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Phenomenological Research
Technical Volume (U)
8 May 1992
A1NNWA1r__ am 0
Science Applications International Corporation
An Employee-Owned Company
Edwin C. May, Ph.D. and Wanda L. W. Luke
U. S. Government
Contract MDA908-91-C-0037
Submitted by:
Science Applications International Corporation
Cognitive Sciences Laboratory
1010 El Camino Real, Suite 330
Menlo Park, California 94025
Classify by: Contractor Security Procedures Guide
Declassify on: OADR
1010 El Camino Real, Suite 330, P.O. Box 1412, Menlo Park, CA 94025 ? (415) 325-8292
Other SAIL Offices: (heantrovi?f tcFdQ o ft fgi_gea' '1''47 f U Ve~af. AosrA~rea~s~~4cL~q, q,~Qr gr~Q.P~/g91tA~`e~tt/~ Tucson
5v vv~ c>rcvva ~vU ~UUv
Technical P @wd For ReleastMO0( (, nif3 P96-00789R003100170001-9
1. OBJECTIVE (U) ............................................................ 1
II. APPROACH (U) ............................................................ 2
6. Specific Tasks (U) ........................................................ 2
7. Quick Reaction Capability (QRC) (U) ...................................... 8
III. GLOSSARY (U) ............................................................. 9
IV. REFERENCES (U) ......................................................... 10
V. MOSSBAUER BACKGROUND (U) .......................................... 11
VI. RESUMES (U) ............................................................. 22
Approved For Releases,0(SSWfMP96-00789R003100170001-9 i
Technical p, gjed For Release) M13S P96-00789R003100170001-9
(U) The objective of this effort is to continue the work being conducted under contract
MDA908-91-C-0037 by extending the analysis of the data and adopting approaches that were devel-
oped to conduct specific experiments.
Approved For Releas &AgSoi,MP96-00789R003100170001-9 1
Technical PPggp ed For Releases9S F P96-00789R003100170001-9
(U) For convenience, the section numbering matches that of the Statement of Work (SOW) from re-
quest for quote RSQ-4.
6. Specific Tasks (U)
(U) The specific tasks are modest extension of those that are currently being investigated. In most
cases, they involve analysis of existing data or involve the implementation of experiments that were de-
signed under the current effort.
6.1 Basic Research (U)
(U) Basic research of anomalous mental phenomena (AMP) is defined as that activity that is primarily
designed to understand the parameters of and theoretical basis for AMP.
6.1.1 Biophysical Measurements (Follow-on to SOW 6.3.1) (U) Magnetoencephalograph / Electroencephalograph Correlation (U)
(U) The trend in some magnetoencephalograph (MEG) laboratories has been to collect magnetic and elec-
trical data simultaneously. Thus, for some measurements, it may be possible to correlate the results from
the two techniques. We propose to conduct a literature search for such studies and conduct a meta-analysis
on the pertinent papers to determine the degree to which EEG may be substituted for MEG. In particular,
we will examine experiments that do not involve precise source localizations within the brain. Magnetoencephalograph Data Analysis (U)
(U) The magnetoencephalograph database consists of 11 blocks of data obtained from an earlier pro-
gram and an additional 80 blocks obtained in the current program. Altogether there are brain-wave
data for over 9,000 remote stimuli (i.e., stimuli that are sensorially and physically isolated from a receiv-
ert), a similar amount for pseudo stimuli (i.e., randomly placed time markers generated during the ex-
periment), and additional 9,000 stimuli of each type that were collected as a control (i.e., identical cir-
cumstances as in the experiment, but without a receiver being present). We propose to apply the
following analysis techniques to this substantial database.
a. Efficient Phase-Shift Calculations (U)
(U) The primary purpose for the collection of magnetoencephalograph data is to determine the degree
to which remote stimuli affects the phase of the primary alpha rhythm. There is a vast literature dating
back to the 1930s suggesting that a relaxed brain, which is producing sustained alpha bursts, reacts to
weak external stimuli with a phase shift of that alpha activity.
All follow-on SOWs refer to the current contract PR330/012Z/91.
t Please refer to the Glossary (Section III) for a definitions of terms.
Approved For ReleastMt;(MSEifIFMP96-00789R003100170001-9 2
Technical r opaul?d For Release( MLA'SSCREOP96-00789R003100170001-9
(U) To study alpha-phase shifts in an efficient way, it'is important to present stimuli only when the sub-
ject is producing alpha; however, the effort under SOW 6.3.1 in PR 330/012Z/91 was an attempt to repli-
cate a similar experiment conducted in 1988. The protocol for data collection was constrained to match
that study, and therefore presented stimuli randomly. J*
(U) We propose to reevaluate the alpha-phase shifts for all the data collected under PR 330/012Z/91. In this
new analysis we will compute the phase shifts for only those stimuli that happen to occur within an appropri-
ate alpha burst. We will use pseudo stimuli that meet this constraint as within-run controls and generate
Monte-Carlo stimuli only within alpha bursts during which no other stimuli occurred. Standard statistical
methods will be used to compute effect sizes and evaluate the observed phase shifts.
b. Higher Order Spectral Processing (U)
(U) Fourier-based spectrum estimation techniques have proven valuable for the analysis of signals in
the frequency domain. These techniques use only second-order statistical information; thus, they as-
sume that the signals are Gaussian. In fact, most real-world signals are not Gaussian; hence, there is
usually much more information in a stochastic non-Gaussian or deterministic signal than is conveyed by
its autocorrelation or spectrum. Higher-order spectra are defined in terms of the higher order statistics
of the signal; therefore they can proved non-linear information.2,3 An additional benefit is realized
because all Gaussian noise vanishes, and thus any non-linear signals are more easily detected.
(U) One such higher-order technique is the bi-spectrum. Preliminary application of the bi-spectrum of
the MEG data has produced promising results. It appears that remote stimuli produce significantly
different bi-spectra than those observed in non-stimulus intervals.
c. Wavelet Analysis (U)
(U) Recent work has produced techniques for representing signals in terms of a set of orthogonal basis
functions with local support. While such a method was thought impossible for many years, recent re-
search has shown that an infinite number of such basis function sets exist 4,5 These basis functions con-
sist of dilations and translations of a "mother wavelet" function which is zero outside of some range.
Since they are an orthogonal and complete set, the wavelet transform is information preserving, that is,
the original signal can be reconstructed from the wavelet coefficients without error.
