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Approved For Release 2000/08/0$: P96-00789R003300210002-1
* (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) Ten civilian billets were dedicated solely
to this project in FY90 and currently, Project STAR GATE has seven
project personnel. This consists of a Unit Manager, a Senior
Intelligence Officer, 3 Operational Remote Viewers, an Intelligence
Technician and a secretary.
(S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) Remote Viewing is a highly controlled and
formally established, unique information and intelligence
collection capability which has the following characteristics:
* (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) It is passive. To the extent of our
knowledge, collection by remote viewing is totally passive, that is
to say, it cannot be detected when used.
(S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) It is inexpensive. The principal cost of
remote viewing collection is the people involved. There is little
expensive hardware.
(S/NF/SG/LIMIDS) There is no known defense. Time, distance,
target, size or degree of difficulty all have no apparent effect on
collection by remote viewing.
(S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) In 1979, when Army INSCOM managed this
program, it integrated the SRI contracted technology into its in-
house program where it is still being utilized by STAR GATE
personnel for training, in-house Proficiency Enhancement and
Operational projects.
(S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) An eclectic approach was taken, using those
methods which had applications potential for operational
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* (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) The purpose of this briefing is to identify
terms, methodologies, target selection and protocols for remote
viewing research and development projects as well as operational
projects conducted by DIA STAR GATE personnel.
(S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) Since the early 1970's, the Department of
Defense has been involved in examining the potential uses of
* (U) Psychoenergetics is defined as a mental process by which
an individual perceives, communicates with and/or perturbs
characteristics of a designated target, person or event remote in
space and/or time from that individual.
* (U) Psychokinesis are physical actions performed by mental
powers that cannot be explained by known physical means.
(U) ESP and Telepathy are perceptions which cannot be
explained by known sensory means.
(S/NF) Remote Viewing is the name of a method of
psychoenergetic perception. This term was coined by Stanford
Research Institute (SRI) in the early 1970's by two laser
physicists, Hal Puthoff and Russel Targ when they were conducting
CIA-sponsored experiments using several gifted psychics.
* (U) Remote Viewing can be defined as the acquisition and
description, by mental means, of information blocked from ordinary
perception by distance, shield or time.
(U) A remote viewer is a person who perceives, communicates
with and/or perturbs characteristics of a designated target, person
or event.
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* (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) Three primary methodologies that are
utilized by STAR GATE personnel will now be discussed.
(S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) Extended Remote Viewing (ERV) draws on the
expertise of over two decades of research by independent
investigators and recognized academic institutions to include the
University of Virginia Medical Center, the Mind Science Foundation,
the University of California at Davis and Syracuse University.
(C/NF) The ERV approach has as its goal the subjective
temporal extension of subliminally brief psychic impressions. The
trained ERV percipient is able to control, observe and report
perceptions which would otherwise be ignored or neglected fleeting
imagery. This extension of the perceptual window is accomplished
through the achievement of a discrete state of consciousness
defined by identified state dependent behaviors. These behaviors
are regarded as skills.
* (C/NF) The basic components of the ERV procedure involve
learning the following skills:
1. The ability to physically relax.
Training in progressive relaxation techniques and yoga.
2. The ability to reduce level of physical arousal.
Training in biofeedback techniques and self-control
3. The ability to increase awareness of internal feelings
Training in dream recall, guided visual imagery
exercises, subliminal recognition drills and Hemispheric
4. The ability to engage in "receptive mode/right
hemispheric functioning.
Training in hemispheric synchronization, mode recognition
and drawing classes.
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5. The ability to achieve an altered view of reality.
Reading assignments, intellectual study, meditation
and contemplation exercise.
(C/NF) Each one of these skills can be trained over a period
of several weeks. When the trainee demonstrates independent
mastery of each skill, he then learns to combine the skills. The
goal is to simultaneously exhibit all of the learned skills thereby
achieving a specified discrete state of consciousness in which an
individual is able to remote view.
* (C/NF) Coordinate Remote Viewing (CRV)_ was developed by an
SRI contractor in the early 1980's. This methodology was developed
to satisfy R&D demands on SRI to enhance the reliability
(scientific replicability) of remote viewing. The subcontractor's
approach to improving the reliability of remote viewing was to
focus on the control of those factors that in his view tend to
introduce "noise" into the remote viewing product.
