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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000460008-1 SeCt~oN B - S[TPPL?~5/sazvlc~ ~ nuca~ s. i s~vic~s ~ ~cF.s Ai~DQ~P LII~iE ITIIK Lr~rraN y 0001 E~cten~al RD2&E in acxx~rdance with 1 Lot $ 1, 450, 000 specifications set forth in Section C. 0002 (Subsections b.l through 6.4). Reports 1 NSP 0002AA Workplan Milestone Report 1 NSP 0002AB Progress Reports 5 (est) NSP 0002AC Special Report 1 NSP 0002AD Final Technical Report 1 NSP 0002AE Variance Report ~ ~ 0002AF Technical Briefing 1 NSP 0003 Quick Reaction Capability As needed Page 1 of 7 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000460008-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000460008-1 PA~z-~~$ S~IaN C - n~cstrnrr~i/~r_rRrc~.yp~+~ C.1. i~ S`rATF~: Under this contract, the contractor, as an indepeaxlent wntractor, and not as an agent, servant, or employee of the Gov+exrmient, utilizing special knowledge and techniques possessed by and available to the contractor, shall furnish all labor, equipment, facilities, services, and materials, necessary for the performance of the work set forth below: See Statement of Work, Enclosure 3, and DD Form 1423 (Contract Data Requirements List) dated 26 Jan 89 attached in Exhibit A. Page 2 of 7 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000460008-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000460008-1 S~IQ1 F - Qt P~[~4~E F.1 T~ OF UEGI.VHZY: The work atyd services required under Section B shall be cx~npleted/delivered as specified on closure 9. F. 2 _ T~ Off' C~lII2A~T: F.2.1. The work required by task 6.1 through 6.4.2 shall be performed during the period ccenunencing on the effective date of this contract and not to exceed 18 months in length. F.2.2. The work required by task 6.5 shall be performed during the period oa~umericing on the effective date of this contract and endixig 30 September 1991. F.3. PI~fCL OF PNC~: The work under this contract shall be performed at the contractor's facilities unless otherwise provided in this contract. Page 3 of 7 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000460008-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000460008-1 PART I - ~ s~crtatl H - s.~cQw ass H.1. DIs~'~~ OF '~'rCN: a. The contractor shall not disclose any information under this contract, including the following, to any person unless (i) it is required for the performance of this contract or (ii) the individual is specifically authorized in writing by the Contracting Officer to receive the information. (1) The contract schedule and technical data incorporated therein. (2) Sponsorship of the contract. (3) 'Ihe GoverrmnP..nt's use, interest in, or application of the following: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) The contract schedule and technical data incorporated therein. Purchase description, specifications and drawings. Scientific studies, research, developanent and design service. Components, devices, equipments and systems. Techniques, methods and processes. Details and/or results of performance. b. Disclosure by the contractor which require specific written authorization from the Contracting Officer include information, whether written ar oral, to be revealed in open publications, technical conferences, syi~ia, meetings, periodicals,, journals, brochures, advertising, films, photographs, fact-sheets, or other material prepared for open publication. c. When prescribed by the Contracting Officer, the contractor agrees to insext in subcontracts and purchase order hereunder provisions which shall conform substantially to paragraphs a and b. Normally these provisions will not be required by the Contracting Officer in purchase orders for standard commmercial items which have been sold or offered for sale to the public coirnnexcially by any supplier. d. The provisions set forth in paragraphs a, b, and c shall not be construed to preclude the contractor frcan otherwise using, for its normal commercial purposes, information, techniques, processes, methods, developments, eo~~onents, devices, equipments, systems, and proprietary data employed in the conduct of the work, except that which is specifically developed for or as a result of this contract, or which is precluded from release due to its classified nature. In so using the information as authorized by this paragraph the contractor (i) shall not disclose any information concerning the sponsorship of this contract, or (ii) the nature of the Goverrnnent's interest in and application of the subject matter of this contract. e. The contractor will sutmit to the Contracting Officer for clearance ar~d release six (6) copies of the material at least four (4) weP.ks in advariee of presentation or publication. Page 4 of 7 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000460008-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000460008-1 H.2. (~OVF~BNr F~arls~n LI~iTA: The Contractor shall req~yest any data required for the conduct of this ooa~tract, in writing, fray the CorYtY'acting Officer's Technical Representative (OCyI'R) . The QO-rR will maintain re~oords of all such furnished, data to insure aooaantability and return to the G~civernment upon termination of the ooritract. H.3. ~'RTtY ~f1IR@+1~NP5: a. The Contractor shall maintain and achninister a security program in accordance with DoD 5220.22~I Industrial Security Manual and DIAM 50-5. Copies of these doc~m~ents are available for review in the office of the procuring Contracting Officer. b. Doss or suspeaLSion of required security clearance, as set forth on the attached DD Form 254 (Oontract security Classification Specification) will result in inability to perform in acoordarx7e with the terms ar~d conditions of the