to have developed a fairly recent interest in
parapsychology, including psychic healing.
In the United States, the field has been chiefly explored by
psychologists, but physicists have become increasingly involved and are
employing the latest technologies in an effort to detect the slightest
effects of mind on matter. Most research is devoted either to extrasensory
perception (ESP) or telekinesis--the ability to move objects. Currently,
extensive efforts are being made to correlate psychic ability with
personality variables or with particular altered states of consciousness,
according to the report. The prime location for this, says the report's
author Christopher Dodge, is the Maimonides Medical Center in New York.
Another major thrust has been the use of random number generators to
seek statistically significant psi-induced deviations. Robert Jahn, dean of
Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230005-7
Engineerirp p tI~O?Q 8/1 OagC 196 07f91 OQ 0~2 O rs ,
and claims weak but persistent positive results. Jahn and several other
engineers are increasingly interested in possible psi interactions with
computers, examining, for example, the possible disturbance of the memory
functions of single microelectronic chips.
So far, the most striking results appear to be coming from remote
viewing experiments. At Stanford Research Institute physicist Harold
Puthoff is conducting double-blind experiments where a person is sent out
to engage in an activity and the subject is asked to visualize where the
person is. The investigators are claiming a 70 percent success rate.
The report notes that there is "no conclusive physical theory of psi'
phenomena, but tat is not for lack of trying. Theoreticians have found
explanations based on electromagnetic or sound waves inadequate and are
looking for more "holistic' paradigms. An extension of quantum mechanics to
cover the laws of consciousness is one idea; another extends the concept of
hyperspace to postulate an added dimension in human experience.
The report concludes with a glowing catalog of all the fields of human
endeavor that could be enhanced by the harnessing of psi abilities. It
makes no mention of the appalling social disruption such powers could also
Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RdP96-00791 R000200230005-7