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Document Creation Date: 
November 4, 2016
Document Release Date: 
October 31, 2002
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Publication Date: 
June 24, 1988
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Approved For Release 2002/11/18: CIA-RDP96-00789R003401180001-4 ~NOFORN PROJECT SUN STREAK WARNING NOTICE: INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED ._. _ _........._ ..............__.._.........._......,.........................................,.-...........,...........................................................................,......................................................................._......._.........m._..."."...".....,.. F'FtC:Jt7E(':??F" NUM} E:::F4: 08{)t3 SESSION NUMBER: DATE. OF SESSION: 4::380:+24 START: 0915 ME:'rt IODOLOGY: C::i'ty DATE OF REPORT: 8G0624 END: 1100 VIEWER IDENTIFIER: 011 1. CS/NF/SK) MISSION: Determine the current physical and mental condition of L....I..C I 1:i c c:i:i. ri:::: ,, Describe the nature of his surroundings and pinpoint h i s present location. Determine if any changes in t h i s location or condition occur during the time period of 24 June 1988 ,... 30 June 1988, 2. (S/NF/SK) VIEWER TASKING: Viewer was given coordinates 561191/517240 and was briefed on this mission as stated in :i.., ::, t.l {::i v {:::.. For t.:n`~? to I:a:cr'}F:ic:i:l.1?i t his location, viewer was given the search a map of Lebanon and than after he requested it a map of Beirut. 3. (S/NFJSK) COMMENTS: No :1 , rtc:1 emenc::1. es noted. Due to on appointment downtown immediately following his session, viewer. ' was was unable t:, i:;) write a session summary. Session summary written by the monitor (095). Note in particular the viewer's pages ..., s sketches !e:i r'1 5 c:: .~ and 7 of the t:ii Cs! iiii L^S a Cl 1"1 .. :1. a=i' w C..T.~ r? pinpointed 'k: the :.1' structure lil ?i". I :! 4i' a. I"?t C:1 located 7. I'l southern Beirut :f. I'l i1 },.1 area .,.:50 1 1 - 1:Li - -_-- - ..... 7 . ..... .... ... ....... ....'"' ... .. . .... 1114:: t.. C.:l1 :::> .....:::r f 3 l". i::) :........ ., : ' .. (:;?. r.. rn a. ;'-, i~i?. l; f..., (?:;: r'1 !....*'I*'('.' PH. irr) t::i J. r?, la :i. a. a. I::i r.. c; 1. (;:?~ ::a s; e ca (_1 l..t I.--- :i. r?i q c: 'I. l..i ~::; .1. '~ t :?V , 1111. t::i t...i. t rt l?: ` .: .l. .!. r.-. (.: (..!'(".!..I. J. s% J. I"S (::I 1i:! I"' r:?:: 'i~ (?i:? i' 1"1 i:.. l^?.' rYl i:a I::) r.:! : ! t.. a ... i, (:.;.;_ i+il l'~~ iii?Y I-i (::: (;ii' rt1 {:a I::Y of ks (?' :i. r? L.l'(':. ? I::Y I?1 1:a :i. I?1'!?. I..." L.1 r. r?? t?;:~r1 ?E?. I. ::a'L::i. c:Y r'1 i::; f? !.... t... c :I c:j :i. r'1 SII; :s ?f (:: !.,.! :?. ::a ,..a t::i 4 tr:?. ..... !:::..i. ;~a i'.. (::? e ? !::'r :: Y J. !',! t..! ..i.. !:::. " I`'.l(;a ; ~ i"' i~::?I l::i .!.:i. y. jyi:ct..lI"' ':1.I'7i:a :1. !i!"'a::Yvi C:1(? c: 1--i ii?i'a i.I'"1 r- t... ::Y 'f' 'f ' :r'" kiii'::fi::!1? (:::I...II`iI'll l',ii:::I,...':::y (::lI.Ii....`y Approved For Release 2002/11/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003401180001-4 Approved For Release 2002/11/18: CIA-RDP96-00789R003401180001-4 A guard-type i::} ?,' individual :i. is outside h i s room and periodically patrols '!':: I"t i5;} ;.. r,.) i::i c) :fE> r'1 cl i ~..1 ;ct r.: i :{.:!a 1.;: J. r ......: in ;.. ;.., [.., ;..;;.:,1?. t::: a: 1"t 'l:'. 'l. '! . t? fn. I : -t-. 1. L 1(::I ;.. c) cl l,.. c) W a (::I F i?t t::i o; a I,.. cl r.. (::) l..l'1:. (:;?~ I?:: t c: I?t r?: t::l at 1::::1`,11 k. 0 f::7l..11=i1. 11 !:'. to [::i 4r:: ;.31. ....., ., f irJ :I. t ?. 1-1 [. ..::: ...... ... ...: i`.. i:~ c::. 1. t l..i P.. t:?:. iiit hi i::i i?:i. ; r!t[1[o-:::;..I a.::a'l'.:0 :'1 :1 cm .1.:'1 wi 1 h I"1(::I J. k l:: or' t::) tit {::; I?iea.r??,. _I?P'ir'c? sai`?t?::~ T.. :::: i ls1..n.1 it i:a i:ii '1:. I' [ e:' ,.. !`' ;f i?:i:. ". :... I.. '1:. l..l r C.31 f:SS 1..1 Ft (ai: 5. F I J. g p :i. r'I sss