(U) The wavelet coefficients are generated by correlating these functions with the signal at every posi-
tion, with wavelets on every scale. In this way, features in the signal can be located in time with great
precision; hence, these methods could prove highly effective in clearly indicating the discontinuity
which is thought to occur at the time of the remote stimulus.
d. Time-Frequency Distributions (U)
(U) Time-frequency distributions describe how the spectral content of a signal changes over time. They
consist of a set of methods which represent the energy or intensity of a signal simultaneously in time and
frequency. The spectrogram, which used windowed short-term Fourier transforms to produce a local
estimate of the spectrum, was an early method of this sort. It had a severe disadvantage: small windows
provided good time localization put poor frequency resolution; large windows produced the opposite
problem. The Wigner distribution was developed to alleviate this problem, but was found to introduce
serious artifacts with certain signals.
Approved For Release FMM1,qSfMgBP96-00789R003100170001-9 3
Technical PAppoeabd For Release U04O SMEDP96-00789 R003100170001-9
(U) More recent methods showing better performance include the Wigner-Ville distribution6 and the
Choi-Williams distribution.? Both of these improve time and frequency resolution while suppressing
unwanted artifacts. Since these distributions are complex, their transfer functions provide both gain
and phase information.
e. Cyclostationarity (U)
(U) Most conventional signal processing methods treat random signals as if they were statistically sta-
tionary. If the parameters of the underlying signal-generating mechanisms are time varying, as they are
in brain-wave data, then this assumption is invalid and other techniques must be used to extract impor-
tant properties of the signal. For example, a signal whose autocorrelation function fluctuates periodi-
cally with time is said to exhibit second-order cyclostationarity. A number of signal processing methods
can extract information from such signals.8
(U) By constructing time intervals that are symmetric around the remote or pseudo stimulus, we can
produce pseudo periodic signals that are likely to exhibit properties that can be extracted by cyclosta-
tionary processing methods.
f. Conclusion (U)
(U) Since the underlying physical process which produces signals is poorly understood, it is impossible
to predict which of these signal analysis techniques will yield the best results. However, a systematic
program of applying these methods to the MEG data will greatly increase the probability that a genuine
physiological response can be detected and measured with much higher confidence levels.
6.2 Data Patterns/Correlations (Follow-on to SOW 6.3.2) (U)
(U) The search for patterns or correlations within anomalous cognition (AC) is part of basic research.
6.2.1 Sender/No-Sender Analysis (U)
a. Sender/No-Sender in the Ganzfeld (U)
(U) Under the current contract, we initiated two investigations of whether the quality of AC depends upon
a sender. We let a subcontract to Psychophysical Research Laboratories (PRL) to perform a meta-analysis
of the pertinent literature to determine the appropriate parameters for a Ganzfeld study of the sender
condition. The Ganzfeld is a protocol for conducting a type of AC experiment. PRL was also tasked to
design an appropriate experiment using the results from the meta-analysis. Unfortunately, the number of
previous Ganzfeld experiments was insufficient to determine heuristic parameters. Instead, PRL drew
from its 20 years of Ganzfeld experience and designed an appropriate experiment.
(U) We propose to continue this effort by tasking PRL to conduct approximately 70 Ganzfeld trials with
novice receivers (i.e., first-timers) as screening/selection for the multi-condition sender-environment ex-
periment. One of the most important elements in any AC experiment is to identify individuals who can
demonstrate high quality results. This is particularly important if, as in this case, the primary experiment is
designed to examine the effect of an independent variable. Thus, this preliminary screening effort is critical
to understanding the role of the sender in AC experiments.
(U) Besides the usual judging and analysis implied by the Ganzfeld protocol, the data from the screen-
ing/selection experiment will also be examined with regard to six facets of extroversion. Honorton et al.
have shown that the degree of extroversion is important in quality AC, and, thus, this variable is impor-
tant to the success of the main experiment .9
Approved For Releases 9S P96-00789R003100170001-9 4
Ap rov?d For Release f4 11gSJ '96-00789R003100170001-9
Technical ProDosa
a. Sender/No-Sender with Static and Dynamic Targets (U)
(U) Using the AC database that was obtained under the existing contract, we will apply fuzzy set theory to
search for target/receiver properties that yield higher quality AC. Under an earlier program, we applied
fuzzy set theory to the analysis of AC. In particular, we developed fuzzy set representations of all the static
targets used in the current study. They were encoded with 131 separate visual target elements; therefore, to
capitalize on this earlier work, we will examine our AC result from this particular viewpoint.10
(U) Under the current program we have developed an "adaptive" fuzzy set algorithm that will be able to
determine which, if any, of these 131 target elements were responsible for receivers' improved AC qual-
ity. In the adaptive method, fuzzy sets are modified in accedence with a receiver's historical perfor-
mance, and the modified version is applied to new data. The historical record is then updated to ac-
count for the results of that additional analysis.
(U) We propose to apply these techniques to approximately 250 AC trials. This analysis will cover the
four combinations of sender/no-sender and static/dynamic targets that were used in the current study.
6.2.2 MEG/EEG Parameter Search (U)
(U) During a previous program, we tasked Psi Sources of Information Center to place the literature of all
English language parapsychological technical journals into a computerized database. From that time, Ms.
Rhea White has maintained that database, which now includes abstracts of all technical articles dating back
to the early 1900s. We propose to use this database to examine all relevant MEG/EEG data and worldwide
AC research to identify key performance and target pattern parameters (e.g., physical, psychological, bio-
physical). If enough studies identify a specific parameter, we propose to conduct a formal meta-analysis of
that parameter to determine its effect upon performance quantitatively.
6.3 Applied Research (Follow-on to SOW (U)
(U) Applied research of AMP is defined as that activity that is primarily designed to improve the quality
of experimental results.
6.3.1 Long Distance AC Experiment (U)
(U) Under the current contract, we developed a two-by-five error-correcting block code, which we applied
to an AC experiment. The objective was to increase the reliability of detecting AC and to explore its poten-
tial for communications. In that effort, receivers were not monitored and target feedback was sometimes
significantly delayed. In addition, the receivers were allowed to respond to an intended target at any time
during a one-week interval.
(U) We propose to improve upon this protocol and apply the techniques to testbeds that are similar to
potential applications. Specifically, each AC trial will be monitored at a site designated by the contract-
ing office's technical representative, and each AC trial will be conducted in real time. Feedback and a
portion of the analysis will be provided immediately.
