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Document Creation Date: 
November 4, 2016
Document Release Date: 
May 18, 2000
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Publication Date: 
February 5, 1988
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Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003700830008-3 /NOFORN - HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY PROJECT SUN STREAK (U) WARNING NOTICE: INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED --------------------------------------------------------- ---------- PROJECT NUMBER: 8728 SESSION NUMBER: 5 DATE OF SESSION: 4 FEB 88 DATE OF REPORT: 5 FEB 88 START: 0830 END: 0930 METHODOLOGY: SOLO VIEWER IDENTIFIER: O11 1. (S/NF/SK) MISSION: See the original tasking data sheet, which addressed EEI surrounding a classified document. 2. (S/NF/SK) VIEWER TASKING: See Solo tasking sheet, attached. 3. (S/NF/SK) COMMENTS: None SGFOIA3 dffA&"/NOFORN - SKEET CHANNELS ONLY CLASSIFIED BY: DIA-DT DECLASSIFY OADR Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003700830008-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003100830008-3 SOURCE #011 SOLO MISSION 04 FEB 88 FOLLOW-UP TASKING ON TARGET COORDINATES 174301/868853 (The specific target is a document; past sessions have concentrated on its location) a - Focus upon th~ conten,,s" of the document, i . e. , associative theme(s), plac?L----"equipment, personnel and activities (past/ present/future). - Use Stage 6 tools, such as "Topic A, Topic B, ... " or "Key person", "Director", etc. Rigid attention to STRUCTURE/SIGNAL LINE, please. Label sketches. Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003700830008-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003700830008-3 SESSION SUMMARY SG1J^ SG1 H MISSION 04 FEB88 SOLO Can a; 179301/868853 'SUBJECT' DocuMenf !Wglcr nearby T/te e deems to be a C A eonhection with fh!s bur/d,ci , '1n the area, but I sfi//, Lgreive green grass, fres, and d foocly 6 The document is located Within d fall, square/rectangular 'bui/d~r~y /hlyt AS grey and l,9ht blue io Color. There are many Sfructurcs 'ether overtly, or co y yours -1001(1;7 , $orrrewhat m~o'd/e -dycd r> r7. 1 Carr picture him weerifg b y, ruhite turtle -fleck sc~eater and srnokin p~pc. He is 4 t- Yskinnccl wi'h brow'7 hair o z/ 176,5 d (furoloecy.7 /a. c76oUt' b;m ? He has '0/1 dcedemlc becAonr el 7d (,4oc - /eke a teacher orprafcssdr)end speaks iEng//s/i w~fh c v? I This ind~'v1dua/ is we/%rnanrereo', l~e/axed, 'Corrt'ided, friend/y, c71?d 1 yet the impression That he eou/d be' quite ladies , an f/e does have a tcryeney to be Somewhat ovcrcon flWent 0101 conceited a'/ /irr7cs, but, d//-in -d// he's ci ra/hcr /~ke& /e chap, reguenc y, Concetots dss0eir7led W;,'17 fh1s ah, jec/ are; ~'ovnd waves, Occovstlc5, &' am ? /on (ADC- like cony e/sPc&hC"5). The key pcrson associated with this document is a rather 17h~s ob ec/ ~s Coaled with (7 Very one, Sear e black, yritfy substance J ;and motion. There is c? key object /hat /,5 round ana concavely (-ur?c. 7`hc essence oP /his o'ocurnenf has Somethir i do with waves Approved For Release 2000/08/10 CIA-RDP96-00789R003700830008-3 TOO