* (C/NF) The basic components of this training procedure
consists of:
1. Repeated site-address (coordinate) presentation with
quick-reaction response by the remote viewer; coupled
with a restrictive format for reporting perceived
information which minimizes "imaginative" overlay.
2. The use of a specially-designed, acoustic-tiled,
"viewing chamber" which minimizes "environmental"
3. The adoption of a strictly-prescribed, limited monitor
patter which minimizes "monitor" overlays.
(C/NF) The CRV process usually begins by presenting the
remote viewer with an encrypted geographical coordinate, hence the
name CRV. Encrypted geographical coordinates is a series of twelve
numbers or less which are selected from a random program generator
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and used to disguise a set of geographical coordinates.
* (C/NF) CRV subdivides the detection and decoding of psychic
impressions into discrete achievable skills known as Stages 1 to 6.
These stages will now be discussed.
Stage One - Islands, mountains, deserts.
Stage Two - Sites of quality sensory value; sites
which are uniquely describable through
touch, taste, sound color or odor such
as glaciers, volcanoes and industrial
Stage Three - Sites possessing significant dimensional
characteristics such as buildings, bridges
and airfields.
Stage Four - Sites requiring qualitative mental
perceptions such as technical area,
military feeling and research.
Stage Five - Sites requiring the interrogation of
qualitative mental perceptions to
produce refined information such as
aircraft tracking radar, biomedical
research facility and tank production
Stage Six - Sites requiring direct, three-dimensional
assessment of site element to one another
such as airplanes inside on of three
camouflaged hangers or a military compound
with a command building, barracks, motor
pool and underground storage area. As
this stage is engaged, an assessment of
relative temporal and spatial dimensional
elements along with further qualitative
elements evolve into the consciousness of
the individual.
* (C/NF) Written Remote Viewing (WRV) is the ability to receive
direct, detailed information. The WRV process consists of
utilizing a pen or pencil and writing on paper information
received. The writing is a rapid and flowing movement initiated by
impulses to the autonomic nervous system. WRV was initiated in-
house during the 1986 time frame.
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* (C/NF) WRV is phonetically and verbally orientated and can be
used in both the predictive and search modes. WRV is an evolving
process with development over time.
* (C/NF) Additional methodologies that can be utilized include:
(U) Dowsing which is the search for underground supplies of
water, metal or a person by the use of a forked stick known as a
divining rod.
(U) Psychometry is the faculty of receiving information
concerning an object or person associated with it, by contact with
or proximity to the object. Psychometry is also known as object
Remote Viewing.
(U) Clairvoyance is the faculty of seeing objects or actions
removed from natural viewing. It is the quick, intuitive knowledge
of things and people.
* (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) Remote viewing has been successfully used
against several categories of tasking. These categories include
penetration of inaccessible targets, science and technology
information, cuing of intelligence collection systems, imminent
hostilities, determination of nuclear from non-nuclear targets,
human source assessment and personality profiles.
* (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) There are generally three areas of target
selection that are utilized for operational projects. They are:
(S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) Geographical areas or fixed sites can be
anywhere and can be of anything. The target site can emphasize
natural or man-made features, or contain a mix of these. These
targets are usually military facilities or technical sites.
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Approved For Release 2004/08 :r CIAP96-00789R003300210002-1
(S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) Personalities-involve the remote viewer's
ability to describe the characteristics or other aspects such as
state-of-the-health of an individual. The personality should be
one of prominence, can be male or female and of any race or age.
(S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) Search is one of the most difficult
operational projects. It involves the remote viewer actually
locating an individual or equipment or a lost vessel or aircraft.
(S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) When utilized properly, remote viewers have
proven to be of substantial value to intelligence customers. When
they have been used incorrectly, however, results were usually
(S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) Protocols for a remote viewing session
should be consistent whether the target is an R&D, an in-house
Proficiency Enhancement or an Operational project.
(S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) The target should be secured in a sealed
envelope. A number is assigned to the project and then the
individual remote viewers are tasked via a tasking sheet.
* (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) The tasking sheet, which is essentially a
request for information, will consist of the project number, the
viewer identification number which is also the source number and
the date of the actual tasking. This information is to be filled
out by the Unit Manager or the customer and then given to the
remote viewers prior to their session.
