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November 4, 2016
Document Release Date: 
October 21, 1998
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Publication Date: 
January 12, 1991
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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00789R003600420001-6.pdf86.28 KB
Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003600420001-6 P: Persian Gulf V: 049 D: ?10112 910113 T: Various S: 02, 03, 04 Summary of Information Session 02: --- Relatively short session. Consisted of numerous feelings/ perceptions of burned earth, flashes of light, ;intense heat and objects c. s... the ground had jagged scattered across it. The noises where disjointed and at times very :loud. They were reminiscent of a crowd of people just yelling with no perceptible purpose. Session 1-1- Again, a relatively short session. The areas of blackened earth on the surroundings were very spread out. .I: could perceive no and. There were funny smells, almost medicinal or sterile like. The loud noises and flashes of bright light were smaller than in the previous session and were ii:l lot closer to where I was standing. Tl'3er e were rj lot of disjointed shapes, twisted ...r ., di t i:7 n r f i r i i:.. ' , . . L.. t . l lines and curves, h a l f squares, crumbling surfaces and black dust or power covering everything. There were loud, low r'ur'i'i!::i l i nq sounds in the distance; just over the horizot.-I where from I. stood. I. could not perceive the presence of any other individuals within the vicinity. There was the feeling of great indecision or bewilderment here; this was very confusing.. Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003600420001-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003600420001-6 8 ,e= i.itin 04: This session began with, again, br-ight. -Fl.ash,s, l.ow sounds and b:l. ack: covering everything. :l then percca:i ved Hussein "i.'. [3i' r 1--l e la) r.'a `iii I::) {??' :I. r'1 i'J ?ci C.:: 4 :) :!. i:a {?i C.:! by wa?::, the only person that had control over :3?I?1. thi-ol..lghout hit::; en t" . i r : a I I f i ? '::.,,JA. r e s l : a [ ? : +c t [ ? : t::l t h i s . .as I perceived the concept, in order to manuever S.1-1. into ch