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SG1 I SubA Pro1wed:use 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230004-8 ?s (parapsychology or clairvoyance or remote()view?) and (China or PRC) SYSTEM:OS - DIALOG OneSearch File 88:Academic Index(TM) 1976-1995/Feb W1 (c) 1995 Information Access Co. File 86:Mental Health Abstracts 1969-1994/Nov (c) 1995 IFI/Plenum Data Corp. File ll:PsycINFO(R) 1967-1995/Feb (c) 1995 Amer. Psychological Asso. File 7:Social SciSearch(R) 1972-1995/Jan W2 (c) 1995 Inst for Sci Info ?exs td028 Hilight option is not available in file(s) 86 HILIGHT set on as '*- 4019 PARAPSYCHOLOGY 482 CLAIRVOYANCE 19397 REMOTE 231323 VIEW? 94 REMOTE(W)VIEW? 47031 CHINA 586 PRC Si 31 (PARAPSYCHOLOGY OR CLAIRVOYANCE OR REMOTE()VIEW?) AND (CHINA OR PRC) ?rd sl ...completed examining records S2 30 RD Si (unique items) ?t s2/5,k/all >>>KWIC option is not available in file(s): 86 2/5,K/1 (Item 1 from file: 88) DIALOG(R)File 88:Academic Index(TM) (c) 1995 Information Access Co. All rts. reserv. 15671722 *Use Format 7 for FULL TEXT* Global Paradox: The Bigger the World Economy, The More Powerful Its Smallest Players. (book reviews) Brauchli, Marcus Nieman Reports v48 n2 p82(2) Summer SOURCE FILE: AI File 88 ISSN: 0028-9817 illustration other ARTICLE TYPE: Review GRADE: C NAMED PERSON(S): Naisbitt, John DESCRIPTORS: Books--Reviews .that John Naisbitt, the author of the bestseller "Megatrends" and of a new attempt at *clai oyance*, "Global,,Paradox," is guilty of. It's blind optimism. He blithely ext olates globe'-arching trends... ...Cavanagh recite facts bland 11 ~liough, John Naisbitt brings them to , Singapore and other more remote life. He describes trips to *Chi regions of the world, drawing Banc sions about everything he sees... economy," Naisbitt marvel-6 of *China*)' less-than-bold ideas info bold type, for He puts his sometimes easy reading. But here again/Naisbitt falls victim his enthusiasm for ridiculous prognostication. 15 muses how, if *China* w--- to lift per capita income to Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230004-8 Taiwan' s A *)` bvedhFoF$ a?@ 20W08fO:? CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230004-8 ...would have the largest economy in thez+forld. He predicts that by the year 2000, *China* will have 500 dew orb'renovated airports. That may be true, by some measure, but... potential risks to *China*'s d environmental degradation, t e r, Naisbitt identifies many of the eelopment Deng Yiaoping's death, absence of le systems - more so... 2/5,K/2 (Item 2 from file: 88) DIALOG(R)File 88:Academic Index(TM) (c) 1995 Information Access Co. All rts. reserv. 15671720 *Use Format 7 for FULL TEXT* Global Dreams: Imperial Corporations and the New World Order. (book reviews) Brauchli, Marcus Nieman Reports v48 n2 p82(2) Summer, 1994 SOURCE FILE: AI File 88 ISSN: 0028-9817 illustration other ARTICLE TYPE: Review AVAILABILITY: FULL TEXT Online LINE COUNT: 00090 GRADE: C NAMED PERSON(S): Barnet, Richard J.; Cavanagh, John DESCRIPTORS: Books--Reviews .that John Naisbit the author of the bestller "Megatrends" and of a new attempt at *clairvoy ce*, "Global Parado is guilty of. It's blind optimism. He blithely extrapo tes globe-archifg'trends... ... Cavanarecite facts blandly, though, J6hn Naisbitt brings them to life. He describes trips to *China Sing ore and other more remote regions of the world, drawing concl iory about everything he sees... ~ mes the world's biggest market The last great Communist country ~ economy," Naisbitt marvels of *Chin ). e puts his sometimes less-than-bold ideas into bold typ., for asy reading. But here again, Naisbitt fa''ls victim his enthusiasm for ridiculous prognostication. He muses how, 'if *China* wer to lift per capita income to Taiwan's level - he might as /ell have... ...would have the largest (Conomy in the world. I predicts that by the true, by some measure, l?dit ... ckward. (To be fair, Naisbitt identifies many of the the airports areb potential risks to * Nina*'s development - Deng Yiaoping's death, environmental degr elation, the absence of legal systems - more so... 2/5,K/3 (Item 3 from file: 88) DIALOG(R)File 88:Academic Index(TM) (c) 1995 Information Access Co. All rts. reserv. 15482646 *Use Format 7 for FULL TEXT* Russia 2010: And What it Means for the World. (book reviews) Ulam, Adam Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230004-8 New Repub#iprovgdoFqu ReJa$e)2N&Q8/210, : ClA4RDP96-00791 R000200230004-8 SOURCE FILE: MI File 47 ISSN: 0028-6583 ARTICLE TYPE: Review AVAILABILITY: FULL TEXT Online LINE COUNT: 0,~.154 GRADE: A NAMED PERSON(S): Yergin, Daniel; Gustafso~, Thane DESCRTPTORS Rnnl!'c--Rev P1'nM ...establishment in t face7f the events of the last nine years, they praise the *clairvoyance* o 7esearch group at Royal Dutch Shell: in 1984 it boldly predicted an appro ng... ..Chernobyls, a whol'"plethora f troubles with other former parts of the ussr, or with *Chin, , internal integration--all of these events could deflect the cou try from the desi ble path into... ...of capitalism }~its of late been flourishi in parts of the People's Republic of *Ch. a*. In general one feels that, for all its many excellent points, Rus e2010, like most... 2/5,K/4 (Item 4 from file: 88) DIALOG(R)File 88:Academic Index(TM) (c) 1995 Information Access Co. All rts. reserv. 