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App"e I- r R eis R0/0f/ Form Approved OMB No. 0704-0188 2. TITLE 1. IDENTIFICATION NUMBER Technical Report - Study/Services DI-MISC-80508 3. DESCRIPTION /P'URP'OSE 3.1 A technical report provides fully documented results of studies or analyses performed. 4.' APPROVAL DATE 5. OFFICE OF PRIMARY 6a.DTIC 6b.GIDEP (YYMMDD) RESPONSIBILITY(OPR) APPLICABLE APPLICABLE 880115 G/T2137 X 7. APPLICATION/INTERRELATIONSHIP 7.1 This data item description contains the format and content preparation instructions for the data product generated by the specific and discrete task requirement as delineated in the contract. 7.2 This DID supersedes DI-A-5029. 7.3 Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC), Cameron Station, Alexandria, VA 22314. G. APPROVAL LIMITATION 9a. APPLICABLE FORMS 9b. AMSC NUMBER G4291 10. PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS 10.1 Format. (a) The report and all attachments shall be typewritten, or otherwise clearly lettered, and shall be duplicated using non-fading ink. (b) Text shall be prepared on standard letter size paper (8 1/2" X 1111). (c) When attachments are included, they shall be fully .identified, referenced in the text, and folded to conform to the size paper used in the report. (d) Security classification and distribution markings shall conform to the requirements of the contract, purchase description and security requirements checklist, as applicable. 10.2 Content. (a) Title Page - Identifies the report by providing contract number, project name or purchase description title, task number, and reporting period. (continued on page 2) 11. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Fort 1664, JUN 96 (FACSIMILE) Previous editions are obsolete. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R00300045000f9!. 1 of 2 Pages Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003000450007-3 DI-MGMT- 80508 Block 10. Preparation Instructions (Continued) (b) Table of Contents (c) Section I - Includes the following; (1) Introduction (2) Summary - A brief statement of results obtained from the analytic effort. (3) Conclusions and their condensed technical substantiations. (d) Section II - A complete and detailed description of the analytic results which led to the conclusions stated in Section I above. Page 2 of 2 Pages Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003000450007-3 DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY STAFF SUMMARY SHEET SG1A ROUTE TO ACTION SIGNATURE Grade and Surrume) ORIGINATOR (Symbol) DATE 1 RSQ Coord G -AS DT-S 10 Jan 91 2 OC Coord 3 ESO ACTION OFFICER 4 ED Approve SIGNATURE SG1J SQ1j TYPED GRADE AND SURNAME TYPIST'S INITIALS JS SUBJECT SGIJ REMARKS 1. PURPOSE: Waiver of Senior Review Board (SRB) Process for Advanced Acquisition Planning (AAP) to procure external phenomenological research and analysis. 2. BACKGROUND: a. DIA first learned of the possibility of receiving Congressionally directed funds for conducting phenomenological research and analysis in mid-October 1990. Actual funding levels were not known until late November and the funds were not received in DIA until December 1990. b. Since this activity was not originally planned by DIA, there was no way to initiate an AAP package as required by February 1990. Consequently, due to the unexpected nature of this Congressional action, the resulting late timing of contract package initiation, and the need to expedite procurement to facilitate time critical research and planning actions, it is essential that a waiver for SRB involvement in processing this purchase request be granted. 3. RECOMMENDATION: ED approve waiver of SRB process for purchase request 330/0012Z/91"signing endorsement on this Staff Summary Sheet. 