(U) We plan to explore a number of analytical techniques to determine the optimal technique for po-
tential applications. They will include "crisp" answers (i.e., either "yes" or "no" to a predefined set of
questions) for the input to the two-by-five block code and "fuzzy" answers (i.e., receivers express the
degree of confidence in their answers to each question) to the same questionnaire. In the latter case, we
will use a rich set of standard fuzzy set mathematical techniques in the analysis.
Approved For Release 20g11M6-00789R003100170001-9 5
Technical Prgooosapd For Released~~f 44 1 s P96-00789R003100170001-9
6.4 Theoretical Issues (Follow-on to SOW 6.2.5) (U)
(U) As part of basic research, theoretical issues address potential underlying mechanisms for AMP.
6.4.1 Nuclear Mossbauer Effect (U)
(U) We propose to construct an anomalous perturbation (AP) experiment using the nuclear Mossbauer
effect. Sometimes referred to as gamma raw resonance spectroscopy, using the Mossbauer effect is an
extremely precise way of measuring the electromagnetic environment at the nuclear site within an
atomic lattice and measuring the structure of the nucleus, itself. The nuclear environment is impervious
to external factors. Experiments that use the Mossbauer effect are also exquisitely sensitive. Because it
is inherently controlled, a Mossbauer set-up is ideal for the study of AP An overview of the Mossbauer
effect can be found in Section V, Mossbauer Background.
(U) In a Mossbauer AP experiment, an individual watches a dynamic display of gamma ray absorption
as feedback. He or she is instructed to use mental strategies to affect the absorption, and thus the nu-
clear properties, in predetermined ways. For example, the instructions might suggest to increase or de-
crease or shift the location of the maximum absorption. Random control periods (i.e., no human effort
to modify the absorption) are intermixed with effort periods. Statistical comparison is made between
these periods and both are compared to long-term, stable measurements of the unattended apparatus.
(U) To our kno)yledge, no other AP experiment has exclusively attempted to modify nuclear properties;
therefore, this exploratory experiment must be considered a pilot effort. Should we observe potential
AP effects, we will recommend an extension to verify that the effects cannot be accounted for by known
6.4.2 Theoretical Models (U)
(U) We propose to explore at least two theoretical approaches toward understanding the physics of AC.
The heuristic observables are the following:
(1) Information, albeit noisy, "propagates" from point A to point B regardless of the spatial or tempo-
ral separation.
(2) The quality of the reception appears to be proportional to target complexity.
(U) The first of these suggests that a four-dimensional, non-electromagnetic model is appropriate. The
second implies a relationship to thermodynamic entropy, but at the present, there is no known propaga-
tion mechanism for "pure" information.
(U) All theoretical approaches to these two questions will be constrained toward testable hypotheses.
We suspect that if a reasonable theoretical model can be developed, that it will entail physics implica-
tions that can be tested by traditional experimentation.
6.5 Research Methodology (Follow-on to SOW 6.4) (U)
6.5.1 Committees (U)
(U) As a continuation of the current program, we propose to the use the three existing committees,
which are in place, as support and quality control for methodological and policy issues. These commit-
tees are:
Approved For Release 2p 8%196-00789R003100170001-9 6
Technical pobppgQVed For Release 20 MEq'IA-RDP96-00789R003100170001-9
(U) The Scientific Oversight Committee (SOC). The five voting members of the SOC are respected
scientists from the following disciplines: physics, astronomy, statistics, neuroscience, and psychology.
Since the time of the original proposal, we have added Professor of Neuroscience Steven A. Hillyard of
the University of California at San Diego. His resume is include in Section IV.
(U) The SOC is tasked with three major responsibilities:
o Review and approve all experimental protocols prior the collection of data.
o Critically review all experimental final reports as if they were submissions to technical scientific jour-
nals. All remarks are in writing and are included in the technical final report to the sponsor.
? Suggest directions for further research.
(U) In addition to these three responsibilities, the SOC members are encouraged to exercise un-announced
drop-in privileges to view experiments in progress.
(U) Institutional Review Board (IRB). The IRB's responsibility is to assure the safety of human sub-
jects in experiments and to assure the sponsor that all research involving the use of human subjects is in
compliance with all appropriate federal regulations. The IRB members represent the health, legal, and
spiritual professions in accordance with government guidelines. The membership is as follows:
? Gary R. Fujimoto, M.D. Occupational Medicine, Palo Alto Medical Foundation
? Byron Wm. Brown, Jr., Ph.D. Biostatistics, Stanford University
? John Hanley, M.D. Neuropsychiatry, University of California, Los Angeles
? Robert B. Livingston, M.D. Neuroscience, University of California, San Diego
? Robin P. Michelson, M.D. Otolaryngology, University of California, San Francisco
? Ronald Y. Nakasone, Ph.D. Buddhist Studies, Institute of Buddhist Studies, Berkeley, CA
? Louis J. West, M.D. Neuropsychiatry, University of California, Los Angeles
? Garrison Rapmund, M.D. Air Force Science Advisory Board
(S/NF) Policy Oversight Committee (POC). The POC's responsibility is to advise SAIC and assure the
Defence Intelligence Agency that the activity under this contract fulfills the requirements of the
Intelligence Community (IC) and the Department of Defence (DOD). In addition, the POC recom-
mends policy for the establishment of a long-term program for the application of anomalous mental
phenomena to problems of interest to the DOD and the IC.
6.5.2 Management and Research Support (U)
(U) We will provide technical, management, and administrative support for all research activity.
Approved For Rel?NP96-00789R003100170001-9 7
Technical PIyed For Release 20E1A-RDP96-00789R003100170001-9
7. Quick Reaction Capability (QRC) (U)
(S/NF) We propose to reserve approximately five percent of the program effort in order to respond rap-
idly to the sponsor's request for briefings, conference attendence, or unanticipated experiment or ap-.
plication requirements.
Approved For ReleSEORE~/lf FOR$96-00789R003100170001-9 8
Technical Pi6ppeaPed For Releas4'QO(Q lFl P96-00789R003100170001-9
(U) Not all the terms defined below are germane to this report, but they are included here for complete-
ness. In a typical anomalous mental phenomena (AMP) task, we define:
41, A_Q-A form of information transfer in which all known sensorial stimuli are absent. That is, some
individuals are able to gain access, by as yet an unknown process, to information that is not available
to the known sensorial channels.
o Receiver-An individual who attempts to perceive and report information about a target.
o Agent-An individual who attempts to influence a target system.
o Dr get-An item that is the focus of an AMP task (e.g., person, place, thing, event).
o hrget Designation-A method by which a specific target, against the backdrop of all other possible
targets, is identified to the receiver (e.g., geographical coordinates).
o Sender/Beacon-An individual who, while receiving direct sensorial stimuli from an intended target,
acts as a putative transmitter to the receiver.
o Monitor-An individual who monitors an AC session to facilitate data collection.
o Session-A time period during which AC data are collected.
o Protocol-A template for conducting a structured data collection session.
o Response-Material that is produced during an AC session in response to the intended target.
o Feedback-After a response has been secured, information about the intended target is displayed to
the receiver.
o Analyst-An individual who provides a quantitative measure of AC.
o Sp-edialify-A given receiver's ability to be particularly successful with a given class of targets (e.g.,
people as opposed to buildings).