15383313 *Use Format 7 for FULL TEXT* Skepticism, miracles, and knowledge. (Philosophy and the Paranormal, part 2) Grey, William Skeptical Inquirer v18 n3 p288(7) Spring SOURCE FILE: AI File 88 ISSN: 0194-6730 rvL AVAILABILITY: FULL TEXT Online LINE COUNT: 00272 ABSTRACT: The study of the paranormal is beneficial since it reveals aspects of human psychology and human information processing. However, study of the paranormal should be tempered with skepticism. Research on miracles and other psi phenomena suffer from witness credibility, human credulity, tribal origins of superstition and conflicts of testimony on miraculous events. Critical skepticism allows the researcher to keep an open mind by not rejecting disputed claims on the basis of prior conviction. DESCRIPTORS: Philosophy--Evaluation; Skepticism--Evaluation; Miracles-- Evaluation; Pattern perception (Psychology)--Analysis ... is impossible that the religious traditions of "ancient Rome, of Turkey, of Siam, and of *China*" can all be established on a solid foundation. Every miracle claimed within any one of...incontrovertible evidence for psi is at best inconclusive. The psychologist David Marks argues that until *parapsychology* produces at least one repeatable demonstration it can be justifiably ignored (Marks 1986: 123). 2/5,K/5 (Item 5 from file: 88) DIALOG(R)File 88:Academic Index(TM) (c) 1995 Information Access Co. All rts. reserv. 15383287 *Use Format 7 for FULL TEXT* Oklahoma psychic fails to find missing bodies. Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230004-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230004-8 Genoni, Tom, Jr. Skeptical Inquirer v18 n3 p230(2) Spring, 1994 SOURCE FILE: AI File 88 ISSN: 0194-6730 AVAILABILITY: FULL TEXT Online LINE COUNT: 00049 ABSTRACT: Oklahoma psychic A. Louise failed to find the missing bodies of Terri Schlatter and her son who have been missing since 1985. She claimed that the bodies were buried in a pond near the Schlatter home. Dogs trained to find human remains were brought to the pond allegedly confirmed the psychic's claims. The pond was drained and the bottom dug out, but no bodies were found by the search party. ...DESCRIPTORS: *Parapsychology* in criminal investigation ...remarked: "Obviously, this has to be concluded at some point. We can't dig to *China*." After weeks of digging, no bodies were found and the search was abandoned. ...DESCRIPTORS: *Parapsychology* in criminal investigation 2/5,K/6 (Item 6 from file: 88) DIALOG(R)File 88:Academic Index(TM) (c) 1995 Information Access Co. All rts. reserv. 14932644 *Use Format 7 for FULL TEXT* Interview: Dr. Brian Weiss. (past-lives therapy) (Interview) Omni v16 n7 p 85(6) April, 1994 SOURCE FILE: MI File 47 ISSN: 0149-8711 illustration photograph ARTICLE TYPE: Interview AVAILABILITY: FULL TEXT Online LINE COUNT: 00349 ABSTRACT: Dr. Brian Weiss is a Miami, FL, psychiatrist who believes that past-lives therapy has a positive influence on his patients. While hypnotized, his first patient for this therapy was told to return to the time the problems began. She went back to 1863 B.C. NAMED PERSON(S): Weiss, Brian--Conduct of life DESCRIPTORS: Reincarnation--Research; Psychiatric counseling--Management; Hypnotism--Usage ...recent project with the physics department at New York University. Weiss: They're bringing from *China* experts at what we'd call healing, what they call energy. The physicists are trying... ...true of all of reality. Omni: Will physicists show that science, mysticism, spirituality, religion, and *parapsychology* are linked through quantum mechanics? Weiss: Physicists are the mystics of the Nineties and the... 2/5,K/7 (Item 7 from file: 88) DIALOG(R)File 88:Academic Index(TM) (c) 1995 Information Access Co. All rts. reserv. 14869090 *Use Format 7 for FULL TEXT* The master of the game: Strobe's world. (incoming Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott) (Cover Story) Lane, Charles New Republic v210 n10 p19(7) March 7, 1994 SOURCE FILE: MI File 47 ISSN: 0028-6583 illustration cartoon Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230004-8 ARTICLE TYAPpr For ease 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230004-8 AVAILABILITY: FULL TEXT Online LINE COUNT: 00493 ABSTRACT: Talbott lives up to his cautious, conservative, elitist Yale background in most personal and policy aspects. He is poised to succeed Warren Christopher, mainly due to his political adriotness and friendship with Bill Clinton, but shows little real policy insight or backbone. SIC CODE: 9721 NAMED PERSON(S): Talbott, Strobe--Evaluation NAMED PERSON(S): Christopher, Warren--Influence DESCRIPTORS: Diplomats--Biography; International relations--Moral and ethical aspects ...public has long annoyed Talbott. In an August 1992 Time column, for instance, he took *China*'s and Bush's side in the debate over Most Favored Nation status for Beijing.. .f or the ash heap of history," was, to Talbott, "bear-baiting." (It now reads like *clairvoyance*.) Talbott also derided Reagan's "evil empire" remark. Talbott opposed "linkage," the idea that American... 2/5,x/8 (Item 8 from file: 88) DIALOG(R)File 88:Academic Index(TM) (c) 1995 Information Access Co. All rts. reserv. 