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Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003400970001-8 41414/NOFORN - HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY PROJECT SUN STREAK (U) WARNING NOTICE: INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED PROJECT NUMBER: 8808 SESSION NUMBER: 2 DATE OF SESSION: 23 FEB 88 DATE OF REPORT: 24 FEB 88 START: 1324 END: 1403 METHODOLOGY: CAN/ VIEWER IDENTIFIER:ol f.;/ 1. (S/NF/SK) MISSION: See tasking data sheet, attached. 2. (S/NF/SK) VIEWER TASKING: 003. was informed at the outset that ?!J this session was to address a new operation. Coordinates were read, a structure was located, and the cue_p.erson_was provided. Towards the end of the session, 003-was asked, point bla3D, whether or not there 0 exists any connection between thisperson-al'id the Higgins abduction. 3. (S/NF/SK) COMMENTS: This results of this session are an example of 003's best work. Probably little or no AOL present. (However, in Stage 3 the "curved" element/structure began to be linked in the viewer's mind with the idea of "high tech"; the monitor nipped the emerging AOL drive in the bud before it began). LI SG1J iftimilgT/NOFORN - SKEET CHANNELS ONLY Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : cvtipigqrrqm9g9934oLopp.q91-8 DECLASSIFY : OADR ?,) ? / / /) / -"- Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003400970001-8 fliiiii144;10170PN 19 FED I-.;0 ENCRYPTED COORDINATES: 561191/547240 1.:ACKOROUND US Marine LTC William Richard (lic1.0 Higgins w .-41ducted about four miles south of Tyre on 16 February 1')09. A SG1A H-c,-onality identified as is suspected of playing a role in the abduction. (Note: It is perfectly accDtMple for the viewer to indicate that no role was Hayed indeed this is "viewed" as such. 4 ESSENTIAL ELITE:WI:3, OF MA-OkMATJON (LEI): Provide SG1A biographical data on .f c:p1. n to include but not limited to the Physical description Current Position on ':-L:d..jtal Status 1 !...1 ; L. L.1 C7. L. J . _ ??_??_??_?_ ..... ..... ... _ . TT involved in the abducti6n, describe hj r.u] 1 Tunc.Lion. 1 1 If involved in the abductiOn, describe his connections . ....... _ .... L-.;jth Kezbollah. If 5 0 .1 \ tin.1 1. 1:: L J .. _ ..... . ..... _ .. ..... . . _ J. IN ANY CASE, provide his nal.me; that- +ailing the meanind of hKs name: that failing, his initH.alF,i. HMDLE ViA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY amilligi.MI/NOFORN 6 A ij Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003400970001-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003400970001-8 A structure connectud with the site is iounded, with angles and an inl.ic:rior that seems open to the sky it is "around", solid, airy, "surrounding", "encompassing", and raised up. Nearby, perhaps even attached,white or light colored rec,ti-iciular/cubicie structure. The surrounding terrain is 1 somewhat hilly, rocky, with grass, low, aromatic vegetation, short trees, sunny, mild climate, which reminds one of Greece or .% Turkey, or some similar place. It is non-US. The stru.ctui-e is j"nr_Dr-l-priv.ate", designed to accomplish a purpose involving a ( large, wide-spread organization "like" a government_.. Structure is well E.sUAia:H-,illed, mEant to last a long.Iime. A person involved is associated with "white" - -"like" dresses primarily in white. He is relaxed, self assured, "harmonious', uatientno beard. He is sitting, thinking, reflecting; seems but is or respected, sought out, but - the w...7?. would be; SOME.:AiallYii!S addresses grouri problemis, makes suggc:s-lioni:i? observes, conductsiii.; it's "like" this person is a consultant, whose advice is sought in the running of a large organization/conduct of a large enterprise, but that more than just a consultant, he also is a force of ultimate/fi.nal appeal for difficult decisions which have to do with the enterprise's direction of movement, proper goals, ultimate purpose, and unforseen problems. Trie5 to persuade ethers of benefit of cooperation and support of it. Seems to be and also .;ubtie in approach to things. Sense of some sort of religious involvement. Enterprise involves a l'ifestyje and set of assumptions and anri is almost evangeli in that it involves telling, convincin? ''H-ophesyino'., unity, linking, and LII uencinr,n. !here is a sense of covertness surrounding the eperil:iuis intended c,iainly as a protective measure.- ent activity involves meeting various people to arrange some kji?fjEri:i..zed ciPt-togetheni seekinc.i out people who have SOMP sort of iw:luence or impact; involves planning and, developing a botter "angle of attack" to improve eficiently and speed in --'romplishment of results. A certain amount of impatienre tr make progress is apparent. The people involved seem to spend most Cuf their time trying to talk others into something, but they function primarily by persuasion rather Lov,:rLion. The person perceived earlier is sort of an - -the leaders of ordaniation, comes lip with the ideas and form and then promoted the plan as to how to proceed. Only w'c';en they run into something they absolutely can't handle do they consult with the "boss". PE4:. Higgins situation, the "bDSS" to be aware of :.t, Lut hzys a "wait and see" attitude.; mildly interested, somewhat like "what will the children come up with ne:xt?" sort of iHi.ude. He's curious to SEE how the people involved deal the ,.:::,itLEAion. But the situation has little direct or rele.-../ancy to him particularly. P-rson seem quite detached Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003400970001-8