Approved For ReleasU BSIFIEDDP96-00789R003100170001-9 9
Technical l6Md For Release / 16811FILU96-00789R003100170001-9
(U) All the following references are unclassified.
1. E. C. May and W. L W. Luke, "'Ixchnical Protocol for the MEG Investigation," Protocol Submitted to
the Scientific Oversight Committee, Science Applications International Corporation, The Cognitive
Sciences Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA (August 1991) UNCLASSIFIED.
2. J. M. Mendel, "Signal Processing and System Theory: Theoretical Results and Some Aplications,"
Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 79, No. 3, pp. 278-305 (March 1991) UNCLASSIFIED.
3. C. L. Nikias and M. R. Raghuveer, "Bispectrum Estimation: A Digital Signal Processing
Framework," Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 75, No. 7, pp. 869-891 (July 1987) UNCLASSIFIED.
4. 1. Daubenchies, "Orthonormal Basis of Compactly Supported Wavelets," Communications on
Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. XLI, pp. 909-996 (1988) UNCLASSIFIED.
5. E. C. Heil and D. Walnut, "Continuous and DIscrete Wavelet Tkansforms," SIAM Review, Vol 31,
No. 4, pp. 628-666 (December 1989) UNCLASSIFIED.
6. L. Cohen, "Time-Frequency Distributions-A Review," Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 77, No. 7,
7. H. I. Choi and W. J. Williams, "Improved Time-Frequency Representation of Multicomponent
Signals Using Exponential Kernals," IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal
Processing, Vol 37, No. 6, pp. 862-871 (June 1989) UNCLASSIFIED.
8. W A. Gardner "Exploitation of Spectral Redundancyh in Cyclostationary Signals," IEEE Signal
Processing Magazine, (April 1991) UNCLASSIFIED.
9. C. Honorton, D. C. Ferrari, and D. J. Bern, "Extraversion and ESP Performance: Meta-Analysis
and a New Confirmation," Proceedings of the Parapsychological Association 33rd Annual
Convention, Chevy Chase, MD (August 1990) UNCLASSIFIED.
10. E. C. May, J. M. Utts, W. L. W Luke, T. J. Frivold, and V. V.11?ask, "Advances in Remote-Viewing
Analysis," Journal of Parapsychology, Vol. 54, pp. 194-228 (September 1990) UNCLASSIFIED.
Approved For Release f`6 f/ q ftiEW96-00789R003100170001-9 10
Technical pQ Qgpd For ReleaseU ' 1 SSU P96-00789R003100170001-9
(U) This Section is entirely unclassified.
Gamma Ray and Gamma Ray Resonance Spectroscopy
Jon J. Spijkerman
Frank J. Davies
Kah Nee Ona
Tamara L. Steele
May 17, 1991
Ranger Scientific, Inc.
7101 Stephenson-Levey Road
Burleson, TX 76028
Approved For Releas M9S P96-00789R003100170001-9 11
Technical Fkppcxi*d For Release Q> $ PM[)P96-00789R003100170001-9
Resonance phenomena are today a very direct
part of our lives. They are used in radio, tuning
in a station or selecting a TV channel, in
microwave cooking and heating, store security
and many other daily uses. It was Lord Rayleigh
who, a century ago, first suggested that
resonance scattering should occur in atomic
Gamma ray Resonance Spectroscopy (GRS),
also known as The Mossbauer Effect, was
discovered by Rudolf L Mossbauer in 1957, at
the time a graduate student at the University of
Heidelberg in Germany. Mossbauer was
interested in the line shape (profile) of gamma
radiation. It was a known fact that gamma rays,
photon 'particles', would give a recoil to the
nucleus which emitted the gamma ray. The
gamma ray would therefore have a lower energy.
Similarly, if the gamma ray were to strike another
nucleus its energy must be higher, in order to be
absorbed and also to provide the absorber recoil
energy. This energy can be provided by heating
the gamma ray source, since this raises the
average velocity of the atoms in the source and
therefore the energy. Both positive and negative
velocities will be present and thus the line shape
of the gamma ray will be broadened. This line
broadening is known as a Doppler broadening.
The energy lost to recoil could now be
compensated for by raising the temperature.
Mossbauer's initial experiment was very
straightforward, consisting of a gamma ray
source? an absorber, and a counter to detect the
gamma radiation. As the temperature of the
source and absorber was raised, the count rate
of unabsorbed gamma rays went down since the
increase in thermal energy compensated for the
energy lost in recoil. This is shown in figure 1.
To obtain a reference count rate, Mossbauer
cooled the source and absorber to liquid nitrogen
temperature. There the count rate should have
been the highest, but to his amazement, it was
not. Mossbauer interpreted this effect as a
recoil-free emission and absorption at lower
temperatures. This obviously violates the
principles of conservation of energy and
momentum and was, at first, not well accepted.
Mossbauer continued his work at the University
of.Munich, Germany, and his experiments were
soon confirmed at other laboratories. R. L
Mossbauer was awarded the Nobel Prize in
Physics in 1961. Within a decade (GRS) became
a standard tool, with applications in Physics,
Chemistry, Metallurgy, Mineralogy, Geology, and
Figure 1. Increased overlap of source and absorber line
profiles, moved apart as a result of recoil, due to Doppler
broadening with temperature.
Figure 2. Classical analogy of a boat firing a cannon in a
choppy lake, then 'freezing the lake.'
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Technical PPopposaeld For Release 2 t?if EU96-00789R003100170001-9
The Mossbauer Effect is a quantum
phenomenon. However, some of its basic
characteristics may be easily understood through
a classical analogy. The analogy developed by
Frauenfelder in Ref. 1 is particularly apt. He
likens the gamma ray source to a cannon firing at
a target. The statistical spread of the impacts is
the natural line width. If the cannon is firing from
a boat, it will recoil so that the center of the
impact distribution is shifted to a shorter range
(lower value of energy for the gamma ray), as in
Fig. 2a.