14527217 *Use Format 7 for FULL TEXT* To boldly go: an appreciation of Charles Honorton. McCarthy, Donald Journal of Parapsychology v57 nl p7(17) March, 1993 SOURCE FILE: AI File 88 ISSN: 0022-3387 ARTICLE TYPE: biography AVAILABILITY: FULL TEXT Online LINE COUNT: 00514 NAMED PERSON(S): Honorton, Charles--Biography DESCRIPTORS: Psychologists--Biography who was de f. This last is signific t, for Chuck told me that his interest in *parap chology* really grew t of early speculations that ' arose from time spent with his uncle, w ...than by other ways of onceptualiz'g psi. Whatever Chuck's person 1 mot' ation for getting into *parapsychology* it was a passionate pursuit, an all other aspects of his life assumed supporting roles... commitment arapsychological investigation was absolute; his life was his work My own involvement with ara sychology* began almost accidentally. In 1974, part of my teaching du3,ies at\St. John's University.. .up running a seminar i anticipated course in *p "Unexplai d Phenomena" as a replacement for an apsychology that was to have been conducted by try to put somethi together for the Fall semester that would address several topics, incl ing *parapsychology , in the broad context of philosophy of scienc . That seemed feasibl on paper, but knowing nothing of the current stat of *parapsychology*, made desperate contact with Rex that summer, and served as a gracious an ct with Chuck during the next year and a half, as my ,. apsychology* was still being pi\ued and fed by Rex as close at hand. That... to the sign beside the door that proclaimed it to be the *Parapsychology* and Psychophysics, a name that must surely Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230004-8 have been c'ppxRvl E Je 2OW08/1 pCIA4 AA'7gltROO O'2MObl ked a lot of questions. I learned a great deal about *parapsychology* an about how to be an experimental investigator; my training was in theoretical mathematics, and... their own sake, he always had a bottom lin : "How can I use this in *parapsychology*?" He viewed everything with the objective in Still, Chuck did get hooked ...great deal of t g6vision, except for a few favorite dramatics ries that he followed avidlsy; *China* Beach, LA Law, and Crime Story wer igh on his list. Chuck1was also a... some cogent remarks about parapsycholo is and science fict.lon. She observed that her own interest in *parapsycholo * had grown frog reading science fiction since childhood, for it was th genre that suggested... include a higher percentage of science fiction buffs, and speculated that those drawn to *parapsycholog * werd often the ones willing to investigate questions that were tab oih other disciplines, and... .our understanding of nature, of re ity, and of mind. Thus it may be natural for *parapsychology* to attract those willing to explore strange new words ... to boldly go.... HL ally ta~.c. .rich theme that resonated, deeply in many f those likely to volunteer as subjects in *parapsychology*.: More generally, it was an effort to create an experimental environment that provided subtle couragement ... a research career, but I could not have imagined the species hardships most workers in *parapsychology* endure,,-not the least of which i the skepticism and ridicule provided by colleagues in... Another eye-opener for me was the tremendous diffi lty in obtaining funding for research/in *parapsychology*. Chuck did mubetter than most, ancial \` fi l n ar partly because he wpn the interest and regu .secure alternat`.ive long-term funding proved fruitless, and the lab went out of business.-In *parapsychology*, being absolutely top notch is not enough to assur survival. Chuck was fond of citing.. .knew. It was never a secret that I ffgid not share Chuck's enthusiasm for *parapsychology*. But he was someone w/io clearly was searching for the truth and was willing to... .to reconsider the whole field as well. I will miss him as a friend, but " just so. *parapsychology*, I think, will miss him more. Department of Mathematics and Computer Science St... 2/5,K/9 (Item 9 from file: 88) DIALOG(R)File 88:Academic Index(TM) (c) 1995 Information Access Co. All rts. reserv. 14223660 Scholars focus on cultures in collision, in and out of science. (includes related articles) (CSICOP Dallas Conference) Watson, Elena M. Skeptical Inquirer v17 n3 p227(15) Spring, 1993 SOURCE FILE: AI File 88 ISSN: 0194-6730 illustration photograph .ABSTRACT: as the paranormal in media, scientific fraud, crashed unidentified flying objects and paranormal occurrences in *China*. ...DESCRIPTORS: *Parapsychology*-- .ABSTRACT: as the paranormal in media, scientific fraud, crashed unidentified flying objects and paranormal occurrences in *China*. ...DESCRIPTORS: *Parapsychology*-- Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230004-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230004-8 2/5,x/10 (Item 10 from file: 88) DIALOG(R)File 88:Academic Index(TM) (c) 1995 Information Access Co. All rts. reserv. 