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Publication Date: 
June 14, 1988
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r .iysa~.5;r 1.eaC Approved For Release 2000/0808:CIA-R~P96-007898003400170002-5 UEf=ENSE fNTELLIGENGE AGEfJC'Y 1,NASHINGTON. D.G. 2 0 3 01-6111 MEMORANDUM FOR DEPUTY DIRECTOR FOR SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL RESEARCH SUBJECT: SUN STREAK Operational Report - 8807 (U) 1. (S/NF/SK) During the period of 28 March 1988 to 20 April 1988, five Remote Viewers conducted a total of 16 sessions in an effort to describe the contents and/or purpose of a manmade structure(s) identified by a copy of overhead photography dated 5 October 1985. 2. (S/NF/SK) Viewer #003 viewed the general area as comprised of a number of structures grouped together on land. The target structure was surrounded by a cement "apron" used for support, access and security, was described as curved at the corners, rounded over, segmented, and smooth. It was seen as a shell, on inflatable structure, used to protect its contents from the elements and overhead observation. 003 viewed the contents as a highly involved and evolved apparatus of a complex and confusing design (TAB A), having two separate but interdependent "systems" within it. One system involves pipes/tubes which carry a viscous and bioinimical substance which is potentially corrosive and, by nature, generates heat. The apparatus was seen as "self- serving"', not depending an income or outgo of anything exterior to the shelter." Viewer 003 noted the presence of very few people at the site. Technicians watched, tended, supervised and manipulated apparatus to note, control and exploit effects, Some of these effects were of long term. interest, conflict-usable, and "not intended far peaceful use." Viewer 003 reported repeated impressions that the site appeared functionally related to either aircraft, nuclear energy or both. An interior site plan (TAB B) indicates a long small provisional work room on one end, and a small add-on room on the other end. There was also an add-on room for ventilation equipment. k'ARNING NOTICE: SENSITIVE INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY SPECIAL ACCESS ONLY CLASSIFIED BY: DT, DIA DECLASSIFY BY: OADR Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA- ~, 96-007898003400170002-5 ~: Approved For Release 2000/08 >4w ~ ~? A~ ~ IP96-007898003400170002-5 3. (S/NF/SK) Viewer 011 described the target structure as a long, spacious, building with a round roof that resembled a hangar. It is located in an asymmetrical area and appears to benefit from both manmade and natural construction. The interior of the structure was viewed as open, spacious anal dark. SEE TAB C). Loud noises emanating from the inside of the target structure appeared amplified by the (rounded) contours of the target structure. An estimated four to six personnel manned what essentially was viewed as a maintenance and repair facility. 4. (S/NF/SK) Viewer 079 indicated that target the structures serve to house a scientific, nuclear-related, research and development effort by the Soviet Union. The research and development effort is predominantly related to Soviet (Ground to Air) Air Defense capabilities. Nuclear patterns of explosions are of significant importance to ongoing studies at this site. The concepts of "sound and atmospheric conditions" are also related to the research effort. There are two distinct groups of scientists involved in this project: A seasoned group of scientists, and a "student" group of scientists. Road access to the target site described as dusty and gritty, and nearly impassable. The results of this activity appear to have a bearing on SALT Treaty agreements between the US and the Soviet Union. The disposal of nuclear waste represents a continuing and sizeable issue of concern. In about February 1989, activities related to this general target will become apparent to the US. The resultant information gained by the US at that time will be a matter of serious concern to the US. 5. (S/NF/SK) Viewer 095 perceived the presence of two target structures described as a small structure and a large structure. They are located in an open, flat, gently rolling area. The principal target structure, the larger of the two, was a long, low structure with slightly curved angles at the side. Although basically durable in nature, the structure gave one the appearance of a prefabricated building with perceptible, horizontal lines across the top. Viewer 095 described the target structure as a "functional building" equipped with appropriate technical equipment used to monitor and record data )as in a weather station). The interior of the structure was comprised of a large room used for personnel and storage, a sec~~nd and side room, and an "equipment room" unable to be accessed from the outside. The floor seemed to curve into the wall (as if made of one piece). Boxes, pipes and furniture were observed in the main room; functionally-related, electronic equipment was stored in the so-called equipment room. Intermittent loud sounds interrupted the continuing droning sound of other equipment. The presence of two personnel were observed; they were responsible for reading meters, maintaining accurate records, and preparing reports. 6. (S/NF/SK) Viewer 099 described the target area as a large tract of land comprised of numerous structures in a military defense plant atmosphere. The target structure was long, Approved For Release 2000/O~g,P96-007898003400170002-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003400170002-5 horizontal, cylindrical, squat, "pod-like with ribs". It was made of a thin, whitish-grey, plastic-appearing material (See TAB D). Technicians confined mainly to the west side of the structure and working under strict, controlled conditions appeared involved in monitoring and recording data related to the testing of a surface coating described merely as "wet and sticky." The surface coating appeared related to the principles of aerodynamics. 7. (U) At TAB E is a proposed Summary of Information (SOI) for presentation to the customer. SG1J 5 Enclosures TABS A thru D GG-14 Sketches Branch Chief TAB E Summary of Information (SDI) Approved For Release 200 - 96-007898003400170002-5