Doppler broadening can be represented by
placing the boat in a choppy sea Since the aim
is much less accurate, the distribution of impacts
is broadened (Fig. 2b.). The Mossbauer Effect is
made possible by 'freezing the lake,' so that
recoil and Doppler broadening are eliminated
(Fig. 2c). In the actual source and absorber, this
is done by locking the atoms in a crystal lattice.
To observe the Resonance Effect, we must
change the energy of the gamma ray by a small
amount. We can use the Doppler shift to our
advantage. Instead of Doppler broadening, we
can use a coherent Doppler shift, or Doppler
modulation, by giving the entire source a known
velocity. The line width of the source and the line
width of the absorber overlap by a differenct
amount for each velocity.
If total transmission is plotted against velocity, the
absorption curve will be observed to have a line
width twice that of either source or absorber.
(See Fig. 3).
As was pointed out in the introduction, eliminating
the recoil given to the nucleus by the emitted
gamma ray Is the first prerequisite for the
Mossbauer Effect. If the nucleus is initially at
rest, its momentum after emission is
P12 ='P'r =E1 / c.
The recoil energy imparted to the nucleus by the
leaving gamma ray is then
2 EY (1)
ER=pn/2M= 2Mc2
Here M is the mass of the nucleus. For a
gamma ray of 14.4 keV, this recoil energy is 2 X
10" eV. To explain the Resonance Effect, we
must not use the mass of the nucleus in equation
1, but the mass of the crystal to which the
nucleus is bound. This recoil free process is also
demonstrated in X-rays by the Bragg reflection
from a crystal. The recoil energy then becomes
vanishingly small. The binding energy plays a
very important role in the Mossbauer Effect. If
the recoil energy ER is larger than the binding
energy, the recoil-free process will not take place.
Thermal vibrations due to higher temperature can
also destroy the recoil-free emission and
absorption. Equation (1) therefore places limits
on when the Mossbauer effect will take place.
We must have a solid or very large molecule so
that ER becomes vanishingly small, and the
gamma ray energy must be low so that ER is
NUCLEUS. Many Isotopes have shown the
Mossbauer Effect, but Fes' has the best
properties for our purpose. The source used for
Fes' Resonance spectroscopy is Co", with the
radio-active decay scheme and the
corresponding radiation emitted by this source is
shown in figure 3. Cobalt has a positive nuclear
charge of 27. The nucleus captures an electron,
to reduce the charge to 26, and balances the
energy by emitting three gamma rays, 14.4 keV,
122 keV, and 136 keV. The electron capture
leaves a hole in the elctron shell, which is
promptly filled producing 6.3 keV and lower
energy X-rays. The 14.4 keV gamma ray shown
in the energy level diagram of figure 4 is used in
Transmission Spectrum
Figure 3. Doubling of observed linewidth
Approved For Release $6r138M?C96-00789R003100170001-9
Technical I pgp*1aedd For Release OUA$SIFFEQp96-00789R003100170001-9
5/, (1/2) - 10 9 sec
57Co (radioactive, t112 = 270 days)
Ore,) MAIN /elln.i, M, rsar,MM &/ At +'Fe .mien. G d c&tL Mr nlalri
,rn~bert a/~he~au and a/rrirU.U p.Ircrl
the Mossbauer Effect. The 122 keV transition ~~ r z _ [ 3 ]
does not go to the ground state, and the 136 keV
gamma ray is too energetic for a usable effect. Where 1h is Planck's constant divided by 2 R.
The lifetime of the 14.4 keV level can be
The line shape of the recoil free 14.4 keV determined by measuring the 1.4 X 10"7 second
radiation is a Lorentzian profile, or delay between the 122 keV and 14.4 keV
radiation, because the lifetime of the 122 keV
L (x) = A ? = E-E? [21 level is 50 times shorter than that of the 14.4 keV
1 +x2 ' x r level. This corresponds to a line width of 4.670
X 10"9 eV. The resolution required to observe
Where Eo is the gamma ray energy and r is this line is Ejr or about 1012.
the halfwidth. The halfwidth or line width can be
calculated from the uncertainty principle, and the To distinguish this narrow band of recoil free
lifetime of the excited state. The uncertainty radiation from non-recoil free radiation using a
principle states that gamma detector is hopeless, since the detectors
have at the best a 10% resolution. Gamma ray
Approved For Releas4MOLMgSI(FfP96-00789R003100170001-9 14
Technical Ppt 88bd For ReleaseUb BASS EP96-00789R003100170001-9
spectrometers using a diffracting crystal can do a
thousand times better, but this still leaves a factor
of 10?. However, we can use the source and
absorber technique with the Doppler effect. This
time we do not raise the temperature, but move
either the source or the absorber at various
velocities. The Doppler effect is given by
v =vo(1+ v)
Where v, Is the transition frequency of the
stationary absorber and v the frequency of the
source moving at a velocity v.
Re-writing equation 4,
V=V'O+VO C and Av=v-v0=v0 C
Since E = l,v. E. is the basic transition energy,
14.4 keV. If we use the values for 57Fe, the
velocity required to shift the line by one line width
is 0.191 mm/sec. Plotting the count rate as a
function of velocity gives the familiar absorption
pattern, as shown in figure 5.
The recoil-free emission and absorption was not
the only surprise of this new effect. When an iron
foil was used for an absorber, a six line
absorption pattern as in figure 6 was observed
and identified as a nuclear Zeeman effect
brought about by the iron's internal magnetic
Iron compounds used for absorbers gave a
variety of spectra, and the simple energy level
diagram of figure 4 could no longer explain the
observed results. There were other interactions
(forces) present, previously completely obscured.
With the ultra precise energy measuring capability
of the Mossbauer Effect it was possible to
determine the energy and derive the nature of
these interactions. For this analysis we must first
look at the nucleus and its electron cloud. There
are three electron-nuclear (hyperfine) interactions:
Figure 6. Magnetic splitting of nuclear levels.
(Nuclear Zeeman Effect).
Approved For ReleasU pt("6Sl FI?DP96-00789R003100170001-9 15
/ :.o..r :hut Quesvpcle splitting
a - 0 ? . 0
a-0 I.0
105, 151-153.
Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003100170001-9
February 1985
Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003100170001-9
John Hanley, M.D.
Boston University
Loma Linda University
Rotating Internship
White Memorial Hospital
Location Degree
Boston, Mass. M.D.
Los Angeles, Calif.