12485175 *Use Format 7 for FULL TEXT* Tales from the bazaar. (Arabists and US foreign policy) Kaplan, Robert D. Atlantic v270 n2 p37(21) August, 1992 SOURCE FILE: MI File 47 ISSN: 0276-9077 illustration photogr ABSTRACT: Arabists have-,,had a strong,influence on US foreign relations with the Middle East, in'luding thg/events leading to the Gulf War. The careers of Hume Horan, Talcot~o Seelye, William Eagleton and April Glaspie are among those dis us ,4d. GEOGRAPHIC CODE: NNUS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: United St DESCRIPTORS: United States--I late ns with Arab countries; Persian Gulf War, 1991--History ,,/ ...political order - Department hands for hi getting the Soviets t , Freeman gripes aJ much paperwork arfd ust as Loy *clairvoyance withdraw from port egarding Stalin and his role in Nixon's 1972 visit to *China* a Foreign Service bureaucracy that now produces too 2/5,K/11 (Item 11 from file: 88) DIALOG(R)File 88:Academic Index(TM) (c) 1995 Information Access Co. All rts. reserv. 12114933 *Use Format 7 for FULL TEXT* Help stamp out absurd beliefs. (Column) Randi, James Time v139 n15 p80(l) April 13, 1992 SOURCE FILE: MI File 47 ISSN: 0040-781X ARTICLE TYPE: Column AVAILABILITY: FULL TEXT Online LINE COUNT: 00083 ABSTRACT: People are far too willing to believe in paranormal or supernatural phenomena regardless of how little scientific support there might be for its actual credibility. It is difficult enough for society to deal with our expanding base of knowledge without mixing in the absurd. CAPTIONS: 0 DESCRIPTORS: *Parapsychology*-- We in the U.S. are not alone in our credulity. In *China* a large percentage of the public visits "Qi Gong" hospitals for diagnosis and treatment by... DESCRIPTORS: *Parapsychology*-- 2/5,K/12 (Item 12 from file: 88) DIALOG(R)File 88:Academic Index(TM) (c) 1995 Information Access Co. All rts. reserv. UL L Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230004-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230004-8 11810753 *Use Format 7 for FULL TEXT* In search of anti-semitism: what Christians provoke what Jews? Why? By doing what? - And vice versa. (Cover Story) Buckley, William F., Jr. National Review v43 n24 p20(43) Dec 30, 1991 SOURCE FILE: MI File 47 ISSN: 0028-0038 ARTICLE TYPE: Cover Story AVAILABILITY: FULL TEXT Online LINE COUNT: 01550 ABSTRACT: Anti-semitism has its supporters on both sides of the political spectrum, left and right. Charges of anti-Jewish and anti-Israel sentiments against Joseph Sobran, Patrick Buchanan, The Dartmouth Review,' Gore Vidal, and 'The Nation' explore the role of anti-semitism in American society. NAMED PERSON(S): Sobran, Joseph--Attitudes; Vidal, Gore--Attitudes NAMED PERSON(S): Buchanan, Patrick--Attitudes DESCRIPTORS: The Nation (Periodical)--Publishing; The Dartmouth Review (Newspaper)--Publishing; Antisemitism--Analysis; Assimilation (Sociology)--Analysis; Ethnic relations--Analysis ...the subject of Israel. More, I told him that unlike obsessions with, say, Nicaragua or *China* or even Russia, an obsession with Israel at the expense of Israel gives rise to...He was writing, after all, as a syndicated columnist, not as a psychologist for the *Parapsychology* Review, in which role he would be as unconcerned for taboos as a computer. "My-movement whose principal PAC was "The Committee of One Million against the Admission of Communist *China* to the United Nations." No historian would credit Israel with having less influence in Congress... 2/5,K/13 (Item 13 from file: 88) DIALOG(R)File 88:Academic Index(TM) (c) 1995 Information Access Co. All rts. reserv. 11531577 *Use Format 7 for FULL TEXT* What the First Amendment means to me. (Special Report: FOI 1991) Hentoff, Nat; Chancellor, John; Otto, Jean; Rowan, Carl T. Quill v79 n8 p24(3) Oct, 1991 SOURCE FILE: AI File 88 ISSN: 0033-6475 AVAILABILITY: FULL TEXT Online LINE COUNT: 00191 STATUTE: United States Constitution. lst Amendment DESCRIPTORS: Constitutional law--Addresses, essays, lectures; Freedom of speech--Addresses, essays, lectures; Freedom of the press--Addresses, essays, lectures as vision, they may practicality. Cert ... of your milit else in the Hamilton, and Jefferson had *clairvoyance* as well been tempted to surrender principle to nly..` rld newspaper... your cabinet officers. I looked over at the ned that he was wondering, as I was, where 2/5,x/14 (Item 14 from file: 88) DIALOG(R)File 88:Academic Index(TM) Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230004-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230004-8 09078548 *Use Format 7 for FULL TEXT* TV's toughest year is just a preview. (includes networks can't stop juggling their schedules) Saporito, Bill Fortune v122 n13 p95(6) SOURCE FILE: MI File 47 ISSN: 0015-8259 illustration photograph table AVAILABILITY: . CAPTIONS: NBC, AB shows. (table) BS and Fox COMPANY NAME(S): Nations Broadcasting Co. FBC En` share; ABC Entertainment anything. A new technolo *China* Beach, to Sa households. That's for. *China* Beac known in the indy site g company Inc.--Market share; Fox nt--Market share; CBS Inc.--Market et share ing--Analysis ote* *vi called sat med dramas, the rday. Both have po lite compression will all. The at we are going to pr for instance, is up aga t NBC's popular Golden Girls, 2/5,K/15 (Item 15 from file: 88) DIALOG(R)File 88:Academic Index(TM) (c) 1995 Information Access Co. All rts. reserv. 