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Document Creation Date: 
November 4, 2016
Document Release Date: 
May 18, 2000
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Publication Date: 
December 15, 1987
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~~s -rtvn e Approved For Release 200"81.114,CIA-RDP96-00789R003700830 /5-OEC 87 SG1J /32OHRS _Re Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003700830002-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003700830002-9 4 17lJ0/ rGy c5 Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003700830002-9 3 Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003700830002-9 17-1301 fro 8'87 Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003700830002-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003700830002-9 /7y~o/ 848 Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003700830002-9 S-2 App1ved For RA.Tse 2000/08/1[9 ECIA-RDP96-(b0789R00370(i30002-,v r~/s STRUCTURZ I & 5 Approved For Release 2000/08/107: CIA-RDP96-00789R003700830002-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003700830002-9 ~- Z /~r~~ n,-,,ogre E1 %ARG6r aQ fA47,44 / A-nL Sdmei i (l,wlcr S( A-62 raU~,h Sotdy Z AO L A/s roo4,l \/AULT 0 f. Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003700830002-9 Rese 2000/08/1C fern rd s U~3-7D08 000 h1 evt safe k lr TARQ,#T ~. '915 pesx,4N O1ERPEAD -r,4 a0l, ~N7R~ ~DocCrrlEtO T 1 .Pa ,Z T 11.4uz- 7S OF- EVO 7 C /Z -z Approved For Release 2000/w/weCIA-RDP96-00789R0037dg O /, Approved For Release 2000/08/10. CIA-Rur o-00789R00370voovvy ~:R /NOFORN - HANDLE VIA SKEET CHARNELS ONLY PROJECT SUN STREAK (U) WARNING NOTICE: INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED PROJECT NUMBER: 8728 SESSION NUMBER: 2 DATE OF SESSION: 17 DEC 87 DATE OF REPORT: 17 DEC 87 START: 1037 END: 1138 METHODOLOGY: CRV VIEWER IDENTIFIER: 011 1. (S/NF/SK) MISSION: See original tasking data sheet, attached. 2. (S/NF/SK) VIEWER TASKING: This follow-up session began in Stage 4 with instructions to acquire the references to tangibles within the document and then to acquire and describe the tangibles, i.e., objects. The viewer first explored the document in a general way, just to see what data might result. 3. (S/NF/SK) COMMENTS: Even with all the care that was taken to prevent it, this monitor feels that some AOL is present amongst the data, particularly with regard to the "beam" (do we really have a beam, or do we have a traveling camera swath, etc.?). Subsequent sessions will work these things out, no doubt. SGFOIA3 Approved For Release 2000/08/10: C16r$7~~~t00~30002-9 Approved For Release 010 6-00789R003700830002-/9/5z 1 2. BACKGROUND: Project is a Utility Assessment conducted to determine the remote viewer's ability and propensity to collect foreign intelligence information against documents shielded from normal perception. 3. ENCRYPTED COORDINATES: 4. ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF INFORMATION (EEI): Access document and describe the following information: (1) Main theme (2) Purpose (3) Principal sections (4) Principal sub sections (5) Author (6) Publisher (7) Extent of Dissemination (8) Security classification (9) Language used (10) Value of document as viewed by customers (11) Title (12) Date published (13) Number of pages (14) Document size (15) Description of fron,1-7 cover (16) Use of charts, photos, graphs (17) Year, month of the original source of the information ie, Date of Information. b. Describe the container used to store the document c. Describe the building in which the document is stored d. Describe the room in which the document is stored e. Provide an overhead view of the geographical area of the location of the building; include recognizable geological features; and include public and easily recognizable or historical sites or features in the area. - /i~j 4-t- Z;12-//f Q Approved For Release 6-00789 R003700830002-9 d4t--?~9 /~ ~("/ A - ,, / /- - - -., 7- 77; -7~. / -z, 1 Ai proved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003700830002-9 SESSION SUMMARY SE5510N; 17 DEC 87, 1037- i 138 HR5 , 01/ focus//VG ON THIE CO/vrEN7S 0, A Lucarw5Nr, I C 7' me coLO,e YEGLOw (ic . - L/RE A 7S C4veg &V6 6r). I A6 a CC 7- 7 /?/R ss/oI/ F AREI~S, G E00R1j P6'/C , RE'4S, 49 1486 s w,Es. TRYING: Tv MqR ow ?7 /NGS .Daw,V 4 fir we 1~/ND 4 'OyV c/ .ilvOER, .~5"/~Y~Y 19^r,D M ?GL~C, W177-1 A CRY-5T44, LENS -LIKE 0/ IECT 147- 3 a.. !oNe- avof,4o4 -like a P/ash/~j4 &. A5sac/R7E wlr/q 7711s 48j&--r 15 14 gE4M, IlVd 4s ce/ir2' w/TN Ti,~,1s c q , 8' 166,,, '4JT F4 5,lg.S n4// j st h). ALf./oc 22H 7x/ER 45 SOME SORT ac' 8egmf d9 FM 'GY 7f/47" ISSUES Dar// ~2vr~ T,'/-s oejEcT, iNE.E Is 41-so .4 Fc1 T/oN ry4T G4 es ~1ND ,t1 rIjPG i,C'/ES