contract. As a result the contract is subject to default in aceordarx~e with the clause entitled "Default." c. The Government reserves the right to direct any Contractor employee to be removed frown performance, direct or indirect, whenever there is probable cause to believe, on the basis of all facts available, that such action is warranted in the intPxest of national security, whether or not the cause is deemed of sufficient severity to warrant action to tenainate the Contractor's or individual's security clearance. The Goverrnnent also reserves the right to direct any contractor employee to be removed fran performance, direct or indirect, for the period of time necessary to conduct any investigation of alleged misconduct which may, in the opine-on of the Contracting Officex, jeopardize the security of the project. d. Military security requirements in the performance of this contract shall be maintained in accordance with the DD Form 254 contained in Section J. The highest classification involved in the performance of this contract is Ztop ~t/Special ~art~ent~ed Intel7.iga~e (9CL) - This contract doc~nent is unclassified. e. The contractor will not use any electronic/electrical information processing equipattent in the possession of the Contractor for the purpcee of pror.,essing or transmitting classified information under this contract without the written permission of the Contracting Officer. H. 4 - IN ICY pII~iII,: The Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer prior to making any change in the personnel identified in the proposal as key pexsonnel assigned to this contract. The Contractor must demonstrate that the qualifications of the prosper~tive personnel are e4ua1 to or better than the qualifications of the personnel being replaced. Page 5 of 7 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000460008-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000460008-1 H. S. Ib~ ~' I~I~N SUBJFIQS: a. DEE'INITIONS? 1. Human Subject: An individual about whom an investigator conducting research obtains data through interaction with the individual, including both physical procedures and manipulations of the subject or the subject's envirormient. The term does not include military or civilian personnel who are qualified to test by assignment to duties that call specifically for such qualifications such as test pilots and test engineers. 2. Non-U.S. Citizens: Foreign nationals, excluding, personnel on active duty. 3. Research: The term does not include individual or group training of military personnel such as caambat readiness, effectiveness, proficiency, or fitness exercises. b. GFIJERI~L GUIDANCE' 1. The contractor shall conduct research using human subjects at all times so as to be in full coamplianee with all applicable laws, federal regulations and DoD instructions. Among them are: a. 45 CFR 46 Health and Human Services (HHS) Regulation, "Protection of Hwman Subjects" ; b. 10 U.S.C. Section 980, "Limitations on Use of Humans as F~~perimental Subjects"; C. DoD Directive 3216.2 (January 7, 1983) "Protec'tion of Human Subjects in DoD-Supported Research"; 2. Safeguarding the rights and welfare of subjects at risk in activities supported by this contract is the responsibility of the Contractor. C~liance with this contract will in no way render inapplicable pertinent federal, state, or local laws or regulations. In order to provide for the adequate discharge of this institutional responsibility, no activity involving human subjects under this contract shall be undertaken unless a Contractor Human Use Review Board (CRB) has reviewed and approved such activity. 3. The contractor must provide the Contracting Officer with a written assurance that it is in compliance with all provisions of 45 CFR 46 HHS Regulation, "Protection of Human Subjects", as amended. 4. The Contractor will assure the Contracting OffiePx that the identities of all subjects will be protected. 5. Informal consent must be obtained in writing frwm each human subject before research is undertaken. Page 6 of 7 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000460008-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000460008-1 6. The Contractor shall provide all necessary medical care to research subjects for injury or disease which is the proximate result of participation in the research. 7. Studies conducted outside the United States, its territories or possessions, shall be conducted in compliance with all laws, custom, and practices of the cxxantry in which the study is to be conducted. c. FOR REPORTING AND DOC[JMIIVTATION? 1. Copies of all docinments presented or required for initial and continuing review of the CRB, e.g., Board minutes pertaining only to the contract, record of subjects consent, transmittal on actions, instructions and conditions resulting from Board deliberations addressed to the activity director, are to be retained by the Contractor for at least three (3) years after cxanpletion of the research. All doc~m~ents shall be accessible for inspection during normal working hours by the DIA OOZR or authorized representative. 2. Except as otherwise provided by law, information in the records or possession of the Contractor which refers to or can be identified with a particular subject may not be disclosed except: a. With the consent of the subject of his legally authorized representative, or b. As may be necessary for the DIA to caY.~y out its legal responsibilities. 3. Upon expiration or termination of this contract, a list of all unused test material shall be provided to the DIA Contracting Officer. 