08560001 *Use Format 7 for FULL TEXT* Canada's cultural dynamo enlightens while it entertains. (Canadian Museum of Civilization) Lancashire, David Smithsonian v20 n12 p114(10) March, 1990 SOURCE FILE: MI File 47 ISSN: 0037-7333 illustration photograph AVAILABILITY: FULL TEXT Online LINE COUNT: 00313 GEOGRAPHIC CODE: NNCNEONO GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: Ottawa SIC CODE: 8412 NAMED PERSON(S): MacDonald, George F.--Man -ement; Cardinal, Douglas-- Works DESCRIPTORS: Canad Museum of Civili tion--Appreciation; Museums-- Educational aspect Museum archi cture--Design and construction; Ottawa, Ontario--Gall ies and seums ...whose arts, according Claude Levi-Strauss, rank wit sea is the wave-patterned gr, he French philosopher-anthropologist ose of *China* and ancient Egypt). And the ...picture and the wraps and sound om 32 speakers. The opening film The First Emper of *China*, was coproduced by *China*'s Xian Film udios, Canada's Na ional Film Board and the museum. ...completed, this etwork will support 2 communications systems inside the building, fro environmental control t *remote* *viewing* of many of the museum's 3.5 illion artifacts. There a cable outlets at... overall ratings (...not total ram for." And counterprogram Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230004-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230004-8 2/5,K/16 (Item 16 from file: 88) DIALOG(R)File 88:Academic Index(TM) (c) 1995 Information Access Co. All rts. reserv. 06840192 The communists' psychic edge. (interest and research in psychic phenomena big in Soviet Union and *China*) Levine, Art U.S. News & World Report v105 n22 p30(l) Dec 5, 1988 SOURCE FILE: MI File 47 illustration photograph GEOGRAPHIC CODE: ANCC; EEUR GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: China; Soviet Union DESCRIPTORS: *China*--... 2/5,K/17 (Item 17 from file: 88) DIALOG(R)File 88:Academic Index(TM) (c) 1995 Information Access Co. All rts. reserv. 06460854 Psychic tots of *China*. (paranormal abilities tested) Discover v9 n7 p26(2) July, 1988 SOURCE FILE: MI File 47 illustration photograph GEOGRAPHIC CODE: ANCC GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: China DESCRIPTORS: *China*--... ... *Parapsychology*--... ...*China* Psychic tots of *China*. (paranormal abilities tested) DESCRIPTORS: *China*--... 2/5,K/18 (Item 18 from file: 88) DIALOG(R)File 88:Academic Index(TM) (c) 1995 Information Access Co. All rts. reserv. V ("It L 06423084 *Use Format 7 for FULL TEXT* Fighting against flimflam; James Randi uses his skills as a professional Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230004-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230004-8 magician to expose psychics, astrologers, spiritualists, channelers, faith healers and a host of mystics and charlatans. Jaroff, Leon Time v131 n24 p70(3) June 13, 1988 SOURCE FILE: MI File 47 ISSN: 0040-781X illustration portrait ARTICLE TYPE: biography AVAILABILITY: FULL TEXT Online LINE COUNT: 00168 CAPTIONS: James Randi. (portrait) NAMED PERSON(S): Randi, James--Practice DESCRIPTORS: Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal--Management; Fraud--Prevention; Magicians--Practice; Spirit possession--Investigations; Conjuring--Crime ...words of wisdom through the mouth of a modern-day proxy. April found him in *China*, invited by a science journal to help stem what the editor called ''growing confusion between... other naive or fraudulent stars of the paranormal world. For example, after a St. Louis *parapsychology* laboratory claimed to have discovered two boys who could mentally bend spoons, create images on... 2/5,K/19 (Item 19 from file: 88) DIALOG(R)File 88:Academic Index(TM) (c) 1995 Information Access Co. All rts. reserv. 03582950 *China*'s psychic savants. Truzzi, Marcello Omni v7 p62(6) Jan, 1985 SOURCE FILE: MI File 47 GEOGRAPHIC CODE: ANCC GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: China DESCRIPTORS: *Parapsychology*--... ...*China*; ... ...*China*-- *China*'s psychic savants. DESCRIPTORS: *Parapsychology*--... 2/5,K/20 (Item 20 from file: 88) DIALOG(R)File 88:Academic Index(TM) (c) 1995 Information Access Co. All rts. reserv. 03039561 *Use Format 7 for FULL TEXT* *Parapsychology* update. Holden, Constance. Science v222 p997(l) Dec 2, 1983 SOURCE FILE: MI File 47 ISSN: 0036-8075 Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230004-8 AVAIL ABI rAve~ r' a~12 /0 : CP Q'&DPM09791 R000200230004-8 NAMED PER N(S): Jahn, Robert--Research; Puthoff, Harold--Research DESCRIPTORS: *United* States. Congressional Research Service... ...*Clairvoyance*--... ...*Parapsychology*--... ...*Parapsychology* and *science*-- *Parapsychology* update. TEXT: *Parapsychology* Update .member of Congress, Senator Claiborne Pell (D-R.I.), has publicly expressed an interest in *parapsychology*, but apparently there are quite a few others sufficiently curious to ask the Congressional Research... .taught to mineralogists and geologists at the Omsk Polytechnical Institute. The People's Republic of *China* is said to have developed a fairly recent interest in *parapsychology*, including psychic healing. In the United States, the field has been chiefly explored by psychologists... ...of single microelectronic chips. So far, the most striking results appear to be coming from *remote* *viewing* experiments. At Stanford Research Institute physicist Harold Puthoff is conducting double-blind experiments where a... DESCRIPTORS: *United* States. Congressional Research Service... ...