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Document Creation Date: 
November 4, 2016
Document Release Date: 
May 18, 2000
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Publication Date: 
September 6, 1990
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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00789R003600170002-3.pdf642.94 KB
Approved For Release 2000/08/09 :CIA-RDP96-007898003600170002-3 _ ~ __ _ _ STIPPLED NOFORN P: 90102-I V: 095 D: 900906 T: 1215-1245 S: O1 SUMMARY OF INFORMATION Two vessels are involved. One is a medium sized cargo vessel (100-300 ft). It. has a black hull, with white lettering, a white superstructure with one large smoke stack on top. The superstructure is near, the stern. The name of the vessel starts with the sounds "C A'~LEl,~_________ Panama is somehow associated with vessel ,couldn't tell if this was the owner ar managers nationality, the vessel's homeport or flag . The vessel is carrying solid, rock-like cocaine. This is not located in a container, but is in a sealed metal compartment in the absolute stern of the vessel, below deck, on the portside. This vessel is currently C061200L SEP 90) located at 08 55 N 90 45 W, .heading Tlox'thweSt . The second vessel is the pick up vessel. It is a white, fiberglass, 40-50 ft long motor vessel. Looks similar to a r_.harter fishing boat. It is currently in port somewhere in Mexico. After rendezvous, the vessel will transport the drugs t.o a port on the Mexico-side of the Gulf of California, in the vicinity of Guymas, MX. HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY STIPPLED NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/08/09 :CIA-RDP96-007898003600170002-3 Approved For Rele Mexico* ~tmoparr ,~~ L12E~~ yman Islands. A MALA -. .~ ..-. -3. ONDURA may= Guate la* *Te c~ga ~a San Satva EL,~SALV DOR ~~~ ~ - * N1CA G tYassa rn S Hatn 3 ~ JAM..AIGA _ ;moo ' r ~' Nairassa "~~ :lslsrt~ rrtib~eanfSe *Bogot~ OLOMBi, ~~ ~ tr ~~ ~~~ Galapagos Islands ~. ~h~~k~~/08I.09 'yfA~z4~~ ~Y. s, .. .. .. 0/08/09 :CIA-RDP96-00789R ~6jQ.~170002-3 MEXICO CuJfof ~~Mexico Quito ECUADOR