1 ENCLOSURE Procure /91 QJOHNT.BERBRIC l Assistant Deputy Director 2v G I for Scientific and Approved Technical Intelligence Disapproved: SGIJ Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003000450007-3 DIA FORM 1 OCTOBER 1962 (Previous edition will be used until exhausted) DIAR 12-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789RO030004,gdmT-Tent Printing Office: 1983-418.630/6009 CONTRACT DATA REQUIREMENTS LIST :7 F?""'~P`?`~`~ OMB No. 0704-0188 Public reporting burden for this collection of Information is estimated to average 440 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searchinngg existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of Information, Including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Washington Headquarters Services. Directorate for Information Operations and Reports. 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, A 22202,1302. and to the Office of Management and Budget. Paperwork Reduction Protect (0704-0188), Washington. DC 20503. A. CONTRACT LINE ITEM NO. 0002 B. EXH/HV1GWN0X C. CATEGORY: TDP TM OTHER X 0. STEM/ITEM R~esearchoannd.lAnalysis E. CONTRACT/PR NO. 330/0012Z/91 F. CONTRACTOR SAIC 1. DATA ITEM NO. A001 TtorFti s 7Cotg aacogress, status, and management repror 3. SUBTITLE Periodic Status Reports 4. AUTHORITY (Data Acquisition Document No. DI-MGMT=8022'7 S. CONTRACT REFERENCE S . . W . Para C.6.2, C.6.3' B. REQUIRING OFFICE DIA/DT-5A 7. 00 250 REQ 9. GIST STATEMENT REQUIRED 10. FREQUENCY 12. DATE OF FIRST SUBMISSION 14. DISTRIBUTION BI-MO- 5 DARC b. COPIES B. APP CODE 11. AS OF DATE 13. DATE OF SUBSEQUENT SUBMISSION a. ADDRESSEE f Final A 0 Dra t Aev Repo 14 REMARKS DT-5A 1 2 Ref block 12: Contractor will provide draft report 3 DARP. Draft will be returned within 5 .working days . 15. TOTAL 1 2 1. DATA ITEM NO. A002 2. TITLE OF DATA ITEM Technical Re ort-Stud Services 3. SUBTITLE Interim Technical Reports 4. AUTHORITY (Data Acquisition Document No.) DI=MISC-80508 S. CONTRACT REFERENCE ( S . O W .) P B. REQUIRING OFFICE DIA/DT-SA 7. OD 250 REQ 9. DIST STATEMENT REQUIRED 10. FREQUENCY 12. DATE OF FIRST SUBMISSION 14 DISTRIBUTION "i'a '4 4! IME- 5 DARC b. COPIES'";5d S. APP CODE 11. AS OF DATE.-- 13. DATE OF SUBSEQUENT SUBMISSION a. ADDRESSEE f t,: Final ,. Dra t 11i. REMARKS r rs ..... DT-5A 2, 2 E Rees Flock 12?: Contr'ajctor wi11 provide draft report 5DARP. Draft will be. returned` within 7 working CA S'. ..:. 15. TOTAL 2 - ,2 :r? ctit 1 DATA ITEM NO A003 L TITLE OF DATA ITEM : 3 SUBTITLE : -: sOtT 3 ty?("sS}f, ~ S ecial Report 4. AUTHORITY (Data Acquisition Document No.) DI-MISC-80508 S. CONTRACT REFERENCE (S O.W. ) Para C.6.1 i. REQUIRING OFFICE DIA/DT-5A 7. OD 250 REQ 9. DIST STATEMENT REQUIRED 10. FREQUENCY 12. DATE OF FIRST SUBMISSION 14. DISTRIBUTION . ONE/R See block 16 b. COPIES S. APP CODE II. AS OF DATE vra, 13. DATE Of SUBSEQUENT SUBMISSION a. ADDRESSEE ft final ~ ,t,t. . _ Wa Reg Repro 1f. REMARKS DT-5A 4 Ref block 12 COTR will advise contractor on specific date Sara: this Congressional support,item Esiiriiated da?e. is 1 May 1991. 1S. TOTAL -~ 2 1.~ DATA ITEM NO. f A0`04 2. TITLE OF DATA ITEM 3. SUBTTELE Final Technical Report 4. AUTHORITY (Data Acquisition Document No.) Dr-MI'SC-8050$;: S. CONTRACT REFERENCE ~ S . O . W .) Para C.6.2, C.6.3 B. REQUIRING OFFICE DIA/DT-5A . 700 250 REQ .' !. 01ST STATEMENT REQUIRED 10. FREQUENCY 1L DATE OF FIRST SUBMISSION '' 14. DISTRIBUTION ONE/R See- block 16 s b COMES 0. APP CODE . 11. AS OF GATE 13. OATMISS~ StMSEQUENT a ADDRESSEE 0" .. ?Final A 0 >:,z,?r. .Rey: 1i, REMARKS Ref block,12 : Contents of this report will,, DT-5A.. 2 6 encompass A004 plus any remaining contract period. Contractor will provide draft report 5 DARP.w Draft will be returned within 7 working days 15. TOTAL --40- 6 =M= -, DATE 1. APPROVED BY JAN 91 DMO: , J. DATE 23. JAN 91 ApPYb"vdd Fo~3lease 2000/08/08 : CIg1~P96-00789R003000450007-3 ENCLOSURE 9 17. PRICE GROUP it. ESTIMATED TOTAL PRICE 1111. ESTIMATED TOTAL PRICE 16. ESTIMATED TOTAL PRICE IS. ESTIMATED .:,:4 TOTAL PRICE