*Clairvoyance*--... ...*Parapsychology*--... ...*Parapsychology* and *science*-- 2/5,K/21 (Item 1 from file: 86) DIALOG(R)File 86:Mental Health Abstracts (c) 1995 IFI/Plenum Data Corp. All rts. reserv. 0424568 HER1982-20024 Supernatural traffic: East Asian shamanism. Kendall, Laurel. University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI 96822 Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry 5(2):171-191, 1981. Languages: English Six Korean Women: The Socialization of Shamans (Harvey, 1979) is reviewed and comments are made on the impact of these women and of other indigenous therapists on contemporary medical systems. The state of the art of shamanism in Korea is examined, along with that in Japan and China. Broad themes which are seen as emerging from the sudy of East Asian shamans are suggested. it is argued that: 1) ancestors, ghosts, and shamans have established working relationships in all three societies and writers acknowledge the cultural appropriateness of their ascriptions of supernatural malaise; 2) women are the most active agents in consultation with shamans despite efforts to undermine the woman's ritual authority in peasant households by urbanization and contradictory socialization experiences outside of the home; and 3) shamanism in the three societies reflect common therapies and operate under common social constraints. 89 references. Descriptors: Cultural Studies; Delivery-Systems; Parapsychology Identifiers: Journal; Human; Overview; folklore Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230004-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230004-8 2/5,K/22 (Item 2 from file: 86) DIALOG(R)File 86:Mental Health Abstracts (c) 1995 IFI/Plenum Data Corp. All rts. reserv. 0356665 HER1979-13983 Parapsychology in communist countries. Iron curtain ESP. Ebon, Martin. no address Human Behavior 7(11):38-41, 1978. Languages: English The current state of parapsychology in communist countries, particularly in China and the Soviet Union, is reviewed. The official government position of both countries is that parapsychology is just another face of religion or mysticism and it is used as a propaganda issue. Such research in the U.S. or in the major communist countries is deplored as a sign of political and cultural disintegration. Nevertheless, parapsychological research is going on in China, in the Soviet Union, and in eastern Europe, although these scientists are often discouraged from contacts with Western colleagues. The current pattern of such research in communist countries is characterized as chaotic with a great deal of pulling ahd hauling at various political and scientific levels behind the scenes. Descriptors: Parapsychology Identifiers: Journal; Human; Overview 2/5,K/23 (Item 3 from file: 86) DIALOG(R)File 86:Mental Health Abstracts (c) 1995 IFI/Plenum Data Corp. All rts. reserv. 0310865 TAI1978-28755 Traditional and modern health care: an appraisal of complementarity. New, Peter Kong-ming. Dept. of Behavioral Science, University of Toronto, 21 St. Joseph St., Toronto, Ontario M5S lAl, Canada International Social Science Journal 29(3):483-495, 1977. Languages: English The complementarity of traditional and modern health care is discussed with attention to the reasons that persons seek health care in the first place and to national policies of integrating the fields of magic and medicine. Beliefs regarding magic and science often determine which path a person may take, but magic and science may also coexist within a single belief system. Patients often fluctuate between choosing medicine and choosing magic as a therapeutic approach to any ailment. Other ailments may be ignored completely due to societal acceptance of the notion that everyone suffers from some particular problem, and the corresponding denial of legitimacy for anyone to seek treatment for that ailment. Often the most logical approach to health delivery is to integrate Western and traditional medicinal approaches. Although Western medicine has resisted such approaches, communist China has for some time been committed to this practice, and it is hoped that future researchers will be permitted to assess its effectiveness in mainland China. 54 references. Descriptors: Cultural Studies; Delivery-Administrative; Parapsychology Identifiers: Journal; Human; Overview; Service Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230004-8 DIALOG R lperovi3For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230004-8 ( ) :Menta Health Abstracts (c) 1995 IFI/Plenum Data Corp. All rts. reserv. 0289895 TAI1978-01833 Culture-bound syndromes, ethnopsychiatry, and alternate therapies: Vol. IV of mental health research in Asia and the Pacific. Lebra, William P. (ed.) no address Mental Health Research in Asia and the Pacific, Vol. IV Honolulu, University Press of Hawaii, 1976. 