1963-66 University of California at Los Angeles
Psychiatric Residency
1956-57 Research Assistant
Mas9achusetts General'Hospital
Harvard Medical School
Boston, Mass.
1962-63 General Practice Los Angeles, Calif.
Kaiser Permanente (Compton Clinic)
1963-66 Member, Neuroendocrine Clinic and
Diabetic Retinopathy Clinic, UCLA
1965-66 Postdoctoral Fellowship Award
Brain Research Institute, UCLA
1966-present Member, Brain Research Institute, UCLA
1966-71 Assistant Professor in Residence,
Dept. of Psychiatry,'School of Medicine, UCLA;
Assistant Research Psychiatrist, BRI, UCLA
Associate Professor in Residence,
Dept. of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, UCLA
Joint Appointment: Associate Professor in Residence,
Computer Science Dept., School of Engineering, UCLA
Joint Appointments: Professor in Residence,
Dept. of Psychiatry, School of Medicine and
Computer Science Dept., School of Engineering, UCLA
1978-present Joint Appointment: Professor in Residence,
Dept. of Anesthesiology, School of Medicine, UCLA
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UNIVERSITY COM~SITTE%vease 2003/04/18: CIA-RDP96-00789R003100170001-9
Data Processing Laboratory Advisory Committee
Telemetry Consultant to Brain Research Institute Mountain Campus
Representative for the Dept. of Psychiatry on Mental Health Training
Program Committee
Mental Health Training Program Subcommittees on Budget and Education
Brain Research Institute Committee on Future of Brain Research Institute
The Next.Ten Years Brain Research Institute Committee for BRI 10th
Hospital. Intensive Care Committee
Appointment and Promotion Committee, Dept. of Psychiatry (two years) ,
Ad Hoc Committees
a. Consultant to Dept. of Urology, University of Rochester, School of
Medicine, for hyperbaric research
b. EEG Consultant to NASA for Biosatellite III Program, 1967 to present
c. Consultant to AMPEX Corporation, Redwood City, California, for
advanced EEG research
d. Consultant to Aiza Corporation, Stanford, California, on computer
analysis of EEG data
e. Consultant to Committee on Space Research (COSPAR), on space
f. Consultant to Jet Propulsion Laboratory Biomedical Group on the
use of ultrasonics
g. Consultant to the Behavioral Research Foundation, St. Kitts,
British West Indies, on animal telemetry systems
h. Consultant to the Behavioral Science Foundation
i. Consultant to the Sleep Laboratory at the Southern California
Neuropsychiatric Institute, La Jolla, California
j. Consultant to Assessment Systems, Incorporated, Houston, Texas
k. Consultant to the Sleep Disorders Clinic (John Andrews, M.D.),
Provo, Utah
1. Consultation service to the N.I.H. Neurology Study Section (sleep)
1957-61. Leopold Schepp Foundation Scholar (in medical school)
1957-58 Johnson Wax Foundation Scholar
Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003100170001-9
Approved For f42803/WftyCM DP96-00789R003100170001-9
Curriculum Vitae .
B.S., California Institute of Technology, 1964. (Biology)
Ph.D. Yale University, 1968. (Psychology)
Professor of e'Neurosciences, Department of Neurosciences,
University of California, San Diego (U.C.S.D.) 1980 - present
Lecturer through Associ4te Professor, Department of Neurosci-
ences, U.C.S.D. 1968-1980
USPHS Traineeship at Yale University in Physiological Psychol-
ogy with Robert Galambos. 1964-1968
Research Assistant at Caltech in Psychobiology with C.R. Hamil-
ton and R.W. Sperry. 1963-1964
Basic Medical Neurology
Sensory Processes: Neurophysiology of Vision and Audition
Human Information Processing: Attention and Perception
Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
MERIT Award from National Institute of Mental Health
UCSD Neurosciences Department Outstanding Teacher Award
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Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003100170001-9
NIMH Study Section: Mental Health Small Grant Committee, 1976-1980.
NIMH Study Section: Neurosciences Research Review Committee, 1986-1990.
Advisory Council: International Association for the Study
of Attention and Performance 1978-1983; 1985-present.
Advisory Panel to NIMH Neurosciences Research Branch. 1982-1983.
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, 1977-present.
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 1988-present.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and
Performance, 1974-1979; 1985-1988.
Consciousness and Cognition, 1990-present.
American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Society for Neuroscience
Principal Investigator: NIMH 2 RO1 MH 25594. "Electrophysio-
logical Studies of Selective Perception." 1974-1995.
Principal Investigator: Sloan Foundation Grant B1980-35.
"Event-Related Brain Potentials and Semantic Processing". 1980-
Co-Principal Investigator (with M. Kutas): NSF BNS 80-05525.
"Semantic Processing and Event-Related Brain Waves." 1980-1986.
Principal Investigator: NINCDS 1P01 NS17778. "Event-Related
Potentials and Cognition: Program in Cognitive Neuroscience" Cor-
nell Medical School (M.S. Gazzaniga, Program Head) 1982-1994.
Principal Investigator: Office of Naval Research Contract,
N00014-86-K-0291. "Electrophysiological Studies of Visual Atten-
tion and Resource Allocation." 1986-1992.
Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003100170001-9
Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003100170001-9
Brief Curriculum Vitae, 1991 Robert B. Livingston,M.D.
aluCation: Stanford University (AB, 1940); Stanford University
School of Medicine (MD, 1944); (Residency, Internal Medicine [under
Professor Arthur L. Bloomfield], Stanford University Hospitals,
Academic Appointments: Stanford University (Instructor in
Pathology [under Alvin Cox], 1943-44); Yale University School of
Medicine (Instructor to Assistant Professor of Physiology [under John F.
Fulton], 1946-52); (concurrently) Harvard Medical School (Assistant
Professor of Psychiatry [under Harry Solomon], 1946-47); U C L A
School of Medicine (Associate Professor to Professor of Anatomy and
Physiology [under H. W. Magoun and John Field], 1952-57); Adjunct
Professor, Mid-Career Course, U.S. State Department, 1957-1964;
Founding Chair, UCSD School of Medicine, Department of Neurosciences
(Professor of Neurosciences, 1964-1989 [with Theodore H. Bullock,
Robert Galambos, Reginald Bickford, John O'Brien, Marjorie
Seybold, Fred Gage, Robert Terry, and Robert Katzman]; Guest
Professor of Neurosciences, at the Hirnforschungsinstitut d e r
Universitat Zurich [under Konrad Akert], 1971-72). Science
LMsultant. [under His Holiness, the Dalai Lama], 1991--).
