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Approved For Release 2003109116 :CIA-RDP96-007918000200190024-1
i 99+9~
Steven L. Fahrion. Ph.D.
Cite Sdenre; hrdr=:z of .t liad-Bode Health
(opeka, k;1
President Elsa
Jerry E. Wesch. Ph.D.
Hnroard Brou'rr H~~rlri~ Ceuta
Cbirago, IL.
Elmer Green, Ph.D.
Director Enterirus. f"olurrrm~~ Cortnols Pro~raru
The Merntinoer Citric iapeka, (t;S
Patricia L. Norris. Ph.D.
Gfe kienres Gcrirre a(~Jlnrd-&dy He,rlrb
Topeka, ICS
Carol Schneider, Ph.D.
Colorado Cerrtrr +~~. BinGebanioral Hra1tG
Bm~lder; CO
T. M. Srinivasan. Ph.D.
GGulys Taylor ,UtL~trer -tledrr~rl Pdtu.
Srotudnlr, A7.
C. Penny Hiernu
ItiSSEEM. Goidr~:. CO
CIE I\TI?RX.1"1'IO\:11, ~(H'[I;IT
FOR "I`{(h STi'Dl~ Oh ~['fYl'I,F, I;fiI?IZ(ilhS
~ ~\F,RGI' ~jEUI(`1\f
'hhe International Society for the Study of Subdr
F,nergies and Energy Medicine (ISSSEh:M), is an inter-
disciplinary organisation for the study of energetic and
inhrrmational interactions. ~hhe Socierv is concenx~d
with the study of informational systems and energies
that interact with the human psyche and physiology,
either enhancing or perturbing heahhy homeostasis.
The Society was organized in the fall of 1981.
Subtle Energies is designed ro meet the needs of exper-
imentalists, clinicians and theoreticians who pursue an
interest in consciousness, and the dynamics and limits
of human potential, by employing rigorous and ethi-
cal scientific methodologies and clinical procedures. It
is explicitly inter-disciplinary to allow those with a deep
understanding of one discipline ro compare insights
with those attained by others working along different
paths. It is the hope of the leadership of the Society
that through carefully prepared and edited publications
the Society will stimulate ISSSEEM interest in the
grearer scientific communing.
Membership dues sustain the Central office and pro-
vide members with quarrerly newsletters and general
mailings. The Society encourages the exchange of
information through conferences, seminars, and work-
shops. The Fifth Annual Conference will be held in
Boulder, Colorado, June 23-26, 1995. Program
details are available from the Society's Central Office.
Cover Art
Russian DoIG by Robert Bordeatce
(See back iruide laver for additional details.)
The International Society for the Study of Subtle Ene pus and Energy Medicine is a pan profit public benefit
corporation based in Colorado. Editorial and Business Officer ar ISSSEEM Central Office, 356 Goldco Cirek,
Golden, CO 80403 ? Heredquarters and Bsuiners Telephone (303) 278-2228 ? Business FAX (303) 279-3539
? Compuserve Address 74040,1273. Editorial Office Telephone (913) 271-8686 ? Editorial Office FAX
(913) 271-8698. All unsolicited nurauscripts must be accompanied by a selfaddressed stamped return envelope.
Submissioru must roraform to parameters detailed at the end of the Journal. ?.1994 by The Internationrtl
Society far the Study of Subtle Enera es and Energy Medicine.
Paradigms or worldviews have been basic to human functioning ever since the
dawn of history. These undergo changes from time to time as es~idence and expe-
rience accumulates which cannot adequately be explained bl the paradigm then
in favor. The. cover drawing of a series of "Russian do11s~~ sho~tis ho< paradigms
arising from scientific thinking have evolved to encompass larger and lamer per-
spectives. The nesting of the Russian dolls illustrates Char the paradigms that
have previously demonstrated a high degree of success n ill be included within a
new, more encompassing. paradigm. The authors of the series of Pers.~:nues con-
cluded in this issue believe that evidence supporting the need for a^ expanded
paradigm has grown to the point where mainstream science can no lo-.~~er ignore
its existence. The last "doll" in the series represents an undefined nest paradigm,
one which the authors believe will include the current science of separreness and
encompass it into a science of connectiveness.
Comments by lY/illiam Gough and Robert Sh