(S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) The tasking sheet will also consist of an
evaluation to be completed by the customer when an operation is
completed. The tasking sheet can also note the completion time of
the operation.
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(S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) The actual tasking itself, should be minimal
without elaborating on information that could lead the viewer. It
is important that the Unit Manager or the customer be careful not
to task leading or suggestive questions. Ideally, the tasking
should only state, "Describe target."
(S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) It has been proven in R&D laboratories time
and time again that the less information given to the remote
viewer, the more accurate the information. The more information
given to a remote viewer, the less accurate the information and the
viewer will have a tendency to theorize.
(S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) Once the viewers receive their tasking, they
can begin to conduct their sessions. The remote viewing session
activity will involve two basic approaches.
* (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) Solo is where only the remote viewer works
the task.
(S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) Viewer/Monitor is a team effort whereby a
monitor transcribes the information the viewer is receiving. A
monitor is optional and is requested by the viewer.
(S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) Considerable experience has shown that there
are a number of considerations, precautions and potential problems
for which the monitor or customer and Unit Manager should be
(S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) First, when a monitor is present, it is
especially important to ensure that this individual has no
knowledge whatsoever of target possibilities. This is known as a
double-blind. This precludes the monitor leading the viewer. If
the customer is present as an observer, he should be quiet so that
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he does not give the remote viewer subtle clues as to the nature
and circumstances of the operation. Such clues as nods of
approval, voice inflection and suggestive questioning happen all
too often.
(S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) Second, there is a strong tendency to pick
and choose information according to the Unit Manager's and
monitor's mental set and preconceptions. It is in the act of
interpretation that lies the ever present possibility of
misinterpretation. It is extremely important for the monitor to
record the information exactly as it is given so when it is passed
on to the customer, the information is received in its purest form.
The customer can become frustrated because experience has shown
that some of the information provided is of such a nature that it
cannot be either verified or rejected through follow-up analysis or
investigation. Until the operation is completed or solved, some of
the information remains plausible and possibly true, but until an
operation is completely over, it cannot be evaluated fairly.
(S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) Third, often times a monitor and a customer
can become quite frustrated with a remote viewer because of the
nature of the psychic information. It can seem incomplete,
sporadic and sometimes symbolic or even irrelevant.
(S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) When a remote viewer has completed the
necessary sessions needed to collect the information, he or she
will then write a report of his or her findings.
* (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) This report will indicate the project
number, the viewer identification or source number, the date of the
report an will also list the dates of the remote viewing sessions.
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This report will also include drawings or sketches of the target
site. When the viewer's report is completed, it will then be
provided to the customer.
(S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) It should be noted that there is a strong
tendency for the Unit Manager or the customer to have the remote
viewers work on a major ongoing or unsolved operation over and over
again. This is generally not recommended because research and
experience has shown that a remote viewer's first impressions are
the best. Hence, the longer they work on a case, the more likely
they are to become inaccurate.
(S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) Also, experience throughout the world in
remote viewing laboratories has shown clearly that the remote
viewing ability and receptivity is also directly related to the
novelty and interest factor of the test. So it is important not to
have the remote viewers conduct the same operation over and over
again because they will become bored and not perform well.
(S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) When the operation is completed, the remote
viewers receive their feedback from the customer and the customer
provides a written evaluation of the. information received.
Feedback is important because it helps the remote viewers evaluate
their own performance.
(U) In conclusion, whether proponents or critics like it or
not, certain basic facts exist and must be dealt with.
(U) First, unsolved crimes, missing persons, hostage
situations and terrorism continue to occur. Information for their
purely rational and scientific solution is often simply inadequate,
yet great social and psychological pressures exist for their
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(S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) Many intriguing and scientifically
unexplainable results have been achieved under controlled
experimental conditions as well as spontaneous field situations.
As with any potential advance in technology or technique, remote
viewing needs to be sufficiently field tested.
* (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) Intelligence agencies are encouraged not to
ignore this potential resource but rather place it among their
arsenal of operational tools. Remote viewers can be used as
collectors in conjunction with other intelligence sources
throughout the DoD and intelligence community because our service
is to be of "help." Once this understanding can occur, perhaps
then can the "role" of the remote viewer be more clearly defined.
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003300210002-1