4. The Contractor shall inmiediately notify the DIA Contracting Officer, by telephone, of inquires frown sources outside the Departiment of Defense concerning the use of human subjects under this contract. Page 7 of 7 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000460008-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000460008-1 s~t~ sia~~r of w~ F~ (~j, j AID ANN~--TYSi'S 1.0 (S/NF) PIKE: The purpo.~e of this effort is to conduct research and perform select analyses of anomalous phenomena. 2.0 (In R~~1.~J[hID: 2.1 (C) Phenomenological research and analysis as intended by this contract refers to anommalous phenomena associated with human abilities. Investigations in this area have soametimes been referred to as Remote Viewing (RV) , FxtraseaLSOry Perception (F5P) , and recently Ano~r-alo!us Cognition (AC) or Anc~nalous Phenomena (AP). Foreign researchers have also used the term psyrhoener~getics to describe aspects of these areas. 2.2 (S/NF) Over the past sixteen years DIA has followed the field of psychoenergetics for two basic reasons: SG1 B 2.4 (S/NF) In 1983 a report with project findings was sent to congressional intelligence and appropriation conunittees. The report affirmed the existence of remote viewing phenoanenon and reooaYm~ended that additional research for quantifying and developing remote viewing as an intelligence collection tool be pursued. This reconmlendation was endorsed by a special Science Panel that met to review the project findings. This panel also affirmed that the contractual research was scientifically sound and urged that basic and applied research in psyrhoenergetics be continued, its scope expanded, and that other laboratories be involved. Sir/NOFURN Classified By: DIA DT Declassify On: OADR F~ticlosure 3 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000460008-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000460008-1 2.5 (S/NF) The first opportunity to expand this research scope occurred in 1985. The Department of the Army's Surgeon GenQxal Office for Research and Development (DA..SGftD) initiated a five year research ar~d developa~nt program. The SGRD program centered on two main aspects: basic anomalous phenomena understanding, and applications-oriented research. DIA established close ties with this R/D effort to ensure that applications research would be adequately pursued. 2.6 (S/NF) In 1987, it became apparent that SGRD funding might not be available to carry through to the end of the five year period. Consequently, additional funding was sought by DIA and acquired through funding transfer action by the House Appropriations Caiminittee (HAC). This furxling was provided to DIA; MIPR action to the SGRD contract was the most expeditious method of allocating this funding. 2.7 (S/IJF) Results of this effort yielded several findings of breakthrough potential. Subsequently, follow-on research support was provided to DIA by Congressional action for FY91; DIA was identified as the executive agent due to long-standing knowledge and expertise in this area. Both R&D and O/M funds were allocated far continuing basic and applied research, for applied investigation and for assisting in assessment of relevant foreign research. Additional funds were also provided by congressional action in FY92 to continue this effort and to start new rc~~areh 3.0 (S/NF') ~.7HCIZVE: The objective of this contract is to initiate new basic and applied research in this area.. It also includes exploratory work in order to identify new facets of the phenomena and to identify underlying parameters. 4.0 (S/HI~) SOQP'E: Basic research, applied researfh and threat a~~^~~~ts will be accomplished for this phenomenological area. ~~~ ~"~"~ 5.0 (S/HI~) T~IICAL/OTH~ CJONSIDERATIQIS: 5.1 (S/NF) All research activities and findings resulting from previous programs in psychoenexgetics shall be brought to bear on this effort. In addition, expertise in multidisciplinary areas throughout SAIC shall be made available as consultants or for special support as required. 5.2 (U) Specialized support, if not available at SAIC, can be obtained via SAIC consultant or subcontract efforts with prior approval by the COTR. Every effort should be made to insure such support is froan the recognized expects in the field. Same of the specific tasks in section 6.0 can be performed in unclassified facilities. 5.3 (S/NF) This effort will utilize a technical review group (e.g., a Scientific Oversight Comm~ittee, a Hwnan Use Review Panel and a Policy Board) that was established in the previous effort. SECRET/NOFbRN 2 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000460008-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000460008-1 5.4 (S/NF) Some of the experiments/investigations required to fulfill this contract may require participation of select goverrm~ent personnel. All such imrestigations will be fully plv~ned and coordinated with the CJOQ'R and will be under the purviews of the SOC and the Human Use Review Connnittee. 5.5 (U) Should unforseen schedule of other issues arise concerning any of the specific tasks identified in section 6.0, the arIR will be given inmtiediate notice. If necessary, adjustments to priorities and schedules can be approved by the C70TR if there is no cost or other impact on the aver-all program. The QOri'R will also review/approve all anticipated research protocols . 5.6 (U) All items in section 6.0 will be funded from R&_D funding provided by this`~'trac~; - _s~iaZT~be expended NLT 18 months a er ct award. Accounting procedures to clearly identify the R&D experyditures shall be implemented by the contractor. 