[Aim of this academic career has been to investigate combinations of
nervous and mental functions, using a variety of neuroanatomical,
neurophysiological, behavioral and clinical techniques and disciplines.]
Advanced Trainin : Universite de Geneve (National Research
Council Senior Fellow in Neurology, [under Oscar Wyss],1948-49);
Universitat Zurich (ditto [under Walter Rudolph Hess], 1949);
College de France (Wilhelm B. Gruber Fellow in Neurology, [under
Alfred Fessard], 1949-50); Oxford University (ditto [under F.S.C.
Little and Paul Glees], 1950); Universitet Goteborg (US Public
Health Service Senior Fellow in Neurology, [with Bo Gernandt a n d
Holger Hyden], 1956); Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(Research Associate,. Neurosciences Research Program, [under Francis O.
Schmitt], 1961-1973).
Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003100170001-9
Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003100170001-9
National Service: US Navy Medical Corps (Reserve), World
War II: [Established and directed the hospital for wounded Okinawans and
Japanese POWs throughout the battle of Okinawa, (awarded U.S. Navy
Bronze Star for this contribution), 1945]; ["Interpreter" for surrender of
Japanese Army in North China, (U.S. Marine Corps needed people with even
modest Chinese and Japanese language training), 1945]; [Chief, Medical
Battalion Laboratory, 2nd Marine Division, Tiensin and Peking,
throughout "Cease-Fire" between Kuomintang and Chinese Communists,
1945-46]; U.S. Public Health Service representative -- First Life
Sciences Committee, NASA, advisory for life support systems, safety,
communication, selection of Astronauts, etc., 1958-63].
International Diplomatic Contributions: International
Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), winner of 1985
Nobel Prize for F5eace, IPPNW Emissary, [with Lars Engstedtj to Egypt,
Jordan, Syria, Kuwait, Bahrian, and Saudi Arabia, to persuade Arab
physicians to contribute internationally to prevention of nuclear war;
IPPNW Ambassador. to Tibetan Government-in-Exile, Dharamsala, India.
Contributed to three successive tutorials 1987, 1989, 1990 on Mind and
L.L. [under Tenzin Gyatso, His Holiness, The Dalai Lama, winner of
the 1989 Nobel Peace Prize],). Participant, two international diplomatic
missions conducted by the Center for the Study of the Person [under Carl
Rogers] in Rust, Austria, [with Gay Swensen after Roger's death] in San
Jose, Costa Rica, [under President Arias], to establish dialogue between
governments of Nicaragua and United States.
Research Contributions: Neocortical representations of visceral
functions in monkey and chimpanzee [with Ernest Sachs, Jr., Sam
Brendler, and Jose Delgado]; Human frontal and cingulate cortical
representations of visceral functions [with William P. Chapman,
William H. Sweet, and Kenneth E. Livingston]; Plasticity of muscle
synergy in humans [with Alfred Fessard, Jean Paillard, and Auguste
Tourney]; Eye movements controlled by frontal eye fields and occipital
visual fields in monkey; Frontal motor representations in deep sulci of
cats [with Jose Delgado]; Localization of frontal eye fields in cats;
Head turning and eye deviation elicited by stimulation of frontal cortex in
freely moving cats [under Walter Rudolf Hess, with Donald A.
Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003100170001-9
Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003100170001-9
MacDonald]; Explosive decompression at high altitude [with Samuel
Gelfan and Leslie Nims]; Use of biological potentials to warn of anoxic
anoxia [with Harold S. Burr]; Segregation, origin and destination of first-
order sensory dorsal column axons [under Paul Glees]; Central control of
ascending sensory pathways [with Raul Hernandez-Peon and Harald
Scherrer]; Cortical influences on brain stem conduction systems, and on
brain stem arousal mechanisms [with John D. French, Raul Hernandez
Pekin, W. Ross Adey and Jose Segundo]; Cerebrospinal fluid equilibria;
Somatic functions of the nervous system [with Raul Hernandez-Pedn];
Differential seizure susceptibility in monkey cortex [with John D.
French]; Prevention of seizures in monkeys by intravenous procaine
injections [with John D. French, Bruce Konigsmark, and K e n
Richland]; Vestibulo-spinal motor projections [with Bo Gernandt, Sid
Gilman, and Magdolna lranyi]; Brain mechanisms and behavior;
Neurophysiology of brain stem reticular formation [with Frederic G.
Worden]; Neurophysiological contributions to internal medicine [with
Frederic G. Worden]; Longitudinal spinal and brainstem reflex systems
relayed through the bulbar reticular formation [with Muneo Shimamura];
Dynamics of acoustic pathways under control of middle-ear muscles [with
Arnold Starr and Peter Carmel; What makes the sloth so slothful?
[with T.H. Bullock, Donald B. Lindsley, and Robert Galambos] ;
Central control of receptors and sensory transmission systems; Role of
central nervous mechanisms relating to reinforcement; Ultrastructure of
myelin glial-axonal junctions, and functional dynamics of synaptic
boutons [under Konrad Akert]; Cinemorphology of whole human brain
serial surfaces, in registration, exposed at microscopically thin intervals
throughout the entire brain in 68 "normal" human brains [with Roy Mills
and Thornton Egge]; Three-dimensional reconstruction of one whole
human brain, using interactive computer graphics [with Kent Wilson,
Bill Atkinson, and Bud Tribble, 111]. A film on this subject [produced
under Sy Wexler] won sweepstakes awards at all major international
documentary film festivals in 1976/7 and has been shown repeatedly on
NOVA, National Geographic Society, BBC, OMNIMAX, and many other
television programs, worldwide, since then. Undernourishment affecting
human brain development in the U.S. [under Doris H. Calloway, with
Helen Ross, and Elisabeth Stern]. Expeditions include: Ship's
Physician and Chief Diver, Scripps Institution of Oceanography Expedition
CAPRICORN [under Roger Revelle and Walter Munk], 1951-1952; Alpha
Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003100170001-9
Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003100170001-9
Hellix Expedition to the Amazon [with Theodore H. Bullock and Donald
B. Lindsley], 1968; Expedition to Panama [with Theodore H. Bullock
and Robert Galambos] 1970.
RB. search Publications: Some 200 research publications including
a few research monographs. Chapters on Neurophysiology in a textbook for
psychologists; Chapters on Neurophysiology in a textbook for psychiatrists-
-these latter were republished as a separate monograph, Sensor
Processing, Perception, and Behavior. 1978, Section on Neurophysiology
consisting of a dozen chapters in Best and Taylor's Physiological Basis of
medical Practice. 11th Edition,1985, and 12th Edition, 1990.
