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Publication Date: 
September 30, 1987
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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00789R003700710003-1.pdf1.05 MB
Approved For Release 210~0~9~: ~C?~RDP96-007898003700710003-1 DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY WASHINGTON, D:C. 20301-6111 30 Sep 87 MEMORANDUM FOR THE ASSISTANT DEPUTY DIRECTOR FOR SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL INTELLIGENCE SUBJECT: SUN STREAK Operational Report - PROJECT N-1 (U) 1. (S/NF/SK) During the period of 16 August 1987 to 29 September 1987 inclusively, four remote viewers conducted eleven (11) sessions to determine their ability to identify the substantial content of a document. As an ancillary mission, the remote viewers were tasked to provide sufficient descriptive data of manmade and natural geographical features that would allow far an analytical determination to be made of the exact location of the target site. In this instance, the document was stored in a container located in a cubicle in the area known as DT-5 of the Defense Intelligence Analysis Center (DIAC). a. (S/NF/SK) Viewer 003 described the target site as a large, flat-sided building with a predominance of structures that were square, rectangular, and brownish-green in appearance. The structure was perceived as a government building with established visitor control points. Viewer 003 stated, "The setting reminds one of the DIAC." The cover of the target document had a red background, odd-shaped yellow and black lettering, and a border. The document date was perceived as being 17 February 1987. The word "organization" appeared in the title; and, the letters "L, I, N, E, seemed identifiable. A listing of numbers in rows with codes reminiscent of a series of BE numbers, was associated with the content. The subject matter dealt alternatingly with arms control, technical aspects of weaponry, engineering constraints, design capabilities and strategic considerations. Appendices and tabs were part of the document. The first section of the document provided guidance, outlined responsibilities and WARNING NOTICE: SENSITIVE INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED CLASSIFIED BY: DIA, DT DECLASSIFY BY: OADR Approved For Release 2000//018~/09 :CIA-RDP96-007898003700710003-1 Approved For Release 07898003700710003-1 A- P'96-0 emphasized the need far safeguarding the information contained therein. Access was granted to select groups of personnel having divergent occupational (professional) responsibilities. The document was a synthesis of data compiled from various outside sources. It identified organizational tasks, "like an OB (Order of Battle) list," and outlined assets, quantities, limits and purposes. The document was arranged in about five groupings based on "type" starting "with the least capable" and ending with "the most capable." The concept of weaponry seemed to be a dominant theme in the document. The related use of large vehicles was also substantially associated with the document. Viewer 003 's post-session summaries are at TAB A. Viewer 003 's conceptual drawings of the target site are at TAB B. b. (S/NF/SK) Viewer 011 described the target site as being located on the upper level, second or third floor, of an office area characterized by the presence of "cubicles, desks, work areas" in a building "like Building 213 (located at the US Navy Yard) or the DIAC." The cover of the document was reddish-brown with a black harder. Substantially, the document dealt with symbols associated with mathematical concepts and formulas along with listings related to strategic arms and targets. It had the conceptual flavor of a computer printout. The document was viewed as controversial in that it caused misunderstanding between the scientific elements and the political elements of an organization. There appeared to be two distinct parts to the document. The first portion was theoretical in nature while the second part provided mathematical ,justification in support of the theory. Basically, the document dealt with a material designed to trap energy. The concepts of a crystal structure, use of frequencies, perceptions of vibrations and scattering all appeared germane to the basic tenor of the document. There was evidence of a surface material bonded by a crystal structure acting in the manner of a two-way mirror used to absorb and scatter energy (throughout the material) through the use of '"rod- like inclusions." A gray, smooth, shiny, long, round, metallic, cylindrical object is functionally associated with the theory espoused by the document. Viewer 011's post-session summaries are at TAB G. Viewer O11's conceptual drawings of the target site and document content are at TAB D. c. (S/NF/SK) Viewer 018 described the target site as a large, "walled-in", building resembling an art gallery replete with drawings and pictures on a wall. Well-dressed persons were observed milling about; and furniture was located in the middle of the room. The notion that the document was directly related to biological warfare persisted throughout both sessions conducted by 018. The document had a maroon cover and it was dated 8 April of an undetermined year. The document was substantially related to the effects of a high altitude burst of defoliants sent aloft by a missile. Imagery of wilted vegetation, the presence of a black, microscopic crystal (formed) material that was greasy to the touch, seemed persistently associated with the concept of a biological warfare scenario. ~ r ~. Approved For Release 2~60,~d~0'9 [~IP96-007898003700710003-1 ~.. , _. ~ ~ ~.w~~ Approved For Release 2 ?D~96-007898003700710003-1 Incongruously, within this somewhat dismal scenario, the presence of pastoral green fields, rolling hills and brooks seemed conceptually and substantially associated with the document. Viewer 018's post-session summaries are at TAB E. d. fS/NF/SK) Viewer 079 described the target site as a dark, glassy, curvy, modern-appearing structure located in a setting of low rolling hills amid interspersed fences and parking areas. The reception area within the building had long hallways, high ceilings, and displayed historical, representational paintings executed against a predominantly blue-colored background. The document was maintained in a second area characterized by much lower ceilings. Work of a scientific nature was conducted in this second area, the actual target site. The document was kept hidden (stared) in "a regular place - as if someone could forget (overlook the fact) it was there." It was sealed with a special gold seal. The document was brown and black in appearance and it was dated "1982." Substantially the document dealt with such concepts as energy, phases of implementation, and the notion of suspense dates and required responses. Small circles and black print were noted on the cover. Efforts to identify the document by its title resulted in the surfacing of the following letters: A. R. M. T. ....5. H. The classification was perceived as, "S. N. F. - Cade Word." Letters related to the Code Word appeared as being "S. H. ~. P. P. ....R. E.." In a second and subsequent session, Viewer 079 described the essence of the document as being directly related to the capture and storage of "light and energy" in "very small cubes" (crystals). Two principles appeared to be involved, the first was described as an "eye to eye principle" and that of transparency with a "reversing" effect. {Note - Viewer insisted on the use of the word "reversing" as opposed to "reflecting"}. Viewer 079 's post-session summaries are at TAB F. 2. (S/NF/SK) COMMENTS: All four viewers appeared to quickly and readily access the DIAC as the target site where the document was stored. It seemed as if the viewers benefitted from an experiential factor that seemed to facilitate this access. Suggest target storage sites other than the DIAC be considered in subsequent projects of this nature. SG1J TAB A - SUMMARY-003 LTC, USA TAB B - DRAWINGS-003 Branch Chief TAB TAB TAB TAB C - D - E - F - SUMMARY-011 DRAWINGS-011 SUMMARY-018 SUMMARY-079 Approved For Release 20(~0~/~"-. G1~FRD~'96-007898003700710003-1 . . ,... . Approved For Release 2000/08/09 :CIA-RDP96-007898003700710003-1 TAB Approved For Release 2000/08/09 :CIA-RDP96-007898003700710003-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/(~'9(~l~i-~-~'07~9R003700710003-1 :::i :i. 't.: ti?.". :L I"i V C) .I. V Gil?ci ifa .I. ift I^. irj t?'?:?l n '?' .~ i::t't.'... _ 5ii J. C:i !?::? C:i ?I5't:: I"' ~_.t C:: 't". L.l I"' t::d 4N :L '~:. i"1 i:.:f .!. rit?iii?iii C:I t::) C:} i'" iSi ... :i. r'1 ?4~ r? C:} r7 't:., yr :i. 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