299 p. $16.00. Languages: English A collection of papers is presented which details the lack of modern psychotherapeutic programs and the abundance of indigenous health methods on which the majority of the peoples of Southeast Asia and the Pacific rely for mental health service. Therapeutic factors inherent in indigenous programs are examined, and collaboration with native folk healers (who are in closer contact with the populations than the medical communities) is urged. A range of substantive and methodological themes in transcultural psychiatry is covered, including Latah, epidemic hysteria, possession, and malgri. Other chapters focus on indigenous healing practices in the Philippines, Polynesia, Malaysia, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, China, and among the Maori of New Zealand. Descriptors: Cultural Studies; Delivery-Community mental health; Parapsychology; Psychotherapy Identifiers: Book; Evaluation; Human; Overview; Service 2/5,K/25 (Item 5 from file: 86) DIALOG(R)File 86:Mental Health Abstracts (c) 1995 IFI/Plenum Data Corp. All rts. reserv. 0267260 CGJ14-0-00192 The personification of opposites. S. Sal. b. The bitterness. Jung, C. G. no address In: Jung, C., Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Vol. 14 2nd ed., Princeton University Press, 1970. 702 p. (p. 192-198). Languages: English Original Language: German Associated with salt and sea is the quality of bitterness, an alchemical term connoting not only the sharp salt taste of the sea water, but also corruption and imperfection. This corruption is the quality of the prima materia, which is synonymous in alchemical and mythological tradition with chaos and the sea. It is noted that the sea was often characterized as something impure in ancient cultures, especially that of Egypt and Greece; in the same cultures and in ancient China as well, salt is often found characterized as a spirit and identified with a bird. This bird represents the spirit of corruption expelled from an impure substance which is made pure thereby; it is usually said to have many colors. This and other spirits of impurity constitute that part of the universe which is still chaos, and in the psychological sense, that part of the psyche which remains unconscious. As the spirit of chaos is indispensable to the alchemical world order, so the unconscious is essential to the balanced working of the mind. 1 reference. Descriptors: Personality; Parapsychology Identifiers: Chapter; Human; History; alchemical symbolism; Theory 2/5,K/26 (Item 6 from file: 86) DIALOG(R)File 86:Mental Health Abstracts Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230004-8 (c) 19 9 5 IApp o ednF&ARel e 2OOO O8It1O? : C DP96-00791 R000200230004-8 0267168 CGJ12-0-00465 Religious ideas in alchemy: an historical survey of alchemical ideas. 6. Alchemical symbolism in the history of religion. II. The paradigm of the unicorn. h. The unicorn in China. Jung, C. G. no address In: Jung, C., Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Vol. 12 2nd ed., Princeton University Press, 1968. 571 p. (p. 465-466). Languages: English Original Language: German Descriptors: Parapsychology 2/5,K/27 (Item 7 from file: 86) DIALOG(R)File 86:Mental Health Abstracts (c) 1995 IFI/Plenum Data Corp. All rts. reserv. 0259486 TAI1977-08046 Song of the siren: a parapsychological odyssey. Krippner, Stanley. no address New York, Harper and Row, 1975. 311 p. $12.50 Languages: English The experiences of Stanley Krippner with regard to parapsychology are described in a semiautobiographical treatise. The account begins with the author's first paranormal experience at the age of 14 when he had the sudden conviction that his uncle had just died, and continues with his youthful activity in the field of legerdemain and the exciting obtrusion into some of his mentalism tricks of genuinely paranormal intuition. As a student he was further stimulated by the active resistance of the academic establishment to parapsychology. With maturity the odyssey in parapsychological experiences became wider ranging, including visits to foreign countries and renowned psychokinetics and psychics. Experiences noted in Russia, Brazil, Czechoslovakia, China, Japan, and the Philippines are described, with detailed information on the parapsychological individuals involved in these travels. Those so described include Rolling Thunder, K. Ramakrishna Rao, Uri Geller, and Mme. Kulagina. In addition, results of experimentation carried out by Krippner and his associates at the Maimonides Dream Laboratory are described. From these studies 20 altered states of consciousness have been outlined, including some at variance with definitions used in modern psychiatry. Descriptors: Parapsychology; Sleep and Dreams; Psychophysiology; Cultural Studies Identifiers: Book; Human; Biography; Research; Theory 2/5,K/28 (Item 1 from file: 11) DIALOG(R)File ll:PsycINFO(R) (c) 1995 Amer. Psychological Asso. All rts. reserv. 00812811 78-26121 *Parapsychology* in the People's Republic of *China*: 1979-1989. Zha, Leping; McConnell, Tron U Pittsburgh, PA, US Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 1991 Apr Vol 85(2) 119-143 Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230004-8 ISSN:i7~d For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230004-8 Journal A ouncement: 7810 Language: English Document Type: JOURNAL ARTICLE Provides an informal historical account of psi-related activities in the People's Republic of *China* (*PRC*) between 1979 and 1989. The information presented is drawn from public sources, personal involvement in parapsychological research, and contacts in the *PRC*. Traditionally, the Chinese have much less of a dichotomy in their thinking than do people... ...have retained their own essentially unitary view of nature and have no philosophical quarrel with *parapsychology* in their traditions. This may be the key to the large difference between the prevalence and magnitude of psi effects in the *PRC* and in Western laboratories. Chinese researchers have been successful in presenting psi effects as something... (PsycINFO Database Copyright 1991 American Psychological Assn, all rights reserved) Major Descriptors: PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF *CHINA*; ***... ~..