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Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003700840001-9 41113,6-06E/NOFORN - HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY PROJECT SUN STREAK (U) WARNING NOTICE: INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED PROJECT NUMBER: 8728 SESSION NUMBER: 1 DATE OF SESSION: 02 DEC 87 DATE OF REPORT: 04 DEC 87 START: 1016 END: 1127 METHODOLOGY: CRV VIEWER IDENTIFIER: 003 1. (S/NF/SK) MISSION: See tasking cover sheet, attached. 2. (S/NF/SK) VIEWER TASKING: Coordinates initially. After 003 identified the "filing thing" attention was turned to the target within it, then to an exploration of it and its associative ideas/connections. Later in the session 003 was instructed to describe the geographic location of the target site. 3. (S/NF/SK) COMMENTS: State-of-the-art CRV. A superb job on the part of this viewer (and monitor). NOTE: 003 felt compelled to include an additional "AOL Summary". SGFOIA3 milOPONSOWNOFORN - SKEET CHANNELS ONLY CLASSIFIED BY: DIA-DT DECLASSIFY : OADR Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003700840001-9 SG1A Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003700840001-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003700840001-9 41, Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003700840001-9 General characteristics of the site include a grouping of structures and a large, long, flat, black, hard-surfaced area reNsembling an airfield,rear a body of water/ One of the structures is "like" a large antenna or micrewave tower/ made of steel girders and bracings, rec1. and white, and very high and -airy feeling. At the time of the session the area was cloudy, cold, windy, and fresh smelling. One structure is of primary interest. It is rectangular in shape, but not exclusively; there are other rectangular portions of the structure attached giving it overall an asymmetrical if seen from above. This grouping of structures and flat areas is east of the hody of water which seems to be a river. The surralling area suggests a. "civilized", managed sort of terrain with patches. of wooded areas interspersed with roads, buildings (businesses/residences), and open areas. The entire area seems very "busy" - -chronically high levels of varied activity "like" day-to day civilian pursuits. West across the bedy.g.f.vgIT....i520ty, both.. old and new, that evinces a ."massj,ve" feeling of importance - -like a seat of power or capital city, maintaining some sort of power or influence 66t Of proPertion to its significance as an urban area of its size. White buildings are present, some involving elements of classical architectural stylesg columns, fluting, facades; memorials are involved, as is government, military, and open parkS. It reminds me much of D.C. or Paris. Strong feeling of "European", international/cosmopolitan elements, but just as strong a feeling of East Coast North America,'especially USA. Inside the structure of interest are areas of light and dark, warm, cool; there are many spaces and room within. One room seesa_aigraljd_caxa:,;- it is.well li_ghted.,.-ems to be som:,. sort of "admin" area, and contains a flat place on which to lay things ....._............ . oyt, n-Iike a tabje_er_desk, but not quiteei,tber,.. on which - .. ..__ _ papers are .1a.01_,Jaut --Dr,. perhaps, "strewn". There is also a "filing thing," which is somewhat like a safe, is heavy, cold, and metal, and can be secured. Within this filing thing is something "like" a book. Outside it seems to be light blue, thick, made of paper sheets reminiscent of computer print out paper bound together, and inside is black and white. First I mpressions were that it included rows of characters - -lines of letters and numbers, which suggested names and listsF-lt------seted, ----... , to be sensitive and critical. Apt_ was._ suggested o.LEET program . information and some sort of ng:It.r.. weapon4.0.nfor1i1ation? N contingency target study suppor-f-book,. 11.i...e seemed to be at :least one of some sort of black and white picture or illustration ( it. It's "like" it doesn't matter what language it might be . printed in, but that someone with the proper expertise could understand it regardless of their language background. Ultimately, the "document" seems to involved diagrams, sketches, drawings or references or reports on an article made of carefully formed or constructed metal parts put together to form some sort of final "end product". The idea of designs, manufacture, plans, ....--,... ---__ prototype, intrc5111-ct,icin? linking, facilitation, accuracy, and maybe ?ccungpAni(nit.ion.i networks and,-entrYptt(567rs involved. Also involved is the idea 0+ transfor:Mi'ltg---"sethirjce,_omes..."i.n" from i one direction and is changed_into.a?more_usable form.- not Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003700840001-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003700840001-9 fundamentally altered, just m4de_netter" for the purpose at hand. An analogyg an analog signal coming in, being digitized, then being sent on in a more transmittable, accurate format. There is a sense of linking or connecting or being connected over a wide area involving numerous different "outposts" with people like a "network." Maybe some sort of electrical or magnetic element involved. The "documerA" no longer seems to belong to whom it used to. A second party now had it. Seems almost a report of something tIi at was being or is being done/produced elsewhere. By "elsewhere" is meant somewhere a long way away over lots of water and land--"like" almost on the .other side of the globe in a relatively hard to-access place. It's almost as if someone has scored some sort of coup by having this document/information in their possession. Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003700840001-9 Approved For Release 2000/080-0 : C 1. PROJECT: N'21- 2. BACKGROUND: Project is a Utility Assessment conducted to determine the remote viewer's ability and propensity to collect foreign intelligence information against documents shielded from normal perception. 3. ENCRYPTED COORDINATES: -00789R003700840049 4. ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF INFORMATION (EEI): Access document and describe the following information: (1) Main theme -(2) Purpose (3) Principal sections (4) Principal sub sections (5) Author (6) Publisher (7) Extent of Dissemination (8) Security classification (9) Language used (10) Value of document as viewed by customers (11) Title (12) Date published (13) Number of pages (14) Document size (15) Description of front cover (16) Use of charts, photos, graphs (17) Year, month of the original source of the information ie, Date of Information. b. Describe the container used to store the document c. Describe the building in which the document is stored d. Describe the room in which the document is stored e. Provide an overhead view of the geographical area of the location of the building; include recognizable geological features; and include public and easily recognizable or historical sites or features in the area. c/17 - yr REA zotu wirzr atur,LTI citala Approved For Release 20001084 789R003700840001-9