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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
March 3, 1992
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SG1J DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY STAFF SUMMARY SHEET ROUTE TO ODT /026Z/, ORIGINATOR (Symbol) TELEPHONE NO ODT-S REMARKS 1. PURPOSE: Waiver of Senior Review Board (SRB) Process for Advanced Acquisition Planning (AAP) to procure external phenomenological research and analysis. BACKGROUND: st learned of the possibility of receiving additional fi r a. DIA Congressionally directed funds for conducting phenomenological research and analysis in November 1991. Actual funding levels were not known until December and the funds were not released to ODT until late January 1992. According to the Congressional language, this FY 1992 funding is intended to be used as follow-on to the existing ODT contract in this area (MDA-908-91-C-0037) and to initiate new research and other activities. b. Since this follow-on activity was not originally planned by DIA, there was no way to initiate an AAP package as required by February 1991. Consequently, due to the unexpected nature of this Congressional action, the resulting late timing of contract package initiation, and.the need to expedite procurement to facilitate research continuity, it is essential that a waiver for SRB involvement in processing this purchase request for existing contract modification be granted. A separate procurement package for existing contract modification (PR No. 330/0215Z/92) also being processed. 3. RECOMMENDATION: DD approve waiver of SRB process for purchase request 330/026Z/92 by signing endorsement on this Staff Summary Sheet. 1. ENCLO Procurem /92 '3 z3~~ z Approved Disappro Deputy Dirr for Saentifc and Technical intelligence DIA FORM 1 OCTOBER 1962 (previous edition will be used until exhausted) "U.S. GPO, 1989-617-006/61086 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003000480001-6 U-22,514/ODT-S, ApprevedFUF I4TELL1GEw6E SG1A DEFENSE I200 R5 __~ 00C .VV+rv. AAP Waiver Request (PR# 3391625Z192) SG1J SG1J SG1J REMARKS 1. PURPOS : Waiver of Senior Review Board (SRB) Process for Advanced Acquisition Planning (AAP) to procure external phenomenological research and analysis. BACKGROUND: DIA first learned of the possibility of receiving additional a. congressionally directed funds for conducting phenomenological research and analysis in November 1991. Actual funding levels were not known until December and the funds were not released to ODT until late January 1992. According to the Congressional language, this FY 1992 funding is intended to be used as follow-on to the existing ODT contract in this area (MDA-908-91-C-0037) and to initiate new research and other activities. b. Since this follow-on activity was not originally planned by DIA, there was no way to initiate an AAP package as required by February 1991. consequently, due to the unexpected nature of this Congressional action, the resulting late timing of contract package initiation, and the need to expedite procurement to facilitate research continuity, it is essential that a waiver for SRB involvement in processing this purchase request for existing contract modification be granted. A separate procurement package for new research (PR# 330/026Z/92) is also being processed. 3. RECOMMENDATION: DD approve waiver of SRB process for purchase request 330/025Z/92 by signing endorsement on this Staff Summary Sheet. 1. ENCLOSURE Procureme Z/9 Approved: '3 X36 Deputy Director .? #4r Saenrific and SG 1 J Technical intelligence DIA FORM 1 OCTOBER 1962 (Previous edition will be used until exhausted) Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003000480001-6