~PARA_PSYCHOLOGY Descriptor Codes: 37290; 36480 Identifiers: history of parapsychological research, 1979-89, *China* Section Headings: 2120 -PARAPSYCHOLOGY *Parapsychology* in the People's Republic of *China*: 1979-1989. Provides an informal historical account of psi-related activities in the People's Republic of *China* (*PRC*) between 1979 and 1989. The information presented is drawn from public sources, personal involvement in parapsychological research, and contacts in the *PRC*. Traditionally, the Chinese have much less of a dichotomy in their thinking than do people... ...have retained their own essentially unitary view of nature and have no philosophical quarrel with *parapsychology* in their traditions. This may be the key to the large difference between the prevalence and magnitude of psi effects in the *PRC* and in Western laboratories. Chinese researchers have been successful in presenting psi effects as something... Major Descriptors: PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF *CHINA*; ***... ...PARAPSYCHOLOGY Identifiers: history of parapsychological research, 1979-89, *China* 2/5,K/29 -('I~"em 2 from file: 11) File ll:PsycINFO(R) (c) 1995 Amer. Psychological Asso. All rts. reserv. 00393360 68-00006 *Parapsychology* in contemporary *China*. Ebon, Martin Parapsychology Review 1981 Sep-Oct Vol 12(5) 1-5 Coden: PAREDR ISSN: 00311804 Journal Announcement: 6801 Language: English Document Type: JOURNAL ARTICLE Composite Age: ADULT Discusses the efforts made in *China* since 1979, as part of the ""four modernizations,'' to develop theory and research in *parapsychology*. The ways that the Chinese have fitted *parapsychology* into a Marxist framework are outlined; recent research on children who seemed to be able to ""read with their ears'' is described; and some predictions about the future of *parapsychology* in *China* are presented. (PsycINFO Database Copyright 1982 American Psychological Assn, all rights reserved) Minor Descriptors: PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF *CHINA*; ... Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230004-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230004-8 ...*PARAPSYCHOLOGY*; Descriptor Codes: 37290; 36480; 52590; 18650 Identifiers: theory & research in *parapsychology*, 1979 to present, *China* Section Headings: 2120 -PARAPSYCHOLOGY *Parapsychology* in contemporary *China*. Discusses the efforts made in *China* since 1979, as part of the ""four modernizations,'' to develop theory and research in *parapsychology*. The ways that the Chinese have fitted *parapsychology* into a Marxist framework are outlined; recent research on children who seemed to be able to ""read with their ears'' is described; and some predictions about the future of *parapsychology* in *China* are presented. Minor Descriptors: PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF *CHINA*; ... *PARAPSYCHOLOGY*; Identifiers: theory & research in *parapsychology*, 1979 to present, *China* 2/5,K/30 (Item 3 from file: 11) DIALOG(R)File 11:PsycINFO(R) (c) 1995 Amer. Psychological Asso. All rts. reserv. 00342045 65-02324 *Parapsychology* in the Republic of *China*. Wang, Szucheng Parapsychology Review 1979 Mar-Apr Vol 10(2) 17-18 Coden: PAREDR ISSN: 00311804 Journal Announcement: 6502 Language: English Document Type: JOURNAL ARTICLE Composite Age: ADULT The national psi organization in *China* is the society for Parapsychological.Studies of the Republic of *China* (SPSROC), founded in Taipei in 1977. SPSROC has 305 members, publishes a bimonthly journal *Parapsychology* ), and maintains a reading room. The Society frequently invites parapsychologists to lecture; their topics are... (PsycINFO Database Copyright 1981 American Psychological Assn, all rights reserved) Minor Descriptors: PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF *CHINA*; ... ... *PARAPSYCHOLOGY*; Descriptor Codes: 37290; 36480; 40760 Identifiers: *parapsychology* & Society for Parapsychological Studies, People's Republic of *China* Section Headings: 2120 -PARAPSYCHOLOGY *Parapsychology* in the Republic of *China*. The national psi organization in *China* is the Society for Parapsychological Studies of the Republic of *China* (SPSROC), founded in Taipei in 1977. SPSROC has 305 members, publishes a bimonthly journal *Parapsychology* ), and maintains a reading room. The Society frequently invites parapsychologists to lecture; their topics are... Minor Descriptors: PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF *CHINA*; ... ... *PARAPSYCHOLOGY*; Identifiers: *parapsychology* & Society for Parapsychological Studies, People's Republic of *China* ?logoff Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00791 R000200230004-8