5.7 (U) Terms of reference and additianal task details are on file by the OO~I~2 and will be provided to the contractor to insure adequate task understanding. This material is contained in DIA publication DT-S-1007-5, 29 NOV 1990. _ 6.0 6.1 (U) Basic Research: 6.1.1 (U) Biophysical Measurements: (U) Perform magnetoerx~ephalograph (MF]G) brain wave measurements for the p~urpase of isolating neurophysical parameters that correlate with anomalous cognition performance. Leading personnel candidates identified from previous w+ark should be used, along with new unique population groups. Emphasis will be on sender/no sender conditions for phase shift parameters associated with remote light stimuli. (U) Perform MEfG measurements as identified in to include ather (e.g., audio) or ccgnbined remote stimuli. (U) Perform MEfG measurements as identified in to include variations to the nature (e.g., pattern, intensity) of the remote stimuli. (U) Perform ME1G measurements as identified in to determine if MBG results are influenced by changes to physical parameters (such as shielding, distarxae) of the remote stimuli. This effort may require the assistance of another cooperative laboratory. Additional ~ztation would also be required to resolve experimental timing issues. SE~r/NOF~URN 3 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000460008-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000460008-1 sEC~,T (U) Based on NIDG measurements as defined by base line data developed in, determine the effect of moving 1~IDG instrumentation locations to different areas of the brain. This effort could help better isolate precise areas of the brain associated with anomalous cognition functioning. (U) Perform counterpart electroencephalograph (EEIG) measurements for determining NIDG/EF7G correlations in general, and for select variables examined in thru (U) Initiate new experiments that involve other sensitive biophysical sensors (such as skin resistance) to search for possible pheno~mexla correlates. 6.1.2 (U) ,Data Patterns/Parameter Correlations: (U) Perform anomalous cognition experiments in conjunction with cater virtual reality (VR) devices to determine if data quality can be enhanced. (U) Perform anontialous cognition experiments to determine if various subliminal stimuli and/or lowered subliminal thresholds can improve data quality. (U) Perform anomalous cognition experiments with high-performing individuals for beacon/no beacon person conditions at long distances to statistically quantify effects of distance on performance. Several unique target categories or target material should be included to facilitate data pattern recognition. (U) Explore other potential variables (e.g., personality types, training/internal strategy) that could effect ancmmalous pherioanena perform.. This activity should include a detailed examination of the "verbalizer" vs. the "imager" to determine the effect of verbal or visual dominated targets/tasks..____. 6.1.3 (U)` Theoretical Issues: (U) Perform anomalous phenwnena (energetics, informational) experiments with or in the presence of highly sensitive/advanced instrumentation (e.g., unusual wave device`s, gravity sensors) to assist in mechanism identification. (U) Perform experiments similar to but to include potential high-talent individuals (e.g., martial arts experts) (U) If results in show proamise, exparyd, experiments to include parameter variations such as distance, shielding, and time (e.g., precognition). sEC~r/rrorro~x 4 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000460008-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000460008-1 SG1 B (U) Depexyding on above results, initiate develo~nexYt of unified physical constructs that could help explain the phencanena. (U~ Based on, identify potential new experiments that could hep further resolve underlying mechanisms and possible limitations. h (U) Initiate work on exploratory constructs that integrate latest neuroscience findings with anomalous phenomena pattenls and cognitive style. Where possible, relate these findings to various target types and characteristics ch as information entropy). (U)~i_ Applied Research.: 6.2.1 (S/NF) Based on the results frcam the basic research in the SOW, develop suitable ancmalous cognition/ancanalous perturbation experiments that identify possible application ranges or limits. 6.2.2 (S/NF) Develop new data and target analysis techniques (such as modified artificial intelligence methods) that facilitate data evaluation and accuracy/reliability prediction. Other methods, such as those involving fractal image conversion, should also be examined. in various sponsor~enerated application projects.to,_better evaluate potential application issues. 6.2.3 (S/NF) Participate 6.3.1 (U) Provide appropriate research methodology support to include reviews/approvals by the established Scientific Oversight Ccsnmtittee, the Policy Board and the Human Use Review Panel. 6.3 (U) Research Methodology and Support: 6.3.2 (U) Provide appropriate management support and appropriate project research support activity to include docimtent preparation, administration, and all project associated travel for contractor personnel, consultants, and other expel ts. SF7CRET/NOFC>RN 5 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000460008-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000460008-1 7.0 (in Q[JIQC RE~TIQ~i CApAB,Tr.7*rv (~) : The contractor will maintain a quick response capability and be prepared to respond in less than 24 hours to problems or unexpected deamar~ds for brief technical papers that may be developed during the term of this project. 8.0 (in ~Tr-o~'rrCN of III: The level of effort to be applied to each basic task category is shown in the following paragraphs. 8.1 (in R ~ D: Basic Task No. Allocation of Effort/ ~ Tlu~dir~ (R&D,~ 6.1 40 6.2 40 6.3 20 SECRET'/NOFbRN 6 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000460008-1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000460008-1 JL~SI~TCATI~T AND AP'PRt3