Lectureships: AAAS Holiday Science Lecturer, for State-wide honor
high school students: Florida, 1958, Oregon, 1959; National Sigma Xi
Lgc:turer, 1960 and 1961;, Queen Kamehameha L urer, University of
Hawaii School of` Medicine, 1965; AAAS Chautauqua Lectureship [shared
with Elisabeth Stern], 1978 and 1979; Sachs Memorial Lecturer,
Dartmouth Medical School-1981.
Extra-Curricular Activities: Co-Incorporator [with John F.
Fulton], the Journal of the History of Medicine, 1951. Participated
closely with Leo Szilard in founding the Council for Abolishing War,
which became the Council for a Livable World, 1962. Co-Incorporator
[with Richard J. Barnet, Marcus Raskin, and Christopher Jencks], of
the Institute for Policy Studies, 1962. Co-Incorporator [with Fritjof
Capra] of the Elmwood Institute, 1979. Active [under Bernard Lown] in
Ian grnational Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, as Emissary
and Ambassador; Deputy Council representative for U.S. Physicians for
Social Responsibility; House of Delegates, 1986-88, U.S. national
Physicians for Social Responsibility, President-Elect 1991, [to serve as
President, 1992, Past-President 1993; Co-President, San Diego Chapter,
Robert B. Livingston, M.D.
Professor of Neurosciences Emeritus
University of California San Diego
dress: 7818 Camino Noguera, San Diego, California 92122-2027.
Telephone: (619) 455-0306; Telefax: (619) 455-1874.
Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003100170001-9
Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003100170001-9
1932-1934 University of California
Berkeley, Calfiornia
1934-1936 ,Stanford University
Stanford, California
1936-1940 Stanford-'lJniversity
School of Medicine
Stanford, California
1940-1941 Assistant Resident, Pathology
San Francisco General Hospital
1946-1948 Otolaryngology Resident
Veterans Administration, San Francisco
1941-1946 Captain, U. S. Army (MC)
1940 Appro iftqft lease 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003100170001-9
1950 American Board of Otolaryngology
CURRICULUM VIT rovWA;PRelbWci hsi 1:%IA-RDP96-00789R003100170001-92
1945-1956 St. Luke's Hospital, San Francisco
1946-1956 St. Mary's Hospital, San Francisco
1968-Present University of California Hospitals
1958-Present Sequoia Hospital, Redwood City, California
University of California Hospitals, San Francisco
Department of Otolaryngology
1968-1974 Associate Clinical Professor
1974-Present Clinical Professor
1948-1952 Clincal Instructor, Stanford University School of
1952-Present Assistant Clinical Professor, Stanford University
School of Medicine
1955-1958 Chief, Stanford ENT Service,
San Francisco General ' .ospitai
1960-10-63 Chief of ENT Service
San Mateo County Hospital
1940-1980 Private Practice, Redwood City, California
1945 American Medical Association
1945 ApproteAl%rr /MjEt:Q &pP96-007898003100170001-9
Approved For
Relna27RItX/Wd/??l'?' `rQ=T21112965-00789 R003100170001-9
A.B. Harvard, 1949
M.D. Columbia, 1953
George Washington University School of Government
and Business, 1973-1974
Army War College, 1976
New York #77729
California #G-4697
Certified, American Board of Pediatrics, 1961
Health and Performance Research
Technology Transfer
Epidemiology and Infectious Disease
Senior Executive Management
PRESENT POSITION Consultant to Systems Engineering and Management
Associates, Falls Church, Virginia
Responsible for facilitating commercialization of Strategic Defense Initiative
technologies to the health care industry and the life sciences research
1987-1990 Chief Scientist (Biomedical Operations)
Flow General Inc., McLean, Virginia
Advised the CEO on health-related activities of the six subsidiary companies
world-wide. Also served as Director, Biomedical and Veterinary Services
Division, Flow Laboratories, Inc., owned by Flow General, Inc. (Left company
when health-related activities were sold.)
1957-1986 Active duty, U.S. Army 1957-1986
Continuously involved in research and development (R&D) throughout Army service;
retired 1 September 1986 in the grade of Major General as Assistant Surgeon
General (R&D) and Commander, U.S. Army Medical R&D Command.
Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003100170001-9
Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003100170001-9
A.B. Harvard, 1949
M.D. Columbia, 1953
George Washington University School of Government
and Business, 1973-1974
Army War College, 1976
MEDICAL LICENSE: New York #77729
California #G-4697
Certified, American Board of Pediatrics, 1961
EXPERTISE: Health and Performance Research
Technology Transfer
Epidemiology and Infectious Disease
Senior Executive Management
PRESENT POSITION Consultant to Systems Engineering and Management
Associates, Falls Church, Virginia
Responsible for facilitating commercialization of Strategic Defense Initiative
technologies to the health care industry and the life sciences research
1987-1990 Chief Scientist (Biomedical Operations)
Flow General Inc., McLean, Virginia
Advised the CEO on health-related activities of the six subsidiary companies
world-wide. Also served as Director, Biomedical and Veterinary Services
Division, Flow Laboratories, Inc., owned by Flow General, Inc. (Left company
when health-related activities were sold.)
1957-1986 Active duty, U.S. Army 1957-1986
Continuously involved in research and development (R&D) throughout Army service;
retired 1 September 1986 in the grade of Major General as Assistant Surgeon
General (R&D) and Commander, U.S. Army Medical R&D Command.
Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003100170001-9
Approved For Release 2@9?'JUl*IPE96-00789R003100170001-9
Garrison Rapmund, M.D.
Major General (Retired), United States Army
PRESENT POSITION Consultant to Systems Engineering and Management
Associates, Falls Church, Virginia
Responsible for facilitating commercialization of
Strategic Defense Initiative technologies to the
health care industry and the life sciences research
Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003100170001-9
Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003100170001-9
Philip D. Wasserman
Study leading to Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering
MS Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Santa Clara University
BS Mathematics, Sununa Cum Laude, College of Notre Dame
Over 2S years experience in the field of artificial neural networks. Author of two books and
several papers on theory and applications. Successfully applied artificial neural networks to solve a
wide range of real world problems.
More than 30 years diversified experience as an Electronics Engineer, heavily involved in the
detailed design of electronic instrunatnts, analog and digital circuits, computer software, computer
hardware and computer systems. Exte